
1552 lines
63 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const std = @import("std");
2020-05-07 16:29:40 +01:00
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const Config = @import("config.zig");
const DocumentStore = @import("document_store.zig");
2020-05-17 12:40:32 +01:00
const DebugAllocator = @import("debug_allocator.zig");
2020-05-17 15:50:13 +01:00
const readRequestHeader = @import("header.zig").readRequestHeader;
2020-05-07 16:29:40 +01:00
const data = @import("data/" ++ build_options.data_version ++ ".zig");
const requests = @import("requests.zig");
const types = @import("types.zig");
const analysis = @import("analysis.zig");
const URI = @import("uri.zig");
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
const rename = @import("rename.zig");
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
const offsets = @import("offsets.zig");
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
pub const log_level: std.log.Level = switch (std.builtin.mode) {
.Debug => .debug,
else => .notice,
pub fn log(
comptime message_level: std.log.Level,
comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral),
comptime format: []const u8,
args: var,
) void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var message = std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "[{}-{}] " ++ format, .{ @tagName(message_level), @tagName(scope) } ++ args) catch |err| {
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.debug.print("Failed to allocPrint message.", .{});
if (@enumToInt(message_level) <= @enumToInt(std.log.Level.notice)) {
const message_type: types.MessageType = switch (message_level) {
.info => .Log,
.notice => .Info,
.warn => .Warning,
.err => .Error,
else => .Error,
send(&arena, types.Notification{
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
.method = "window/showMessage",
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
.params = types.NotificationParams{
.ShowMessageParams = .{
.type = message_type,
.message = message,
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
}) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("Failed to send show message notification (error: {}).", .{err});
} else {
const message_type: types.MessageType = if (message_level == .debug)
send(&arena, types.Notification{
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
.method = "window/logMessage",
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
.params = types.NotificationParams{
.LogMessageParams = .{
.type = message_type,
.message = message,
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
}) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("Failed to send show message notification (error: {}).", .{err});
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
// Code is largely based off of https://github.com/andersfr/zig-lsp/blob/master/server.zig
var stdout: std.io.BufferedOutStream(4096, std.fs.File.OutStream) = undefined;
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
var allocator: *std.mem.Allocator = undefined;
var document_store: DocumentStore = undefined;
var workspace_folder_configs: std.StringHashMap(?Config) = undefined;
const ClientCapabilities = struct {
supports_snippets: bool = false,
supports_semantic_tokens: bool = false,
hover_supports_md: bool = false,
completion_doc_supports_md: bool = false,
2020-06-16 16:49:31 +01:00
supports_workspace_folders: bool = false,
var client_capabilities = ClientCapabilities{};
var offset_encoding = offsets.Encoding.utf16;
const initialize_capabilities =
\\"capabilities": {"signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["(",","]},"textDocumentSync": 1,"renameProvider":true,"completionProvider": {"resolveProvider": false,"triggerCharacters": [".",":","@"]},"documentHighlightProvider": false,"hoverProvider": true,"codeActionProvider": false,"declarationProvider": true,"definitionProvider": true,"typeDefinitionProvider": true,"implementationProvider": false,"referencesProvider": false,"documentSymbolProvider": true,"colorProvider": false,"documentFormattingProvider": true,"documentRangeFormattingProvider": false,"foldingRangeProvider": false,"selectionRangeProvider": false,"workspaceSymbolProvider": false,"rangeProvider": false,"documentProvider": true,"workspace": {"workspaceFolders": {"supported": true,"changeNotifications": true}},"semanticTokensProvider": {"documentProvider": true,"legend": {"tokenTypes": ["namespace","type","struct","enum","union","parameter","variable","tagField","field","errorTag","function","keyword","comment","string","number","operator","builtin","label"],"tokenModifiers": ["definition","async","documentation", "generic"]}}}}}
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const initialize_response = ",\"result\": {" ++ initialize_capabilities;
const not_implemented_response =
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const null_result_response =
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const empty_result_response =
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const empty_array_response =
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const edit_not_applied_response =
\\,"result":{"applied":false,"failureReason":"feature not implemented"}}
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const no_completions_response =
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
const no_semantic_tokens_response =
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
/// Sends a request or response
fn send(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, reqOrRes: var) !void {
var arr = std.ArrayList(u8).init(&arena.allocator);
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
try std.json.stringify(reqOrRes, .{}, arr.writer());
const stdout_stream = stdout.writer();
try stdout_stream.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", .{arr.items.len});
try stdout_stream.writeAll(arr.items);
try stdout.flush();
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
fn respondGeneric(id: types.RequestId, response: []const u8) !void {
const id_len = switch (id) {
.Integer => |id_val| blk: {
if (id_val == 0) break :blk 1;
var digits: usize = 1;
var value = @divTrunc(id_val, 10);
while (value != 0) : (value = @divTrunc(value, 10)) {
digits += 1;
break :blk digits;
.String => |str_val| str_val.len + 2,
else => unreachable,
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
// Numbers of character that will be printed from this string: len - 1 brackets
const json_fmt = "{{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":";
const stdout_stream = stdout.outStream();
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
try stdout_stream.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n" ++ json_fmt, .{response.len + id_len + json_fmt.len - 1});
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
switch (id) {
.Integer => |int| try stdout_stream.print("{}", .{int}),
.String => |str| try stdout_stream.print("\"{}\"", .{str}),
else => unreachable,
try stdout_stream.writeAll(response);
try stdout.flush();
2020-06-09 04:21:55 +01:00
fn showMessage(@"type": types.MessageType, message: []const u8) !void {
try send(types.Notification{
.method = "window/showMessage",
.params = .{
.ShowMessageParams = .{
.@"type" = @"type",
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
.message = message,
2020-06-09 04:21:55 +01:00
// TODO: Is this correct or can we get a better end?
