const std = @import("std"); const zig_builtin = @import("builtin"); const build_options = @import("build_options"); const Config = @import("./Config.zig"); const DocumentStore = @import("./DocumentStore.zig"); const readRequestHeader = @import("./header.zig").readRequestHeader; const requests = @import("./requests.zig"); const types = @import("./types.zig"); const analysis = @import("./analysis.zig"); const ast = @import("./ast.zig"); const references = @import("./references.zig"); const rename = @import("./rename.zig"); const offsets = @import("./offsets.zig"); const setup = @import("./setup.zig"); const semantic_tokens = @import("./semantic_tokens.zig"); const shared = @import("./shared.zig"); const Ast = std.zig.Ast; const known_folders = @import("known-folders"); const tracy = @import("./tracy.zig"); const uri_utils = @import("./uri.zig"); const data = switch (build_options.data_version) { .master => @import("data/master.zig"), .@"0.7.0" => @import("data/0.7.0.zig"), .@"0.7.1" => @import("data/0.7.1.zig"), .@"0.8.0" => @import("data/0.8.0.zig"), .@"0.8.1" => @import("data/0.8.1.zig"), .@"0.9.0" => @import("data/0.9.0.zig"), }; const logger = std.log.scoped(.main); // Always set this to debug to make std.log call into our handler, then control the runtime // value in the definition below. pub const log_level = .debug; var actual_log_level: std.log.Level = switch (zig_builtin.mode) { .Debug => .debug, else => @intToEnum(std.log.Level, @enumToInt(build_options.log_level)), //temporary fix to build failing on release-safe due to a Zig bug }; pub fn log(comptime message_level: std.log.Level, comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); if (@enumToInt(message_level) > @enumToInt(actual_log_level)) { return; } // After shutdown, pipe output to stderr if (!keep_running) { std.debug.print("[{s}-{s}] " ++ format ++ "\n", .{ @tagName(message_level), @tagName(scope) } ++ args); return; } var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer arena.deinit(); var message = std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "[{s}-{s}] " ++ format, .{ @tagName(message_level), @tagName(scope) } ++ args) catch { std.debug.print("Failed to allocPrint message.\n", .{}); return; }; const message_type: types.MessageType = switch (message_level) { .debug => .Log, .info => .Info, .warn => .Warning, .err => .Error, }; send(&arena, types.Notification{ .method = "window/logMessage", .params = types.Notification.Params{ .LogMessage = .{ .type = message_type, .message = message, }, }, }) catch |err| { std.debug.print("Failed to send show message notification (error: {}).\n", .{err}); }; } // Code is largely based off of var stdout:, std.fs.File.Writer) = undefined; var allocator: std.mem.Allocator = undefined; var document_store: DocumentStore = undefined; const ClientCapabilities = struct { supports_snippets: bool = false, supports_semantic_tokens: bool = false, hover_supports_md: bool = false, completion_doc_supports_md: bool = false, label_details_support: bool = false, supports_configuration: bool = false, }; var client_capabilities = ClientCapabilities{}; var offset_encoding = offsets.Encoding.utf16; const not_implemented_response = \\,"error":{"code":-32601,"message":"NotImplemented"}} ; const null_result_response = \\,"result":null} ; const empty_result_response = \\,"result":{}} ; const empty_array_response = \\,"result":[]} ; const edit_not_applied_response = \\,"result":{"applied":false,"failureReason":"feature not implemented"}} ; const no_completions_response = \\,"result":{"isIncomplete":false,"items":[]}} ; const no_signatures_response = \\,"result":{"signatures":[]}} ; const no_semantic_tokens_response = \\,"result":{"data":[]}} ; /// Sends a request or response fn send(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, reqOrRes: anytype) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var arr = std.ArrayList(u8).init(arena.allocator()); try std.json.stringify(reqOrRes, .{}, arr.writer()); const stdout_stream = stdout.writer(); try stdout_stream.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", .{arr.items.len}); try stdout_stream.writeAll(arr.items); try stdout.flush(); } fn truncateCompletions(list: []types.CompletionItem, max_detail_length: usize) void { for (list) |*item| { if (item.detail) |det| { if (det.len > max_detail_length) { item.detail = det[0..max_detail_length]; } } } } fn respondGeneric(id: types.RequestId, response: []const u8) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const id_len = switch (id) { .Integer => |id_val| blk: { if (id_val == 0) break :blk 1; var digits: usize = 1; var value = @divTrunc(id_val, 10); while (value != 0) : (value = @divTrunc(value, 10)) { digits += 1; } break :blk digits; }, .String => |str_val| str_val.len + 2, else => unreachable, }; // Numbers of character that will be printed from this string: len - 1 brackets const json_fmt = "{{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":"; const stdout_stream = stdout.writer(); try stdout_stream.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n" ++ json_fmt, .{response.len + id_len + json_fmt.len - 1}); switch (id) { .Integer => |int| try stdout_stream.print("{}", .{int}), .String => |str| try stdout_stream.print("\"{s}\"", .{str}), else => unreachable, } try stdout_stream.writeAll(response); try stdout.flush(); } fn showMessage(message_type: types.MessageType, message: []const u8) !void { try send(types.Notification{ .method = "window/showMessage", .params = .{ .ShowMessageParams = .{ .type = message_type, .message = message, }, }, }); } // TODO: Is this correct or can we get a better end? fn astLocationToRange(loc: Ast.Location) types.Range { return .{ .start = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column), }, .end = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column), }, }; } fn publishDiagnostics(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, handle: DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const tree = handle.tree; var diagnostics = std.ArrayList(types.Diagnostic).init(arena.allocator()); for (tree.errors) |err| { const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, err.token); var mem_buffer: [256]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; try tree.renderError(err, fbs.writer()); try diagnostics.append(.{ .range = astLocationToRange(loc), .severity = .Error, .code = @tagName(err.tag), .source = "zls", .message = try arena.allocator().dupe(u8, fbs.getWritten()), // .relatedInformation = undefined }); } if (config.enable_unused_variable_warnings) { scopes: for (handle.document_scope.scopes) |scope| { const scope_data = switch ( { .function => |f| b: { var buf: [1]std.zig.Ast.Node.Index = undefined; var proto = ast.fnProto(tree, f, &buf) orelse break :b f; if (proto.extern_export_inline_token) |tok| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(tok), "extern")) continue :scopes; } break :b f; }, .block => |b| b, else => continue, }; var decl_iterator = scope.decls.iterator(); while ( |decl| { var identifier_count: usize = 0; var name_token_index = switch (decl.value_ptr.*) { .ast_node => |an| s: { const an_tag = tree.nodes.items(.tag)[an]; switch (an_tag) { .simple_var_decl => { break :s tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[an] + 1; }, else => continue, } }, .param_decl => |param| param.name_token orelse continue, else => continue, }; if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(name_token_index), "_")) continue; const pit_start = tree.firstToken(scope_data); const pit_end = ast.lastToken(tree, scope_data); for (tree.tokens.items(.tag)[pit_start..pit_end]) |tag, index| { if (tag == .identifier and std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(pit_start + @intCast(u32, index)), tree.tokenSlice(name_token_index))) identifier_count += 1; } if (identifier_count <= 1) try diagnostics.append(.{ .range = astLocationToRange(tree.tokenLocation(0, name_token_index)), .severity = .Error, .code = "unused_variable", .source = "zls", .message = "Unused variable; either remove the variable or use '_ = ' on the variable to bypass this error", }); } } } if (config.warn_style) { var node: u32 = 0; while (node < tree.nodes.len) : (node += 1) { if (ast.isBuiltinCall(tree, node)) { const builtin_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node]; const call_name = tree.tokenSlice(builtin_token); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, call_name, "@import")) continue; const node_data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; const params = switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma => tree.extra_data[node_data.lhs..node_data.rhs], .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma => if (node_data.lhs == 0) &[_]Ast.Node.Index{} else if (node_data.rhs == 0) &[_]Ast.Node.Index{node_data.lhs} else &[_]Ast.Node.Index{ node_data.lhs, node_data.rhs }, else => unreachable, }; if (params.len != 1) continue; const import_str_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[params[0]]; const import_str = tree.tokenSlice(import_str_token); if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, import_str, "\".")) { try diagnostics.append(.{ .range = astLocationToRange(tree.tokenLocation(0, import_str_token)), .severity = .Hint, .code = "useless_dot", .source = "zls", .message = "A . or ./ is not needed in imports", }); } } } // TODO: style warnings for types, values and declarations below root scope if (tree.errors.len == 0) { for (tree.rootDecls()) |decl_idx| { const decl = tree.nodes.items(.tag)[decl_idx]; switch (decl) { .