Auguste Rame bf19ed3ea9
Switch to Diff Match Patch (diffz) (#982)
* Add tests, note about correctness issue

* Use diffz (DiffMatchPatch)
2023-02-11 14:21:10 -05:00

374 lines
12 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const types = @import("lsp.zig");
const ast = @import("ast.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
pub const Encoding = types.PositionEncodingKind;
pub const Loc = std.zig.Token.Loc;
pub fn indexToPosition(text: []const u8, index: usize, encoding: Encoding) types.Position {
const last_line_start = if (std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, text[0..index], "\n")) |line| line + 1 else 0;
const line_count = std.mem.count(u8, text[0..last_line_start], "\n");
return .{
.line = @intCast(u32, line_count),
.character = @intCast(u32, countCodeUnits(text[last_line_start..index], encoding)),
pub fn maybePositionToIndex(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) ?usize {
var line: u32 = 0;
var line_start_index: usize = 0;
for (text) |c, i| {
if (line == position.line) break;
if (c == '\n') {
line += 1;
line_start_index = i + 1;
if (line != position.line) return null;
const line_text = std.mem.sliceTo(text[line_start_index..], '\n');
const line_byte_length = getNCodeUnitByteCount(line_text, position.character, encoding);
return line_start_index + line_byte_length;
pub fn positionToIndex(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) usize {
var line: u32 = 0;
var line_start_index: usize = 0;
for (text) |c, i| {
if (line == position.line) break;
if (c == '\n') {
line += 1;
line_start_index = i + 1;
std.debug.assert(line == position.line);
const line_text = std.mem.sliceTo(text[line_start_index..], '\n');
const line_byte_length = getNCodeUnitByteCount(line_text, position.character, encoding);
return line_start_index + line_byte_length;
pub fn tokenToIndex(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex) usize {
return tree.tokens.items(.start)[token_index];
pub fn tokenToLoc(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex) Loc {
const start = tree.tokens.items(.start)[token_index];
const tag = tree.tokens.items(.tag)[token_index];
// Many tokens can be determined entirely by their tag.
if (tag.lexeme()) |lexeme| {
return .{
.start = start,
.end = start + lexeme.len,
// For some tokens, re-tokenization is needed to find the end.
var tokenizer: std.zig.Tokenizer = .{
.buffer = tree.source,
.index = start,
.pending_invalid_token = null,
// Maybe combine multi-line tokens?
const token = tokenizer.next();
// A failure would indicate a corrupted tree.source
std.debug.assert(token.tag == tag);
return token.loc;
pub fn tokenToSlice(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(tree.source, tokenToLoc(tree, token_index));
pub fn tokenToPosition(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex, encoding: Encoding) types.Position {
const start = tokenToIndex(tree, token_index);
return indexToPosition(tree.source, start, encoding);
pub fn tokenToRange(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex, encoding: Encoding) types.Range {
const start = tokenToPosition(tree, token_index, encoding);
const loc = tokenToLoc(tree, token_index);
return .{
.start = start,
.end = advancePosition(tree.source, start, loc.start, loc.end, encoding),
pub fn locLength(text: []const u8, loc: Loc, encoding: Encoding) usize {
return countCodeUnits(text[loc.start..loc.end], encoding);
pub fn tokenLength(tree: Ast, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex, encoding: Encoding) usize {
const loc = tokenToLoc(tree, token_index);
return locLength(tree.source, loc, encoding);
pub fn rangeLength(text: []const u8, range: types.Range, encoding: Encoding) usize {
const loc = rangeToLoc(text, range, encoding);
return locLength(text, loc, encoding);
pub fn tokenIndexLength(text: [:0]const u8, index: usize, encoding: Encoding) usize {
const loc = tokenIndexToLoc(text, index);
return locLength(text, loc, encoding);
pub fn tokenIndexToLoc(text: [:0]const u8, index: usize) Loc {
var tokenizer: std.zig.Tokenizer = .{
.buffer = text,
.index = index,
.pending_invalid_token = null,
const token = tokenizer.next();
return .{ .start = token.loc.start, .end = token.loc.end };
pub fn tokenPositionToLoc(text: [:0]const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) Loc {
const index = positionToIndex(text, position, encoding);
return tokenIndexToLoc(text, index);
pub fn tokenIndexToSlice(text: [:0]const u8, index: usize) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, tokenIndexToLoc(text, index));
pub fn tokenPositionToSlice(text: [:0]const u8, position: types.Position) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, tokenPositionToLoc(text, position));
pub fn tokenIndexToRange(text: [:0]const u8, index: usize, encoding: Encoding) types.Range {
const start = indexToPosition(text, index, encoding);
const loc = tokenIndexToLoc(text, index);
return .{
.start = start,
.end = advancePosition(text, start, loc.start, loc.end, encoding),
pub fn tokenPositionToRange(text: [:0]const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) types.Range {
const index = positionToIndex(text, position, encoding);
const loc = tokenIndexToLoc(text, index);
return .{
.start = position,
.end = advancePosition(text, position, loc.start, loc.end, encoding),
pub fn locToSlice(text: []const u8, loc: Loc) []const u8 {
return text[loc.start..loc.end];
pub fn locToRange(text: []const u8, loc: Loc, encoding: Encoding) types.Range {
std.debug.assert(loc.start <= loc.end and loc.end <= text.len);
const start = indexToPosition(text, loc.start, encoding);
return .{
.start = start,
.end = advancePosition(text, start, loc.start, loc.end, encoding),
