//! Collection of functions from std.zig.ast that we need //! and may hit undefined in the standard library implementation //! when there are parser errors. const std = @import("std"); const Ast = std.zig.Ast; const Node = Ast.Node; const full = Ast.full; fn fullPtrType(tree: Ast, info: full.PtrType.Components) full.PtrType { const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const size: std.builtin.Type.Pointer.Size = switch (token_tags[info.main_token]) { .asterisk, .asterisk_asterisk, => switch (token_tags[info.main_token + 1]) { .r_bracket, .colon => .Many, .identifier => if (info.main_token != 0 and token_tags[info.main_token - 1] == .l_bracket) .C else .One, else => .One, }, .l_bracket => .Slice, else => unreachable, }; var result: full.PtrType = .{ .size = size, .allowzero_token = null, .const_token = null, .volatile_token = null, .ast = info, }; // We need to be careful that we don't iterate over any sub-expressions // here while looking for modifiers as that could result in false // positives. Therefore, start after a sentinel if there is one and // skip over any align node and bit range nodes. var i = if (info.sentinel != 0) lastToken(tree, info.sentinel) + 1 else info.main_token; const end = tree.firstToken(info.child_type); while (i < end) : (i += 1) { switch (token_tags[i]) { .keyword_allowzero => result.allowzero_token = i, .keyword_const => result.const_token = i, .keyword_volatile => result.volatile_token = i, .keyword_align => { std.debug.assert(info.align_node != 0); if (info.bit_range_end != 0) { std.debug.assert(info.bit_range_start != 0); i = lastToken(tree, info.bit_range_end) + 1; } else { i = lastToken(tree, info.align_node) + 1; } }, else => {}, } } return result; } pub fn ptrTypeSimple(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.PtrType { std.debug.assert(tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .ptr_type); const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; const extra = tree.extraData(data.lhs, Node.PtrType); return fullPtrType(tree, .{ .main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .align_node = extra.align_node, .addrspace_node = extra.addrspace_node, .sentinel = extra.sentinel, .bit_range_start = 0, .bit_range_end = 0, .child_type = data.rhs, }); } pub fn ptrTypeSentinel(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.PtrType { std.debug.assert(tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .ptr_type_sentinel); const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; return fullPtrType(tree, .{ .main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .align_node = 0, .addrspace_node = 0, .sentinel = data.lhs, .bit_range_start = 0, .bit_range_end = 0, .child_type = data.rhs, }); } pub fn ptrTypeAligned(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.PtrType { std.debug.assert(tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .ptr_type_aligned); const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; return fullPtrType(tree, .{ .main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .align_node = data.lhs, .addrspace_node = 0, .sentinel = 0, .bit_range_start = 0, .bit_range_end = 0, .child_type = data.rhs, }); } pub fn ptrTypeBitRange(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.PtrType { std.debug.assert(tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .ptr_type_bit_range); const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; const extra = tree.extraData(data.lhs, Node.PtrTypeBitRange); return fullPtrType(tree, .{ .main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .align_node = extra.align_node, .addrspace_node = extra.addrspace_node, .sentinel = extra.sentinel, .bit_range_start = extra.bit_range_start, .bit_range_end = extra.bit_range_end, .child_type = data.rhs, }); } fn fullIf(tree: Ast, info: full.If.Components) full.If { const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); var result: full.If = .{ .ast = info, .payload_token = null, .error_token = null, .else_token = undefined, }; // if (cond_expr) |x| // ^ ^ const payload_pipe = lastToken(tree, info.cond_expr) + 2; if (token_tags[payload_pipe] == .pipe) { result.payload_token = payload_pipe + 1; } if (info.else_expr != 0) { // then_expr else |x| // ^ ^ result.else_token = lastToken(tree, info.then_expr) + 1; if (token_tags[result.else_token + 1] == .pipe) { result.error_token = result.else_token + 2; } } return result; } pub fn ifFull(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.If { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; if (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .@"if") { const extra = tree.extraData(data.rhs, Node.If); return fullIf(tree, .{ .cond_expr = data.lhs, .then_expr = extra.then_expr, .else_expr = extra.else_expr, .if_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], }); } else { std.debug.assert(tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .if_simple); return fullIf(tree, .{ .cond_expr = data.lhs, .then_expr = data.rhs, .else_expr = 0, .if_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], }); } } fn fullWhile(tree: Ast, info: full.While.Components) full.While { const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); var result: full.While = .