const std = @import("std"); const DocumentStore = @import("DocumentStore.zig"); const Ast = std.zig.Ast; const types = @import("types.zig"); const offsets = @import("offsets.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.analysis); const ast = @import("ast.zig"); var using_trail: std.ArrayList([*]const u8) = undefined; var resolve_trail: std.ArrayList(NodeWithHandle) = undefined; pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { using_trail = std.ArrayList([*]const u8).init(allocator); resolve_trail = std.ArrayList(NodeWithHandle).init(allocator); } pub fn deinit() void { using_trail.deinit(); resolve_trail.deinit(); } /// Gets a declaration's doc comments. Caller owns returned memory. pub fn getDocComments(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, format: types.MarkupContent.Kind) !?[]const u8 { const base = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node]; const base_kind = tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]; const tokens = tree.tokens.items(.tag); switch (base_kind) { // As far as I know, this does not actually happen yet, but it // may come in useful. .root => return try collectDocComments(allocator, tree, 0, format, true), .fn_proto, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_decl, .local_var_decl, .global_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, .container_field_init, => { if (getDocCommentTokenIndex(tokens, base)) |doc_comment_index| return try collectDocComments(allocator, tree, doc_comment_index, format, false); }, else => {}, } return null; } /// Get the first doc comment of a declaration. pub fn getDocCommentTokenIndex(tokens: []std.zig.Token.Tag, base_token: Ast.TokenIndex) ?Ast.TokenIndex { var idx = base_token; if (idx == 0) return null; idx -= 1; if (tokens[idx] == .keyword_threadlocal and idx > 0) idx -= 1; if (tokens[idx] == .string_literal and idx > 1 and tokens[idx - 1] == .keyword_extern) idx -= 1; if (tokens[idx] == .keyword_extern and idx > 0) idx -= 1; if (tokens[idx] == .keyword_export and idx > 0) idx -= 1; if (tokens[idx] == .keyword_inline and idx > 0) idx -= 1; if (tokens[idx] == .keyword_pub and idx > 0) idx -= 1; // Find first doc comment token if (!(tokens[idx] == .doc_comment)) return null; return while (tokens[idx] == .doc_comment) { if (idx == 0) break 0; idx -= 1; } else idx + 1; } pub fn collectDocComments(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, doc_comments: Ast.TokenIndex, format: types.MarkupContent.Kind, container_doc: bool) ![]const u8 { var lines = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer lines.deinit(); const tokens = tree.tokens.items(.tag); var curr_line_tok = doc_comments; while (true) : (curr_line_tok += 1) { const comm = tokens[curr_line_tok]; if ((container_doc and comm == .container_doc_comment) or (!container_doc and comm == .doc_comment)) { try lines.append(std.mem.trim(u8, tree.tokenSlice(curr_line_tok)[3..], &std.ascii.spaces)); } else break; } return try std.mem.join(allocator, if (format == .Markdown) " \n" else "\n", lines.items); } /// Gets a function's keyword, name, arguments and return value. pub fn getFunctionSignature(tree: Ast, func: Ast.full.FnProto) []const u8 { const start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, func.ast.fn_token); const end = if (func.ast.return_type != 0) offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, func.ast.return_type)) else start; return tree.source[start.start..end.end]; } fn formatSnippetPlaceholder( data: []const u8, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype, ) !void { _ = fmt; _ = options; var splitit = std.mem.split(u8, data, "}"); while ( |segment| { try writer.writeAll(segment); if (splitit.index) |index| if (data[index - 1] == '}') { try writer.writeAll("\\}"); }; } } const SnippetPlaceholderFormatter = std.fmt.Formatter(formatSnippetPlaceholder); fn fmtSnippetPlaceholder(bytes: []const u8) SnippetPlaceholderFormatter { return .{ .data = bytes }; } /// Creates snippet insert text for a function. Caller owns returned memory. pub fn getFunctionSnippet(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, func: Ast.full.FnProto, skip_self_param: bool) ![]const u8 { const name_index = func.name_token.?; var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); try buffer.ensureTotalCapacity(128); try buffer.appendSlice(tree.tokenSlice(name_index)); try buffer.append('('); var buf_stream = buffer.writer(); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); var it = func.iterate(&tree); var i: usize = 0; while ( |param| : (i += 1) { if (skip_self_param and i == 0) continue; if (i != @boolToInt(skip_self_param)) try buffer.appendSlice(", ${") else try buffer.appendSlice("${"); try buf_stream.print("{d}:", .{i + 1}); if (param.comptime_noalias) |token_index| { if (token_tags[token_index] == .keyword_comptime) try buffer.appendSlice("comptime ") else try buffer.appendSlice("noalias "); } if (param.name_token) |name_token| { try buf_stream.print("{}", .