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => blk: { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const func = ast.fnProto(tree, decl_idx, &buf).?; if (func.extern_export_inline_token != null) break :blk; if (func.name_token) |name_token| { const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, name_token); const is_type_function = analysis.isTypeFunction(tree, func); const func_name = tree.tokenSlice(name_token); if (!is_type_function and !analysis.isCamelCase(func_name)) { try diagnostics.append(.{ .range = astLocationToRange(loc), .severity = .Hint, .code = "bad_style", .source = "zls", .message = "Functions should be camelCase", }); } else if (is_type_function and !analysis.isPascalCase(func_name)) { try diagnostics.append(.{ .range = astLocationToRange(loc), .severity = .Hint, .code = "bad_style", .source = "zls", .message = "Type functions should be PascalCase", }); } } }, else => {}, } } } } try send(arena, types.Notification{ .method = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", .params = .{ .PublishDiagnostics = .{ .uri = handle.uri(), .diagnostics = diagnostics.items, }, }, }); } fn typeToCompletion( arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, list: *std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem), field_access: analysis.FieldAccessReturn, orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config, ) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const type_handle = field_access.original; switch ( { .slice => { if (!type_handle.type.is_type_val) { try list.append(.{ .label = "len", .detail = "const len: usize", .kind = .Field, .insertText = "len", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); try list.append(.{ .label = "ptr", .kind = .Field, .insertText = "ptr", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); } }, .error_union => {}, .pointer => |n| { if (config.operator_completions) { try list.append(.{ .label = "*", .kind = .Operator, .insertText = "*", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); } try nodeToCompletion( arena, list, .{ .node = n, .handle = type_handle.handle }, null, orig_handle, type_handle.type.is_type_val, null, config, ); }, .other => |n| try nodeToCompletion( arena, list, .{ .node = n, .handle = type_handle.handle }, field_access.unwrapped, orig_handle, type_handle.type.is_type_val, null, config, ), .primitive, .array_index => {}, } } fn nodeToCompletion( arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, list: *std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem), node_handle: analysis.NodeWithHandle, unwrapped: ?analysis.TypeWithHandle, orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, is_type_val: bool, parent_is_type_val: ?bool, config: *const Config, ) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const node = node_handle.node; const handle = node_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const doc_kind: types.MarkupContent.Kind = if (client_capabilities.completion_doc_supports_md) .Markdown else .PlainText; const doc = if (try analysis.getDocComments( list.allocator, handle.tree, node, doc_kind, )) |doc_comments| types.MarkupContent{ .kind = doc_kind, .value = doc_comments, } else null; if (ast.isContainer(handle.tree, node)) { const context = DeclToCompletionContext{ .completions = list, .config = config, .arena = arena, .orig_handle = orig_handle, .parent_is_type_val = is_type_val, }; try analysis.iterateSymbolsContainer( &document_store, arena, node_handle, orig_handle, declToCompletion, context, !is_type_val, ); } if (is_type_val) return; switch (node_tags[node]) { .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const func = ast.fnProto(tree, node, &buf).?; if (func.name_token) |name_token| { const use_snippets = config.enable_snippets and client_capabilities.supports_snippets; const insert_text = if (use_snippets) blk: { const skip_self_param = !(parent_is_type_val orelse true) and try analysis.hasSelfParam(arena, &document_store, handle, func); break :blk try analysis.getFunctionSnippet(arena.allocator(), tree, func, skip_self_param); } else tree.tokenSlice(func.name_token.?); const is_type_function = analysis.isTypeFunction(handle.tree, func); try list.append(.{ .label = handle.tree.tokenSlice(name_token), .kind = if (is_type_function) .Struct else .Function, .documentation = doc, .detail = analysis.getFunctionSignature(handle.tree, func), .insertText = insert_text, .insertTextFormat = if (use_snippets) .Snippet else .PlainText, }); } }, .global_var_decl, .local_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, => { const var_decl = ast.varDecl(tree, node).?; const is_const = token_tags[var_decl.ast.mut_token] == .keyword_const; if (try analysis.resolveVarDeclAlias(&document_store, arena, node_handle)) |result| { const context = DeclToCompletionContext{ .completions = list, .config = config, .arena = arena, .orig_handle = orig_handle, }; return try declToCompletion(context, result); } try list.append(.{ .label = handle.tree.tokenSlice(var_decl.ast.mut_token + 1), .kind = if (is_const) .Constant else .Variable, .documentation = doc, .detail = analysis.getVariableSignature(tree, var_decl), .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(var_decl.ast.mut_token + 1), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .container_field, .container_field_align, .container_field_init, => { const field = ast.containerField(tree, node).?; try list.append(.{ .label = handle.tree.tokenSlice(field.ast.name_token), .kind = .Field, .documentation = doc, .detail = analysis.getContainerFieldSignature(handle.tree, field), .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(field.ast.name_token), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .array_type, .array_type_sentinel, => { try list.append(.{ .label = "len", .detail = "const len: usize", .kind = .Field, .insertText = "len", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_bit_range, .ptr_type_sentinel, => { const ptr_type = ast.ptrType(tree, node).?; switch (ptr_type.size) { .One, .C, .Many => if (config.operator_completions) { try list.append(.{ .label = "*", .kind = .Operator, .insertText = "*", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .Slice => { try list.append(.{ .label = "ptr", .kind = .Field, .insertText = "ptr", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); try list.append(.{ .label = "len", .detail = "const len: usize", .kind = .Field, .insertText = "len", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); return; }, } if (unwrapped) |actual_type| { try typeToCompletion(arena, list, .{ .original = actual_type }, orig_handle, config); } return; }, .optional_type => { if (config.operator_completions) { try list.append(.{ .label = "?", .kind = .Operator, .insertText = "?", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); } return; }, .string_literal => { try list.append(.{ .label = "len", .detail = "const len: usize", .kind = .Field, .insertText = "len", .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, else => if (analysis.nodeToString(tree, node)) |string| { try list.append(.{ .label = string, .kind = .Field, .documentation = doc, .detail = tree.getNodeSource(node), .insertText = string, .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, } } pub fn identifierFromPosition(pos_index: usize, handle: DocumentStore.Handle) []const u8 { const text = handle.document.text; if (pos_index + 1 >= text.len) return ""; var start_idx = pos_index; while (start_idx > 0 and isSymbolChar(text[start_idx - 1])) { start_idx -= 1; } var end_idx = pos_index; while (end_idx < handle.document.text.len and isSymbolChar(text[end_idx])) { end_idx += 1; } if (end_idx <= start_idx) return ""; return text[start_idx..end_idx]; } fn isSymbolChar(char: u8) bool { return std.ascii.isAlNum(char) or char == '_'; } fn gotoDefinitionSymbol(id: types.RequestId, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle, resolve_alias: bool) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var handle = decl_handle.handle; const location = switch (decl_handle.decl.*) { .ast_node => |node| block: { if (resolve_alias) { if (try analysis.resolveVarDeclAlias(&document_store, arena, .{ .node = node, .handle = handle })) |result| { handle = result.handle; break :block result.location(offset_encoding) catch return; } } const name_token = analysis.getDeclNameToken(handle.tree, node) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); break :block offsets.tokenRelativeLocation(handle.tree, 0, handle.tree.tokens.items(.start)[name_token], offset_encoding) catch return; }, else => decl_handle.location(offset_encoding) catch return, }; try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Location = .{ .uri = handle.document.uri, .range = .{ .start = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, location.line), .character = @intCast(i64, location.column), }, .end = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, location.line), .character = @intCast(i64, location.column), }, }, }, }, }); } fn hoverSymbol(id: types.RequestId, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle) (std.os.WriteError || error{OutOfMemory})!void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = decl_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const hover_kind: types.MarkupContent.Kind = if (client_capabilities.hover_supports_md) .Markdown else .PlainText; var doc_str: ?[]const u8 = null; const def_str = switch (decl_handle.decl.*) { .ast_node => |node| def: { if (try analysis.resolveVarDeclAlias(&document_store, arena, .