Sizhe Zhao 86d49acdb0 Introducing new method of generating data files
A new file src/data/generate-data.py has been added.
It is written in Python 3 and has some new features like:
- It doesn't need Chrome to work, the script fetches the page automatically;
- It does the translation of HTML tags for better user experiences in editors.
In addition, a new section has been added to README.md to reflect this change.
2021-07-10 21:21:54 +08:00

106 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import urllib.request
import re
import minify_html
zig_version = 'master'
def fix_ul(s):
l = s.split('<li>')
l.insert(0, '')
return '\n - '.join(l)
url = f'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziglang/zig/{zig_version}/doc/langref.html.in'
res = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
page = res.read().decode('utf-8')
print('''const Builtin = struct {
name: []const u8,
signature: []const u8,
snippet: []const u8,
documentation: []const u8,
arguments: []const []const u8,
pub const builtins = [_]Builtin{''')
pattern = r'{#header_open\|(@\S+?)#}(.+?){#header_close#}'
for match in re.finditer(pattern, page, re.M | re.S):
blk = match[2].strip(' \n')
name = match[1]
signature = re.search(r'<pre>{#syntax#}(.+?){#endsyntax#}</pre>', blk,
re.M | re.S)[1].replace('\n ', '').replace('"', '\\"')
snippet = name
if f'{name}()' in signature:
params = None
snippet += '()'
params = []
i = signature.index('(') + 1
level = 1
j = i
while i < len(signature):
if signature[i] == '(':
level += 1
elif signature[i] == ')':
level -= 1
if signature[i] == ',' and level == 1:
j = i + 2
if level == 0:
i += 1
snippet += '(${'
i = 1
for param in params:
snippet += f'{i}:{param}}}, ${{'
i += 1
snippet = snippet[:-4] + ')'
docs = re.sub(r'{#see_also\|[^#]+#}', '', blk)
docs = re.sub(
r' {#code_begin\|(obj|syntax|(test(\|(call|truncate))?))#}\n', ' <pre>{#syntax#}', docs)
docs = re.sub(
r' {#code_begin\|test_(err|safety)\|[^#]+#}\n', ' <pre>{#syntax#}', docs)
docs = docs.replace(' {#code_release_fast#}\n', '')
docs = docs.replace(' {#code_end#}', '{#endsyntax#}</pre>')
docs = docs.replace('\n{#endsyntax#}</pre>', '{#endsyntax#}</pre>')
docs = minify_html.minify(docs)
prefix = '</pre><p>'
docs = docs[docs.index(prefix)+len(prefix):]
docs = docs.replace('<p>', '\n\n')
docs = re.sub(r'{#(end)?syntax#}', '`', docs)
# @cDefine
docs = re.sub(r'<pre><code[^>]+>([^<]+)</code></pre>', '`\\1`', docs)
docs = re.sub(r'</?code>', '`', docs)
docs = docs.replace('<pre>`', '\n\n```zig\n')
docs = docs.replace('`</pre>', '\n```')
# @setFloatMode
docs = docs.replace('```<', '```\n<')
# @TypeOf
docs = re.sub(r'</?em>', '*', docs)
docs = re.sub(r'<a href=([^>]+)>([^<]+)</a>', '[\\2](\\1)', docs)
docs = re.sub(r'{#link\|([^|#]+)\|([^|#]+)#}',
lambda m: f'[{m[1]}](https://ziglang.org/documentation/{zig_version}/#{m[2].replace(" ","-")})', docs)
docs = re.sub(
r'{#link\|([^|#]+)#}', lambda m: f'[{m[1]}](https://ziglang.org/documentation/{zig_version}/#{m[1].replace(" ","-").replace("@","")})', docs)
docs = re.sub(r'<ul><li>(.+?)</ul>', lambda m: fix_ul(m[1]), docs)
print(' .{')
print(f' .name = "{name}",')
print(f' .signature = "{signature}",')
print(f' .snippet = "{snippet}",')
print(' .documentation =')
for line in docs.splitlines():
print(r' \\' + line)
print(' ,')
if params is None:
print(' .arguments = &.{},')
print(' .arguments = &.{')
for param in params:
print(f' "{param}",')
print(' },')
print(' },')