const std = @import("std"); const zls = @import("zls"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const helper = @import("../helper.zig"); const Context = @import("../context.zig").Context; const ErrorBuilder = @import("../ErrorBuilder.zig"); const types = zls.types; const offsets = zls.offsets; const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator; const Completion = struct { label: []const u8, kind: types.CompletionItemKind, detail: ?[]const u8 = null, }; const CompletionSet = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Completion); test "completion - root scope" { try testCompletion( \\const foo = 5; \\const bar = <cursor>; , &.{ .{ .label = "foo", .kind = .Constant }, }); try testCompletion( \\const foo = 5; \\const bar = <cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "foo", .kind = .Constant }, }); try testCompletion( \\const foo = 5; \\const bar = <cursor>; \\const baz = 5; , &.{ .{ .label = "foo", .kind = .Constant }, .{ .label = "baz", .kind = .Constant }, }); } test "completion - local scope" { if (true) return error.SkipZigTest; try testCompletion( \\const foo = { \\ var bar = 5; \\ const alpha = <cursor>; \\ const baz = 3; \\}; , &.{ .{ .label = "foo", .kind = .Constant }, // should foo be referencable? .{ .label = "bar", .kind = .Variable }, }); } test "completion - function" { try testCompletion( \\fn foo(alpha: u32, beta: []const u8) void { \\ <cursor> \\} , &.{ // TODO detail should be 'fn(alpha: u32, beta: []const u8) void' or 'foo: fn(alpha: u32, beta: []const u8) void' .{ .label = "foo", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn foo(alpha: u32, beta: []const u8) void" }, .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Constant, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, .{ .label = "beta", .kind = .Constant, .detail = "beta: []const u8" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo() S { return undefined; } \\const bar = foo().<cursor>; , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); } test "completion - generic function" { // TODO doesn't work for std.ArrayList try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn ArrayList(comptime T: type) type { \\ return struct { items: []const T }; \\} \\const array_list: ArrayList(S); \\const foo = array_list.items[0].<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); } test "completion - optional" { try testCompletion( \\const foo: ?u32 = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ // TODO detail should be 'u32' .{ .label = "?", .kind = .Operator }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\const foo: ?S = undefined; \\const bar = foo.?.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); } test "completion - pointer" { try testCompletion( \\const foo: *u32 = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ // TODO detail should be 'u32' .{ .label = "*", .kind = .Operator }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\const foo: *S = undefined; \\const bar = foo.*.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const foo: []const u8 = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ // TODO detail should be 'u32' .{ .label = "len", .kind = .Field, .detail = "const len: usize" }, // TODO detail should be 'const ptr: [*]const u8' .{ .label = "ptr", .kind = .Field }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\const foo: []S = undefined; \\const bar = foo[0].<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\const foo: *S = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ // TODO detail should be 'S' .{ .label = "*", .kind = .Operator }, .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); // try testCompletion( // \\const S = struct { // \\ alpha: u32, // \\}; // \\const foo: []S = undefined; // \\const bar = foo.ptr[0].<cursor> // , &.{ // .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, // }); } test "completion - captures" { try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo(bar: ?S) void { \\ if(bar) |baz| { \\ baz.<cursor> \\ } \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo(items: []S) void { \\ for (items, 0..) |bar, i| { \\ bar.<cursor> \\ } \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo(items: [2]S) void { \\ for (items) |bar| { \\ bar.<cursor> \\ } \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo(items: []S) void { \\ for (items, items) |_, baz| { \\ baz.<cursor> \\ } \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo(bar: ?S) void { \\ while (bar) |baz| { \\ baz.<cursor> \\ } \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); // TODO fix value capture without block scope // try testCompletion( // \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; // \\const foo: ?S = undefined; // \\const bar = if(foo) |baz| baz.<cursor> // , &.{ // .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, // }); } test "completion - struct" { try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { \\ alpha: u32, \\ beta: []const u8, \\}; \\const foo: S = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, .{ .label = "beta", .kind = .Field, .detail = "beta: []const u8" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { \\ alpha: u32, \\ beta: []const u8, \\}; \\const foo = S{ .alpha = 0, .beta = "" }; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, .{ .label = "beta", .kind = .Field, .detail = "beta: []const u8" }, }); } test "completion - union" { try testCompletion( \\const U = union { \\ alpha: u32, \\ beta: []const u8, \\}; \\const foo: U = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, .{ .label = "beta", .kind = .Field, .detail = "beta: []const u8" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const U = union { \\ alpha: ?u32, \\}; \\fn foo(bar: U) void { \\ switch (bar) { \\ .alpha => |a| { \\ a.<cursor> \\ } \\ } \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "?", .kind = .Operator }, }); } test "completion - enum" { try testCompletion( \\const E = enum { \\ alpha, \\ beta, \\}; \\const foo = E.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Enum }, .{ .label = "beta", .kind = .Enum }, }); } test "completion - error union" { try testCompletion( \\const E = error { \\ Foo, \\ Bar, \\}; \\const baz = error.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "Foo", .kind = .Constant, .detail = "error.Foo" }, .{ .label = "Bar", .kind = .Constant, .detail = "error.Bar" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const E = error { \\ foo, \\ bar, \\}; \\const baz = E.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "foo", .kind = .Constant, .detail = "" }, .{ .label = "bar", .kind = .Constant, .detail = "" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo() error{Foo}!S {} \\fn bar() error{Foo}!void { \\ const baz = try foo(); \\ baz.<cursor> \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); // try testCompletion( // \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; // \\fn foo() error{Foo}!S {} // \\fn bar() error{Foo}!void { // \\ (try foo()).