{ .node = node, .handle = handle })) |result| { return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, result); } doc_str = try analysis.getDocComments(arena.allocator(), tree, node, hover_kind); var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; if (ast.varDecl(tree, node)) |var_decl| { break :def analysis.getVariableSignature(tree, var_decl); } else if (ast.fnProto(tree, node, &buf)) |fn_proto| { break :def analysis.getFunctionSignature(tree, fn_proto); } else if (ast.containerField(tree, node)) |field| { break :def analysis.getContainerFieldSignature(tree, field); } else { break :def analysis.nodeToString(tree, node) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } }, .param_decl => |param| def: { if (param.first_doc_comment) |doc_comments| { doc_str = try analysis.collectDocComments(arena.allocator(), handle.tree, doc_comments, hover_kind, false); } const first_token = param.first_doc_comment orelse param.comptime_noalias orelse param.name_token orelse tree.firstToken(param.type_expr); // extern fn const last_token = param.anytype_ellipsis3 orelse tree.lastToken(param.type_expr); const start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, first_token).start; const end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, last_token).end; break :def tree.source[start..end]; }, .pointer_payload => |payload| tree.tokenSlice(, .array_payload => |payload| handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload.identifier), .array_index => |payload| handle.tree.tokenSlice(payload), .switch_payload => |payload| tree.tokenSlice(payload.node), .label_decl => |label_decl| tree.tokenSlice(label_decl), }; var bound_type_params = analysis.BoundTypeParams.init(arena.allocator()); const resolved_type = try decl_handle.resolveType(&document_store, arena, &bound_type_params); const resolved_type_str = if (resolved_type) |rt| if (rt.type.is_type_val) "type" else switch ( { // TODO: Investigate random weird numbers like 897 that cause index of bounds .pointer, .slice, .error_union, .primitive, => |p| if (p >= tree.nodes.len) "unknown" else tree.getNodeSource(p), .other => |p| if (p >= tree.nodes.len) "unknown" else switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[p]) { .container_decl, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .container_decl_trailing, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, => tree.tokenSlice(tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[p] - 2), // NOTE: This is a hacky nightmare but it works :P .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => "fn", // TODO:(?) Add more info? .array_type, .array_type_sentinel, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_bit_range, .ptr_type_sentinel, => tree.getNodeSource(p), else => "unknown", // TODO: Implement more "other" type expressions; better safe than sorry }, else => "unknown", } else "unknown"; var hover_text: []const u8 = undefined; if (hover_kind == .Markdown) { hover_text = if (doc_str) |doc| try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "```zig\n{s}\n```\n```zig\n({s})\n```\n{s}", .{ def_str, resolved_type_str, doc }) else try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "```zig\n{s}\n```\n```zig\n({s})\n```", .{ def_str, resolved_type_str }); } else { hover_text = if (doc_str) |doc| try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "{s} ({s})\n{s}", .{ def_str, resolved_type_str, doc }) else try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "{s} ({s})", .{ def_str, resolved_type_str }); } try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Hover = .{ .contents = .{ .value = hover_text }, }, }, }); } fn getLabelGlobal(pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !?analysis.DeclWithHandle { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const name = identifierFromPosition(pos_index, handle.*); if (name.len == 0) return null; return try analysis.lookupLabel(handle, name, pos_index); } fn getSymbolGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !?analysis.DeclWithHandle { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const name = identifierFromPosition(pos_index, handle.*); if (name.len == 0) return null; return try analysis.lookupSymbolGlobal(&document_store, arena, handle, name, pos_index); } fn gotoDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try gotoDefinitionSymbol(id, arena, decl, false); } fn gotoDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config, resolve_alias: bool) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try gotoDefinitionSymbol(id, arena, decl, resolve_alias); } fn hoverDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, decl); } fn hoverDefinitionBuiltin(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const name = identifierFromPosition(pos_index, handle.*); if (name.len == 0) return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); inline for (data.builtins) |builtin| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,[1..], name)) { try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Hover = .{ .contents = .{ .value = try std.fmt.allocPrint( arena.allocator(), "```zig\n{s}\n```\n{s}", .{ builtin.signature, builtin.documentation }, ), }, }, }, }); } } } fn hoverDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, decl); } fn getSymbolFieldAccess(handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, position: offsets.DocumentPosition, range: analysis.SourceRange, config: *const Config) !?analysis.DeclWithHandle { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const name = identifierFromPosition(position.absolute_index, handle.*); if (name.len == 0) return null; const line_mem_start = @ptrToInt(position.line.ptr) - @ptrToInt(handle.document.mem.ptr); var held_range = handle.document.borrowNullTerminatedSlice(line_mem_start + range.start, line_mem_start + range.end); var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(; errdefer held_range.release(); if (try analysis.getFieldAccessType(&document_store, arena, handle, position.absolute_index, &tokenizer)) |result| { held_range.release(); const container_handle = result.unwrapped orelse result.original; const container_handle_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; return try analysis.lookupSymbolContainer( &document_store, arena, .{ .node = container_handle_node, .handle = container_handle.handle }, name, true, ); } return null; } fn gotoDefinitionFieldAccess(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, position: offsets.DocumentPosition, range: analysis.SourceRange, config: *const Config, resolve_alias: bool) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try gotoDefinitionSymbol(id, arena, decl, resolve_alias); } fn hoverDefinitionFieldAccess(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, position: offsets.DocumentPosition, range: analysis.SourceRange, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try hoverSymbol(id, arena, decl); } fn gotoDefinitionString(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const tree = handle.tree; const import_str = analysis.getImportStr(tree, 0, pos_index) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); const uri = (try document_store.uriFromImportStr( arena.allocator(), handle.*, import_str, )) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Location = .{ .uri = uri, .range = .{ .start = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 }, .end = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 }, }, }, }, }); } fn renameDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pos_index: usize, new_name: []const u8) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); var workspace_edit = types.WorkspaceEdit{ .changes = std.StringHashMap([]types.TextEdit).init(arena.allocator()), }; try rename.renameSymbol(arena, &document_store, decl, new_name, &workspace_edit.changes.?, offset_encoding); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .WorkspaceEdit = workspace_edit }, }); } fn renameDefinitionFieldAccess(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, position: offsets.DocumentPosition, range: analysis.SourceRange, new_name: []const u8, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); var workspace_edit = types.WorkspaceEdit{ .changes = std.StringHashMap([]types.TextEdit).init(arena.allocator()), }; try rename.renameSymbol(arena, &document_store, decl, new_name, &workspace_edit.changes.?, offset_encoding); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .WorkspaceEdit = workspace_edit }, }); } fn renameDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pos_index: usize, new_name: []const u8) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); var workspace_edit = types.WorkspaceEdit{ .changes = std.StringHashMap([]types.TextEdit).init(arena.allocator()), }; try rename.renameLabel(arena, decl, new_name, &workspace_edit.changes.?, offset_encoding); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .WorkspaceEdit = workspace_edit }, }); } fn referencesDefinitionGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pos_index: usize, include_decl: bool, skip_std_references: bool) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getSymbolGlobal(arena, pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); var locs = std.ArrayList(types.Location).init(arena.allocator()); try references.symbolReferences( arena, &document_store, decl, offset_encoding, include_decl, &locs, std.ArrayList(types.Location).append, skip_std_references, ); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Locations = locs.items }, }); } fn