{ .ast = info, .inline_token = null, .label_token = null, .payload_token = null, .else_token = undefined, .error_token = null, }; var tok_i = info.while_token -| 1; if (token_tags[tok_i] == .keyword_inline) { result.inline_token = tok_i; tok_i -= 1; } if (token_tags[tok_i] == .colon and token_tags[tok_i -| 1] == .identifier) { result.label_token = tok_i -| 1; } const last_cond_token = lastToken(tree, info.cond_expr); if (token_tags[last_cond_token + 2] == .pipe) { result.payload_token = last_cond_token + 3; } if (info.else_expr != 0) { // then_expr else |x| // ^ ^ result.else_token = lastToken(tree, info.then_expr) + 1; if (token_tags[result.else_token + 1] == .pipe) { result.error_token = result.else_token + 2; } } return result; } pub fn whileSimple(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.While { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; return fullWhile(tree, .{ .while_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .cond_expr = data.lhs, .cont_expr = 0, .then_expr = data.rhs, .else_expr = 0, }); } pub fn whileCont(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.While { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; const extra = tree.extraData(data.rhs, Node.WhileCont); return fullWhile(tree, .{ .while_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .cond_expr = data.lhs, .cont_expr = extra.cont_expr, .then_expr = extra.then_expr, .else_expr = 0, }); } pub fn whileFull(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.While { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; const extra = tree.extraData(data.rhs, Node.While); return fullWhile(tree, .{ .while_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .cond_expr = data.lhs, .cont_expr = extra.cont_expr, .then_expr = extra.then_expr, .else_expr = extra.else_expr, }); } pub fn forSimple(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.While { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; return fullWhile(tree, .{ .while_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .cond_expr = data.lhs, .cont_expr = 0, .then_expr = data.rhs, .else_expr = 0, }); } pub fn forFull(tree: Ast, node: Node.Index) full.While { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; const extra = tree.extraData(data.rhs, Node.If); return fullWhile(tree, .{ .while_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node], .cond_expr = data.lhs, .cont_expr = 0, .then_expr = extra.then_expr, .else_expr = extra.else_expr, }); } pub fn lastToken(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) Ast.TokenIndex { const TokenIndex = Ast.TokenIndex; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data); const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const token_starts = tree.tokens.items(.start); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); var n = node; var end_offset: TokenIndex = 0; while (true) switch (tags[n]) { .root => return @intCast(TokenIndex, tree.tokens.len - 1), .@"usingnamespace" => { // lhs is the expression if (datas[n].lhs == 0) { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } else { n = datas[n].lhs; } }, .test_decl => { // rhs is the block // lhs is the name if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .global_var_decl => { // rhs is init node if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].lhs, Node.GlobalVarDecl); if (extra.section_node != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen n = extra.section_node; } else if (extra.align_node != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen n = extra.align_node; } else if (extra.type_node != 0) { n = extra.type_node; } else { end_offset += 1; // from mut token to name return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } } }, .local_var_decl => { // rhs is init node if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].lhs, Node.LocalVarDecl); if (extra.align_node != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen n = extra.align_node; } else if (extra.type_node != 0) { n = extra.type_node; } else { end_offset += 1; // from mut token to name return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } } }, .simple_var_decl => { // rhs is init node if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { end_offset += 1; // from mut token to name return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .aligned_var_decl => { // rhs is init node, lhs is align node if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen n = datas[n].lhs; } else { end_offset += 1; // from mut token to name return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .@"errdefer" => { // lhs is the token payload, rhs is the expression if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { // right pipe end_offset += 1; n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .@"defer" => { // rhs is the defered expr if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .bool_not, .negation, .bit_not, .negation_wrap, .address_of, .@"try", .@"await", .optional_type, .@"resume", .@"nosuspend", .@"comptime", => n = datas[n].lhs, .@"catch", .equal_equal, .bang_equal, .less_than, .greater_than, .less_or_equal, .greater_or_equal, .assign_mul, .assign_div, .assign_mod, .assign_add, .assign_sub, .assign_shl, .assign_shr, .assign_bit_and, .assign_bit_xor, .assign_bit_or, .assign_mul_wrap, .assign_add_wrap, .assign_sub_wrap, .assign_mul_sat, .assign_add_sat, .assign_sub_sat, .assign_shl_sat, .assign, .merge_error_sets, .mul, .div, .mod, .array_mult, .mul_wrap, .mul_sat, .add, .sub, .array_cat, .add_wrap, .sub_wrap, .add_sat, .sub_sat, .shl, .shl_sat, .shr, .bit_and, .bit_xor, .bit_or, .