fn astLocationToRange(loc: std.zig.ast.Tree.Location) types.Range {
return .{
.start = .{
.line = @intCast(i64, loc.line),
.character = @intCast(i64, loc.column),
.end = .{
.line = @intCast(i64, loc.line),
.character = @intCast(i64, loc.column),
fn publishDiagnostics(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, handle: DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
2020-05-24 17:00:21 +01:00
const tree = handle.tree;
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
var diagnostics = std.ArrayList(types.Diagnostic).init(&arena.allocator);
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-05-23 23:21:02 +01:00
for (tree.errors) |*err| {
const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, err.loc());
var mem_buffer: [256]u8 = undefined;
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&mem_buffer);
try tree.renderError(err, fbs.outStream());
try diagnostics.append(.{
.range = astLocationToRange(loc),
.severity = .Error,
.code = @tagName(err.*),
.source = "zls",
.message = try std.mem.dupe(&arena.allocator, u8, fbs.getWritten()),
// .relatedInformation = undefined
if (tree.errors.len == 0) {
2020-05-23 23:21:02 +01:00
for (tree.root_node.decls()) |decl| {
2020-05-04 03:17:19 +01:00
switch (decl.id) {
2020-05-08 18:02:46 +01:00
.FnProto => blk: {
2020-05-04 03:17:19 +01:00
const func = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?;
const is_extern = func.extern_export_inline_token != null;
if (is_extern)
2020-05-08 18:02:46 +01:00
break :blk;
2020-05-15 20:10:53 +01:00
if (config.warn_style) {
if (func.name_token) |name_token| {
const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, name_token);
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
const is_type_function = analysis.isTypeFunction(tree, func);
2020-05-15 20:10:53 +01:00
const func_name = tree.tokenSlice(name_token);
if (!is_type_function and !analysis.isCamelCase(func_name)) {
try diagnostics.append(.{
.range = astLocationToRange(loc),
.severity = .Information,
.code = "BadStyle",
.source = "zls",
.message = "Functions should be camelCase",
} else if (is_type_function and !analysis.isPascalCase(func_name)) {
try diagnostics.append(.{
.range = astLocationToRange(loc),
.severity = .Information,
.code = "BadStyle",
.source = "zls",
.message = "Type functions should be PascalCase",
2020-05-04 03:17:19 +01:00
else => {},
2020-05-04 03:17:19 +01:00
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
try send(arena, types.Notification{
.method = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",
.params = .{
.PublishDiagnosticsParams = .{
.uri = handle.uri(),
2020-05-07 11:56:08 +01:00
.diagnostics = diagnostics.items,
2020-05-07 14:23:13 +01:00
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
fn typeToCompletion(
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
list: *std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem),
type_handle: analysis.TypeWithHandle,
orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
config: Config,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
switch (type_handle.type.data) {
.slice => {
if (!type_handle.type.is_type_val) {
try list.append(.{
.label = "len",
.kind = .Field,
try list.append(.{
.label = "ptr",
.kind = .Field,
.error_union => {},
.other => |n| try nodeToCompletion(
.{ .node = n, .handle = type_handle.handle },
.primitive => {},
fn nodeToCompletion(
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
list: *std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem),
2020-06-10 17:54:01 +01:00
node_handle: analysis.NodeWithHandle,
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
is_type_val: bool,
config: Config,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
const node = node_handle.node;
const handle = node_handle.handle;
const doc_kind: types.MarkupKind = if (client_capabilities.completion_doc_supports_md) .Markdown else .PlainText;
const doc = if (try analysis.getDocComments(
)) |doc_comments|
.kind = doc_kind,
.value = doc_comments,
if (node.id == .ErrorSetDecl or node.id == .Root or node.id == .ContainerDecl) {
const context = DeclToCompletionContext{
.completions = list,
.config = &config,
.arena = arena,
.orig_handle = orig_handle,
try analysis.iterateSymbolsContainer(&document_store, arena, node_handle, orig_handle, declToCompletion, context, !is_type_val);
if (is_type_val) return;
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
switch (node.id) {
.FnProto => {
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
const func = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?;
if (func.name_token) |name_token| {
const use_snippets = config.enable_snippets and client_capabilities.supports_snippets;
const insert_text = if (use_snippets) blk: {
// TODO Also check if we are dot accessing from a type val and dont skip in that case.
