Techatrix 30869d7d87
InternPool: replace untyped values with typed values (#1023)
* InternPool: replace untyped values with typed values

* InternPool: remove `indexToTag`

* InternPool: rework representation of optional values

* add representation for unknown values and types

* ComptimeInterpreter: use InternPool typed-values

* ComptimeInterpreter: field access test

* ComptimeInterpreter: improve handling of if expressions

* InternPool: fix typeOf on a comptime float

* ComptimeInterpreter: implement TypeOf with multiple parameters
2023-02-27 17:53:46 -05:00

218 lines
7.8 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const InternPool = @import("InternPool.zig");
const types = @import("../lsp.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
/// generates a list of dot completions for the given typed-value in `index`
/// the given `index` must belong to the given InternPool
pub fn dotCompletions(
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
completions: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.CompletionItem),
ip: *InternPool,
index: InternPool.Index,
is_type_val: bool,
node: ?Ast.Node.Index,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
std.debug.assert(index != .none);
_ = node;
const index_key = ip.indexToKey(index);
const val: InternPool.Key = if (is_type_val) index_key else .{ .unknown_value = .{ .ty = index } };
const ty: InternPool.Key = if (is_type_val) ip.indexToKey(index_key.typeOf()) else index_key;
const inner_ty = switch (ty) {
.pointer_type => |info| if (info.size == .One) ip.indexToKey(info.elem_type) else ty,
else => ty,
switch (inner_ty) {
.simple_type => |simple| switch (simple) {
.type => {
const namespace = val.getNamespace(ip.*);
if (namespace != .none) {
// TODO lookup in namespace
switch (val) {
.error_set_type => |error_set_info| {
for (error_set_info.names) |name| {
const error_name = ip.indexToKey(name).bytes;
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = error_name,
.kind = .Constant,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "error.{s}", .{std.zig.fmtId(error_name)}),
.union_type => {}, // TODO
.enum_type => |enum_index| {
const enum_info = ip.getEnum(enum_index);
var field_it = enum_info.fields.iterator();
while (field_it.next()) |entry| {
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = entry.key_ptr.*,
.kind = .Constant,
// include field.val?
else => {},
else => {},
.pointer_type => |pointer_info| {
if (pointer_info.size == .Slice) {
var many_ptr_info = InternPool.Key{ .pointer_type = pointer_info };
many_ptr_info.pointer_type.size = .Many;
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = "ptr",
.kind = .Field,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "ptr: {}", .{many_ptr_info.fmt(ip.*)}),
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = "len",
.kind = .Field,
.detail = "len: usize",
} else if (ip.indexToKey(pointer_info.elem_type) == .array_type) {
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = "len",
.kind = .Field,
.detail = "len: usize",
.array_type => |array_info| {
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = "len",
.kind = .Field,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "const len: usize ({d})", .{array_info.len}), // TODO how should this be displayed
.struct_type => |struct_index| {
const struct_info = ip.getStruct(struct_index);
try completions.ensureUnusedCapacity(arena, struct_info.fields.count());
var field_it = struct_info.fields.iterator();
while (field_it.next()) |entry| {
const label = entry.key_ptr.*;
const field = entry.value_ptr.*;
.label = label,
.kind = .Field,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{s}: {}", .{
fmtFieldDetail(field, ip),
.optional_type => |optional_info| {
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = "?",
.kind = .Operator,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{optional_info.payload_type.fmt(ip.*)}),
.enum_type => |enum_index| {
const enum_info = ip.getEnum(enum_index);
for (enum_info.fields.keys(), enum_info.values.keys()) |field_name, field_value| {
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = field_name,
.kind = .Field,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{field_value.fmt(ip.*)}),
.union_type => |union_index| {
const union_info = ip.getUnion(union_index);
var field_it = union_info.fields.iterator();
while (field_it.next()) |entry| {
const label = entry.key_ptr.*;
const field = entry.value_ptr.*;
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = label,
.kind = .Field,
.detail = if (field.alignment != 0)
try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{s}: align({d}) {}", .{ label, field.alignment, field.ty.fmt(ip.*) })
try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{s}: {}", .{ label, field.ty.fmt(ip.*) }),
.tuple_type => |tuple_info| {
for (tuple_info.types, 0..) |tuple_ty, i| {
try completions.append(arena, .{
.label = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{d}", .{i}),
.kind = .Field,
.detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{d}: {}", .{ i, tuple_ty.fmt(ip.*) }),
=> {},
=> unreachable,
=> unreachable,
fn FormatContext(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
ip: *InternPool,
item: T,
fn formatFieldDetail(
ctx: FormatContext(InternPool.Struct.Field),
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
_ = options;
if (fmt.len != 0) std.fmt.invalidFmtError(fmt, InternPool.Struct.Field);
const field = ctx.item;
if (field.is_comptime) {
try writer.writeAll("comptime ");
if (field.alignment != 0) {
try writer.print("align({d}) ", .{field.alignment});
try writer.print("{}", .{field.ty.fmt(ctx.ip.*)});
if (field.default_value != .none) {
try writer.print(" = {},", .{field.default_value.fmt(ctx.ip.*)});
pub fn fmtFieldDetail(field: InternPool.Struct.Field, ip: *InternPool) std.fmt.Formatter(formatFieldDetail) {
return .{ .data = .{
.ip = ip,
.item = field,
} };