- Started to work on a good test script.

This commit is contained in:
ccremers 2004-11-18 14:47:44 +00:00
parent a3d59f591a
commit 5edfc1ba46

spdl/multiprotocoltest.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Multi-protocol test
# Input of this script:
# - A number on the commandline of stuff to test
# - A list of files on stdin to be used
import os
import sys
import string
import commands
TempFileList = "scyther-blap.tmp"
TempFileTuples = "scyther-blip.tmp"
TupleProgram = "./tuples.py"
ScytherProgram = "../src/scyther"
ScytherDefaults = "--summary"
ScytherMethods = "-m1 -a"
ScytherBounds = "-r4 -l40"
ScytherArgs = ScytherDefaults + " " + ScytherMethods + " " + ScytherBounds
CommandPrefix = ScytherProgram + " " + ScytherArgs
ProtocolClaims = {}
# ***********************
# ***********************
# ScytherEval
# Take the list of protocols in plist, and give them to Scyther.
# Returns a dictionary of claim -> bool; where 1 means that it is
# correct, and 0 means that it is false (i.e. there exists an attack)
def ScytherEval (plist):
linelist = " ".join(plist)
commandline = "cat " + linelist + " | " + CommandPrefix
scout = commands.getoutput(commandline)
lines = scout.splitlines()
results = {}
for line in lines:
data = line.split()
if data[0] == 'claim':
claim = " ".join(data[1:4])
tag = data[6]
value = -1
if tag == 'failed:':
value = 0
if tag == 'correct:':
value = 1
if value == -1:
print "Scyther parse error for the input line: " + commandline
print "On the output line: " + line
results[claim] = value
return results
# ScytherEval1
# The above, but do the preprocessing for a single protocol
def ScytherEval1 (protocol):
ProtocolClaims[protocol] = ScytherEval ([protocol])
# ***********************
# ***********************
# Pass std input to temporary file (list of protocol files)
# Determines:
# TupleWidth
# ProtocolCount
# Protocol[0..count-1]
# Furthermore, TempFileList is created.
TupleWidth = sys.argv[1]
# Read stdin into list and count, send to file
loop = 1
ProtocolCount = 0
Protocol = []
outp = open(TempFileList, 'w')
while loop:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if line != '':
# not the end of the input
cleanline = string.strip(line)
if cleanline != '':
# not a blank line
ProtocolCount = ProtocolCount + 1
# end of the input
loop = 0
# Caching of single-protocol results for speed gain.
# The script first computes the singular results for all the protocols
# and stores this in an array, or something like that.
i = 0
while i < ProtocolCount:
ScytherEval1 ( Protocol[i] )
i = i + 1
print ProtocolClaims
# Computation of combined list.
# We use the tuple script to generate the list of tuples we need.
# We use a temporary file (again) to store that list.
# This requires that 'tuples.py' is in the same directory.
lstatus=os.system(TupleProgram + ' ' + TupleWidth + ' <' + TempFileList + ' >' + TempFileTuples)
# Testing of protocol tuples
# We take the list of tuples and test each combination.