const skip_self_param = if (func.params_len > 0) param_check: {
const in_container = analysis.innermostContainer(handle, handle.tree.token_locs[func.firstToken()].start);
switch (func.paramsConst()[0].param_type) {
.type_expr => |type_node| {
if (try analysis.resolveTypeOfNode(&document_store, arena, .{
.node = type_node,
.handle = handle,
})) |resolved_type| {
if (std.meta.eql(in_container, resolved_type))
break :param_check true;
if (type_node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.PrefixOp)) |prefix_op| {
if (prefix_op.op == .PtrType) {
if (try analysis.resolveTypeOfNode(&document_store, arena, .{
.node = prefix_op.rhs,
.handle = handle,
})) |resolved_prefix_op| {
if (std.meta.eql(in_container, resolved_prefix_op))
break :param_check true;
break :param_check false;
else => break :param_check false,
} else
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
break :blk try analysis.getFunctionSnippet(&arena.allocator, handle.tree, func, skip_self_param);
} else
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
const is_type_function = analysis.isTypeFunction(handle.tree, func);
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
try list.append(.{
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
.label = handle.tree.tokenSlice(name_token),
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
.kind = if (is_type_function) .Struct else .Function,
.documentation = doc,
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
.detail = analysis.getFunctionSignature(handle.tree, func),
.insertText = insert_text,
.insertTextFormat = if (use_snippets) .Snippet else .PlainText,
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
.VarDecl => {
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
const var_decl = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
const is_const = handle.tree.token_ids[var_decl.mut_token] == .Keyword_const;
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
if (try analysis.resolveVarDeclAlias(&document_store, arena, node_handle)) |result| {
const context = DeclToCompletionContext{
.completions = list,
.config = &config,
.arena = arena,
.orig_handle = orig_handle,
return try declToCompletion(context, result);
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
try list.append(.{
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
.label = handle.tree.tokenSlice(var_decl.name_token),
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
.kind = if (is_const) .Constant else .Variable,
.documentation = doc,
2020-06-10 19:24:17 +01:00
.detail = analysis.getVariableSignature(handle.tree, var_decl),
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
2020-06-10 23:00:13 +01:00
.ContainerField => {
const field = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.ContainerField).?;
try list.append(.{
.label = handle.tree.tokenSlice(field.name_token),
.kind = .Field,
.documentation = doc,
.detail = analysis.getContainerFieldSignature(handle.tree, field),
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
.PrefixOp => {
2020-05-27 16:49:11 +01:00
const prefix_op = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.PrefixOp).?;
switch (prefix_op.op) {
.ArrayType, .SliceType => {},
.PtrType => {
if (prefix_op.rhs.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.PrefixOp)) |child_pop| {
switch (child_pop.op) {
.ArrayType => {},
else => return,
} else return;
else => return,
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
try list.append(.{
.label = "len",
.kind = .Field,
try list.append(.{
.label = "ptr",
.kind = .Field,
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
.StringLiteral => {
try list.append(.{
.label = "len",
.kind = .Field,
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
else => if (analysis.nodeToString(handle.tree, node)) |string| {
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
try list.append(.{
.label = string,
.kind = .Field,
.documentation = doc,
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
.detail = handle.tree.getNodeSource(node),
2020-05-17 15:23:04 +01:00
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
fn identifierFromPosition(pos_index: usize, handle: DocumentStore.Handle) []const u8 {
2020-05-22 23:03:41 +01:00
const text = handle.document.text;
if (pos_index + 1 >= text.len) return &[0]u8{};
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
var start_idx = pos_index;
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
while (start_idx > 0 and
2020-05-22 23:03:41 +01:00
(std.ascii.isAlNum(text[start_idx]) or text[start_idx] == '_')) : (start_idx -= 1)
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
var end_idx = pos_index;
while (end_idx < handle.document.text.len and
2020-05-22 23:03:41 +01:00
(std.ascii.isAlNum(text[end_idx]) or text[end_idx] == '_')) : (end_idx += 1)
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
if (end_idx <= start_idx) return &[0]u8{};
2020-05-22 23:58:47 +01:00
return text[start_idx + 1 .. end_idx];
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
fn gotoDefinitionSymbol(id: types.RequestId, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle, resolve_alias: bool) !void {
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
var handle = decl_handle.handle;
const location = switch (decl_handle.decl.*) {
.ast_node => |node| block: {
if (resolve_alias) {
if (try analysis.resolveVarDeclAlias(&document_store, arena, .{ .node = node, .handle = handle })) |result| {
handle = result.handle;
break :block result.location();
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
const name_token = analysis.getDeclNameToken(handle.tree, node) orelse
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
break :block handle.tree.tokenLocation(0, name_token);
else => decl_handle.location(),
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{
.Location = .{
.uri = handle.document.uri,
.range = astLocationToRange(location),
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
fn hoverSymbol(id: types.RequestId, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle) (std.os.WriteError || error{OutOfMemory})!void {
const handle = decl_handle.handle;
const hover_kind: types.MarkupKind = if (client_capabilities.hover_supports_md) .Markdown else .PlainText;
const md_string = switch (decl_handle.decl.*) {
.ast_node => |node| ast_node: {
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
if (try analysis.resolveVarDeclAlias(&document_store, arena, .{ .node = node, .handle = handle })) |result| {
return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, result);
2020-06-03 09:23:14 +01:00
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
const doc_str = if (try analysis.getDocComments(&arena.allocator, handle.tree, node, hover_kind)) |str|
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
const signature_str = switch (node.id) {
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
.VarDecl => blk: {
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