{fmtSnippetPlaceholder(tree.tokenSlice(name_token))}); try buffer.appendSlice(": "); } if (param.anytype_ellipsis3) |token_index| { if (token_tags[token_index] == .keyword_anytype) try buffer.appendSlice("anytype") else try buffer.appendSlice("..."); } else if (param.type_expr != 0) { var curr_token = tree.firstToken(param.type_expr); var end_token = ast.lastToken(tree, param.type_expr); while (curr_token <= end_token) : (curr_token += 1) { const tag = token_tags[curr_token]; const is_comma = tag == .comma; if (curr_token == end_token and is_comma) continue; try buf_stream.print("{}", .{fmtSnippetPlaceholder(tree.tokenSlice(curr_token))}); if (is_comma or tag == .keyword_const) try buffer.append(' '); } } else unreachable; try buffer.append('}'); } try buffer.append(')'); return buffer.toOwnedSlice(); } pub fn hasSelfParam(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, document_store: *DocumentStore, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, func: Ast.full.FnProto) !bool { // Non-decl prototypes cannot have a self parameter. if (func.name_token == null) return false; if (func.ast.params.len == 0) return false; const tree = handle.tree; var it = func.iterate(&tree); const param =; if (param.type_expr == 0) return false; const token_starts = tree.tokens.items(.start); const token_data = tree.nodes.items(.data); const in_container = innermostContainer(handle, token_starts[func.ast.fn_token]); if (try resolveTypeOfNode(document_store, arena, .{ .node = param.type_expr, .handle = handle, })) |resolved_type| { if (std.meta.eql(in_container, resolved_type)) return true; } if (ast.isPtrType(tree, param.type_expr)) { if (try resolveTypeOfNode(document_store, arena, .{ .node = token_data[param.type_expr].rhs, .handle = handle, })) |resolved_prefix_op| { if (std.meta.eql(in_container, resolved_prefix_op)) return true; } } return false; } pub fn getVariableSignature(tree: Ast, var_decl: Ast.full.VarDecl) []const u8 { const start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, var_decl.ast.mut_token).start; const end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, var_decl.ast.init_node)).end; return tree.source[start..end]; } pub fn getContainerFieldSignature(tree: Ast, field: Ast.full.ContainerField) []const u8 { const start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, field.ast.name_token).start; const end_node = if (field.ast.value_expr != 0) field.ast.value_expr else field.ast.type_expr; const end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, end_node)).end; return tree.source[start..end]; } /// The node is the meta-type `type` fn isMetaType(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { if (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node] == .identifier) { return std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node]), "type"); } return false; } pub fn isTypeFunction(tree: Ast, func: Ast.full.FnProto) bool { return isMetaType(tree, func.ast.return_type); } pub fn isGenericFunction(tree: Ast, func: Ast.full.FnProto) bool { var it = func.iterate(&tree); while ( |param| { if (param.anytype_ellipsis3 != null or param.comptime_noalias != null) { return true; } } return false; } // STYLE pub fn isCamelCase(name: []const u8) bool { return !std.ascii.isUpper(name[0]) and !isSnakeCase(name); } pub fn isPascalCase(name: []const u8) bool { return std.ascii.isUpper(name[0]) and !isSnakeCase(name); } pub fn isSnakeCase(name: []const u8) bool { return std.mem.indexOf(u8, name, "_") != null; } // ANALYSIS ENGINE pub fn getDeclNameToken(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.TokenIndex { const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node]; return switch (tags[node]) { // regular declaration names. + 1 to mut token because name comes after 'const'/'var' .local_var_decl => tree.localVarDecl(node).ast.mut_token + 1, .global_var_decl => tree.globalVarDecl(node).ast.mut_token + 1, .simple_var_decl => tree.simpleVarDecl(node).ast.mut_token + 1, .aligned_var_decl => tree.alignedVarDecl(node).ast.mut_token + 1, // function declaration names .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => blk: { var params: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; break :blk ast.fnProto(tree, node, ¶ms).?.name_token; }, // containers .container_field => tree.containerField(node).ast.name_token, .container_field_init => tree.containerFieldInit(node).ast.name_token, .container_field_align => tree.containerFieldAlign(node).ast.name_token, .identifier => main_token, .error_value => main_token + 2, // 'error'. // lhs of main token is name token, so use `node` - 1 .test_decl => if (tree.tokens.items(.tag)[main_token + 1] == .string_literal) return main_token + 1 else null, else => null, }; } fn getDeclName(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?