2020-06-05 10:53:07 +10:00

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# GoTch - Libtorch Go Binding
## Overview
- **GoTch** is a C++ Libtorch Go binding for developing and implementing deep
learning projects in Go.
- It is currently in heavy development mode and is considered **unstable** until
version v1.0.0 is marked. Hence, one can use it with own risk.
- One goal of this package is to create a thin wrapper of Libtorch to make use of
its tensor APIs and CUDA support while implementing as much
idiomatic Go as possible.
## Dependencies
- **Libtorch** C++ library of [Pytorch](
## How to use
### 1. Libtorch installation
- Make sure that a libtorch version 1.5.0 (either CPU or CUDA support) is
installed in your system (default at "/opt/libtorch" in Linux/Mac OS).
### 2. Import **GoTch** package
package main
func main(){
var d gotch.Cuda
fmt.Printf("Cuda device count: %v\n", d.DeviceCount())
fmt.Printf("Cuda is available: %v\n", d.IsAvailable())
fmt.Printf("Cudnn is available: %v\n", d.CudnnIsAvailable())
- Other examples can be found at `example` folder
## Acknowledgement
- This projects has been inspired and used many concepts from [tch-rs](
Libtorch Rust binding.