const var_decl = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
break :blk analysis.getVariableSignature(handle.tree, var_decl);
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
.FnProto => blk: {
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
const fn_decl = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?;
break :blk analysis.getFunctionSignature(handle.tree, fn_decl);
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
2020-06-10 23:00:13 +01:00
.ContainerField => blk: {
const field = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.ContainerField).?;
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
break :blk analysis.getContainerFieldSignature(handle.tree, field);
2020-06-10 23:00:13 +01:00
2020-06-14 23:19:21 +01:00
else => analysis.nodeToString(handle.tree, node) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response),
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
break :ast_node if (hover_kind == .Markdown)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```zig\n{}\n```\n{}", .{ signature_str, doc_str })
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "{}\n{}", .{ signature_str, doc_str });
.param_decl => |param| param_decl: {
const doc_str = if (param.doc_comments) |doc_comments|
try analysis.collectDocComments(&arena.allocator, handle.tree, doc_comments, hover_kind)
const signature_str = handle.tree.source[handle.tree.token_locs[param.firstToken()].start..handle.tree.token_locs[param.lastToken()].end];
break :param_decl if (hover_kind == .Markdown)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```zig\n{}\n```\n{}", .{ signature_str, doc_str })
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "{}\n{}", .{ signature_str, doc_str });
.pointer_payload => |payload| if (hover_kind == .Markdown)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```zig\n{}\n```", .{handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.node.value_symbol.firstToken())})
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "{}", .{handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.node.value_symbol.firstToken())}),
.array_payload => |payload| if (hover_kind == .Markdown)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```zig\n{}\n```", .{handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.identifier.firstToken())})
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "{}", .{handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.identifier.firstToken())}),
.switch_payload => |payload| if (hover_kind == .Markdown)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```zig\n{}\n```", .{handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.node.value_symbol.firstToken())})
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "{}", .{handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.node.value_symbol.firstToken())}),
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
.label_decl => |label_decl| block: {
const source = handle.tree.source[handle.tree.token_locs[label_decl.firstToken()].start..handle.tree.token_locs[label_decl.lastToken()].end];
break :block if (hover_kind == .Markdown)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```zig\n{}\n```", .{source})
try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "```{}```", .{source});
try send(arena, types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{
.Hover = .{
.contents = .{ .value = md_string },
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
fn getLabelGlobal(pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !?analysis.DeclWithHandle {
const name = identifierFromPosition(pos_index, handle.*);
if (name.len == 0) return null;
return try analysis.lookupLabel(handle, name, pos_index);
fn getSymbolGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !?analysis.DeclWithHandle {
const name = identifierFromPosition(pos_index, handle.*);
if (name.len == 0) return null;
2020-06-11 00:40:11 +01:00
return try analysis.lookupSymbolGlobal(&document_store, arena, handle, name, pos_index);
fn gotoDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
return try gotoDefinitionSymbol(id, arena, decl, false);
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
fn gotoDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config, resolve_alias: bool) !void {
const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
return try gotoDefinitionSymbol(id, arena, decl, resolve_alias);
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
fn hoverDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, decl);
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
fn hoverDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, decl);
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
fn getSymbolFieldAccess(
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
position: offsets.DocumentPosition,
range: analysis.SourceRange,
config: Config,
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
) !?analysis.DeclWithHandle {
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
const name = identifierFromPosition(position.absolute_index, handle.*);
if (name.len == 0) return null;
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(position.line[range.start..range.end]);
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
if (try analysis.getFieldAccessType(&document_store, arena, handle, position.absolute_index, &tokenizer)) |container_handle| {
const container_handle_node = switch (container_handle.type.data) {
.other => |n| n,
else => return null,
return try analysis.lookupSymbolContainer(
.{ .node = container_handle_node, .handle = container_handle.handle },
return null;
fn gotoDefinitionFieldAccess(
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
id: types.RequestId,
handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
position: offsets.DocumentPosition,
range: analysis.SourceRange,
config: Config,
resolve_alias: bool,
) !void {
const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
return try gotoDefinitionSymbol(id, arena, decl, resolve_alias);
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
fn hoverDefinitionFieldAccess(
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
id: types.RequestId,
handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
position: offsets.DocumentPosition,
range: analysis.SourceRange,
config: Config,
) !void {
const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, decl);
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
fn gotoDefinitionString(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
2020-05-24 17:00:21 +01:00
const tree = handle.tree;
const import_str = analysis.getImportStr(tree, pos_index) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
const uri = (try document_store.uriFromImportStr(
)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{
.Location = .{
.uri = uri,
.range = .{
.start = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 },
.end = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 },