@"orelse", .bool_and, .bool_or, .anyframe_type, .error_union, .if_simple, .while_simple, .for_simple, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_sentinel, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_bit_range, .array_type, .switch_case_one, .switch_case, .switch_case_inline_one, .switch_case_inline, .switch_range, => n = datas[n].rhs, .field_access, .unwrap_optional, .grouped_expression, .multiline_string_literal, .error_set_decl, .asm_simple, .asm_output, .asm_input, => return datas[n].rhs + end_offset, .error_value => { if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { return datas[n].rhs + end_offset; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { return datas[n].lhs + end_offset; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .anyframe_literal, .char_literal, .number_literal, .unreachable_literal, .identifier, .deref, .enum_literal, .string_literal, => return main_tokens[n] + end_offset, .@"return" => if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; }, .call, .async_call => { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen const params = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); if (params.end - params.start == 0) { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } n = tree.extra_data[params.end - 1]; // last parameter }, .tagged_union_enum_tag => { const members = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); if (members.end - members.start == 0) { end_offset += 4; // for the rparen + rparen + lbrace + rbrace n = datas[n].lhs; } else { end_offset += 1; // for the rbrace n = tree.extra_data[members.end - 1]; // last parameter } }, .call_comma, .async_call_comma, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, => { end_offset += 2; // for the comma/semicolon + rparen/rbrace const params = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); std.debug.assert(params.end > params.start); n = tree.extra_data[params.end - 1]; // last parameter }, .@"switch" => { const cases = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); if (cases.end - cases.start == 0) { end_offset += 3; // rparen, lbrace, rbrace n = datas[n].lhs; // condition expression } else { end_offset += 1; // for the rbrace n = tree.extra_data[cases.end - 1]; // last case } }, .container_decl_arg => { const members = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); if (members.end - members.start == 0) { end_offset += 3; // for the rparen + lbrace + rbrace n = datas[n].lhs; } else { end_offset += 1; // for the rbrace n = tree.extra_data[members.end - 1]; // last parameter } }, .@"asm" => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.Asm); return extra.rparen + end_offset; }, .array_init, .struct_init, => { const elements = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); std.debug.assert(elements.end - elements.start > 0); end_offset += 1; // for the rbrace n = tree.extra_data[elements.end - 1]; // last element }, .array_init_comma, .struct_init_comma, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .switch_comma, => { const members = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SubRange); std.debug.assert(members.end - members.start > 0); end_offset += 2; // for the comma + rbrace n = tree.extra_data[members.end - 1]; // last parameter }, .array_init_dot, .struct_init_dot, .block, .container_decl, .tagged_union, .builtin_call, => { std.debug.assert(datas[n].rhs - datas[n].lhs > 0); end_offset += 1; // for the rbrace n = tree.extra_data[datas[n].rhs - 1]; // last statement }, .array_init_dot_comma, .struct_init_dot_comma, .block_semicolon, .container_decl_trailing, .tagged_union_trailing, .builtin_call_comma, => { std.debug.assert(datas[n].rhs - datas[n].lhs > 0); end_offset += 2; // for the comma/semicolon + rbrace/rparen n = tree.extra_data[datas[n].rhs - 1]; // last member }, .call_one, .async_call_one, .array_access, => { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen/rbracket if (datas[n].rhs == 0) { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } n = datas[n].rhs; }, .array_init_dot_two, .block_two, .builtin_call_two, .struct_init_dot_two, .container_decl_two, .tagged_union_two, => { if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen/rbrace n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen/rbrace n = datas[n].lhs; } else { switch (tags[n]) { .array_init_dot_two, .block_two, .struct_init_dot_two, => end_offset += 1, // rbrace .builtin_call_two => end_offset += 2, // lparen/lbrace + rparen/rbrace .container_decl_two => { var i: u32 = 2; // lbrace + rbrace while (token_tags[main_tokens[n] + i] == .container_doc_comment) i += 1; end_offset += i; }, .tagged_union_two => { var i: u32 = 5; // (enum) {} while (token_tags[main_tokens[n] + i] == .container_doc_comment) i += 1; end_offset += i; }, else => unreachable, } return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .array_init_dot_two_comma, .builtin_call_two_comma, .block_two_semicolon, .struct_init_dot_two_comma, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union_two_trailing, => { end_offset += 2; // for the comma/semicolon + rbrace/rparen if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; // returns { } } }, .container_field_init => { if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .container_field_align => { if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .container_field => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.ContainerField); if (extra.value_expr != 0) { n = extra.value_expr; } else if (extra.align_expr != 0) { end_offset += 1; // for the rparen n = extra.align_expr; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .array_init_one, .struct_init_one, => { end_offset += 1; // rbrace if (datas[n].rhs == 0) { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } else { n = datas[n].rhs; } }, .slice_open, .call_one_comma, .async_call_one_comma, .array_init_one_comma, .struct_init_one_comma, => { end_offset += 2; // ellipsis2 + rbracket, or comma + rparen n = datas[n].rhs; std.debug.assert(n != 0); }, .slice => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.Slice); std.debug.assert(extra.end != 0); // should have used slice_open end_offset += 1; // rbracket n = extra.end; }, .slice_sentinel => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.SliceSentinel); if (extra.sentinel != 0) { end_offset += 1; // right bracket n = extra.sentinel; } else if (extra.end != 0) { end_offset += 2; // colon, right bracket n = extra.end; } else { // Assume both sentinel and end are completely devoid of tokens end_offset += 3; // ellipsis, colon, right bracket n = extra.start; } }, .@"continue" => { if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { return datas[n].lhs + end_offset; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .@"break" => { if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { return datas[n].lhs + end_offset; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .fn_decl => { if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else { n = datas[n].lhs; } }, .fn_proto_multi => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].lhs, Node.SubRange); // rhs can be 0 when no return type is provided if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else { // Use the last argument and skip right paren n = tree.extra_data[extra.end - 1]; end_offset += 1; } }, .fn_proto_simple => { // rhs can be 0 when no return type is provided // lhs can be 0 when no parameter is provided if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { n = datas[n].rhs; } else if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; // Skip right paren end_offset += 1; } else { // Skip left and right paren return main_tokens[n] + end_offset + 2; } }, .fn_proto_one => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].lhs, Node.FnProtoOne); // addrspace, linksection, callconv, align can appear in any order, so we // find the last one here. // rhs can be zero if no return type is provided var max_node: Node.Index = 0; var max_start: u32 = 0; if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { max_node = datas[n].rhs; max_start = token_starts[main_tokens[max_node]]; } var max_offset: TokenIndex = 0; if (extra.align_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.align_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.align_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (extra.addrspace_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.addrspace_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.addrspace_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (extra.section_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.section_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.section_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (extra.callconv_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.callconv_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.callconv_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (max_node == 0) { std.debug.assert(max_offset == 0); // No linksection, callconv, align, return type if (extra.param != 0) { n = extra.param; end_offset += 1; } else { // Skip left and right parens return main_tokens[n] + end_offset + 2; } } else { n = max_node; end_offset += max_offset; } }, .fn_proto => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].lhs, Node.FnProto); // addrspace, linksection, callconv, align can appear in any order, so we // find the last one here. // rhs can be zero if no return type is provided var max_node: Node.Index = 0; var max_start: u32 = 0; if (datas[n].rhs != 0) { max_node = datas[n].rhs; max_start = token_starts[main_tokens[max_node]]; } var max_offset: TokenIndex = 0; if (extra.align_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.align_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.align_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (extra.addrspace_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.addrspace_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.addrspace_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (extra.section_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.section_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.section_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (extra.callconv_expr != 0) { const start = token_starts[main_tokens[extra.callconv_expr]]; if (start > max_start) { max_node = extra.callconv_expr; max_start = start; max_offset = 1; // for the rparen } } if (max_node == 0) { std.debug.assert(max_offset == 0); // No linksection, callconv, align, return type // Use the last parameter and skip one extra token for the right paren n = extra.params_end; end_offset += 1; } else { n = max_node; end_offset += max_offset; } }, .while_cont => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.WhileCont); std.debug.assert(extra.then_expr != 0); n = extra.then_expr; }, .