const std = @import("std"); const zig_builtin = @import("builtin"); const build_options = @import("build_options"); const tracy = @import("tracy.zig"); const known_folders = @import("known-folders"); const Config = @import("Config.zig"); const Server = @import("Server.zig"); const setup = @import("setup.zig"); const readRequestHeader = @import("header.zig").readRequestHeader; const logger = std.log.scoped(.main); // Always set this to debug to make std.log call into our handler, then control the runtime // value in the definition below. pub const log_level = .debug; var actual_log_level: std.log.Level = switch (zig_builtin.mode) { .Debug => .debug, else => @intToEnum(std.log.Level, @enumToInt(build_options.log_level)), // temporary fix to build failing on release-safe due to a Zig bug }; fn loop(server: *Server) !void { var reader =; while (server.keep_running) { const headers = readRequestHeader(server.allocator, reader) catch |err| { logger.err("{s}; exiting!", .{@errorName(err)}); return; }; const buffer = try server.allocator.alloc(u8, headers.content_length); defer; try reader.readNoEof(buffer); const writer =; try server.processJsonRpc(writer, buffer); } } const ConfigWithPath = struct { config: Config, config_path: ?[]const u8, }; fn getConfig( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, config_path: ?[]const u8, /// If true, and the provided config_path is non-null, frees /// the aforementioned path, in the case that it is /// not returned. free_old_config_path: bool, ) !ConfigWithPath { if (config_path) |path| { if (Config.loadFromFile(allocator, path)) |conf| { return ConfigWithPath{ .config = conf, .config_path = path, }; } std.debug.print( \\Could not open configuration file '{s}' \\Falling back to a lookup in the local and global configuration folders \\ , .{path}); if (free_old_config_path) {; } } if (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .local_configuration)) |path| { if (Config.loadFromFolder(allocator, path)) |conf| { return ConfigWithPath{ .config = conf, .config_path = path, }; }; } if (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .global_configuration)) |path| { if (Config.loadFromFolder(allocator, path)) |conf| { return ConfigWithPath{ .config = conf, .config_path = path, }; }; } return ConfigWithPath{ .config = Config{}, .config_path = null, }; } const ParseArgsResult = enum { proceed, exit }; fn parseArgs( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, config: *ConfigWithPath, ) !ParseArgsResult { const ArgId = enum { help, version, config, @"enable-debug-log", @"config-path", }; const arg_id_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(ArgId, comptime blk: { const fields = @typeInfo(ArgId).Enum.fields; const KV = std.meta.Tuple(&.{ []const u8, ArgId }); var pairs: [fields.len]KV = undefined; for (pairs) |*pair, i| pair.* = .{ fields[i].name, @intToEnum(ArgId, fields[i].value) }; break :blk pairs[0..]; }); const help_message: []const u8 = comptime help_message: { var help_message: []const u8 = \\Usage: zls [command] \\ \\Commands: \\ \\ ; const InfoMap = std.enums.EnumArray(ArgId, []const u8); var cmd_infos: InfoMap = InfoMap.init(.{ .help = "Prints this message.", .version = "Prints the compiler version with which the server was compiled.", .@"enable-debug-log" = "Enables debug logs.", .@"config-path" = "Specify the path to a configuration file specifying LSP behaviour.", .config = "Run the ZLS configuration wizard.", }); var info_it = cmd_infos.iterator(); while ( |entry| { help_message = help_message ++ std.fmt.comptimePrint(" --{s}: {s}\n", .{ @tagName(entry.key), entry.value.* }); } help_message = help_message ++ "\n"; break :help_message help_message; }; var args_it = try std.process.ArgIterator.initWithAllocator(allocator); defer args_it.deinit(); if (!args_it.skip()) @panic("Could not find self argument"); // Makes behavior of enabling debug more logging consistent regardless of argument order. var specified = std.enums.EnumArray(ArgId, bool).initFill(false); var config_path: ?[]const u8 = null; errdefer if (config_path) |path|; const stderr =; while ( |tok| { if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, tok, "--") or tok.len == 2) { try stderr.print("{s}\n", .{help_message}); try stderr.print("Unexpected positional argument '{s}'.\n", .{tok}); return .exit; } const argname = tok["--".len..]; const id = arg_id_map.get(argname) orelse { try stderr.print("{s}\n", .{help_message}); try stderr.print("Unrecognized argument '{s}'.\n", .{argname}); return .exit; }; if (specified.get(id)) { try stderr.print("{s}\n", .{help_message}); try stderr.print("Duplicate argument '{s}'.\n", .{argname}); return .exit; } specified.set(id, true); switch (id) { .help => {}, .version => {}, .@"enable-debug-log" => {}, .config => {}, .@"config-path" => { const path = orelse { try stderr.print("Expected configuration file path after --config-path argument.\n", .{}); return .exit; }; config.config_path = try allocator.dupe(u8, path); }, } } if (specified.get(.help)) { try stderr.print("{s}\n", .{help_message}); return .exit; } if (specified.get(.version)) { try"Data Version: {s}\n", .{@tagName(build_options.data_version)}); return .exit; } if (specified.get(.config)) { try setup.wizard(allocator); return .exit; } if (specified.get(.@"enable-debug-log")) { actual_log_level = .debug;"Enabled debug logging.\n", .{}); } if (specified.get(.@"config-path")) { std.debug.assert(config.config_path != null); } return .proceed; } const stack_frames = switch (zig_builtin.mode) { .Debug => 10, else => 0, }; pub fn main() !void { var gpa_state = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{ .stack_trace_frames = stack_frames }){}; defer _ = gpa_state.deinit(); var tracy_state = if (tracy.enable_allocation) tracy.tracyAllocator(gpa_state.allocator()) else void{}; const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = if (tracy.enable_allocation) tracy_state.allocator() else gpa_state.allocator(); var config = ConfigWithPath{ .config = undefined, .config_path = null, }; defer if (config.config_path) |path|; switch (try parseArgs(allocator, &config)) { .proceed => {}, .exit => return, } config = try getConfig(allocator, config.config_path, true); if (config.config_path == null) {"No config file zls.json found.", .{}); } var server = try Server.init( allocator, config.config, config.config_path, actual_log_level, ); defer server.deinit(); try loop(&server); }