Álan Crístoffer 903f85ab94
Fix lsp weird behaviour on block cursors (#891) (#905)
* Fix lsp weird behaviour on block cursors (#891)

Adds lookahead option to getPositionContext.
2023-01-22 15:47:53 -05:00

550 lines
12 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const zls = @import("zls");
const analysis = zls.analysis;
const types = zls.types;
const offsets = zls.offsets;
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "position context - var access" {
try testContext(
\\const a_var =<cursor> identifier;
try testContext(
\\const a_var = <cursor>identifier;
try testContext(
\\const a_var = iden<cursor>tifier;
try testContext(
\\const a_var = identifier<cursor>;
try testContext(
\\const a_var = identifier;<cursor>
try testContext(
\\ fn foo() !<cursor>Str {
try testContext(
\\ fn foo() !St<cursor>r {
try testContext(
\\ fn foo() !Str<cursor> {
try testContext(
\\ fn foo() !Str <cursor>{
// TODO fix failing tests
// try testContext(
// \\ fn foo() <cursor>Err!void {
// ,
// .var_access,
// "E",
// );
// try testContext(
// \\ fn foo() Er<cursor>r!void {
// ,
// .var_access,
// "Err",
// );
// try testContext(
// \\ fn foo() Err<cursor>!void {
// ,
// .var_access,
// "Err",
// );
// try testContext(
// \\ fn foo() Err!<cursor>void {
// ,
// .var_access,
// "v",
// );
try testContext(
\\if (<cursor>bar.field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (ba<cursor>r.field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar<cursor>.field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar[0]<cursor>.field == foo) {
test "position context - field access" {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.<cursor>field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.fie<cursor>ld == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.field<cursor> == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.member<cursor>.field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.member.<cursor>field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.member.fie<cursor>ld == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.member.field<cursor> == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.*.?<cursor>.field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.*.?.<cursor>field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar[0].<cursor>field == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.<cursor>@"field" == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.@"fie<cursor>ld" == foo) {
try testContext(
\\if (bar.@"field"<cursor> == foo) {
try testContext(
\\const arr = std.ArrayList(SomeStruct(a, b, c, d)).<cursor>init(allocator);
"std.ArrayList(SomeStruct(a, b, c, d)).i",
try testContext(
\\const arr = std.ArrayList(SomeStruct(a, b, c, d)).in<cursor>it(allocator);
"std.ArrayList(SomeStruct(a, b, c, d)).ini",
try testContext(
\\const arr = std.ArrayList(SomeStruct(a, b, c, d)).init<cursor>(allocator);
"std.ArrayList(SomeStruct(a, b, c, d)).init",
try testContext(
\\fn foo() !Foo.<cursor>bar {
try testContext(
\\fn foo() !Foo.ba<cursor>r {
try testContext(
\\fn foo() !Foo.bar<cursor> {
// TODO fix failing tests
// try testContext(
// \\fn foo() Foo.<cursor>bar!void {
// ,
// .field_access,
// "Foo.b",
// );
// try testContext(
// \\fn foo() Foo.ba<cursor>r!void {
// ,
// .field_access,
// "Foo.bar",
// );
// try testContext(
// \\fn foo() Foo.bar<cursor>!void {
// ,
// .field_access,
// "Foo.bar",
// );
test "position context - builtin" {
try testContext(
\\var foo = <cursor>@
try testContext(
\\var foo = <cursor>@intC(u32, 5);
try testContext(
\\var foo = @<cursor>intC(u32, 5);
try testContext(
\\var foo = @int<cursor>C(u32, 5);
try testContext(
\\var foo = @intC<cursor>(u32, 5);
try testContext(
\\fn foo() void { <cursor>@setRuntime(false); };
try testContext(
\\fn foo() void { @<cursor>setRuntime(false); };
try testContext(
\\fn foo() void { @set<cursor>Runtime(false); };
try testContext(
\\fn foo() void { @setRuntime<cursor>(false); };
test "position context - comment" {
try testContext(
\\// i am<cursor> a test
null, // report "// i am a test"
try testContext(
\\/// i am<cursor> a test
null, // report /// i am a test
test "position context - import/embedfile string literal" {
try testContext(
\\const std = @import("s<cursor>t");
"\"st", // maybe report just "st"
try testContext(
\\const std = @import("st<cursor>");
"\"st", // maybe report just "st"
try testContext(
\\const std = @embedFile("file.<cursor>");
"\"file.", // maybe report just "file."