@"while" => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.While); std.debug.assert(extra.else_expr != 0); n = extra.else_expr; }, .@"if", .@"for" => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.If); std.debug.assert(extra.else_expr != 0); n = extra.else_expr; }, .@"suspend" => { if (datas[n].lhs != 0) { n = datas[n].lhs; } else { return main_tokens[n] + end_offset; } }, .array_type_sentinel => { const extra = tree.extraData(datas[n].rhs, Node.ArrayTypeSentinel); n = extra.elem_type; }, }; } pub fn paramFirstToken(tree: Ast, param: Ast.full.FnProto.Param) Ast.TokenIndex { return param.first_doc_comment orelse param.comptime_noalias orelse param.name_token orelse tree.firstToken(param.type_expr); } pub fn paramLastToken(tree: Ast, param: Ast.full.FnProto.Param) Ast.TokenIndex { return param.anytype_ellipsis3 orelse tree.lastToken(param.type_expr); } pub fn containerField(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.full.ContainerField { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .container_field => tree.containerField(node), .container_field_init => tree.containerFieldInit(node), .container_field_align => tree.containerFieldAlign(node), else => null, }; } pub fn ptrType(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.full.PtrType { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .ptr_type => ptrTypeSimple(tree, node), .ptr_type_aligned => ptrTypeAligned(tree, node), .ptr_type_bit_range => ptrTypeBitRange(tree, node), .ptr_type_sentinel => ptrTypeSentinel(tree, node), else => null, }; } pub fn whileAst(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.full.While { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .@"while" => whileFull(tree, node), .while_simple => whileSimple(tree, node), .while_cont => whileCont(tree, node), .@"for" => forFull(tree, node), .for_simple => forSimple(tree, node), else => null, }; } pub fn isContainer(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .container_decl, .container_decl_trailing, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, .root, .error_set_decl, => true, else => false, }; } pub fn containerDecl(tree: Ast, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index, buffer: *[2]Ast.Node.Index) ?full.ContainerDecl { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node_idx]) { .container_decl, .container_decl_trailing => tree.containerDecl(node_idx), .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing => tree.containerDeclArg(node_idx), .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing => tree.containerDeclTwo(buffer, node_idx), .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing => tree.taggedUnion(node_idx), .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing => tree.taggedUnionEnumTag(node_idx), .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing => tree.taggedUnionTwo(buffer, node_idx), else => null, }; } /// Returns the member indices of a given declaration container. /// Asserts given `tag` is a container node pub fn declMembers(tree: Ast, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index, buffer: *[2]Ast.Node.Index) []const Ast.Node.Index { std.debug.assert(isContainer(tree, node_idx)); return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node_idx]) { .container_decl, .container_decl_trailing => tree.containerDecl(node_idx).ast.members, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing => tree.containerDeclArg(node_idx).ast.members, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing => tree.containerDeclTwo(buffer, node_idx).ast.members, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing => tree.taggedUnion(node_idx).ast.members, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing => tree.taggedUnionEnumTag(node_idx).ast.members, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing => tree.taggedUnionTwo(buffer, node_idx).ast.members, .root => tree.rootDecls(), .error_set_decl => &[_]Ast.Node.Index{}, else => unreachable, }; } /// Returns an `ast.full.VarDecl` for a given node index. /// Returns null if the tag doesn't match pub fn varDecl(tree: Ast, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.full.VarDecl { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node_idx]) { .global_var_decl => tree.globalVarDecl(node_idx), .local_var_decl => tree.localVarDecl(node_idx), .aligned_var_decl => tree.alignedVarDecl(node_idx), .simple_var_decl => tree.simpleVarDecl(node_idx), else => null, }; } pub fn isPtrType(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .ptr_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_bit_range, .ptr_type_sentinel, => true, else => false, }; } pub fn isBuiltinCall(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma, .