const std = @import("std"); const DocumentStore = @import("document_store.zig"); const analysis = @import("analysis.zig"); const types = @import("types.zig"); const offsets = @import("offsets.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.references); const ast = std.zig.ast; fn tokenReference( handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, tok: ast.TokenIndex, encoding: offsets.Encoding, context: anytype, comptime handler: anytype, ) !void { const loc = offsets.tokenRelativeLocation(handle.tree, 0, tok, encoding) catch return; try handler(context, types.Location{ .uri = handle.uri(), .range = .{ .start = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column), }, .end = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column + offsets.tokenLength(handle.tree, tok, encoding)), }, }, }); } pub fn labelReferences( arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, decl: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding, include_decl: bool, context: anytype, comptime handler: anytype, ) !void { std.debug.assert(decl.decl.* == .label_decl); const handle = decl.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); // Find while / for / block from label -> iterate over children nodes, find break and continues, change their labels if they match. // This case can be implemented just by scanning tokens. const first_tok = tree.firstToken(decl.decl.label_decl); const last_tok = tree.firstToken(decl.decl.label_decl); if (include_decl) { // The first token is always going to be the label try tokenReference(handle, first_tok, encoding, context, handler); } var curr_tok = first_tok + 1; while (curr_tok < last_tok - 2) : (curr_tok += 1) { const curr_id = token_tags[curr_tok]; if ((curr_id == .keyword_break or curr_id == .keyword_continue) and token_tags[curr_tok + 1] == .colon and token_tags[curr_tok + 2] == .identifier) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(curr_tok + 2), tree.tokenSlice(first_tok))) { try tokenReference(handle, first_tok, encoding, context, handler); } } } } fn symbolReferencesInternal( arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *DocumentStore, node_handle: analysis.NodeWithHandle, decl: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding, context: anytype, comptime handler: anytype, ) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const node = node_handle.node; const handle = node_handle.handle; switch (node.tag) { .ContainerDecl, .Root, .Block => { var idx: usize = 0; while (node.iterate(idx)) |child| : (idx += 1) { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = child, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .VarDecl => { const var_decl = node.cast(ast.Node.VarDecl).?; if (var_decl.getTypeNode()) |type_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = type_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } if (var_decl.getInitNode()) |init_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = init_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .Use => { const use = node.cast(ast.Node.Use).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = use.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .ContainerField => { const field = node.cast(ast.Node.ContainerField).?; if (field.type_expr) |type_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = type_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } if (field.value_expr) |init_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = init_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .Identifier => { if (try analysis.lookupSymbolGlobal(store, arena, handle, handle.tree.getNodeSource(node), handle.tree.token_locs[node.firstToken()].start)) |child| { if (std.meta.eql(decl, child)) { try tokenReference(handle, node.firstToken(), encoding, context, handler); } } }, .FnProto => { const fn_proto = node.cast(ast.Node.FnProto).?; for (fn_proto.paramsConst()) |param| { switch (param.param_type) { .type_expr => |type_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = type_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, else => {}, } } switch (fn_proto.return_type) { .Explicit, .InferErrorSet => |type_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = type_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, else => {}, } if (fn_proto.getAlignExpr()) |align_expr| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = align_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } if (fn_proto.getSectionExpr()) |section_expr| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = section_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } if (fn_proto.getCallconvExpr()) |callconv_expr| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = callconv_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } if (fn_proto.getBodyNode()) |body| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .AnyFrameType => { const anyframe_type = node.cast(ast.Node.AnyFrameType).?; if (anyframe_type.result) |result| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = result.return_type, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .Defer => { const defer_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Defer).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = defer_node.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .Comptime => { const comptime_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Comptime).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = comptime_node.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .Nosuspend => { const nosuspend_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Nosuspend).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = nosuspend_node.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .Switch => { // TODO When renaming a union(enum) field, also rename switch items that refer to it. const switch_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Switch).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = switch_node.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); for (switch_node.casesConst()) |case| { if (case.*.cast(ast.Node.SwitchCase)) |case_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = case_node.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } } }, .While => { const while_node = node.cast(ast.Node.While).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = while_node.condition, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); if (while_node.continue_expr) |cont_expr| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = cont_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = while_node.body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); if (while_node.@"else") |else_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = else_node.body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .For => { const for_node = node.cast(ast.Node.For).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = for_node.array_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = for_node.body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); if (for_node.@"else") |else_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = else_node.body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .If => { const if_node = node.cast(ast.Node.If).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = if_node.condition, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = if_node.body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); if (if_node.@"else") |else_node| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = else_node.body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .ArrayType => { const info = node.castTag(.ArrayType).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = info.len_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = info.rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .ArrayTypeSentinel => { const info = node.castTag(.ArrayTypeSentinel).