Start implementing completion

This commit is contained in:
SuperAuguste 2020-05-11 08:28:08 -04:00
parent a2f314301c
commit d0837ffc51
2 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -129,3 +129,137 @@ pub fn isCamelCase(name: []const u8) bool {
pub fn isPascalCase(name: []const u8) bool {
return std.ascii.isUpper(name[0]) and std.mem.indexOf(u8, name, "_") == null;
// Very WIP, only works on global values at the moment
// TODO Major rework needed. This works in a sandbox, but not in the actual editor as completion
// stubs (e.g. "completeThis", "completeThis.", etc.) causes errors in the Zig parser.
pub fn getDecl(tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, name: []const u8) ?*std.zig.ast.Node {
var decls = tree.root_node.decls.iterator(0);
while ( |decl_ptr| {
var decl = decl_ptr.*;
switch ( {
.VarDecl => {
const vari = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(vari.name_token), name)) return decl;
.FnProto => {
const func = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?;
if (func.name_token != null and std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(func.name_token.?), name)) return decl;
else => {}
return null;
pub fn getContainerField(tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, container: *std.zig.ast.ContainerDecl, name: []const u8) ?*std.zig.ast.Node {
var decls = container.decls.iterator(0);
while ( |decl_ptr| {
var decl = decl_ptr.*;
switch ( {
.VarDecl => {
const vari = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(vari.name_token), name)) return decl;
.FnProto => {
const func = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?;
if (func.name_token != null and std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(func.name_token.?), name)) return decl;
else => {}
return null;
pub fn resolveNode(tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, node: *std.zig.ast.Node) ?*std.zig.ast.Node {
switch ( {
.Identifier => {
var id = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.Identifier).?;
var maybe_decl = getDecl(tree, tree.tokenSlice(id.token));
if (maybe_decl) |decl| {
return decl;
else => {}
return null;
pub fn getCompletionsForValue(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, node: *std.zig.ast.Node) ![]*std.zig.ast.Node {
var nodes = std.ArrayList(*std.zig.ast.Node).init(allocator);
switch ( {
.ContainerDecl => {
var cont = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.ContainerDecl).?;
var decl_it = cont.fields_and_decls.iterator(0);
while ( |decl| {
try nodes.append(decl.*);
.ContainerField => {
var field = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.ContainerField).?;
.VarDecl => {
var vari = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
// if (vari.type_node) |type_node| return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, type_node);
// if (vari.init_node) |init_node| return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, init_node);
return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, vari.type_node orelse vari.init_node.?);
.Identifier => {
var id = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.Identifier).?;
var maybe_decl = getDecl(tree, tree.tokenSlice(id.token));
if (maybe_decl) |decl| return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, decl);
.FnProto => {
var func = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?;
// std.debug.warn("{}", .{func.return_type});
switch (func.return_type) {
.Explicit, .InferErrorSet => |return_node| {
if (resolveNode(tree, return_node)) |resolved_node| {
return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, resolved_node);
.InfixOp => {
var infix = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.InfixOp).?;
// std.debug.warn("{}", .{infix});
// switch (infix.op) {
// .Period => {
// std.debug.warn("\n{}.{}\n", .{
// getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, infix.lhs),
// infix.rhs
// });
// return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, infix.lhs);
// },
// else => {}
// }
.SuffixOp => {
var suffix = node.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.SuffixOp).?;
// std.debug.warn("{}", .{suffix});
switch (suffix.op) {
.Call => {
if (resolveNode(tree, suffix.lhs.node)) |rnode| {
return getCompletionsForValue(allocator, tree, rnode);
else => {}
else => {
std.debug.warn("{}\n\n", .{});
return nodes.toOwnedSlice();

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@ -298,6 +298,38 @@ fn completeGlobal(id: i64, document: *types.TextDocument, config: Config) !void
fn completeFieldAccess(id: i64, document: *types.TextDocument, index: usize, config: Config) !void {
// The tree uses its own arena, so we just pass our main allocator.
var tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator, document.text);
if (tree.errors.len > 0) {
if (document.sane_text) |sane_text| {
tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator, sane_text);
} else return try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response);
else try cacheSane(document);
defer tree.deinit();
// We use a local arena allocator to deallocate all temporary data without iterating
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(&arena.allocator);
// Deallocate all temporary data.
defer arena.deinit();
try log("{}", .{});
try send(types.Response{
.id = .{.Integer = id},
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = false,
.items = completions.items,
// Compute builtin completions at comptime.
const builtin_completions = block: {
@ -565,6 +597,8 @@ fn processJsonRpc(parser: *std.json.Parser, json: []const u8, config: Config) !v
} else if (pos_context == .var_access or pos_context == .empty) {
try completeGlobal(id, document, config);
} else if (pos_context == .field_access) {
try completeFieldAccess(id, document, pos_index, config);
} else {
try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response);