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma, => true, else => false, }; } pub fn isCall(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .call, .call_comma, .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, => true, else => false, }; } pub fn isBlock(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .block_two, .block_two_semicolon, .block, .block_semicolon, => true, else => false, }; } pub fn fnProtoHasBody(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?bool { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, => false, .fn_decl => true, else => null, }; } pub fn fnProto(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, buf: *[1]Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.full.FnProto { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .fn_proto => tree.fnProto(node), .fn_proto_multi => tree.fnProtoMulti(node), .fn_proto_one => tree.fnProtoOne(buf, node), .fn_proto_simple => tree.fnProtoSimple(buf, node), .fn_decl => fnProto(tree, tree.nodes.items(.data)[node].lhs, buf), else => null, }; } pub fn callFull(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, buf: *[1]Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.full.Call { return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .call, .call_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, => tree.callFull(node), .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, => tree.callOne(buf, node), else => null, }; } /// returns a list of parameters pub fn builtinCallParams(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, buf: *[2]Ast.Node.Index) ?[]const Node.Index { const node_data = tree.nodes.items(.data); return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma => { buf[0] = node_data[node].lhs; buf[1] = node_data[node].rhs; if (node_data[node].lhs == 0) { return buf[0..0]; } else if (node_data[node].rhs == 0) { return buf[0..1]; } else { return buf[0..2]; } }, .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma, => tree.extra_data[node_data[node].lhs..node_data[node].rhs], else => return null, }; } /// returns a list of statements pub fn blockStatements(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, buf: *[2]Ast.Node.Index) ?[]const Node.Index { const node_data = tree.nodes.items(.data); return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .block_two, .block_two_semicolon => { buf[0] = node_data[node].lhs; buf[1] = node_data[node].rhs; if (node_data[node].lhs == 0) { return buf[0..0]; } else if (node_data[node].rhs == 0) { return buf[0..1]; } else { return buf[0..2]; } }, .block, .block_semicolon, => tree.extra_data[node_data[node].lhs..node_data[node].rhs], else => return null, }; } /// Iterates over FnProto Params w/ added bounds check to support incomplete ast nodes pub fn nextFnParam(it: *Ast.full.FnProto.Iterator) ?Ast.full.FnProto.Param { const token_tags = it.tree.tokens.items(.tag); while (true) { var first_doc_comment: ?Ast.TokenIndex = null; var comptime_noalias: ?Ast.TokenIndex = null; var name_token: ?Ast.TokenIndex = null; if (!it.tok_flag) { if (it.param_i >= it.fn_proto.ast.params.len) { return null; } const param_type = it.fn_proto.ast.params[it.param_i]; var tok_i = it.tree.firstToken(param_type) - 1; while (true) : (tok_i -= 1) switch (token_tags[tok_i]) { .colon => continue, .identifier => name_token = tok_i, .doc_comment => first_doc_comment = tok_i, .keyword_comptime, .keyword_noalias => comptime_noalias = tok_i, else => break, }; it.param_i += 1; it.tok_i = it.tree.lastToken(param_type) + 1; // #boundsCheck // https://github.com/zigtools/zls/issues/567 if (it.tree.lastToken(param_type) >= it.tree.tokens.len - 1) return Ast.full.FnProto.Param{ .first_doc_comment = first_doc_comment, .comptime_noalias = comptime_noalias, .name_token = name_token, .anytype_ellipsis3 = null, .type_expr = 0, }; // Look for anytype and ... params afterwards. if (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .comma) { it.tok_i += 1; } it.tok_flag = true; return Ast.full.FnProto.Param{ .first_doc_comment = first_doc_comment, .comptime_noalias = comptime_noalias, .name_token = name_token, .anytype_ellipsis3 = null, .type_expr = param_type, }; } if (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .comma) { it.tok_i += 1; } if (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .r_paren) { return null; } if (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .doc_comment) { first_doc_comment = it.tok_i; while (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .doc_comment) { it.tok_i += 1; } } switch (token_tags[it.tok_i]) { .ellipsis3 => { it.tok_flag = false; // Next iteration should return null. return Ast.full.FnProto.Param{ .first_doc_comment = first_doc_comment, .comptime_noalias = null, .name_token = null, .anytype_ellipsis3 = it.tok_i, .type_expr = 0, }; }, .keyword_noalias, .keyword_comptime => { comptime_noalias = it.tok_i; it.tok_i += 1; }, else => {}, } if (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .identifier and token_tags[it.tok_i + 1] == .colon) { name_token = it.tok_i; it.tok_i += 2; } if (token_tags[it.tok_i] == .keyword_anytype) { it.tok_i += 1; return Ast.full.FnProto.Param{ .first_doc_comment = first_doc_comment, .comptime_noalias = comptime_noalias, .name_token = name_token, .anytype_ellipsis3 = it.tok_i - 1, .type_expr = 0, }; } it.tok_flag = false; } }