const std = @import("std"); const Ast = std.zig.Ast; const DocumentStore = @import("DocumentStore.zig"); const analysis = @import("analysis.zig"); const types = @import("types.zig"); const offsets = @import("offsets.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.references); const ast = @import("ast.zig"); pub fn labelReferences( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, decl: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding, include_decl: bool, ) error{OutOfMemory}!std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.Location) { std.debug.assert(decl.decl.* == .label_decl); const handle = decl.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); // Find while / for / block from label -> iterate over children nodes, find break and continues, change their labels if they match. // This case can be implemented just by scanning tokens. const first_tok = tree.firstToken(decl.decl.label_decl); const last_tok = ast.lastToken(tree, decl.decl.label_decl); var locations = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.Location){}; errdefer locations.deinit(allocator); if (include_decl) { // The first token is always going to be the label try locations.append(allocator, .{ .uri = handle.uri, .range = offsets.tokenToRange(handle.tree, first_tok, encoding), }); } var curr_tok = first_tok + 1; while (curr_tok < last_tok - 2) : (curr_tok += 1) { const curr_id = token_tags[curr_tok]; if (curr_id != .keyword_break and curr_id != .keyword_continue) continue; if (token_tags[curr_tok + 1] != .colon) continue; if (token_tags[curr_tok + 2] != .identifier) continue; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(curr_tok + 2), tree.tokenSlice(first_tok))) continue; try locations.append(allocator, .{ .uri = handle.uri, .range = offsets.tokenToRange(handle.tree, curr_tok + 2, encoding), }); } return locations; } const Builder = struct { arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, locations: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.Location), store: *DocumentStore, decl: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding, pub fn init(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *DocumentStore, decl: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding) Builder { return Builder{ .arena = arena, .locations = .{}, .store = store, .decl = decl, .encoding = encoding, }; } pub fn add(self: *Builder, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, token_index: Ast.TokenIndex) !void { try self.locations.append(self.arena.allocator(), .{ .uri = handle.uri, .range = offsets.tokenToRange(handle.tree, token_index, self.encoding), }); } }; fn symbolReferencesInternal( builder: *Builder, node: Ast.Node.Index, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, ) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const tree = handle.tree; if (node == 0 or node > tree.nodes.len) return; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data); const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const starts = tree.tokens.items(.start); switch (node_tags[node]) { .block, .block_semicolon, .block_two, .block_two_semicolon, => { var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const statements = ast.blockStatements(tree, node, &buffer).?; for (statements) |stmt| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, stmt, handle); }, .container_decl, .container_decl_trailing, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, .root, .error_set_decl, => { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; for (ast.declMembers(tree, node, &buf)) |member| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, member, handle); }, .global_var_decl, .local_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, => { const var_decl = ast.varDecl(tree, node).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, var_decl.ast.type_node, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, var_decl.ast.init_node, handle); }, .container_field, .container_field_align, .container_field_init, => { const field = ast.containerField(tree, node).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, field.ast.type_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, field.ast.value_expr, handle); }, .identifier => { const child = (try analysis.lookupSymbolGlobal(, builder.arena, handle, tree.getNodeSource(node), starts[main_tokens[node]])) orelse return; if (std.meta.eql(builder.decl, child)) try builder.add(handle, main_tokens[node]); }, .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const fn_proto = ast.fnProto(tree, node, &buf).?; var it = fn_proto.iterate(&tree); while (ast.nextFnParam(&it)) |param| { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, param.type_expr, handle); } try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, fn_proto.ast.return_type, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, fn_proto.ast.align_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, fn_proto.ast.section_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, fn_proto.ast.callconv_expr, handle); if (node_tags[node] == .fn_decl) { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].rhs, handle); } }, .