referencesDefinitionFieldAccess(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, position: offsets.DocumentPosition, range: analysis.SourceRange, include_decl: bool, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getSymbolFieldAccess(handle, arena, position, range, config)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); var locs = std.ArrayList(types.Location).init(arena.allocator()); try references.symbolReferences(arena, &document_store, decl, offset_encoding, include_decl, &locs, std.ArrayList(types.Location).append, config.skip_std_references); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Locations = locs.items }, }); } fn referencesDefinitionLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pos_index: usize, include_decl: bool) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const decl = (try getLabelGlobal(pos_index, handle)) orelse return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); var locs = std.ArrayList(types.Location).init(arena.allocator()); try references.labelReferences(arena, decl, offset_encoding, include_decl, &locs, std.ArrayList(types.Location).append); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .Locations = locs.items }, }); } fn hasComment(tree: Ast.Tree, start_token: Ast.TokenIndex, end_token: Ast.TokenIndex) bool { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const token_starts = tree.tokens.items(.start); const start = token_starts[start_token]; const end = token_starts[end_token]; return std.mem.indexOf(u8, tree.source[start..end], "//") != null; } const DeclToCompletionContext = struct { completions: *std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem), config: *const Config, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, parent_is_type_val: ?bool = null, }; fn declToCompletion(context: DeclToCompletionContext, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const tree = decl_handle.handle.tree; switch (decl_handle.decl.*) { .ast_node => |node| try nodeToCompletion( context.arena, context.completions, .{ .node = node, .handle = decl_handle.handle }, null, context.orig_handle, false, context.parent_is_type_val, context.config, ), .param_decl => |param| { const doc_kind: types.MarkupContent.Kind = if (client_capabilities.completion_doc_supports_md) .Markdown else .PlainText; const doc = if (param.first_doc_comment) |doc_comments| types.MarkupContent{ .kind = doc_kind, .value = try analysis.collectDocComments(context.arena.allocator(), tree, doc_comments, doc_kind, false), } else null; const first_token = param.first_doc_comment orelse param.comptime_noalias orelse param.name_token orelse tree.firstToken(param.type_expr); const last_token = param.anytype_ellipsis3 orelse tree.lastToken(param.type_expr); try context.completions.append(.{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(param.name_token.?), .kind = .Constant, .documentation = doc, .detail = tree.source[offsets.tokenLocation(tree, first_token).start..offsets.tokenLocation(tree, last_token).end], .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(param.name_token.?), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .pointer_payload => |payload| { try context.completions.append(.{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(, .kind = .Variable, .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(, .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .array_payload => |payload| { try context.completions.append(.{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(payload.identifier), .kind = .Variable, .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(payload.identifier), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .array_index => |payload| { try context.completions.append(.{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(payload), .kind = .Variable, .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(payload), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .switch_payload => |payload| { try context.completions.append(.{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(payload.node), .kind = .Variable, .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(payload.node), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, .label_decl => |label_decl| { try context.completions.append(.{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(label_decl), .kind = .Variable, .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(label_decl), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }); }, } } fn completeLabel(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(arena.allocator()); const context = DeclToCompletionContext{ .completions = &completions, .config = config, .arena = arena, .orig_handle = handle, }; try analysis.iterateLabels(handle, pos_index, declToCompletion, context); sortCompletionItems(completions.items, config, arena.allocator()); truncateCompletions(completions.items, config.max_detail_length); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions.items, }, }, }); } var builtin_completions: ?[]types.CompletionItem = null; fn completeBuiltin(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); if (builtin_completions == null) { builtin_completions = try allocator.alloc(types.CompletionItem, data.builtins.len); for (data.builtins) |builtin, idx| { builtin_completions.?[idx] = types.CompletionItem{ .label =, .kind = .Function, .filterText =[1..], .detail = builtin.signature, .documentation = .{ .kind = .Markdown, .value = builtin.documentation, }, }; var insert_text: []const u8 = undefined; if (config.enable_snippets) { insert_text = builtin.snippet; builtin_completions.?[idx].insertTextFormat = .Snippet; } else { insert_text =; } builtin_completions.?[idx].insertText = if (config.include_at_in_builtins) insert_text else insert_text[1..]; } truncateCompletions(builtin_completions.?, config.max_detail_length); } try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = builtin_completions.?, }, }, }); } fn completeGlobal(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, pos_index: usize, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(arena.allocator()); const context = DeclToCompletionContext{ .completions = &completions, .config = config, .arena = arena, .orig_handle = handle, }; try analysis.iterateSymbolsGlobal(&document_store, arena, handle, pos_index, declToCompletion, context); sortCompletionItems(completions.items, config, arena.allocator()); truncateCompletions(completions.items, config.max_detail_length); if (client_capabilities.label_details_support) { for (completions.items) |*item| { try formatDetailledLabel(item, arena.allocator()); } } try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions.items, }, }, }); } fn completeFieldAccess(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, position: offsets.DocumentPosition, range: analysis.SourceRange, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(arena.allocator()); const line_mem_start = @ptrToInt(position.line.ptr) - @ptrToInt(handle.document.mem.ptr); var held_range = handle.document.borrowNullTerminatedSlice(line_mem_start + range.start, line_mem_start + range.end); errdefer held_range.release(); var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(; if (try analysis.getFieldAccessType(&document_store, arena, handle, position.absolute_index, &tokenizer)) |result| { held_range.release(); try typeToCompletion(arena, &completions, result, handle, config); sortCompletionItems(completions.items, config, arena.allocator()); truncateCompletions(completions.items, config.max_detail_length); if (client_capabilities.label_details_support) { for (completions.items) |*item| { try formatDetailledLabel(item, arena.allocator()); } } } try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions.items, }, }, }); } fn formatDetailledLabel(item: *types.CompletionItem, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !void { // NOTE: this is not ideal, we should build a detailled label like we do for label/detail // because this implementation is very loose, nothing is formated properly so we need to clean // things a little bit, wich is quite messy // but it works, it provide decent results if (item.detail == null) return; var detailLen: usize = item.detail.?.len; var it: []u8 = try alloc.alloc(u8, detailLen); detailLen -= std.mem.replace(u8, item.detail.?, " ", " ", it) * 3; it = it[0..detailLen]; // HACK: for enums 'MyEnum.', item.detail shows everything, we don't want that const isValue = std.mem.startsWith(u8, item.label, it); const isVar = std.mem.startsWith(u8, it, "var "); const isConst = std.mem.startsWith(u8, it, "const "); // we don't want the entire content of things, see the NOTE above if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "{")) |end| { it = it[0..end]; } if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "}")) |end| { it = it[0..end]; } if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, ";")) |end| { it = it[0..end]; } //"## label: {s} it: {s} kind: {} isValue: {}", .{item.label, it, item.kind, isValue}); if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, it, "fn ")) { var s: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "(") orelse return; var e: usize = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, it, ")") orelse return; if (e < s) { logger.warn("something wrong when trying to build label detail for {s} kind: {s}", .