[]const u8 { const name = tree.tokenSlice(getDeclNameToken(tree, node) orelse return null); return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .test_decl => name[1 .. name.len - 1], else => name, }; } fn resolveVarDeclAliasInternal(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, node_handle: NodeWithHandle, root: bool) error{OutOfMemory}!?DeclWithHandle { _ = root; const handle = node_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data); if (node_tags[node_handle.node] == .identifier) { const token = main_tokens[node_handle.node]; return try lookupSymbolGlobal( store, arena, handle, tree.tokenSlice(token), tree.tokens.items(.start)[token], ); } if (node_tags[node_handle.node] == .field_access) { const lhs = datas[node_handle.node].lhs; const container_node = if (ast.isBuiltinCall(tree, lhs)) block: { if (!std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[lhs]), "@import")) return null; const inner_node = (try resolveTypeOfNode(store, arena, .{ .node = lhs, .handle = handle })) orelse return null; // assert root node std.debug.assert( == 0); break :block NodeWithHandle{ .node =, .handle = inner_node.handle }; } else if (try resolveVarDeclAliasInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = lhs, .handle = handle }, false)) |decl_handle| block: { if (decl_handle.decl.* != .ast_node) return null; const resolved = (try resolveTypeOfNode(store, arena, .{ .node = decl_handle.decl.ast_node, .handle = decl_handle.handle })) orelse return null; const resolved_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; if (!ast.isContainer(resolved.handle.tree, resolved_node)) return null; break :block NodeWithHandle{ .node = resolved_node, .handle = resolved.handle }; } else return null; return try lookupSymbolContainer(store, arena, container_node, tree.tokenSlice(datas[node_handle.node].rhs), false); } return null; } /// Resolves variable declarations consisting of chains of imports and field accesses of containers, ending with the same name as the variable decl's name /// Examples: ///```zig /// const decl = @import("decl-file.zig").decl; /// const other = decl.middle.other; ///``` pub fn resolveVarDeclAlias(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, decl_handle: NodeWithHandle) !?DeclWithHandle { const decl = decl_handle.node; const handle = decl_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); if (ast.varDecl(handle.tree, decl)) |var_decl| { if (var_decl.ast.init_node == 0) return null; const base_exp = var_decl.ast.init_node; if (token_tags[var_decl.ast.mut_token] != .keyword_const) return null; if (node_tags[base_exp] == .field_access) { const name = tree.tokenSlice(tree.nodes.items(.data)[base_exp].rhs); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(var_decl.ast.mut_token + 1), name)) return null; return try resolveVarDeclAliasInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = base_exp, .handle = handle }, true); } } return null; } fn findReturnStatementInternal(tree: Ast, fn_decl: Ast.full.FnProto, body: Ast.Node.Index, already_found: *bool) ?Ast.Node.Index { var result: ?Ast.Node.Index = null; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data); var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const statements = ast.blockStatements(tree, body, &buffer) orelse return null; for (statements) |child_idx| { if (node_tags[child_idx] == .@"return") { if (datas[child_idx].lhs != 0) { const lhs = datas[child_idx].lhs; if (ast.isCall(tree, lhs)) { const call_name = getDeclName(tree, datas[lhs].lhs); if (call_name) |name| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, tree.tokenSlice(fn_decl.name_token.?))) { continue; } } } } if (already_found.*) return null; already_found.* = true; result = child_idx; continue; } result = findReturnStatementInternal(tree, fn_decl, child_idx, already_found); } return result; } fn findReturnStatement(tree: Ast, fn_decl: Ast.full.FnProto, body: Ast.Node.Index) ?Ast.Node.Index { var already_found = false; return findReturnStatementInternal(tree, fn_decl, body, &already_found); } pub fn resolveReturnType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, fn_decl: Ast.full.FnProto, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams, fn_body: ?Ast.Node.Index) !?TypeWithHandle { const tree = handle.tree; if (isTypeFunction(tree, fn_decl) and fn_body != null) { // If this is a type function and it only contains a single return statement that returns // a container declaration, we will return that declaration. const ret = findReturnStatement(tree, fn_decl, fn_body.?) orelse return null; const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[ret]; if (data.lhs != 0) { return try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = data.lhs, .handle = handle, }, bound_type_params); } return null; } if (fn_decl.ast.return_type == 0) return null; const return_type = fn_decl.ast.return_type; const ret = .