const std = @import("std"); const InternPool = @import("InternPool.zig"); const types = @import("../lsp.zig"); const Ast = std.zig.Ast; pub fn dotCompletions( arena: std.mem.Allocator, completions: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.CompletionItem), ip: *InternPool, ty: InternPool.Index, val: InternPool.Index, node: ?Ast.Node.Index, ) error{OutOfMemory}!void { _ = node; const key = ip.indexToKey(ty); const inner_key = switch (key) { .pointer_type => |info| if (info.size == .One) ip.indexToKey(info.elem_type) else key, else => key, }; switch (inner_key) { .simple_type => |simple| switch (simple) { .type => { const ty_key = ip.indexToKey(val); const namespace = ty_key.getNamespace(ip.*); if (namespace != .none) { // TODO lookup in namespace } switch (ty_key) { .error_set_type => |error_set_info| { for (error_set_info.names) |name| { const error_name = ip.indexToKey(name).bytes; try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = error_name, .kind = .Constant, .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "error.{s}", .{std.zig.fmtId(error_name)}), }); } }, .union_type => {}, // TODO .enum_type => |enum_index| { const enum_info = ip.getEnum(enum_index); var field_it = enum_info.fields.iterator(); while ( |entry| { try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = entry.key_ptr.*, .kind = .Constant, // include field.val? }); } }, else => {}, } }, else => {}, }, .pointer_type => |pointer_info| { if (pointer_info.size == .Slice) { var many_ptr_info = InternPool.Key{ .pointer_type = pointer_info }; many_ptr_info.pointer_type.size = .Many; try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = "ptr", .kind = .Field, .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{many_ptr_info.fmtType(ip.*)}), }); try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = "len", .kind = .Field, .detail = "usize", }); } else if (ip.indexToKey(pointer_info.elem_type) == .array_type) { try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = "len", .kind = .Field, .detail = "usize", }); } }, .array_type => |array_info| { try completions.append(arena, types.CompletionItem{ .label = "len", .kind = .Field, .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "usize ({d})", .{array_info.len}), // TODO how should this be displayed }); }, .struct_type => |struct_index| { const struct_info = ip.getStruct(struct_index); var field_it = struct_info.fields.iterator(); while ( |entry| { try completions.append(arena, types.CompletionItem{ .label = entry.key_ptr.*, .kind = .Field, // TODO include alignment and comptime .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{entry.value_ptr.ty.fmtType(ip.*)}), }); } }, .optional_type => |optional_info| { try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = "?", .kind = .Operator, .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{optional_info.payload_type.fmtType(ip.*)}), }); }, .enum_type => |enum_index| { const enum_info = ip.getEnum(enum_index); for (enum_info.fields.keys()) |field_name, i| { const field_val = enum_info.values.keys()[i]; try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = field_name, .kind = .Field, .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{field_val.fmtValue(enum_info.tag_type, ip.*)}), }); } }, .union_type => |union_index| { const union_info = ip.getUnion(union_index); var field_it = union_info.fields.iterator(); while ( |entry| { try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = entry.key_ptr.*, .kind = .Field, .detail = if (entry.value_ptr.alignment != 0) try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "align({d}) {}", .{ entry.value_ptr.alignment, entry.value_ptr.ty.fmtType(ip.*) }) else try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{entry.value_ptr.ty.fmtType(ip.*)}), }); } }, .tuple_type => |tuple_info| { for (tuple_info.types) |tuple_ty, i| { try completions.append(arena, .{ .label = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{d}", .{i}), .kind = .Field, .detail = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "{}", .{tuple_ty.fmtType(ip.*)}), }); } }, .int_type, .error_set_type, .error_union_type, .function_type, .vector_type, .anyframe_type, => {}, .simple_value, .int_u64_value, .int_i64_value, .int_big_value, .float_16_value, .float_32_value, .float_64_value, .float_80_value, .float_128_value, => unreachable, .bytes, .aggregate, .union_value, => unreachable, } }