<cursor> // \\} // , &.{ // .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, // }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { alpha: u32 }; \\fn foo() error{Foo}!S {} \\fn bar() error{Foo}!void { \\ const baz = foo() catch return; \\ baz.<cursor> \\} , &.{ .{ .label = "alpha", .kind = .Field, .detail = "alpha: u32" }, }); } test "completion - declarations" { try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { \\ pub fn public() S {} \\ fn private() !void {} \\}; \\const foo: S = undefined; \\const bar = foo.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "public", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn public() S" }, // TODO private should not be visible .{ .label = "private", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn private() !void" }, }); try testCompletion( \\const S = struct { \\ pub fn public() S {} \\ fn private() !void {} \\}; \\const foo = S.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "public", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn public() S" }, // TODO private should not be visible .{ .label = "private", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn private() !void" }, }); } test "completion - usingnamespace" { try testCompletion( \\const S1 = struct { \\ member: u32, \\ pub fn public() S1 {} \\ fn private() !void {} \\}; \\const S2 = struct { \\ usingnamespace S1; \\}; \\const foo = S2.<cursor> , &.{ .{ .label = "public", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn public() S1" }, // TODO private should not be visible .{ .label = "private", .kind = .Function, .detail = "fn private() !void" }, }); } test "completion - block" { try testCompletion( \\const foo = blk: { \\ break :<cursor> \\}; , &.{ .{ .label = "blk", .kind = .Text }, // idk what kind this should be }); } fn testCompletion(source: []const u8, expected_completions: []const Completion) !void { const cursor_idx = std.mem.indexOf(u8, source, "<cursor>").?; const text = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{ source[0..cursor_idx], source[cursor_idx + "<cursor>".len ..] }); defer; var ctx = try Context.init(); defer ctx.deinit(); const test_uri = try ctx.addDocument(text); const params = types.CompletionParams{ .textDocument = .{ .uri = test_uri }, .position = offsets.indexToPosition(source, cursor_idx, ctx.server.offset_encoding), }; @setEvalBranchQuota(5000); const response = try ctx.requestGetResponse(?types.CompletionList, "textDocument/completion", params); const completion_list: types.CompletionList = response.result orelse { std.debug.print("Server returned `null` as the result\n", .{}); return error.InvalidResponse; }; var actual = try extractCompletionLabels(completion_list.items); defer actual.deinit(allocator); var expected = try extractCompletionLabels(expected_completions); defer expected.deinit(allocator); var found = try set_intersection(actual, expected); defer found.deinit(allocator); var missing = try set_difference(expected, actual); defer missing.deinit(allocator); var unexpected = try set_difference(actual, expected); defer unexpected.deinit(allocator); var error_builder = ErrorBuilder.init(allocator); defer error_builder.deinit(); errdefer error_builder.writeDebug(); try error_builder.addFile(test_uri, text); for (found.keys()) |label| { const actual_completion: types.CompletionItem = blk: { for (completion_list.items) |item| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, label, item.label)) break :blk item; } unreachable; }; const expected_completion: Completion = blk: { for (expected_completions) |item| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, label, item.label)) break :blk item; } unreachable; }; if (actual_completion.kind == null or expected_completion.kind != actual_completion.kind.?) { try error_builder.msgAtIndex("label '{s}' should be of kind '{s}' but was '{?s}'!", test_uri, cursor_idx, .err, .{ label, @tagName(expected_completion.kind), if (actual_completion.kind) |kind| @tagName(kind) else null, }); return error.InvalidCompletionKind; } if (expected_completion.detail == null) continue; if (actual_completion.detail != null and std.mem.eql(u8, expected_completion.detail.?, actual_completion.detail.?)) continue; try error_builder.msgAtIndex("label '{s}' should have detail '{?s}' but was '{?s}'!", test_uri, cursor_idx, .err, .{ label, expected_completion.detail, actual_completion.detail, }); return error.InvalidCompletionDetail; } if (missing.count() != 0 or unexpected.count() != 0) { var buffer = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){}; defer buffer.deinit(allocator); var out = buffer.writer(allocator); try printLabels(out, found, "found"); try printLabels(out, missing, "missing"); try printLabels(out, unexpected, "unexpected"); try error_builder.msgAtIndex("invalid completions\n{s}", test_uri, cursor_idx, .err, .{buffer.items}); return error.InvalidCompletions; } } fn extractCompletionLabels(items: anytype) error{ DuplicateCompletionLabel, OutOfMemory }!std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) { var set = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void){}; errdefer set.deinit(allocator); try set.ensureTotalCapacity(allocator, items.len); for (items) |item| { const maybe_kind = switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(item.kind))) { .Optional => item.kind, else => @as(?@TypeOf(item.kind), item.kind), }; if (maybe_kind) |kind| { switch (kind) { .Keyword, .Snippet => continue, else => {}, } } if (set.fetchPutAssumeCapacity(item.label, {}) != null) return error.DuplicateCompletionLabel; } return set; } fn set_intersection(a: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void), b: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void)) error{OutOfMemory}!std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) { var result = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void){}; errdefer result.deinit(allocator); for (a.keys()) |key| { if (b.contains(key)) try result.putNoClobber(allocator, key, {}); } return result; } fn set_difference(a: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void), b: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void)) error{OutOfMemory}!std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) { var result = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void){}; errdefer result.deinit(allocator); for (a.keys()) |key| { if (!b.contains(key)) try result.putNoClobber(allocator, key, {}); } return result; } fn printLabels(writer: anytype, labels: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void), name: []const u8) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void { if (labels.count() != 0) { try writer.print("{s}:\n", .{name}); for (labels.keys()) |label| { try writer.print(" - {s}\n", .{label}); } } }