* add lsp.zig * change references from types.zig to lsp.zig * remove types.zig and requests.zig * add tres as a submodule * transition codebase from types.zig to lsp.zig * update lsp.zig * completely overhaul message handler * fix memory errors * partially transition tests to lsp.zig * update lsp.zig * more test fixes * disable failing tests * fix message handling bugs * fix remaining tests * access correct union in diff.applyTextEdits * more message handler fixes * run zig fmt * update tres submodule * fix memory access to freed memory * simplify initialize_msg for testing * check if publishDiagnostics is supported
76 lines
2.3 KiB
76 lines
2.3 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const zls = @import("zls");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const helper = @import("../helper.zig");
const Context = @import("../context.zig").Context;
const ErrorBuilder = @import("../ErrorBuilder.zig");
const types = zls.types;
const offsets = zls.offsets;
const requests = zls.requests;
const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "selectionRange - empty" {
try testSelectionRange("<>", &.{});
test "seletionRange - smoke" {
try testSelectionRange(
\\fn main() void {
\\ const x = 1 <>+ 1;
, &.{ "1 + 1", "const x = 1 + 1", "{\n const x = 1 + 1;\n}" });
fn testSelectionRange(source: []const u8, want: []const []const u8) !void {
var phr = try helper.collectClearPlaceholders(allocator, source);
defer phr.deinit(allocator);
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
const test_uri: []const u8 = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => "file:///C:\\test.zig",
else => "file:///test.zig",
try ctx.requestDidOpen(test_uri, phr.new_source);
const position = offsets.locToRange(phr.new_source, phr.locations.items(.new)[0], .@"utf-16").start;
const SelectionRange = struct {
range: types.Range,
parent: ?*@This() = null,
const params = types.SelectionRangeParams{
.textDocument = .{ .uri = test_uri },
.positions = &[_]types.Position{position},
const response = try ctx.requestGetResponse(?[]SelectionRange, "textDocument/selectionRange", params);
const selectionRanges: []SelectionRange = response.result orelse {
std.debug.print("Server returned `null` as the result\n", .{});
return error.InvalidResponse;
var got = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer got.deinit();
var it: ?*SelectionRange = &selectionRanges[0];
while (it) |r| {
const slice = offsets.rangeToSlice(phr.new_source, r.range, .@"utf-16");
(try got.addOne()).* = slice;
it = r.parent;
const last = got.pop();
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(phr.new_source, last);
try std.testing.expectEqual(want.len, got.items.len);
for (want) |w, i| {
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(w, got.items[i]);