@"switch", .switch_comma, => { // TODO When renaming a union(enum) field, also rename switch items that refer to it. try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].lhs, handle); const extra = tree.extraData(datas[node].rhs, Ast.Node.SubRange); const cases = tree.extra_data[extra.start..extra.end]; for (cases) |case| { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, case, handle); } }, .switch_case_one, .switch_case_inline_one, => { const case_one = tree.switchCaseOne(node); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, case_one.ast.target_expr, handle); for (case_one.ast.values) |val| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, val, handle); }, .switch_case, .switch_case_inline, => { const case = tree.switchCase(node); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, case.ast.target_expr, handle); for (case.ast.values) |val| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, val, handle); }, .@"while", .while_simple, .while_cont, .for_simple, .@"for", => { const loop = ast.whileAst(tree, node).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, loop.ast.cond_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, loop.ast.then_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, loop.ast.else_expr, handle); }, .@"if", .if_simple, => { const if_node = ast.ifFull(tree, node); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, if_node.ast.cond_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, if_node.ast.then_expr, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, if_node.ast.else_expr, handle); }, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_bit_range, .ptr_type_sentinel, => { const ptr_type = ast.ptrType(tree, node).?; if (ptr_type.ast.align_node != 0) { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, ptr_type.ast.align_node, handle); if (node_tags[node] == .ptr_type_bit_range) { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, ptr_type.ast.bit_range_start, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, ptr_type.ast.bit_range_end, handle); } } try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, ptr_type.ast.sentinel, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, ptr_type.ast.child_type, handle); }, .array_init, .array_init_comma, .array_init_dot, .array_init_dot_comma, .array_init_one, .array_init_one_comma, .array_init_dot_two, .array_init_dot_two_comma, => |tag| { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const array_init = switch (tag) { .array_init, .array_init_comma => tree.arrayInit(node), .array_init_dot, .array_init_dot_comma => tree.arrayInitDot(node), .array_init_one, .array_init_one_comma => tree.arrayInitOne(buf[0..1], node), .array_init_dot_two, .array_init_dot_two_comma => tree.arrayInitDotTwo(&buf, node), else => unreachable, }; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, array_init.ast.type_expr, handle); for (array_init.ast.elements) |e| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, e, handle); }, .struct_init, .struct_init_comma, .struct_init_dot, .struct_init_dot_comma, .struct_init_dot_two, .struct_init_dot_two_comma, .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma, => |tag| { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const struct_init: Ast.full.StructInit = switch (tag) { .struct_init, .struct_init_comma => tree.structInit(node), .struct_init_dot, .struct_init_dot_comma => tree.structInitDot(node), .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma => tree.structInitOne(buf[0..1], node), .struct_init_dot_two, .struct_init_dot_two_comma => tree.structInitDotTwo(&buf, node), else => unreachable, }; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, struct_init.ast.type_expr, handle); for (struct_init.ast.fields) |field| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, field, handle); }, .call, .call_comma, .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, => { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const call = ast.callFull(tree, node, &buf).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, call.ast.fn_expr, handle); for (call.ast.params) |param| { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, param, handle); } }, .slice, .slice_sentinel, .slice_open, => |tag| { const slice: Ast.full.Slice = switch (tag) { .slice => tree.slice(node), .slice_open => tree.sliceOpen(node), .slice_sentinel => tree.sliceSentinel(node), else => unreachable, }; try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, slice.ast.sliced, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, slice.ast.start, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, slice.ast.end, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, slice.ast.sentinel, handle); }, .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma, .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma, => { var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const params = ast.builtinCallParams(tree, node, &buffer).?; for (params) |param| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, param, handle); }, .@"asm", .asm_simple, => |tag| { const full_asm: Ast.full.Asm = if (tag == .