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = info.len_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = info.sentinel, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = info.rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .PtrType, .SliceType => { const info = switch (node.tag) { .PtrType => node.castTag(.PtrType).?.ptr_info, .SliceType => node.castTag(.SliceType).?.ptr_info, else => unreachable, }; if (info.align_info) |align_info| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = align_info.node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); if (align_info.bit_range) |range| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = range.start, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = range.end, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } } if (info.sentinel) |sentinel| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = sentinel, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } switch (node.tag) { .PtrType => try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = node.castTag(.PtrType).?.rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler), .SliceType => try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = node.castTag(.SliceType).?.rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler), else => unreachable, } }, .AddressOf, .Await, .BitNot, .BoolNot, .OptionalType, .Negation, .NegationWrap, .Resume, .Try => { const prefix_op = node.cast(ast.Node.SimplePrefixOp).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = prefix_op.rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .FieldInitializer => { // TODO Rename field initializer names when needed const field_init = node.cast(ast.Node.FieldInitializer).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = field_init.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .ArrayInitializer => { const array_init = node.cast(ast.Node.ArrayInitializer).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = array_init.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); for (array_init.listConst()) |child| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = child, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .ArrayInitializerDot => { const array_init = node.cast(ast.Node.ArrayInitializerDot).?; for (array_init.listConst()) |child| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = child, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .StructInitializer => { // TODO Rename field initializer names when needed const struct_init = node.cast(ast.Node.StructInitializer).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = struct_init.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); for (struct_init.listConst()) |child| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = child, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .StructInitializerDot => { const struct_init = node.cast(ast.Node.StructInitializerDot).?; for (struct_init.listConst()) |child| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = child, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .Call => { const call = node.cast(ast.Node.Call).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = call.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); for (call.paramsConst()) |param| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = param, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .Slice => { const slice = node.castTag(.Slice).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = slice.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = slice.start, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); if (slice.end) |end| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = end, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } if (slice.sentinel) |sentinel| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = sentinel, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .ArrayAccess => { const arr_acc = node.castTag(.ArrayAccess).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = arr_acc.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = arr_acc.index_expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .Deref, .UnwrapOptional => { const suffix = node.cast(ast.Node.SimpleSuffixOp).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = suffix.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .GroupedExpression => { const grouped = node.cast(ast.Node.GroupedExpression).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = grouped.expr, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .Return, .Break, .Continue => { const cfe = node.cast(ast.Node.ControlFlowExpression).?; if (cfe.getRHS()) |rhs| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .Suspend => { const suspend_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Suspend).?; if (suspend_node.body) |body| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = body, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, .BuiltinCall => { const builtin_call = node.cast(ast.Node.BuiltinCall).?; for (builtin_call.paramsConst()) |param| { try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = param, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); } }, // TODO Inline asm expr .TestDecl => { const test_decl = node.cast(ast.Node.TestDecl).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = test_decl.body_node, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, .Period => { const infix_op = node.cast(ast.Node.SimpleInfixOp).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = infix_op.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); const rhs_str = analysis.nodeToString(handle.tree, infix_op.rhs) orelse return; var bound_type_params = analysis.BoundTypeParams.init(&arena.allocator); const left_type = try analysis.resolveFieldAccessLhsType( store, arena, (try analysis.resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = infix_op.lhs, .handle = handle, }, &bound_type_params)) orelse return, &bound_type_params, ); const left_type_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return, }; if (try analysis.lookupSymbolContainer( store, arena, .{ .node = left_type_node, .handle = left_type.handle }, rhs_str, !left_type.type.is_type_val, )) |child| { if (std.meta.eql(child, decl)) { try tokenReference(handle, infix_op.rhs.firstToken(), encoding, context, handler); } } }, .Add, .AddWrap, .ArrayCat, .ArrayMult, .Assign, .AssignBitAnd, .AssignBitOr, .AssignBitShiftLeft, .AssignBitShiftRight, .AssignBitXor, .AssignDiv, .AssignSub, .AssignSubWrap, .AssignMod, .AssignAdd, .AssignAddWrap, .AssignMul, .AssignMulWrap, .BangEqual, .BitAnd, .BitOr, .BitShiftLeft, .BitShiftRight, .BitXor, .BoolOr, .Div, .EqualEqual, .ErrorUnion, .GreaterOrEqual, .GreaterThan, .LessOrEqual, .LessThan, .MergeErrorSets, .Mod, .Mul, .MulWrap, .Range, .Sub, .SubWrap, .OrElse => { const infix_op = node.cast(ast.Node.SimpleInfixOp).?; try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = infix_op.lhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = infix_op.rhs, .handle = handle }, decl, encoding, context, handler); }, else => {}, } } pub fn symbolReferences( arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *DocumentStore, decl_handle: analysis.DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding, include_decl: bool, context: anytype, comptime handler: anytype, ) !void { std.debug.assert(decl_handle.decl.* != .label_decl); const curr_handle = decl_handle.handle; switch (decl_handle.decl.*) { .ast_node => |decl_node| { var handles = std.ArrayList(*DocumentStore.Handle).init(&arena.allocator); var handle_it = store.handles.iterator(); while ( |entry| { try handles.append(entry.value); } for (handles.items) |handle| { if (include_decl and handle == curr_handle) { try tokenReference(curr_handle, decl_handle.nameToken(), encoding, context, handler); } try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = 0, .handle = handle }, decl_handle, encoding, context, handler); } }, .param_decl => |param| { // Rename the param tok. if (include_decl) { try tokenReference(curr_handle, decl_handle.nameToken(), encoding, context, handler); } const fn_node: ast.full.FnProto = loop: for (curr_handle.document_scope.scopes) |scope| { switch ( { .function => |proto| { var buf: [1]ast.Node.Index = undefined; const fn_proto = analysis.fnProto(curr_handle.tree, proto, &buf).?; var it = fn_proto.iterate(curr_handle.tree); while ( |candidate| { if (std.meta.eql(candidate, param)) { if (curr_handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[proto] == .fn_decl) { try symbolReferencesInternal( arena, store, .{ .node = curr_handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[proto].rhs, .handle = curr_handle }, decl_handle, encoding, context, handler, ); } break :loop fn_proto; } } }, else => {}, } } else { log.warn("Could not find param decl's function", .{}); return; }; }, .pointer_payload, .switch_payload => { if (include_decl) { try tokenReference(curr_handle, decl_handle.nameToken(), encoding, context, handler); } try symbolReferencesInternal(arena, store, .{ .node = 0, .handle = curr_handle }, decl_handle, encoding, context, handler); }, .label_decl => unreachable, } }