fn renameDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pos_index: usize, new_name: []const u8) !void {
const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
var workspace_edit = types.WorkspaceEdit{
.changes = std.StringHashMap([]types.TextEdit).init(&arena.allocator),
try rename.renameSymbol(arena, &document_store, decl, new_name, &workspace_edit.changes.?);
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{ .WorkspaceEdit = workspace_edit },
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
fn renameDefinitionFieldAccess(
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
id: types.RequestId,
handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
position: offsets.DocumentPosition,
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
range: analysis.SourceRange,
new_name: []const u8,
config: Config,
) !void {
const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
var workspace_edit = types.WorkspaceEdit{
.changes = std.StringHashMap([]types.TextEdit).init(&arena.allocator),
try rename.renameSymbol(arena, &document_store, decl, new_name, &workspace_edit.changes.?);
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-27 13:29:45 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{ .WorkspaceEdit = workspace_edit },
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
fn renameDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pos_index: usize, new_name: []const u8) !void {
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
var workspace_edit = types.WorkspaceEdit{
.changes = std.StringHashMap([]types.TextEdit).init(&arena.allocator),
try rename.renameLabel(arena, decl, new_name, &workspace_edit.changes.?);
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{ .WorkspaceEdit = workspace_edit },
const DeclToCompletionContext = struct {
completions: *std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem),
config: *const Config,
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
2020-06-11 00:40:11 +01:00
fn declToCompletion(context: DeclToCompletionContext, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle) !void {
const tree = decl_handle.handle.tree;
switch (decl_handle.decl.*) {
.ast_node => |node| try nodeToCompletion(context.arena, context.completions, .{ .node = node, .handle = decl_handle.handle }, context.orig_handle, false, context.config.*),
.param_decl => |param| {
const doc_kind: types.MarkupKind = if (client_capabilities.completion_doc_supports_md) .Markdown else .PlainText;
const doc = if (param.doc_comments) |doc_comments|
.kind = doc_kind,
.value = try analysis.collectDocComments(&context.arena.allocator, tree, doc_comments, doc_kind),
try context.completions.append(.{
.label = tree.tokenSlice(param.name_token.?),
.kind = .Constant,
.documentation = doc,
.detail = tree.source[tree.token_locs[param.firstToken()].start..tree.token_locs[param.lastToken()].end],
.pointer_payload => |payload| {
try context.completions.append(.{
.label = tree.tokenSlice(payload.node.value_symbol.firstToken()),
.kind = .Variable,
.array_payload => |payload| {
try context.completions.append(.{
.label = tree.tokenSlice(payload.identifier.firstToken()),
.kind = .Variable,
.switch_payload => |payload| {
try context.completions.append(.{
.label = tree.tokenSlice(payload.node.value_symbol.firstToken()),
.kind = .Variable,
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
.label_decl => |label_decl| {
try context.completions.append(.{
.label = tree.tokenSlice(label_decl.firstToken()),
.kind = .Variable,
fn completeLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(&arena.allocator);
const context = DeclToCompletionContext{
.completions = &completions,
.config = &config,
.arena = arena,
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
.orig_handle = handle,
try analysis.iterateLabels(handle, pos_index, declToCompletion, context);
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-14 20:24:18 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
.items = completions.items,
fn completeGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: Config) !void {
var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(&arena.allocator);
2020-05-07 11:56:08 +01:00
const context = DeclToCompletionContext{
.completions = &completions,
.config = &config,
.arena = arena,
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
.orig_handle = handle,
try analysis.iterateSymbolsGlobal(&document_store, arena, handle, pos_index, declToCompletion, context);
2020-06-09 04:21:55 +01:00
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
2020-05-07 11:56:08 +01:00
.items = completions.items,
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
fn completeFieldAccess(
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
id: types.RequestId,
handle: *DocumentStore.Handle,
position: offsets.DocumentPosition,
range: analysis.SourceRange,
config: Config,
) !void {
var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(&arena.allocator);
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(position.line[range.start..range.end]);
if (try analysis.getFieldAccessType(&document_store, arena, handle, position.absolute_index, &tokenizer)) |node| {
try typeToCompletion(arena, &completions, node, handle, config);
2020-06-10 18:48:40 +01:00
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
.items = completions.items,
2020-05-11 13:28:08 +01:00
fn documentSymbol(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !void {
try send(arena, types.Response{
2020-06-06 13:40:33 +01:00
.id = id,
.result = .{ .DocumentSymbols = try analysis.getDocumentSymbols(&arena.allocator, handle.tree) },
// Compute builtin completions at comptime.
const builtin_completions = block: {
const CompletionList = [data.builtins.len]types.CompletionItem;
var with_snippets: CompletionList = undefined;
var without_snippets: CompletionList = undefined;
for (data.builtins) |builtin, i| {
const cutoff = std.mem.indexOf(u8, builtin, "(") orelse builtin.len;
const base_completion = types.CompletionItem{
.label = builtin[0..cutoff],
.kind = .Function,
.filterText = builtin[1..cutoff],
.detail = data.builtin_details[i],
.documentation = .{
.kind = .Markdown,
.value = data.builtin_docs[i],
with_snippets[i] = base_completion;
with_snippets[i].insertText = builtin[1..];
with_snippets[i].insertTextFormat = .Snippet;
without_snippets[i] = base_completion;
without_snippets[i].insertText = builtin[1..cutoff];
break :block [2]CompletionList{
without_snippets, with_snippets,
fn loadConfig(folder_path: []const u8) ?Config {
var folder = std.fs.cwd().openDir(folder_path, .{}) catch return null;
defer folder.close();
const file_buf = folder.readFileAlloc(allocator, "zls.json", 0x1000000) catch |err| {
if (err != error.FileNotFound)
std.log.debug(.main, "Error while reading configuration file: {}\n", .{err});
return null;
defer allocator.free(file_buf);
// TODO: Better errors? Doesn't seem like std.json can provide us positions or context.
