const std = @import("std"); const types = @import("types.zig"); const URI = @import("uri.zig"); const analysis = @import("analysis.zig"); const DocumentStore = @This(); pub const Handle = struct { document: types.TextDocument, count: usize, import_uris: std.ArrayList([]const u8), pub fn uri(handle: Handle) []const u8 { return handle.document.uri; } /// Returns a zig AST, with all its errors. pub fn tree(handle: Handle, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !*std.zig.ast.Tree { return try std.zig.parse(allocator, handle.document.text); } }; allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, handles: std.StringHashMap(*Handle), std_uri: ?[]const u8, pub fn init(self: *DocumentStore, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, zig_lib_path: ?[]const u8) !void { self.allocator = allocator; self.handles = std.StringHashMap(*Handle).init(allocator); errdefer self.handles.deinit(); if (zig_lib_path) |zpath| { const std_path = std.fs.path.resolve(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ zpath, "./std/std.zig", }) catch |err| block: { std.debug.warn("Failed to resolve zig std library path, error: {}\n", .{err}); self.std_uri = null; return; }; defer; // Get the std_path as a URI, so we can just append to it! self.std_uri = try URI.fromPath(allocator, std_path); std.debug.warn("Standard library base uri: {}\n", .{self.std_uri}); } else { self.std_uri = null; } } /// This function asserts the document is not open yet and takes ownership /// of the uri and text passed in. fn newDocument(self: *DocumentStore, uri: []const u8, text: []u8) !*Handle { std.debug.warn("Opened document: {}\n", .{uri}); var handle = Handle{ .count = 1, .import_uris = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(self.allocator), .document = .{ .uri = uri, .text = text, .mem = text, }, }; try self.checkSanity(&handle); const kv = try self.handles.getOrPutValue(uri, handle); return &kv.value; } pub fn openDocument(self: *DocumentStore, uri: []const u8, text: []const u8) !*Handle { if (self.handles.get(uri)) |entry| { std.debug.warn("Document already open: {}, incrementing count\n", .{uri}); entry.value.count += 1; std.debug.warn("New count: {}\n", .{entry.value.count}); return entry.value; } const duped_text = try std.mem.dupe(self.allocator, u8, text); errdefer; const duped_uri = try std.mem.dupe(self.allocator, u8, uri); errdefer; return try self.newDocument(duped_uri, duped_text); } fn decrementCount(self: *DocumentStore, uri: []const u8) void { if (self.handles.get(uri)) |entry| { entry.value.count -= 1; if (entry.value.count > 0) return; std.debug.warn("Freeing document: {}\n", .{uri});; for (entry.value.import_uris.items) |import_uri| { self.decrementCount(import_uri);; } entry.value.import_uris.deinit(); const uri_key = entry.key; self.handles.removeAssertDiscard(uri);; self.allocator.destroy(entry.value); } } pub fn closeDocument(self: *DocumentStore, uri: []const u8) void { self.decrementCount(uri); } pub fn getHandle(self: *DocumentStore, uri: []const u8) ?*Handle { if (self.handles.get(uri)) |entry| { return entry.value; } return null; } // Check if the document text is now sane, move it to sane_text if so. fn checkSanity(self: *DocumentStore, handle: *Handle) !void { const tree = try handle.tree(self.allocator); defer tree.deinit(); std.debug.warn("New text for document {}\n", .{handle.uri()}); // TODO: Better algorithm or data structure? // Removing the imports is costly since they live in an array list // Perhaps we should use an AutoHashMap([]const u8, {}) ? // Try to detect removed imports and decrement their counts. if (handle.import_uris.items.len == 0) return; const import_strs = try analysis.collectImports(self.allocator, tree); defer; const still_exist = try self.allocator.alloc(bool, handle.import_uris.items.len); defer; for (still_exist) |*ex| { ex.* = false; } for (import_strs) |str| { const uri = (try uriFromImportStr(self, handle.*, str)) orelse continue; defer; var idx: usize = 0; exists_loop: while (idx < still_exist.len) : (idx += 1) { if (still_exist[idx]) continue; if (std.mem.eql(u8, handle.import_uris.items[idx], uri)) { still_exist[idx] = true; break :exists_loop; } } } // Go through still_exist, remove the items that are false and decrement their handle counts. var offset: usize = 0; var idx: usize = 0; while (idx < still_exist.len) : (idx += 1) { if (still_exist[idx]) continue; std.debug.warn("Import removed: {}\n", .{handle.import_uris.items[idx - offset]}); const uri = handle.import_uris.orderedRemove(idx - offset); offset += 1; self.closeDocument(uri);; } } pub fn applyChanges(self: *DocumentStore, handle: *Handle, content_changes: std.json.Array) !void { const document = &handle.document; for (content_changes.items) |change| { if (change.Object.getValue("range")) |range| { const start_pos = types.Position{ .line = range.Object.getValue("start").?.Object.getValue("line").?.Integer, .character = range.Object.getValue("start").?.Object.getValue("character").?.Integer, }; const end_pos = types.Position{ .line = range.Object.getValue("end").?.Object.getValue("line").?.Integer, .character = range.Object.getValue("end").?.Object.getValue("character").?.Integer, }; const change_text = change.Object.getValue("text").?.String; const start_index = try document.positionToIndex(start_pos); const