{ it, item.kind }); return; } item.detail = item.label; item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = it[s .. e + 1], .description = it[e + 1 ..] }; if (item.kind == .Constant) { if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= struct")) |_| { item.labelDetails.?.description = "struct"; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= union")) |_| { var us: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "(") orelse return; var ue: usize = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, it, ")") orelse return; if (ue < us) { logger.warn("something wrong when trying to build label detail for a .Constant|union {s}", .{it}); return; } item.labelDetails.?.description = it[us - 5 .. ue + 1]; } } } else if ((item.kind == .Variable or item.kind == .Constant) and (isVar or isConst)) { item.insertText = item.label; item.insertTextFormat = .PlainText; item.detail = item.label; const eqlPos = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "="); if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, ":")) |start| { if (eqlPos != null) { if (start > eqlPos.?) return; } var e: usize = eqlPos orelse it.len; item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = it[start + 1 .. e], // right }; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= .")) |start| { item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = it[start + 2 .. it.len], // right }; } else if (eqlPos) |start| { item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = it[start + 2 .. it.len], // right }; } } else if (item.kind == .Variable) { var s: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, ":") orelse return; var e: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "=") orelse return; if (e < s) { logger.warn("something wrong when trying to build label detail for a .Variable {s}", .{it}); return; } //"s: {} -> {}", .{s, e}); item.insertText = item.label; item.insertTextFormat = .PlainText; item.detail = item.label; item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = it[s + 1 .. e], // right }; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "@import") != null) { item.insertText = item.label; item.insertTextFormat = .PlainText; item.detail = item.label; item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = it, // right }; } else if (item.kind == .Constant or item.kind == .Field) { var s: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, " ") orelse return; var e: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "=") orelse it.len; if (e < s) { logger.warn("something wrong when trying to build label detail for a .Variable {s}", .{it}); return; } //"s: {} -> {}", .{s, e}); item.insertText = item.label; item.insertTextFormat = .PlainText; item.detail = item.label; item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = it[s + 1 .. e], // right }; if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= union(")) |_| { var us: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "(") orelse return; var ue: usize = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, it, ")") orelse return; if (ue < us) { logger.warn("something wrong when trying to build label detail for a .Constant|union {s}", .{it}); return; } item.labelDetails.?.description = it[us - 5 .. ue + 1]; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= enum(")) |_| { var es: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "(") orelse return; var ee: usize = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, it, ")") orelse return; if (ee < es) { logger.warn("something wrong when trying to build label detail for a .Constant|enum {s}", .{it}); return; } item.labelDetails.?.description = it[es - 4 .. ee + 1]; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= struct")) |_| { item.labelDetails.?.description = "struct"; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= union")) |_| { item.labelDetails.?.description = "union"; } else if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, it, "= enum")) |_| { item.labelDetails.?.description = "enum"; } } else if (item.kind == .Field and isValue) { item.insertText = item.label; item.insertTextFormat = .PlainText; item.detail = item.label; item.labelDetails = .{ .detail = "", // left .description = item.label, // right }; } else { // TODO: if something is missing, it neecs to be implemented here } // if (item.labelDetails != null) //"labelDetails: {s} :: {s}", .{item.labelDetails.?.detail, item.labelDetails.?.description}); } fn completeError(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var completions = try document_store.errorCompletionItems(arena, handle); truncateCompletions(completions, config.max_detail_length); logger.debug("Completing error:", .{}); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions, }, }, }); } fn kindToSortScore(kind: types.CompletionItem.Kind) []const u8 { return switch (kind) { .Constant => "1_", .Variable => "2_", .Field => "3_", .Function => "4_", .Keyword, .EnumMember => "5_", .Class, .Interface, .Struct, // Union? .TypeParameter, => "6_", else => "9_", }; } fn sortCompletionItems(completions: []types.CompletionItem, _: *const Config, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void { // TODO: config for sorting rule? for (completions) |*c| { c.sortText = kindToSortScore(c.kind); if (alloc.alloc(u8, 2 + c.label.len)) |it| { std.mem.copy(u8, it, c.sortText.?); std.mem.copy(u8, it[2..], c.label); c.sortText = it; } else |_| {} } } fn completeDot(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var completions = try document_store.enumCompletionItems(arena, handle); sortCompletionItems(completions, config, arena.allocator()); truncateCompletions(completions, config.max_detail_length); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions, }, }, }); } fn documentSymbol(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .DocumentSymbols = try analysis.getDocumentSymbols(arena.allocator(), handle.tree, offset_encoding) }, }); } fn loadConfigFile(file_path: []const u8) ?Config { @setEvalBranchQuota(5000); const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var file = std.fs.cwd().openFile(file_path, .{}) catch |err| { if (err != error.FileNotFound) logger.warn("Error while reading configuration file: {}", .{err}); return null; }; defer file.close(); const file_buf = file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 0x1000000) catch return null; defer; @setEvalBranchQuota(3000); // TODO: Better errors? Doesn't seem like std.json can provide us positions or context. var config = std.json.parse(Config, &std.json.TokenStream.init(file_buf), std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator }) catch |err| { logger.warn("Error while parsing configuration file: {}", .{err}); return null; }; if (config.zig_lib_path) |zig_lib_path| { if (!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(zig_lib_path)) { logger.warn("zig library path is not absolute, defaulting to null.", .{});; config.zig_lib_path = null; } } return config; } fn loadConfigInFolder(folder_path: []const u8) ?Config { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const full_path = std.fs.path.resolve(allocator, &.{ folder_path, "zls.json" }) catch return null; defer; return loadConfigFile(full_path); } fn initializeHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Initialize, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; for (req.params.capabilities.offsetEncoding.value) |encoding| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, encoding, "utf-8")) { offset_encoding = .utf8; } } if (req.params.capabilities.textDocument) |textDocument| { client_capabilities.supports_semantic_tokens = textDocument.semanticTokens.exists; if (textDocument.hover) |hover| { for (hover.contentFormat.value) |format| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, "markdown", format)) { client_capabilities.hover_supports_md = true; } } } if (textDocument.completion) |completion| { if (completion.completionItem) |completionItem| { client_capabilities.label_details_support = completionItem.labelDetailsSupport.value; client_capabilities.supports_snippets = completionItem.snippetSupport.value; for (completionItem.documentationFormat.value) |documentationFormat| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, "markdown", documentationFormat)) { client_capabilities.completion_doc_supports_md = true; } } } } } try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .InitializeResult = .{ .offsetEncoding = if (offset_encoding == .utf8) @as([]const u8, "utf-8") else "utf-16", .serverInfo = .{ .name = "zls", .version = "0.1.0", }, .capabilities = .{ .signatureHelpProvider = .{ .triggerCharacters = &.{"("}, .retriggerCharacters = &.{","}, }, .textDocumentSync = .Full, .renameProvider = true, .completionProvider = .{ .resolveProvider = false, .triggerCharacters = &[_][]const u8{ ".", ":", "@" }, .completionItem = .{ .labelDetailsSupport = true } }, .documentHighlightProvider = false, .hoverProvider = true, .codeActionProvider = false, .declarationProvider = true, .definitionProvider = true, .typeDefinitionProvider = true, .implementationProvider = false, .referencesProvider = true, .documentSymbolProvider = true, .colorProvider = false, .documentFormattingProvider = true, .documentRangeFormattingProvider = false, .foldingRangeProvider = false, .selectionRangeProvider = false, .workspaceSymbolProvider = false, .rangeProvider = false, .documentProvider = true, .workspace = .{ .workspaceFolders = .{ .supported = false, .changeNotifications = false, }, }, .semanticTokensProvider = .{ .full = true, .range = false, .legend = .