var config = std.json.parse(Config, &std.json.TokenStream.init(file_buf), std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator }) catch |err| {
std.log.debug(.main, "Error while parsing configuration file: {}\n", .{err});
return null;
if (config.zig_lib_path) |zig_lib_path| {
if (!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(zig_lib_path)) {
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "zig library path is not absolute, defaulting to null.\n", .{});
config.zig_lib_path = null;
return config;
fn loadWorkspaceConfigs() !void {
var folder_config_it = workspace_folder_configs.iterator();
while (folder_config_it.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.value) |_| continue;
const folder_path = try URI.parse(allocator, entry.key);
defer allocator.free(folder_path);
entry.value = loadConfig(folder_path);
fn configFromUriOr(uri: []const u8, default: Config) Config {
var folder_config_it = workspace_folder_configs.iterator();
while (folder_config_it.next()) |entry| {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, uri, entry.key)) {
return entry.value orelse default;
return default;
fn initializeHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Initialize, config: Config) !void {
var send_encoding = req.params.capabilities.offsetEncoding.value.len != 0;
for (req.params.capabilities.offsetEncoding.value) |encoding| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, encoding, "utf-8")) {
offset_encoding = .utf8;
if (req.params.capabilities.workspace) |workspace| {
client_capabilities.supports_workspace_folders = workspace.workspaceFolders.value;
2020-05-24 13:39:40 +01:00
if (req.params.capabilities.textDocument) |textDocument| {
client_capabilities.supports_semantic_tokens = textDocument.semanticTokens.exists;
if (textDocument.hover) |hover| {
for (hover.contentFormat.value) |format| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, "markdown", format)) {
client_capabilities.hover_supports_md = true;
2020-06-16 16:49:31 +01:00
if (textDocument.completion) |completion| {
if (completion.completionItem) |completionItem| {
client_capabilities.supports_snippets = completionItem.snippetSupport.value;
for (completionItem.documentationFormat.value) |documentationFormat| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, "markdown", documentationFormat)) {
client_capabilities.completion_doc_supports_md = true;
if (req.params.workspaceFolders) |workspaceFolders| {
if (workspaceFolders.len != 0) {
std.log.debug(.main, "Got workspace folders in initialization.\n", .{});
for (workspaceFolders) |workspace_folder| {
std.log.debug(.main, "Loaded folder {}\n", .{workspace_folder.uri});
const duped_uri = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, workspace_folder.uri);
try workspace_folder_configs.putNoClobber(duped_uri, null);
try loadWorkspaceConfigs();
std.log.debug(.main, "{}\n", .{client_capabilities});
std.log.debug(.main, "Using offset encoding: {}\n", .{std.meta.tagName(offset_encoding)});
if (!send_encoding) {
try respondGeneric(id, initialize_response);
} else {
const response_str = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, ",\"result\": {{\"offsetEncoding\":\"{}\",{}", .{
if (offset_encoding == .utf8) @as([]const u8, "utf-8")
else @as([]const u8, "utf-16"),
try respondGeneric(id, response_str);
std.log.notice(.main, "zls initialized", .{});
2020-06-16 16:49:31 +01:00
var keep_running = true;
fn shutdownHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, config: Config) !void {
keep_running = false;
// Technically we should deinitialize first and send possible errors to the client
try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
2020-06-16 16:49:31 +01:00
fn workspaceFoldersChangeHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.WorkspaceFoldersChange, config: Config) !void {
for (req.params.event.removed) |rem| {
if (workspace_folder_configs.remove(rem.uri)) |entry| {
if (entry.value) |c| {
std.json.parseFree(Config, c, std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator });
for (req.params.event.added) |add| {
const duped_uri = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, add.uri);
if (try workspace_folder_configs.put(duped_uri, null)) |old| {
if (old.value) |c| {
std.json.parseFree(Config, c, std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator });
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
try loadWorkspaceConfigs();
fn openDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.OpenDocument, config: Config) !void {
const handle = try document_store.openDocument(req.params.textDocument.uri, req.params.textDocument.text);
try publishDiagnostics(arena, handle.*, configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config));
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
try semanticTokensHandler(arena, id, .{ .params = .{ .textDocument = .{ .uri = req.params.textDocument.uri } } }, config);
fn changeDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.ChangeDocument, config: Config) !void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to change non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
const local_config = configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config);
try document_store.applyChanges(handle, req.params.contentChanges.Array, local_config.zig_lib_path);
try publishDiagnostics(arena, handle.*, local_config);
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
fn saveDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.SaveDocument, config: Config) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to save non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
try document_store.applySave(handle);
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
fn closeDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.CloseDocument, config: Config) error{}!void {
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
fn semanticTokensHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.SemanticTokens, config: Config) (error{OutOfMemory} || std.fs.File.WriteError)!void {
const this_config = configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config);
if (this_config.enable_semantic_tokens) {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to get semantic tokens of non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, no_semantic_tokens_response);
const semantic_tokens = @import("semantic_tokens.zig");
const token_array = try semantic_tokens.writeAllSemanticTokens(arena, &document_store, handle, offset_encoding);
defer allocator.free(token_array);
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
return try send(arena, types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{ .SemanticTokens = .{ .data = token_array } },
} else
return try respondGeneric(id, no_semantic_tokens_response);
fn completionHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Completion, config: Config) !void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to complete in non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response);
if (req.params.position.character >= 0) {
const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding);
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position);
const this_config = configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config);
const use_snippets = this_config.enable_snippets and client_capabilities.supports_snippets;
switch (pos_context) {
.builtin => try send(arena, types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
.items = builtin_completions[@boolToInt(use_snippets)][0..],
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
.var_access, .empty => try completeGlobal(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, this_config),
.field_access => |range| try completeFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, this_config),
.global_error_set => try send(arena, types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
.items = document_store.error_completions.completions.items,
.enum_literal => try send(arena, types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
.items = document_store.enum_completions.completions.items,
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
.label => try completeLabel(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, this_config),
else => try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response),
} else {
try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response);
fn signatureHelperHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, config: Config) !void {
// TODO Implement this
try respondGeneric(id,
fn gotoHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.GotoDefinition, config: Config, resolve_alias: bool) !void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to go to definition in non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
if (req.params.position.character >= 0) {
const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding);
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position);
const this_config = configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config);
switch (pos_context) {
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