end_index = try document.positionToIndex(end_pos); const old_len = document.text.len; const new_len = old_len + change_text.len; if (new_len > document.mem.len) { // We need to reallocate memory. // We reallocate twice the current filesize or the new length, if it's more than that // so that we can reduce the amount of realloc calls. // We can tune this to find a better size if needed. const realloc_len = std.math.max(2 * old_len, new_len); document.mem = try self.allocator.realloc(document.mem, realloc_len); } // The first part of the string, [0 .. start_index] need not be changed. // We then copy the last part of the string, [end_index ..] to its // new position, [start_index + change_len .. ] std.mem.copy(u8, document.mem[start_index + change_text.len ..][0 .. old_len - end_index], document.mem[end_index..old_len]); // Finally, we copy the changes over. std.mem.copy(u8, document.mem[start_index..][0..change_text.len], change_text); // Reset the text substring. document.text = document.mem[0..new_len]; } else { const change_text = change.Object.getValue("text").?.String; const old_len = document.text.len; if (change_text.len > document.mem.len) { // Like above. const realloc_len = std.math.max(2 * old_len, change_text.len); document.mem = try self.allocator.realloc(document.mem, realloc_len); } std.mem.copy(u8, document.mem[0..change_text.len], change_text); document.text = document.mem[0..change_text.len]; } } try self.checkSanity(handle); } fn uriFromImportStr(store: *DocumentStore, handle: Handle, import_str: []const u8) !?[]const u8 { return if (std.mem.eql(u8, import_str, "std")) if (store.std_uri) |std_root_uri| try std.mem.dupe(store.allocator, u8, std_root_uri) else { std.debug.warn("Cannot resolve std library import, path is null.\n", .{}); return null; } else b: { // Find relative uri const path = try URI.parse(store.allocator, handle.uri()); defer; const dir_path = std.fs.path.dirname(path) orelse ""; const import_path = try std.fs.path.resolve(store.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ dir_path, import_str, }); defer; break :b (try URI.fromPath(store.allocator, import_path)); }; } pub const AnalysisContext = struct { store: *DocumentStore, handle: *Handle, // This arena is used for temporary allocations while analyzing, // not for the tree allocations. arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, tree: *std.zig.ast.Tree, scope_nodes: []*std.zig.ast.Node, pub fn onImport(self: *AnalysisContext, import_str: []const u8) !?*std.zig.ast.Node { const allocator =; const final_uri = (try uriFromImportStr(, self.handle.*, import_str)) orelse return null; std.debug.warn("Import final URI: {}\n", .{final_uri}); var consumed_final_uri = false; defer if (!consumed_final_uri); // Check if we already imported this. for (self.handle.import_uris.items) |uri| { // If we did, set our new handle and return the parsed tree root node. if (std.mem.eql(u8, uri, final_uri)) { self.handle = orelse return null; self.tree.deinit(); self.tree = try self.handle.tree(allocator); return &self.tree.root_node.base; } } // New import. // Check if the import is already opened by others. if ( |new_handle| { // If it is, increment the count, set our new handle and return the parsed tree root node. new_handle.count += 1; self.handle = new_handle; self.tree.deinit(); self.tree = try self.handle.tree(allocator); return &self.tree.root_node.base; } // New document, read the file then call into openDocument. const file_path = try URI.parse(allocator, final_uri); defer; var file = std.fs.cwd().openFile(file_path, .{}) catch { std.debug.warn("Cannot open import file {}\n", .{file_path}); return null; }; defer file.close(); const size = std.math.cast(usize, try file.getEndPos()) catch std.math.maxInt(usize); { const file_contents = try allocator.alloc(u8, size); errdefer; file.inStream().readNoEof(file_contents) catch { std.debug.warn("Could not read from file {}\n", .{file_path}); return null; }; // Add to import table of current handle. try self.handle.import_uris.append(final_uri); consumed_final_uri = true; // Swap handles and get new tree. // This takes ownership of the passed uri and text. const duped_final_uri = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, final_uri); errdefer; self.handle = try newDocument(, duped_final_uri, file_contents); } // Free old tree, add new one if it exists. // If we return null, no one should access the tree. self.tree.deinit(); self.tree = try self.handle.tree(allocator); return &self.tree.root_node.base; } pub fn deinit(self: *AnalysisContext) void { self.tree.deinit(); } }; pub fn analysisContext(self: *DocumentStore, handle: *Handle, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, position: types.Position) !AnalysisContext { const tree = try handle.tree(self.allocator); return AnalysisContext{ .store = self, .handle = handle, .arena = arena, .tree = tree, .scope_nodes = try analysis.declsFromIndex(&arena.allocator, tree, try handle.document.positionToIndex(position)) }; } pub fn deinit(self: *DocumentStore) void { var entry_iterator = self.handles.iterator(); while ( |entry| {; for (entry.value.import_uris.items) |uri| {; } entry.value.import_uris.deinit();; self.allocator.destroy(entry.value); } self.handles.deinit(); if (self.std_uri) |uri| {; } }