{ .node = return_type, .handle = handle }; const child_type = (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, ret, bound_type_params)) orelse return null; const is_inferred_error = tree.tokens.items(.tag)[tree.firstToken(return_type) - 1] == .bang; if (is_inferred_error) { const child_type_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .error_union = child_type_node }, .is_type_val = false }, .handle = child_type.handle, }; } else return child_type.instanceTypeVal(); } /// Resolves the child type of an optional type fn resolveUnwrapOptionalType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, opt: TypeWithHandle, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) !?TypeWithHandle { const opt_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; if (opt.handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[opt_node] == .optional_type) { return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = opt.handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[opt_node].lhs, .handle = opt.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); } return null; } fn resolveUnwrapErrorType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, rhs: TypeWithHandle, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) !?TypeWithHandle { const rhs_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, .error_union => |n| return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .other = n }, .is_type_val = rhs.type.is_type_val }, .handle = rhs.handle, }, .primitive, .slice, .pointer, .array_index => return null, }; if (rhs.handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[rhs_node] == .error_union) { return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = rhs.handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[rhs_node].rhs, .handle = rhs.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); } return null; } /// Resolves the child type of a deref type fn resolveDerefType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, deref: TypeWithHandle, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) !?TypeWithHandle { const deref_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, .pointer => |n| return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .is_type_val = false, .data = .{ .other = n }, }, .handle = deref.handle, }, else => return null, }; const tree = deref.handle.tree; const main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[deref_node]; const token_tag = tree.tokens.items(.tag)[main_token]; if (ast.isPtrType(tree, deref_node)) { const ptr_type = ast.ptrType(tree, deref_node).?; switch (token_tag) { .asterisk => { return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = ptr_type.ast.child_type, .handle = deref.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); }, .l_bracket, .asterisk_asterisk => return null, else => unreachable, } } return null; } /// Resolves slicing and array access fn resolveBracketAccessType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, lhs: TypeWithHandle, rhs: enum { Single, Range }, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) !?TypeWithHandle { const lhs_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; const tree = lhs.handle.tree; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const tag = tags[lhs_node]; const data = tree.nodes.items(.data)[lhs_node]; if (tag == .array_type or tag == .array_type_sentinel) { if (rhs == .Single) return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = data.rhs, .handle = lhs.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .slice = data.rhs }, .is_type_val = false }, .handle = lhs.handle, }; } else if (ast.ptrType(tree, lhs_node)) |ptr_type| { if (ptr_type.size == .Slice) { if (rhs == .Single) { return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = ptr_type.ast.child_type, .handle = lhs.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); } return lhs; } } return null; } /// Called to remove one level of pointerness before a field access pub fn resolveFieldAccessLhsType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, lhs: TypeWithHandle, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) !TypeWithHandle { return (try resolveDerefType(store, arena, lhs, bound_type_params)) orelse lhs; } pub const BoundTypeParams = std.AutoHashMap(Ast.full.FnProto.Param, TypeWithHandle); fn allDigits(str: []const u8) bool { for (str) |c| { if (!std.ascii.isDigit(c)) return false; } return true; } pub fn isTypeIdent(text: []const u8) bool { const PrimitiveTypes = std.ComptimeStringMap(void, .{ .{"isize"}, .{"usize"}, .{"c_short"}, .{"c_ushort"}, .{"c_int"}, .{"c_uint"}, .{"c_long"}, .{"c_ulong"}, .{"c_longlong"}, .{"c_ulonglong"}, .{"c_longdouble"}, .{"anyopaque"}, .{"f16"}, .{"f32"}, .{"f64"}, .{"f80"}, .{"f128"}, .{"bool"}, .{"void"}, .{"noreturn"}, .{"type"}, .{"anyerror"}, .{"comptime_int"}, .{"comptime_float"}, .{"anyframe"}, .{"anytype"}, }); if (PrimitiveTypes.has(text)) return true; if (text.len == 1) return false; if (!