.var_access => try gotoDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, this_config, resolve_alias),
.field_access => |range| try gotoDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, this_config, resolve_alias),
.string_literal => try gotoDefinitionString(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config),
.label => try gotoDefinitionLabel(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, this_config),
else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response),
} else {
try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
fn gotoDefinitionHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.GotoDefinition, config: Config) !void {
try gotoHandler(arena, id, req, config, true);
fn gotoDeclarationHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.GotoDeclaration, config: Config) !void {
try gotoHandler(arena, id, req, config, false);
fn hoverHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Hover, config: Config) !void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to get hover in non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
if (req.params.position.character >= 0) {
const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding);
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position);
const this_config = configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config);
switch (pos_context) {
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
.var_access => try hoverDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, this_config),
.field_access => |range| try hoverDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, this_config),
.label => try hoverDefinitionLabel(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, this_config),
else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response),
} else {
try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
fn documentSymbolsHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.DocumentSymbols, config: Config) !void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to get document symbols in non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
try documentSymbol(arena, id, handle);
fn formattingHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Formatting, config: Config) !void {
if (config.zig_exe_path) |zig_exe_path| {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to got to definition in non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
var process = try std.ChildProcess.init(&[_][]const u8{ zig_exe_path, "fmt", "--stdin" }, allocator);
defer process.deinit();
process.stdin_behavior = .Pipe;
process.stdout_behavior = .Pipe;
process.spawn() catch |err| {
std.log.debug(.main, "Failed to spawn zig fmt process, error: {}\n", .{err});
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
try process.stdin.?.writeAll(handle.document.text);
process.stdin = null;
const stdout_bytes = try process.stdout.?.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
defer allocator.free(stdout_bytes);
switch (try process.wait()) {
.Exited => |code| if (code == 0) {
try send(arena, types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{
.TextEdits = &[1]types.TextEdit{
.range = handle.document.range(),
.newText = stdout_bytes,
else => {},
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
fn renameHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Rename, config: Config) !void {
const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse {
std.log.debug(.main, "Trying to got to definition in non existent document {}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri});
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
if (req.params.position.character >= 0) {
const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding);
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position);
const this_config = configFromUriOr(req.params.textDocument.uri, config);
switch (pos_context) {
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
.var_access => try renameDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, req.params.newName),
.field_access => |range| try renameDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, req.params.newName, this_config),
.label => try renameDefinitionLabel(arena, id, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, req.params.newName),
else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response),
} else {
try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
// Needed for the hack seen below.
fn extractErr(val: var) anyerror {
val catch |e| return e;
return error.HackDone;
fn processJsonRpc(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, parser: *std.json.Parser, json: []const u8, config: Config) !void {
var tree = try parser.parse(json);
defer tree.deinit();
const id = if (tree.root.Object.getValue("id")) |id| switch (id) {
.Integer => |int| types.RequestId{ .Integer = int },
.String => |str| types.RequestId{ .String = str },
else => types.RequestId{ .Integer = 0 },
} else types.RequestId{ .Integer = 0 };
2020-06-16 20:02:31 +01:00
std.debug.assert(tree.root.Object.getValue("method") != null);
const method = tree.root.Object.getValue("method").?.String;
2020-06-16 20:02:31 +01:00
const start_time = std.time.milliTimestamp();
defer {
const end_time = std.time.milliTimestamp();
std.log.debug(.main, "Took {}ms to process method {}\n", .{ end_time - start_time, method });
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
const method_map = .{
.{ "initialize", requests.Initialize, initializeHandler },
.{ "shutdown", void, shutdownHandler },
.{ "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders", requests.WorkspaceFoldersChange, workspaceFoldersChangeHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didOpen", requests.OpenDocument, openDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didChange", requests.ChangeDocument, changeDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didSave", requests.SaveDocument, saveDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didClose", requests.CloseDocument, closeDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/semanticTokens", requests.SemanticTokens, semanticTokensHandler },
.{ "textDocument/completion", requests.Completion, completionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/signatureHelp", void, signatureHelperHandler },
.{ "textDocument/definition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/typeDefinition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/implementation", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/declaration", requests.GotoDeclaration, gotoDeclarationHandler },
.{ "textDocument/hover", requests.Hover, hoverHandler },
.{ "textDocument/documentSymbol", requests.DocumentSymbols, documentSymbolsHandler },
.{ "textDocument/formatting", requests.Formatting, formattingHandler },
.{ "textDocument/rename", requests.Rename, renameHandler },
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
// Hack to avoid `return`ing in the inline for, which causes bugs.
var done: ?anyerror = null;
inline for (method_map) |method_info| {
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
if (done == null and std.mem.eql(u8, method, method_info[0])) {
if (method_info.len == 1) {
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
done = error.HackDone;
} else if (method_info[1] != void) {
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
const ReqT = method_info[1];
if (requests.fromDynamicTree(arena, ReqT, tree.root)) |request_obj| {
done = error.HackDone;
done = extractErr(method_info[2](arena, id, request_obj, config));
} else |err| {
if (err == error.MalformedJson) {
std.log.debug(.main, "Could not create request type {} from JSON {}\n", .{ @typeName(ReqT), json });
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
done = err;
} else {
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
done = error.HackDone;
2020-07-03 00:31:28 +01:00
(method_info[2])(arena, id, config) catch |err| {
done = err;
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
if (done) |err| switch (err) {
error.MalformedJson => return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response),
error.HackDone => return,
else => return err,
const unimplemented_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(void, .{
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
if (unimplemented_map.has(method)) {
// TODO: Unimplemented methods, implement them and add them to server capabilities.
return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response);
if (tree.root.Object.getValue("id")) |_| {
return try respondGeneric(id, not_implemented_response);
std.log.debug(.main, "Method without return value not implemented: {}", .{method});
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-05-17 12:40:32 +01:00
var debug_alloc_state: DebugAllocator = undefined;
2020-05-07 10:58:35 +01:00
// We can now use if(leak_count_alloc) |alloc| { ... } as a comptime check.
2020-05-17 12:40:32 +01:00
const debug_alloc: ?*DebugAllocator = if (build_options.allocation_info) &debug_alloc_state else null;
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
// TODO: Use a better purpose general allocator once std has one.
