//! This allocator collects information about allocation sizes const std = @import("std"); const DebugAllocator = @This(); const Stats = struct { mean: f64 = 0, mean_of_squares: f64 = 0, total: usize = 0, count: usize = 0, fn addSample(self: *Stats, value: usize) void { const count_f64 = @intToFloat(f64, self.count); self.mean = (self.mean * count_f64 + @intToFloat(f64, value)) / (count_f64 + 1); self.mean_of_squares = (self.mean_of_squares * count_f64 + @intToFloat(f64, value * value)) / (count_f64 + 1); self.total += value; self.count += 1; } fn stdDev(self: Stats) f64 { return std.math.sqrt(self.mean_of_squares - self.mean * self.mean); } }; pub const AllocationInfo = struct { allocation_stats: Stats = Stats{}, deallocation_count: usize = 0, deallocation_total: usize = 0, peak_allocated: usize = 0, reallocation_stats: Stats = Stats{}, shrink_stats: Stats = Stats{}, fn currentlyAllocated(self: AllocationInfo) usize { return self.allocation_stats.total + self.reallocation_stats.total - self.deallocation_total - self.shrink_stats.total; } pub fn format( self: AllocationInfo, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: var, ) !void { @setEvalBranchQuota(2000); return std.fmt.format( out_stream, \\------------------------------------------ Allocation info ------------------------------------------ \\{} total allocations (total: {Bi:.2}, mean: {Bi:.2}, std. dev: {Bi:.2} MB), {} deallocations \\{} current allocations ({Bi:.2}), peak mem usage: {Bi:.2} \\{} reallocations (total: {Bi:.2}, mean: {Bi:.2}, std. dev: {Bi:.2}) \\{} shrinks (total: {Bi:.2}, mean: {Bi:.2}, std. dev: {Bi:.2}) \\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , .{ self.allocation_stats.count, self.allocation_stats.total, self.allocation_stats.mean, self.allocation_stats.stdDev(), self.deallocation_count, self.allocation_stats.count - self.deallocation_count, self.currentlyAllocated(), self.peak_allocated, self.reallocation_stats.count, self.reallocation_stats.total, self.reallocation_stats.mean, self.reallocation_stats.stdDev(), self.shrink_stats.count, self.shrink_stats.total, self.shrink_stats.mean, self.shrink_stats.stdDev(), }, ); } }; base_allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, info: AllocationInfo, max_bytes: usize, // Interface implementation allocator: std.mem.Allocator, pub fn init(base_allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, max_bytes: usize) DebugAllocator { return .{ .base_allocator = base_allocator, .info = .{}, .max_bytes = max_bytes, .allocator = .{ .reallocFn = realloc, .shrinkFn = shrink, }, }; } fn realloc(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, old_mem: []u8, old_align: u29, new_size: usize, new_align: u29) ![]u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(DebugAllocator, "allocator", allocator); var data = try self.base_allocator.reallocFn(self.base_allocator, old_mem, old_align, new_size, new_align); if (old_mem.len == 0) { self.info.allocation_stats.addSample(new_size); } else if (new_size > old_mem.len) { self.info.reallocation_stats.addSample(new_size - old_mem.len); } else if (new_size < old_mem.len) { self.info.shrink_stats.addSample(old_mem.len - new_size); } const curr_allocs = self.info.currentlyAllocated(); if (self.max_bytes != 0 and curr_allocs >= self.max_bytes) { std.debug.warn("Exceeded maximum bytes {}, exiting.\n", .{self.max_bytes}); std.process.exit(1); } if (curr_allocs > self.info.peak_allocated) { self.info.peak_allocated = curr_allocs; } return data; } fn shrink(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, old_mem: []u8, old_align: u29, new_size: usize, new_align: u29) []u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(DebugAllocator, "allocator", allocator); if (new_size == 0) { if (self.info.allocation_stats.count == self.info.deallocation_count) { @panic("error - too many calls to free, most likely double free"); } self.info.deallocation_total += old_mem.len; self.info.deallocation_count += 1; } else if (new_size < old_mem.len) { self.info.shrink_stats.addSample(old_mem.len - new_size); } else if (new_size > old_mem.len) { @panic("error - trying to shrink to a bigger size"); } return self.base_allocator.shrinkFn(self.base_allocator, old_mem, old_align, new_size, new_align); }