(text[0] == 'u' or text[0] == 'i')) return false; if (!allDigits(text[1..])) return false; _ = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, text[1..], 10) catch return false; return true; } /// Resolves the type of a node pub fn resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, node_handle: NodeWithHandle, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) error{OutOfMemory}!?TypeWithHandle { // If we were asked to resolve this node before, // it is self-referential and we cannot resolve it. for (resolve_trail.items) |i| { if (std.meta.eql(i, node_handle)) return null; } try resolve_trail.append(node_handle); defer _ = resolve_trail.pop(); const node = node_handle.node; const handle = node_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const starts = tree.tokens.items(.start); switch (node_tags[node]) { .global_var_decl, .local_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, => { const var_decl = ast.varDecl(tree, node).?; if (var_decl.ast.type_node != 0) { const decl_type = .{ .node = var_decl.ast.type_node, .handle = handle }; if (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, decl_type, bound_type_params)) |typ| return typ.instanceTypeVal(); } if (var_decl.ast.init_node == 0) return null; const value = .{ .node = var_decl.ast.init_node, .handle = handle }; return try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, value, bound_type_params); }, .identifier => { const name = tree.getNodeSource(node); if (isTypeIdent(name)) { return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .primitive = node }, .is_type_val = true }, .handle = handle, }; } if (try lookupSymbolGlobal( store, arena, handle, name, starts[main_tokens[node]], )) |child| { switch (child.decl.*) { .ast_node => |n| { if (n == node) return null; if (ast.varDecl(child.handle.tree, n)) |var_decl| { if (var_decl.ast.init_node == node) return null; } }, else => {}, } return try child.resolveType(store, arena, bound_type_params); } return null; }, .call, .call_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, => { var params: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const call = ast.callFull(tree, node, ¶ms) orelse unreachable; const callee = .{ .node = call.ast.fn_expr, .handle = handle }; const decl = (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, callee, bound_type_params)) orelse return null; if (decl.type.is_type_val) return null; const decl_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const func_maybe = ast.fnProto(decl.handle.tree, decl_node, &buf); if (func_maybe) |fn_decl| { var expected_params = fn_decl.ast.params.len; // If we call as method, the first parameter should be skipped // TODO: Back-parse to extract the self argument? var it = fn_decl.iterate(&decl.handle.tree); if (token_tags[call.ast.lparen - 2] == .period) { if (try hasSelfParam(arena, store, decl.handle, fn_decl)) { _ =; expected_params -= 1; } } // Bind type params to the arguments passed in the call. const param_len = std.math.min(call.ast.params.len, expected_params); var i: usize = 0; while ( |decl_param| : (i += 1) { if (i >= param_len) break; if (!isMetaType(decl.handle.tree, decl_param.type_expr)) continue; const argument = .{ .node = call.ast.params[i], .handle = handle }; const argument_type = (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal( store, arena, argument, bound_type_params, )) orelse continue; if (!argument_type.type.is_type_val) continue; _ = try bound_type_params.put(decl_param, argument_type); } const has_body = decl.handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[decl_node] == .fn_decl; const body = decl.handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[decl_node].rhs; return try resolveReturnType(store, arena, fn_decl, decl.handle, bound_type_params, if (has_body) body else null); } return null; }, .@"comptime", .@"nosuspend", .grouped_expression, .container_field, .container_field_init, .container_field_align, .struct_init, .struct_init_comma, .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma, .slice, .slice_sentinel, .slice_open, .deref, .unwrap_optional, .array_access, .@"orelse", .@"catch", .@"try", .address_of, => { const base = .{ .node = datas[node].lhs, .handle = handle }; const base_type = (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, base, bound_type_params)) orelse return null; return switch (node_tags[node]) { .@"comptime", .@"nosuspend", .grouped_expression, => base_type, .container_field, .container_field_init, .container_field_align, .struct_init, .struct_init_comma, .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma, => base_type.instanceTypeVal(), .slice, .slice_sentinel, .slice_open, => try resolveBracketAccessType(store, arena, base_type, .Range, bound_type_params), .deref => try resolveDerefType(store, arena, base_type, bound_type_params), .unwrap_optional => try resolveUnwrapOptionalType(store, arena, base_type, bound_type_params), .array_access => try resolveBracketAccessType(store, arena, base_type, .Single, bound_type_params), .@"orelse" => try resolveUnwrapOptionalType(store, arena, base_type, bound_type_params), .@"catch" => try resolveUnwrapErrorType(store, arena, base_type, bound_type_params), .