{ .tokenTypes = comptime block: { const tokTypeFields = std.meta.fields(semantic_tokens.TokenType); var names: [tokTypeFields.len][]const u8 = undefined; for (tokTypeFields) |field, i| { names[i] =; } break :block &names; }, .tokenModifiers = comptime block: { const tokModFields = std.meta.fields(semantic_tokens.TokenModifiers); var names: [tokModFields.len][]const u8 = undefined; for (tokModFields) |field, i| { names[i] =; } break :block &names; }, }, }, }, }, }, }); if (req.params.capabilities.workspace) |workspace| { client_capabilities.supports_configuration = workspace.configuration.value; if (workspace.didChangeConfiguration != null and workspace.didChangeConfiguration.?.dynamicRegistration.value) { try registerCapability(arena, "workspace/didChangeConfiguration"); } }"zls initialized", .{});"{}", .{client_capabilities});"Using offset encoding: {s}", .{std.meta.tagName(offset_encoding)}); } fn registerCapability(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, method: []const u8) !void { // NOTE: stage1 moment occurs if we dont do it like this :( // long live stage2's not broken anon structs logger.debug("Dynamically registering method '{s}'", .{method}); const id = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena.allocator(), "register-{s}", .{method}); const reg = types.RegistrationParams.Registration{ .id = id, .method = method, }; const registrations = [1]types.RegistrationParams.Registration{reg}; const params = types.RegistrationParams{ .registrations = ®istrations, }; const respp = types.ResponseParams{ .RegistrationParams = params, }; const req = types.Request{ .id = .{ .String = id }, .method = "client/registerCapability", .params = respp, }; try send(arena, req); } fn requestConfiguration(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator) !void { const configuration_items = comptime confi: { var comp_confi: [std.meta.fields(Config).len]types.ConfigurationParams.ConfigurationItem = undefined; inline for (std.meta.fields(Config)) |field, index| { comp_confi[index] = .{ .section = "zls." ++, }; } break :confi comp_confi; };"Requesting configuration!", .{}); try send(arena, types.Request{ .id = .{ .String = "i_haz_configuration" }, .method = "workspace/configuration", .params = .{ .ConfigurationParams = .{ .items = &configuration_items, }, }, }); } fn initializedHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, config: *const Config) !void { _ = id; _ = config; if (client_capabilities.supports_configuration) try requestConfiguration(arena); } var keep_running = true; fn shutdownHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, config: *const Config) !void { _ = config; _ = arena;"Server closing...", .{}); keep_running = false; // Technically we should deinitialize first and send possible errors to the client try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } fn openDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.OpenDocument, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = try document_store.openDocument(req.params.textDocument.uri, req.params.textDocument.text); try publishDiagnostics(arena, handle.*, config); if (client_capabilities.supports_semantic_tokens) try semanticTokensFullHandler(arena, id, .{ .params = .{ .textDocument = .{ .uri = req.params.textDocument.uri } } }, config); } fn changeDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.ChangeDocument, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = id; const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.debug("Trying to change non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return; }; try document_store.applyChanges(handle, req.params.contentChanges.Array, offset_encoding); try publishDiagnostics(arena, handle.*, config); } fn saveDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.SaveDocument, config: *const Config) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; _ = id; _ = arena; const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to save non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return; }; try document_store.applySave(handle); } fn closeDocumentHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.CloseDocument, config: *const Config) error{}!void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; _ = id; _ = arena; document_store.closeDocument(req.params.textDocument.uri); } fn semanticTokensFullHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.SemanticTokensFull, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); if (config.enable_semantic_tokens) blk: { const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to get semantic tokens of non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); break :blk; }; const token_array = try semantic_tokens.writeAllSemanticTokens(arena, &document_store, handle, offset_encoding); defer; return try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .SemanticTokensFull = .{ .data = token_array } }, }); } return try respondGeneric(id, no_semantic_tokens_response); } fn completionHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Completion, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to complete in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response); }; if (req.params.position.character == 0) return try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response); const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding); const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position); switch (pos_context) { .builtin => try completeBuiltin(arena, id, config), .var_access, .empty => try completeGlobal(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config), .field_access => |range| try completeFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, config), .global_error_set => try completeError(arena, id, handle, config), .enum_literal => try completeDot(arena, id, handle, config), .label => try completeLabel(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config), .import_string_literal, .embedfile_string_literal => |loc| { if (!config.enable_import_embedfile_argument_completions) return try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response); const line_mem_start = @ptrToInt(doc_position.line.ptr) - @ptrToInt(handle.document.mem.ptr); const completing = handle.tree.source[line_mem_start + loc.start + 1 .. line_mem_start + loc.end]; var subpath_present = false; var fsl_completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(allocator); fsc: { var document_path = try uri_utils.parse(arena.allocator(), handle.uri()); var document_dir_path = std.fs.openDirAbsolute(std.fs.path.dirname(document_path) orelse break :fsc, .{ .iterate = true }) catch break :fsc; defer document_dir_path.close(); if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, completing, '/')) |subpath_index| { var subpath = completing[0..subpath_index]; if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, subpath, "./") and subpath_index > 2) { subpath = completing[2..subpath_index]; } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, subpath, ".") and subpath_index > 1) { subpath = completing[1..subpath_index]; } var old = document_dir_path; document_dir_path = document_dir_path.openDir(subpath, .{ .iterate = true }) catch break :fsc // NOTE: Is this even safe lol? old.close(); subpath_present = true; } var dir_iterator = document_dir_path.iterate(); while (try |entry| { if (std.mem.startsWith(u8,, ".")) continue; if (entry.kind == .File and pos_context == .import_string_literal and !std.mem.endsWith(u8,, ".zig")) continue; const l = try arena.allocator().dupe(u8,; try fsl_completions.append(types.CompletionItem{ .label = l, .insertText = l, .kind = if (entry.kind == .File) .File else .Folder, }); } } if (!subpath_present and pos_context == .import_string_literal) { if (handle.associated_build_file) |bf| { try fsl_completions.ensureUnusedCapacity(bf.packages.items.len); for (bf.packages.items) |pkg| { try fsl_completions.append(.{ .label =, .kind = .Module, }); } } } truncateCompletions(fsl_completions.items, config.max_detail_length); try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = fsl_completions.items, }, }, }); }, else => try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response), } } fn signatureHelpHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.SignatureHelp, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const getSignatureInfo = @import("signature_help.zig").getSignatureInfo; const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to get signature help in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, no_signatures_response); }; if (req.params.position.character == 0) return try respondGeneric(id, no_signatures_response); const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding); if (try getSignatureInfo( &document_store, arena, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, data, )) |sig_info| { return try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .SignatureHelp = .