// Probably after the generic composable allocators PR?
2020-05-14 15:22:15 +01:00
// This is not too bad for now since most allocations happen in local arenas.
allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
if (build_options.allocation_info) {
// Initialize the leak counting allocator.
debug_alloc_state = DebugAllocator.init(allocator, build_options.max_bytes_allocated);
allocator = &debug_alloc_state.allocator;
2020-06-16 22:26:45 +01:00
defer if (debug_alloc) |dbg| {
2020-07-02 12:44:12 +01:00
std.debug.print("Finished cleanup, last allocation info.\n", .{});
std.debug.print("\n{}\n", .{dbg.info});
2020-06-16 22:26:45 +01:00
// Init global vars
2020-06-26 01:26:09 +01:00
const reader = std.io.getStdIn().reader();
stdout = std.io.bufferedOutStream(std.io.getStdOut().outStream());
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-05-17 15:39:04 +01:00
// Read the configuration, if any.
const config_parse_options = std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator };
2020-05-17 15:39:04 +01:00
var config = Config{};
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
var config_had_null_zig_path = config.zig_exe_path == null;
defer {
if (config_had_null_zig_path) {
if (config.zig_exe_path) |exe_path| {
config.zig_exe_path = null;
std.json.parseFree(Config, config, config_parse_options);
config_read: {
const known_folders = @import("known-folders");
const res = try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .local_configuration);
if (res) |local_config_path| {
defer allocator.free(local_config_path);
if (loadConfig(local_config_path)) |conf| {
config = conf;
break :config_read;
2020-05-25 17:33:08 +01:00
var exe_dir_bytes: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const exe_dir_path = std.fs.selfExeDirPath(&exe_dir_bytes) catch break :config_read;
2020-05-25 17:33:08 +01:00
if (loadConfig(exe_dir_path)) |conf| {
config = conf;
2020-05-17 15:39:04 +01:00
// Find the zig executable in PATH
var zig_exe_path: ?[]const u8 = null;
find_zig: {
if (config.zig_exe_path) |exe_path| {
if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(exe_path)) {
zig_exe_path = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, exe_path);
break :find_zig;
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "zig path `{}` is not absolute, will look in path\n", .{exe_path});
const env_path = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "PATH") catch |err| switch (err) {
error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => {
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "Could not get PATH.\n", .{});
break :find_zig;
else => return err,
defer allocator.free(env_path);
const exe_extension = @as(std.zig.CrossTarget, .{}).exeFileExt();
const zig_exe = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "zig{}", .{exe_extension});
defer allocator.free(zig_exe);
2020-05-25 17:33:08 +01:00
var it = std.mem.tokenize(env_path, &[_]u8{std.fs.path.delimiter});
while (it.next()) |path| {
const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{
2020-05-25 15:24:44 +01:00
defer allocator.free(full_path);
var buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
2020-06-30 16:00:33 +01:00
zig_exe_path = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, std.os.realpath(full_path, &buf) catch continue);
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "Found zig in PATH: {}\n", .{zig_exe_path});
break :find_zig;
if (zig_exe_path) |exe_path| {
2020-06-16 20:02:31 +01:00
config.zig_exe_path = exe_path;
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "Using zig executable {}\n", .{exe_path});
if (config.zig_lib_path == null) {
// Set the lib path relative to the executable path.
config.zig_lib_path = try std.fs.path.resolve(allocator, &[_][]const u8{
std.fs.path.dirname(exe_path).?, "./lib/zig",
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "Resolved standard library from executable: {}\n", .{config.zig_lib_path});
if (config.build_runner_path) |build_runner_path| {
2020-06-10 17:54:01 +01:00
try document_store.init(allocator, zig_exe_path, try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, build_runner_path), config.zig_lib_path);
} else {
2020-05-25 17:33:08 +01:00
var exe_dir_bytes: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const exe_dir_path = try std.fs.selfExeDirPath(&exe_dir_bytes);
const build_runner_path = try std.fs.path.resolve(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ exe_dir_path, "build_runner.zig" });
2020-06-10 17:54:01 +01:00
try document_store.init(allocator, zig_exe_path, build_runner_path, config.zig_lib_path);
2020-05-25 17:33:08 +01:00
defer document_store.deinit();
workspace_folder_configs = std.StringHashMap(?Config).init(allocator);
2020-07-02 12:44:12 +01:00
defer {
var it = workspace_folder_configs.iterator();
while (it.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.value) |c| {
std.json.parseFree(Config, c, std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator });
// This JSON parser is passed to processJsonRpc and reset.
var json_parser = std.json.Parser.init(allocator, false);
defer json_parser.deinit();
// Arena used for temporary allocations while handlign a request
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
2020-06-16 22:26:45 +01:00
while (keep_running) {
const headers = readRequestHeader(&arena.allocator, reader) catch |err| {
2020-06-26 12:29:59 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "{}; exiting!", .{@errorName(err)});
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
2020-05-17 15:50:13 +01:00
const buf = try arena.allocator.alloc(u8, headers.content_length);
2020-06-26 01:26:09 +01:00
try reader.readNoEof(buf);
try processJsonRpc(&arena, &json_parser, buf, config);
2020-05-17 15:50:13 +01:00
arena.state.buffer_list = .{};
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00
if (debug_alloc) |dbg| {
2020-07-02 12:44:12 +01:00
std.log.debug(.main, "\n{}\n", .{dbg.info});
2020-04-24 23:19:03 +01:00