try testContext(
\\const std = @embedFile("file<cursor>.");
"\"file", // maybe report just "file."
test "position context - string literal" {
try testContext(
\\var foo = "he<cursor>llo world!";
"\"hel", // maybe report just "he"
try testContext(
\\var foo = \\hell<cursor>o;
"\\\\hello", // maybe report just "hello;"
test "position context - global error set" {
// TODO why is this a .var_access instead of a .global_error_set?
// try testContext(
// \\fn foo() <cursor>error!void {
// ,
// .global_error_set,
// null,
// );
try testContext(
\\fn foo() erro<cursor>r!void {
try testContext(
\\fn foo() error<cursor>!void {
try testContext(
\\fn foo() error<cursor>.!void {
try testContext(
\\fn foo() error.<cursor>!void {
// TODO this should probably also be .global_error_set
// try testContext(
// \\fn foo() error{<cursor>}!void {
// ,
// .global_error_set,
// null,
// );
// try testContext(
// \\fn foo() error{OutOfMemory, <cursor>}!void {
// ,
// .global_error_set,
// null,
// );
test "position context - enum literal" {
try testContext(
\\var foo = .<cursor>tag;
try testContext(
\\var foo = .ta<cursor>g;
try testContext(
\\var foo = .tag<cursor>;
try testContext(
\\var foo = <cursor>.;
try testContext(
\\var foo = .<cursor>;
test "position context - label" {
try testContext(
\\var foo = blk: { break <cursor>:blk null };
try testContext(
\\var foo = blk: { break :<cursor>blk null };
try testContext(
\\var foo = blk: { break :bl<cursor>k null };
try testContext(
\\var foo = blk: { break :blk<cursor> null };
test "position context - empty" {
try testContext(
try testContext(
\\try foo(arg, slice[<cursor>]);
try testContext(
\\try foo(arg, slice[<cursor>..3]);
try testContext(
\\try foo(arg, slice[0..<cursor>]);
fn testContext(line: []const u8, tag: std.meta.Tag(analysis.PositionContext), maybe_range: ?[]const u8) !void {
const cursor_idx = std.mem.indexOf(u8, line, "<cursor>").?;
const final_line = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{ line[0..cursor_idx], line[cursor_idx + "<cursor>".len ..] });
defer allocator.free(final_line);
const ctx = try analysis.getPositionContext(allocator, final_line, cursor_idx, true);
if (std.meta.activeTag(ctx) != tag) {
std.debug.print("Expected tag `{s}`, got `{s}`\n", .{ @tagName(tag), @tagName(std.meta.activeTag(ctx)) });
return error.DifferentTag;
const actual_loc = ctx.loc() orelse if (maybe_range) |expected_range| {
std.debug.print("Expected `{s}`, got null range\n", .{
return error.DifferentRange;
} else return;
const expected_range = maybe_range orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected null range, got `{s}`\n", .{
return error.DifferentRange;
const expected_range_start = std.mem.indexOf(u8, final_line, expected_range).?;
const expected_range_end = expected_range_start + expected_range.len;
if (expected_range_start != actual_loc.start or expected_range_end != actual_loc.end) {
std.debug.print("Expected range `{s}` ({}..{}), got `{s}` ({}..{})\n", .{
final_line[expected_range_start..expected_range_end], expected_range_start, expected_range_end,
final_line[actual_loc.start..actual_loc.end], actual_loc.start, actual_loc.end,
return error.DifferentRange;