{ .signatures = &[1]types.SignatureInformation{sig_info}, .activeSignature = 0, .activeParameter = sig_info.activeParameter, }, }, }); } return try respondGeneric(id, no_signatures_response); } fn gotoHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.GotoDefinition, config: *const Config, resolve_alias: bool) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to go to definition in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; if (req.params.position.character >= 0) { const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding); const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position); switch (pos_context) { .var_access => try gotoDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config, resolve_alias), .field_access => |range| try gotoDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, config, resolve_alias), .import_string_literal => try gotoDefinitionString(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config), .label => try gotoDefinitionLabel(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config), else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response), } } else { try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } } fn gotoDefinitionHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.GotoDefinition, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); try gotoHandler(arena, id, req, config, true); } fn gotoDeclarationHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.GotoDeclaration, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); try gotoHandler(arena, id, req, config, false); } fn hoverHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Hover, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to get hover in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; if (req.params.position.character >= 0) { const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding); const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position); switch (pos_context) { .builtin => try hoverDefinitionBuiltin(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle), .var_access => try hoverDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config), .field_access => |range| try hoverDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, config), .label => try hoverDefinitionLabel(arena, id, doc_position.absolute_index, handle, config), else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response), } } else { try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } } fn documentSymbolsHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.DocumentSymbols, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = config; const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to get document symbols in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; try documentSymbol(arena, id, handle); } fn formattingHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Formatting, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); if (config.zig_exe_path) |zig_exe_path| { const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to got to definition in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; var process = std.ChildProcess.init(&[_][]const u8{ zig_exe_path, "fmt", "--stdin" }, allocator); process.stdin_behavior = .Pipe; process.stdout_behavior = .Pipe; process.spawn() catch |err| { logger.warn("Failed to spawn zig fmt process, error: {}", .{err}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; try process.stdin.?.writeAll(handle.document.text); process.stdin.?.close(); process.stdin = null; const stdout_bytes = try process.stdout.?.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize)); defer; switch (try process.wait()) { .Exited => |code| if (code == 0) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, handle.document.text, stdout_bytes)) return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); return try send(arena, types.Response{ .id = id, .result = .{ .TextEdits = &[1]types.TextEdit{ .{ .range = try offsets.documentRange(handle.document, offset_encoding), .newText = stdout_bytes, }, }, }, }); }, else => {}, } } return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } fn renameHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.Rename, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to rename in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; if (req.params.position.character >= 0) { const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding); const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position); switch (pos_context) { .var_access => try renameDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, req.params.newName), .field_access => |range| try renameDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, req.params.newName, config), .label => try renameDefinitionLabel(arena, id, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, req.params.newName), else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response), } } else { try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } } fn didChangeConfigurationHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, maybe_req: std.json.Value, config: *Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); _ = arena; _ = id; if (maybe_req.Object.get("params").?.Object.get("settings").? == .Object) { const req = try requests.fromDynamicTree(arena, requests.Configuration, maybe_req); inline for (std.meta.fields(Config)) |field| { if (@field(req.params.settings, |value| { logger.debug("setting configuration option '{s}' to '{any}'", .{, value }); @field(config, = if (@TypeOf(value) == []const u8) try gpa_state.allocator().dupe(u8, value) else value; } } } else if (client_capabilities.supports_configuration) try requestConfiguration(arena); } fn referencesHandler(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, id: types.RequestId, req: requests.References, config: *const Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); const handle = document_store.getHandle(req.params.textDocument.uri) orelse { logger.warn("Trying to get references in non existent document {s}", .{req.params.textDocument.uri}); return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); }; if (req.params.position.character >= 0) { const doc_position = try offsets.documentPosition(handle.document, req.params.position, offset_encoding); const pos_context = try analysis.documentPositionContext(arena, handle.document, doc_position); const include_decl = req.params.context.includeDeclaration; switch (pos_context) { .var_access => try referencesDefinitionGlobal(arena, id, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, include_decl, config.skip_std_references), .field_access => |range| try referencesDefinitionFieldAccess(arena, id, handle, doc_position, range, include_decl, config), .label => try referencesDefinitionLabel(arena, id, handle, doc_position.absolute_index, include_decl), else => try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response), } } else { try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } } // Needed for the hack seen below. fn extractErr(val: anytype) anyerror { val catch |e| return e; return error.HackDone; } fn processJsonRpc(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, parser: *std.json.Parser, json: []const u8, config: *Config) !void { const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src()); defer tracy_zone.end(); var tree = try parser.parse(json); defer tree.deinit(); const id = if (tree.root.Object.get("id")) |id| switch (id) { .Integer => |int| types.RequestId{ .Integer = int }, .String => |str| types.RequestId{ .String = str }, else => types.RequestId{ .Integer = 0 }, } else types.RequestId{ .Integer = 0 }; if (id == .String and std.mem.startsWith(u8, id.String, "register")) return; if (id == .String and std.mem.eql(u8, id.String, "i_haz_configuration")) {"Setting configuration...", .{}); // NOTE: Does this work with other editors? // Yes, String ids are officially supported by LSP // but not sure how standard this "standard" really is const result = tree.root.Object.get("result").?.Array; inline for (std.meta.fields(Config)) |field, index| { const value = result.items[index]; const ft = if (@typeInfo(field.field_type) == .Optional) @typeInfo(field.field_type).Optional.child else field.field_type; const ti = @typeInfo(ft); if (value != .Null) { const new_value: field.field_type = switch (ft) { []const u8 => switch (value) { .String => |s| try gpa_state.allocator().dupe(u8, s), // TODO: Allocation model? (same with didChangeConfiguration); imo this isn't *that* bad but still else => @panic("Invalid configuration value"), // TODO: Handle this }, else => switch (ti) { .Int => switch (value) { .Integer => |s| std.math.cast(ft, s) orelse @panic("Invalid configuration value"), else => @panic("Invalid configuration value"), // TODO: Handle this }, .Bool => switch (value) { .Bool => |b| b, else => @panic("Invalid configuration value"), // TODO: Handle this }, else => @compileError("Not implemented for " ++ @typeName(ft)), }, }; logger.debug("setting configuration option '{s}' to '{any}'", .{, new_value }); @field(config, = new_value; } } return; } std.debug.assert(tree.root.Object.get("method") != null); const method = tree.root.Object.get("method").?.String; const start_time = std.time.milliTimestamp(); defer { const end_time = std.time.milliTimestamp(); logger.debug("Took {}ms to process method {s}", .{ end_time - start_time, method }); } const method_map = .{ .{ "initialized", void, initializedHandler }, .{"$/cancelRequest"}, .{"textDocument/willSave"}, .{ "initialize", requests.Initialize, initializeHandler }, .{ "shutdown", void, shutdownHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didOpen", requests.OpenDocument, openDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didChange", requests.ChangeDocument, changeDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didSave", requests.SaveDocument, saveDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didClose", requests.CloseDocument, closeDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/semanticTokens/full", requests.SemanticTokensFull, semanticTokensFullHandler }, .{ "textDocument/completion", requests.Completion, completionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/signatureHelp", requests.SignatureHelp, signatureHelpHandler }, .