@"asm") tree.asmFull(node) else tree.asmSimple(node); if (full_asm.ast.items.len == 0) try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, full_asm.ast.template, handle); for (full_asm.inputs) |input| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, input, handle); for (full_asm.outputs) |output| try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, output, handle); }, .asm_output => unreachable, .asm_input => unreachable, .field_access => { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].lhs, handle); const rhs_str = ast.tokenSlice(tree, datas[node].rhs) catch return; var bound_type_params = analysis.BoundTypeParams{}; const left_type = try analysis.resolveFieldAccessLhsType(, builder.arena, (try analysis.resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(, builder.arena, .{ .node = datas[node].lhs, .handle = handle, }, &bound_type_params)) orelse return, &bound_type_params, ); const left_type_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return, }; const child = (try analysis.lookupSymbolContainer(, builder.arena, .{ .node = left_type_node, .handle = left_type.handle }, rhs_str, !left_type.type.is_type_val, )) orelse return; if (std.meta.eql(child, builder.decl)) try builder.add(handle, datas[node].rhs); }, .@"usingnamespace", .unwrap_optional, .bool_not, .negation, .bit_not, .negation_wrap, .address_of, .@"try", .@"await", .optional_type, .deref, .@"suspend", .@"resume", .@"continue", .@"break", .@"return", .grouped_expression, .@"comptime", .@"nosuspend", => try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].lhs, handle), .test_decl, .@"errdefer", .@"defer", .anyframe_type, => try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].rhs, handle), .equal_equal, .bang_equal, .less_than, .greater_than, .less_or_equal, .greater_or_equal, .assign_mul, .assign_div, .assign_mod, .assign_add, .assign_sub, .assign_shl, .assign_shl_sat, .assign_shr, .assign_bit_and, .assign_bit_xor, .assign_bit_or, .assign_mul_wrap, .assign_add_wrap, .assign_sub_wrap, .assign_mul_sat, .assign_add_sat, .assign_sub_sat, .assign, .merge_error_sets, .mul, .div, .mod, .array_mult, .mul_wrap, .mul_sat, .add, .sub, .array_cat, .add_wrap, .sub_wrap, .add_sat, .sub_sat, .shl, .shl_sat, .shr, .bit_and, .bit_xor, .bit_or, .@"orelse", .bool_and, .bool_or, .array_type, .array_type_sentinel, .array_access, .@"catch", .switch_range, .error_union, => { try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].lhs, handle); try symbolReferencesInternal(builder, datas[node].rhs, handle); }, .anyframe_literal, .char_literal, .number_literal, .unreachable_literal, .enum_literal, .string_literal, .multiline_string_literal, .error_value, => {}, } } pub fn symbolReferences( arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *DocumentStore, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding, include_decl: bool, skip_std_references: bool, workspace: bool, ) error{OutOfMemory}!std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.Location) { std.debug.assert(decl_handle.decl.* != .label_decl); var builder = Builder.init(arena, store, decl_handle, encoding); const curr_handle = decl_handle.handle; if (include_decl) try builder.add(curr_handle, decl_handle.nameToken()); switch (decl_handle.decl.*) { .pointer_payload, .switch_payload, .array_payload, .array_index, .ast_node, => { try symbolReferencesInternal(&builder, 0, curr_handle); if (decl_handle.decl.* != .ast_node) return builder.locations; if (!workspace) return builder.locations; var imports = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*DocumentStore.Handle){}; var handle_it = store.handles.iterator(); while ( |entry| { if (skip_std_references and std.mem.indexOf(u8, entry.key_ptr.*, "std") != null) { if (!include_decl or entry.value_ptr.* != curr_handle) continue; } // Check entry's transitive imports try imports.append(arena.allocator(), entry.value_ptr.*); var i: usize = 0; blk: while (i < imports.items.len) : (i += 1) { const import = imports.items[i]; for (import.imports_used.items) |uri| { const h = store.getHandle(uri) orelse break; if (h == curr_handle) { // entry does import curr_handle try symbolReferencesInternal(&builder, 0, entry.value_ptr.*); break :blk; } select: { for (imports.items) |item| { if (item == h) { // already checked this import break :select; } } try imports.append(arena.allocator(), h); } } } try imports.resize(arena.allocator(), 0); } }, .param_payload => |pay| blk: { // Rename the param tok. const param = pay.param; for (curr_handle.document_scope.scopes.items) |scope| { if ( != .function) continue; const proto =; var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const fn_proto = ast.fnProto(curr_handle.tree, proto, &buf).?; var it = fn_proto.iterate(&curr_handle.tree); while (ast.nextFnParam(&it)) |candidate| { if (!std.meta.eql(candidate, param)) continue; if (curr_handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[proto] != .fn_decl) break :blk; try symbolReferencesInternal(&builder, curr_handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[proto].rhs, curr_handle); break :blk; } } log.warn("Could not find param decl's function", .{}); }, .label_decl => unreachable, // handled separately by labelReferences } return builder.locations; }