
1.2 KiB

Configure the system

Go to the config.toml file and setup your hostname

Build the containers

Running this commands on the root of the project will setup the nessesary.

Make sure that your docker/podman installation supports domain name resolution between containers

docker build -t andre-fyp-proxy -f DockerfileProxy
docker build -t andre-fyp-server -f DockerfileServer
cd webpage
docker build -t andre-fyp-web-server .
cd ..

Run the docker compose

Running docker compose sets up the database server, the web page server, the proxy server and the main server

	docker compose up

Setup the Database

On another terminal instance create the database and tables.

Note: the password can be changed in the docker-compose file

PGPASSWORD=verysafepassword psql -h localhost -U postgres -f sql/base.sql
PGPASSWORD=verysafepassword psql -h localhost -U postgres -d fyp -f sql/user.sql
PGPASSWORD=verysafepassword psql -h localhost -U postgres -d fyp -f sql/models.sql
PGPASSWORD=verysafepassword psql -h localhost -U postgres -d fyp -f sql/tasks.sql

Restart docker compose

Now restart docker compose and the system should be available under the domain name set up on the config.toml file