const std = @import("std"); const types = @import("types.zig"); pub const Encoding = enum { utf8, utf16, }; pub const DocumentPosition = struct { line: []const u8, line_index: usize, absolute_index: usize, }; pub fn documentPosition(doc: types.TextDocument, position: types.Position, encoding: Encoding) !DocumentPosition { var split_iterator = std.mem.split(doc.text, "\n"); var line_idx: i64 = 0; var line: []const u8 = ""; while (line_idx < position.line) : (line_idx += 1) { line = orelse return error.InvalidParams; } const line_start_idx = split_iterator.index.?; line = orelse return error.InvalidParams; if (encoding == .utf8) { const index = @intCast(i64, line_start_idx) + position.character; if (index < 0 or index > @intCast(i64, doc.text.len)) { return error.InvalidParams; } return DocumentPosition{ .line = line, .absolute_index = @intCast(usize, index), .line_index = @intCast(usize, position.character) }; } else { const utf8 = doc.text[line_start_idx..]; var utf8_idx: usize = 0; var utf16_idx: usize = 0; while (utf16_idx < position.character) { if (utf8_idx > utf8.len) { return error.InvalidParams; } const n = try std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(utf8[utf8_idx]); const next_utf8_idx = utf8_idx + n; const codepoint = try std.unicode.utf8Decode(utf8[utf8_idx..next_utf8_idx]); if (codepoint < 0x10000) { utf16_idx += 1; } else { utf16_idx += 2; } utf8_idx = next_utf8_idx; } return DocumentPosition{ .line = line, .absolute_index = line_start_idx + utf8_idx, .line_index = utf8_idx }; } } pub const TokenLocation = struct { line: usize, column: usize, }; pub fn tokenRelativeLocation(tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, start_index: usize, token: std.zig.ast.TokenIndex, encoding: Encoding) !TokenLocation { const token_loc = tree.token_locs[token]; var loc = TokenLocation{ .line = 0, .column = 0, }; const token_start = token_loc.start; const source = tree.source[start_index..]; var i: usize = 0; while (i < token_start - start_index) { const c = source[i]; if (c == '\n') { loc.line += 1; loc.column = 0; i += 1; } else { if (encoding == .utf16) { const n = try std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c); const codepoint = try std.unicode.utf8Decode(source[i..i + n]); if (codepoint < 0x10000) { loc.column += 1; } else { loc.column += 2; } i += n; } else { loc.column += 1; i += 1; } } } return loc; } /// Asserts the token is comprised of valid utf8 pub fn tokenLength(tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, token: std.zig.ast.TokenIndex, encoding: Encoding) usize { const token_loc = tree.token_locs[token]; if (encoding == .utf8) return token_loc.end - token_loc.start; var i: usize = token_loc.start; var utf16_len: usize = 0; while (i < token_loc.end) { const n = std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(tree.source[i]) catch unreachable; const codepoint = std.unicode.utf8Decode(tree.source[i..i + n]) catch unreachable; if (codepoint < 0x10000) { utf16_len += 1; } else { utf16_len += 2; } i += n; } return utf16_len; }