{ "textDocument/definition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/typeDefinition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/implementation", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/declaration", requests.GotoDeclaration, gotoDeclarationHandler }, .{ "textDocument/hover", requests.Hover, hoverHandler }, .{ "textDocument/documentSymbol", requests.DocumentSymbols, documentSymbolsHandler }, .{ "textDocument/formatting", requests.Formatting, formattingHandler }, .{ "textDocument/rename", requests.Rename, renameHandler }, .{ "textDocument/references", requests.References, referencesHandler }, .{ "workspace/didChangeConfiguration", std.json.Value, didChangeConfigurationHandler }, }; // Hack to avoid `return`ing in the inline for, which causes bugs. var done: ?anyerror = null; inline for (method_map) |method_info| { if (done == null and std.mem.eql(u8, method, method_info[0])) { if (method_info.len == 1) { logger.warn("method not mapped: {s}", .{method}); done = error.HackDone; } else if (method_info[1] != void) { const ReqT = method_info[1]; if (requests.fromDynamicTree(arena, ReqT, tree.root)) |request_obj| { done = error.HackDone; done = extractErr(method_info[2](arena, id, request_obj, config)); } else |err| { if (err == error.MalformedJson) { logger.warn("Could not create request type {s} from JSON {s}", .{ @typeName(ReqT), json }); } done = err; } } else { done = error.HackDone; (method_info[2])(arena, id, config) catch |err| { done = err; }; } } } if (done) |err| switch (err) { error.MalformedJson => return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response), error.HackDone => return, else => return err, }; // Boolean value is true if the method is a request (and thus the client // needs a response) or false if the method is a notification (in which // case it should be silently ignored) const unimplemented_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(bool, .{ .{ "textDocument/documentHighlight", true }, .{ "textDocument/codeAction", true }, .{ "textDocument/codeLens", true }, .{ "textDocument/documentLink", true }, .{ "textDocument/rangeFormatting", true }, .{ "textDocument/onTypeFormatting", true }, .{ "textDocument/prepareRename", true }, .{ "textDocument/foldingRange", true }, .{ "textDocument/selectionRange", true }, .{ "textDocument/semanticTokens/range", true }, .{ "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders", false }, }); if (unimplemented_map.get(method)) |request| { // TODO: Unimplemented methods, implement them and add them to server capabilities. if (request) { return try respondGeneric(id, null_result_response); } logger.debug("Notification method {s} is not implemented", .{method}); return; } if (tree.root.Object.get("id")) |_| { return try respondGeneric(id, not_implemented_response); } logger.debug("Method without return value not implemented: {s}", .{method}); } const stack_frames = switch (zig_builtin.mode) { .Debug => 10, else => 0, }; var gpa_state = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{ .stack_trace_frames = stack_frames }){ .backing_allocator = std.heap.page_allocator }; pub fn main() anyerror!void { defer _ = gpa_state.deinit(); defer keep_running = false; allocator = gpa_state.allocator(); if (tracy.enable_allocation) { allocator = tracy.tracyAllocator(allocator).allocator(); } // @TODO Using the GPA here, realloc calls hang currently for some reason // allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; analysis.init(allocator); defer analysis.deinit(); // Check arguments. var args_it = try std.process.ArgIterator.initWithAllocator(allocator); defer args_it.deinit(); if (!args_it.skip()) @panic("Could not find self argument"); var config_path: ?[]const u8 = null; defer if (config_path) |path|; var next_arg_config_path = false; while ( |arg| { if (next_arg_config_path) { config_path = try allocator.dupe(u8, arg); next_arg_config_path = false; continue; } if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-log")) { actual_log_level = .debug; std.debug.print("Enabled debug logging\n", .{}); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--config-path")) { next_arg_config_path = true; continue; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "config") or std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "configure")) { try setup.wizard(allocator); return; } else { std.debug.print("Unrecognized argument {s}\n", .{arg}); std.os.exit(1); } } if (next_arg_config_path) { std.debug.print("Expected configuration file path after --config-path argument\n", .{}); return; } // Init global vars const reader =; stdout =; // Read the configuration, if any. const config_parse_options = std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator }; var config = Config{}; defer std.json.parseFree(Config, config, config_parse_options); config_read: { if (config_path) |path| { if (loadConfigFile(path)) |conf| { config = conf; break :config_read; } std.debug.print("Could not open configuration file '{s}'\n", .{path}); std.debug.print("Falling back to a lookup in the local and global configuration folders\n", .{});; config_path = null; } if (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .local_configuration)) |path| { config_path = path; if (loadConfigInFolder(path)) |conf| { config = conf; break :config_read; } } if (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .global_configuration)) |path| { config_path = path; if (loadConfigInFolder(path)) |conf| { config = conf; break :config_read; } }"No config file zls.json found.", .{}); config_path = null; } // Find the zig executable in PATH find_zig: { if (config.zig_exe_path) |exe_path| { if (std.fs.path.isAbsolute(exe_path)) not_valid: { std.fs.cwd().access(exe_path, .{}) catch break :not_valid; break :find_zig; } logger.debug("zig path `{s}` is not absolute, will look in path", .{exe_path});; } config.zig_exe_path = try setup.findZig(allocator); } if (config.zig_exe_path) |exe_path| {"Using zig executable {s}", .{exe_path}); if (config.zig_lib_path == null) find_lib_path: { // Use `zig env` to find the lib path const zig_env_result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = allocator, .argv = &[_][]const u8{ exe_path, "env" }, }); defer {;; } switch (zig_env_result.term) { .Exited => |exit_code| { if (exit_code == 0) { const Env = struct { zig_exe: []const u8, lib_dir: ?[]const u8, std_dir: []const u8, global_cache_dir: []const u8, version: []const u8, }; var json_env = std.json.parse( Env, &std.json.TokenStream.init(zig_env_result.stdout), .{ .allocator = allocator }, ) catch { logger.err("Failed to parse zig env JSON result", .{}); break :find_lib_path; }; defer std.json.parseFree(Env, json_env, .{ .allocator = allocator }); // We know this is allocated with `allocator`, we just steal it! config.zig_lib_path = json_env.lib_dir.?; json_env.lib_dir = null;"Using zig lib path '{s}'", .{config.zig_lib_path}); } }, else => logger.err("zig env invocation failed", .{}), } } } else { logger.warn("Zig executable path not specified in zls.json and could not be found in PATH", .{}); } if (config.zig_lib_path == null) { logger.warn("Zig standard library path not specified in zls.json and could not be resolved from the zig executable", .{}); } if (config.builtin_path == null and config.zig_exe_path != null and config_path != null) blk: { const result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = allocator, .argv = &.{ config.zig_exe_path.?, "build-exe", "--show-builtin", }, .max_output_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 50, }); defer; defer; var d = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(config_path.?, .{}); defer d.close(); const f = d.createFile("builtin.zig", .{}) catch |err| switch (err) { error.AccessDenied => break :blk, else => |e| return e, }; defer f.close(); try f.writer().writeAll(result.stdout); config.builtin_path = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &.{ config_path.?, "builtin.zig" }); } config.build_runner_path = if (config.build_runner_path) |p| try allocator.dupe(u8, p) else blk: { var exe_dir_bytes: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined; const exe_dir_path = try std.fs.selfExeDirPath(&exe_dir_bytes); break :blk try std.fs.path.resolve(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ exe_dir_path, "build_runner.zig" }); }; config.build_runner_cache_path = if (config.build_runner_cache_path) |p| try allocator.dupe(u8, p) else blk: { const cache_dir_path = (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .cache)) orelse { logger.warn("Known-folders could not fetch the cache path", .{}); return; }; defer; break :blk try std.fs.path.resolve(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ cache_dir_path, "zls" }); }; document_store = try DocumentStore.init( allocator, &config, ); defer document_store.deinit(); // This JSON parser is passed to processJsonRpc and reset. var json_parser = std.json.Parser.init(allocator, false); defer json_parser.deinit(); // Arena used for temporary allocations while handling a request var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer arena.deinit(); while (keep_running) { const headers = readRequestHeader(arena.allocator(), reader) catch |err| { logger.err("{s}; exiting!", .{@errorName(err)}); return; }; const buf = try arena.allocator().alloc(u8, headers.content_length); try reader.readNoEof(buf); try processJsonRpc(&arena, &json_parser, buf, &config); json_parser.reset(); arena.deinit(); arena.state = .{}; } if (builtin_completions) |compls| {; } }