pub fn rangeToSlice(text: []const u8, range: types.Range, encodig: Encoding) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, rangeToLoc(text, range, encodig));
pub fn rangeToLoc(text: []const u8, range: types.Range, encodig: Encoding) Loc {
return .{
.start = positionToIndex(text, range.start, encodig),
.end = positionToIndex(text, range.end, encodig),
pub fn nodeToLoc(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) Loc {
return .{ .start = tokenToIndex(tree, tree.firstToken(node)), .end = tokenToLoc(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, node)).end };
pub fn nodeToSlice(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(tree.source, nodeToLoc(tree, node));
pub fn nodeToRange(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, encoding: Encoding) types.Range {
return locToRange(tree.source, nodeToLoc(tree, node), encoding);
pub fn lineLocAtIndex(text: []const u8, index: usize) Loc {
return .{
.start = if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, text[0..index], '\n')) |idx| idx + 1 else 0,
.end = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, text, index, '\n') orelse text.len,
pub fn lineSliceAtIndex(text: []const u8, index: usize) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, lineLocAtIndex(text, index));
pub fn lineLocAtPosition(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) Loc {
return lineLocAtIndex(text, positionToIndex(text, position, encoding));
pub fn lineSliceAtPosition(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, lineLocAtPosition(text, position, encoding));
pub fn lineLocUntilIndex(text: []const u8, index: usize) Loc {
return .{
.start = if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, text[0..index], '\n')) |idx| idx + 1 else 0,
.end = index,
pub fn lineSliceUntilIndex(text: []const u8, index: usize) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, lineLocUntilIndex(text, index));
pub fn lineLocUntilPosition(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) Loc {
return lineLocUntilIndex(text, positionToIndex(text, position, encoding));
pub fn lineSliceUntilPosition(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) []const u8 {
return locToSlice(text, lineLocUntilPosition(text, position, encoding));
pub fn convertPositionEncoding(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, from_encoding: Encoding, to_encoding: Encoding) types.Position {
if (from_encoding == to_encoding) return position;
const line_loc = lineLocUntilPosition(text, position, from_encoding);
return .{
.line = position.line,
.character = @intCast(u32, locLength(text, line_loc, to_encoding)),
pub fn convertRangeEncoding(text: []const u8, range: types.Range, from_encoding: Encoding, to_encoding: Encoding) types.Range {
if (from_encoding == to_encoding) return range;
return .{
.start = convertPositionEncoding(text, range.start, from_encoding, to_encoding),
.end = convertPositionEncoding(text, range.end, from_encoding, to_encoding),
// returns true if a and b intersect
pub fn locIntersect(a: Loc, b: Loc) bool {
std.debug.assert(a.start <= a.end and b.start <= b.end);
const a_start_in_b = b.start <= a.start and a.start <= b.end;
const a_end_in_b = b.start <= a.end and a.end <= b.end;
return a_start_in_b or a_end_in_b;
// returns true if a is inside b
pub fn locInside(inner: Loc, outer: Loc) bool {
std.debug.assert(inner.start <= inner.end and outer.start <= outer.end);
return outer.start <= inner.start and inner.end <= outer.end;
// returns the union of a and b
pub fn locMerge(a: Loc, b: Loc) Loc {
std.debug.assert(a.start <= a.end and b.start <= b.end);
return .{
.start = @min(a.start, b.start),
.end = @max(a.end, b.end),
// Helper functions
/// advance `position` which starts at `from_index` to `to_index` accounting for line breaks
pub fn advancePosition(text: []const u8, position: types.Position, from_index: usize, to_index: usize, encoding: Encoding) types.Position {
var line = position.line;
for (text[from_index..to_index]) |c| {
if (c == '\n') {
line += 1;
const line_loc = lineLocUntilIndex(text, to_index);
return .{
.line = line,
.character = @intCast(u32, locLength(text, line_loc, encoding)),
/// returns the number of code units in `text`
pub fn countCodeUnits(text: []const u8, encoding: Encoding) usize {
switch (encoding) {
.@"utf-8" => return text.len,
.@"utf-16" => {
var iter: std.unicode.Utf8Iterator = .{ .bytes = text, .i = 0 };
var utf16_len: usize = 0;
while (iter.nextCodepoint()) |codepoint| {
if (codepoint < 0x10000) {
utf16_len += 1;
} else {
utf16_len += 2;
return utf16_len;
.@"utf-32" => return std.unicode.utf8CountCodepoints(text) catch unreachable,
/// returns the number of (utf-8 code units / bytes) that represent `n` code units in `text`
pub fn getNCodeUnitByteCount(text: []const u8, n: usize, encoding: Encoding) usize {
switch (encoding) {
.@"utf-8" => return n,
.@"utf-16" => {
if (n == 0) return 0;
var iter: std.unicode.Utf8Iterator = .{ .bytes = text, .i = 0 };
var utf16_len: usize = 0;
while (iter.nextCodepoint()) |codepoint| {
if (codepoint < 0x10000) {
utf16_len += 1;
} else {
utf16_len += 2;
if (utf16_len >= n) break;
return iter.i;
.@"utf-32" => {
var i: usize = 0;
var count: usize = 0;
while (count != n) : (count += 1) {
i += std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(text[i]) catch unreachable;
return i;
pub fn rangeLessThan(a: types.Range, b: types.Range) bool {
return positionLessThan(a.start, b.start) or positionLessThan(a.end, b.end);
pub fn positionLessThan(a: types.Position, b: types.Position) bool {
if (a.line < b.line) {
return true;
if (a.line > b.line) {
return false;
if (a.character < b.character) {
return true;
return false;