const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const Index = usize; pub fn encode(extra: *std.ArrayList(u8), comptime T: type, data: anytype) Allocator.Error!void { switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Type, .NoReturn, .ComptimeFloat, .ComptimeInt, .Undefined, .Null, .ErrorUnion, .ErrorSet, .Fn, .Opaque, .Frame, .AnyFrame, .EnumLiteral, => @compileError("Unable to encode type " ++ @typeName(T)), .Void => {}, .Bool => try encode(extra, u1, @boolToInt(data)), .Int => try extra.appendSlice(std.mem.asBytes(&data)), .Float => |info| switch (info.bits) { 16 => try encode(extra, u16, @bitCast(u16, data)), 32 => try encode(extra, u32, @bitCast(u32, data)), 64 => try encode(extra, u64, @bitCast(u64, data)), 80 => try encode(extra, u80, @bitCast(u80, data)), 128 => try encode(extra, u128, @bitCast(u128, data)), else => @compileError("Unable to encode type " ++ @typeName(T)), }, .Pointer => |info| { switch (info.size) { .One => { if (comptime canEncodeAsBytes(info.child)) { try extra.appendNTimes(undefined, std.mem.alignPointerOffset(extra.items.ptr + extra.items.len, info.alignment).?); try encode(extra, info.child, data.*); } else { @compileError("Encoding " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " would require allocation"); } }, .Slice => { if (comptime canEncodeAsBytes(info.child)) { try encode(extra, u32, @intCast(u32, data.len)); try extra.appendNTimes(undefined, std.mem.alignPointerOffset(extra.items.ptr + extra.items.len, info.alignment).?); try extra.appendSlice(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(data)); } else { @compileError("Encoding " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " would require allocation"); } }, .Many, .C, => @compileError("Unable to encode type " ++ @typeName(T)), } }, .Array => |info| { for (data) |item| { try encode(extra, info.child, item); } }, .Struct => |info| { switch (info.layout) { .Packed, .Extern, => return try extra.appendSlice(std.mem.asBytes(&data)), .Auto => { inline for (info.fields) |field| { try encode(extra, field.type, @field(data,; } }, } }, .Optional => { try encode(extra, bool, data == null); if (data) |item| { try encode(extra, item); } }, .Enum => |info| try encode(extra, info.tag_type, @enumToInt(data)), .Union => @compileError("TODO"), .Vector => |info| { const array: [info.len]info.child = data; try encode(extra, array); }, } } pub fn decode(extra: *[]const u8, comptime T: type) T { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Type, .NoReturn, .ComptimeFloat, .ComptimeInt, .Undefined, .Null, .ErrorUnion, .ErrorSet, .Fn, .Opaque, .Frame, .AnyFrame, .EnumLiteral, => @compileError("Unable to decode type " ++ @typeName(T)), .Void => {}, .Bool => decode(extra, u1) == 1, .Int => std.mem.bytesToValue(T, readArray(extra, @sizeOf(T))), .Float => |info| switch (info.bits) { 16 => @bitCast(T, decode(extra, u16)), 32 => @bitCast(T, decode(extra, u32)), 64 => @bitCast(T, decode(extra, u64)), 80 => @bitCast(T, decode(extra, u80)), 128 => @bitCast(T, decode(extra, u128)), else => @compileError("Unable to decode type " ++ @typeName(T)), }, .Pointer => |info| { switch (info.size) { .One => { if (comptime canEncodeAsBytes(info.child)) { extra.* = alignForward(extra.*, info.alignment); return std.mem.bytesAsValue(T, readArray(extra, @sizeOf(info.child))); } else { @compileError("Decoding " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " would require allocation"); } }, .Slice => { if (comptime canEncodeAsBytes(info.child)) { const len = decode(extra, u32); extra.* = alignForward(extra.*, info.alignment); const bytes = readBytes(extra, len * @sizeOf(info.child)); return std.mem.bytesAsSlice(info.child, @alignCast(info.alignment, bytes)); } else { @compileError("Decoding " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " would require allocation"); } }, .Many, .C, => @compileError("Unable to decode type " ++ @typeName(T)), } }, .Array => |info| blk: { var array: T = undefined; var i: usize = 0; while (i < info.len) { array[i] = decode(extra, info.child); } break :blk array; }, .Struct => |info| { switch (info.layout) { .Packed, .Extern, => return std.mem.bytesToValue(T, readArray(extra, @sizeOf(T))), .Auto => { var result: T = undefined; inline for (info.fields) |field| { @field(result, = decode(extra, field.type); } return result; }, } }, .Optional => |info| blk: { const is_null = decode(extra, bool); if (is_null) { break :blk null; } else { break :blk decode(extra, info.child); } }, .Enum => |info| @intToEnum(T, decode(extra, info.tag_type)), .Union => @compileError("TODO"), .Vector => |info| decode(extra, [info.len]info.child), }; } pub fn canEncodeAsBytes(comptime T: type) bool { return switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Void, .Bool, .Int, .Float, .Enum, .Vector => true, .Array => |info| canEncodeAsBytes(info.child), .Struct => |info| info.layout != .Auto, .Union => |info| info.layout != .Auto, else => false, }; } /// forward aligns `extra` until it has the given alignment pub fn alignForward(extra: []const u8, alignment: usize) []const u8 { const unaligned = @ptrToInt(extra.ptr); const offset = std.mem.alignForward(usize, unaligned, alignment) - unaligned; const result = extra[offset..]; std.debug.assert(std.mem.isAligned(@ptrToInt(result.ptr), alignment)); return result; } pub fn readBytes(extra: *[]const u8, n: usize) []const u8 { defer extra.* = extra.*[n..]; return extra.*[0..n]; } pub fn readArray(extra: *[]const u8, comptime n: usize) *const [n]u8 { defer extra.* = extra.*[n..]; return extra.*[0..n]; }