@"try" => try resolveUnwrapErrorType(store, arena, base_type, bound_type_params), .address_of => { const lhs_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .pointer = lhs_node }, .is_type_val = base_type.type.is_type_val }, .handle = base_type.handle, }; }, else => unreachable, }; }, .field_access => { if (datas[node].rhs == 0) return null; const rhs_str = tree.tokenSlice(datas[node].rhs); // If we are accessing a pointer type, remove one pointerness level :) const left_type = try resolveFieldAccessLhsType( store, arena, (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = datas[node].lhs, .handle = handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null, bound_type_params, ); const left_type_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; if (try lookupSymbolContainer( store, arena, .{ .node = left_type_node, .handle = left_type.handle }, rhs_str, !left_type.type.is_type_val, )) |child| { return try child.resolveType(store, arena, bound_type_params); } else return null; }, .array_type, .array_type_sentinel, .optional_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_sentinel, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_bit_range, .error_union, .error_set_decl, .container_decl, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .container_decl_trailing, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, => return TypeWithHandle.typeVal(node_handle), .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma, .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma, => { var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const params = ast.builtinCallParams(tree, node, &buffer).?; const call_name = tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[node]); if (std.mem.eql(u8, call_name, "@This")) { if (params.len != 0) return null; return innermostContainer(handle, starts[tree.firstToken(node)]); } const cast_map = std.ComptimeStringMap(void, .{ .{"@as"}, .{"@bitCast"}, .{"@fieldParentPtr"}, .{"@floatCast"}, .{"@floatToInt"}, .{"@intCast"}, .{"@intToEnum"}, .{"@intToFloat"}, .{"@intToPtr"}, .{"@truncate"}, .{"@ptrCast"}, }); if (cast_map.has(call_name)) { if (params.len < 1) return null; return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = params[0], .handle = handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); } // Almost the same as the above, return a type value though. // TODO Do peer type resolution, we just keep the first for now. if (std.mem.eql(u8, call_name, "@TypeOf")) { if (params.len < 1) return null; var resolved_type = (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = params[0], .handle = handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null; if (resolved_type.type.is_type_val) return null; resolved_type.type.is_type_val = true; return resolved_type; } if (!std.mem.eql(u8, call_name, "@import")) return null; if (params.len == 0) return null; const import_param = params[0]; if (node_tags[import_param] != .string_literal) return null; const import_str = tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[import_param]); const new_handle = (store.resolveImport(handle, import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1]) catch |err| { log.debug("Error {} while processing import {s}", .{ err, import_str }); return null; }) orelse return null; // reference to node '0' which is root return TypeWithHandle.typeVal(.{ .node = 0, .handle = new_handle }); }, .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; // This is a function type if (ast.fnProto(tree, node, &buf).?.name_token == null) { return TypeWithHandle.typeVal(node_handle); } return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .other = node }, .is_type_val = false }, .handle = handle, }; }, .multiline_string_literal, .string_literal, => return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .other = node }, .is_type_val = false }, .handle = handle, }, else => {}, } return null; } // TODO Reorganize this file, perhaps split into a couple as well // TODO Make this better, nested levels of type vals pub const Type = struct { data: union(enum) { pointer: Ast.Node.Index, slice: Ast.Node.Index, error_union: Ast.Node.Index, other: Ast.Node.Index, primitive: Ast.Node.Index, array_index, }, /// If true, the type `type`, the attached data is the value of the type value. is_type_val: bool, }; pub const TypeWithHandle = struct { type: Type, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pub fn typeVal(node_handle: NodeWithHandle) TypeWithHandle { return .{ .type = .{ .data = .{ .other = node_handle.node }, .is_type_val = true, }, .handle = node_handle.handle, }; } fn instanceTypeVal(self: TypeWithHandle) ?TypeWithHandle { if (!self.type.is_type_val) return null; return TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data =, .is_type_val = false }, .handle = self.handle, }; } fn isRoot(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { switch ( { // root is always index 0 .other => |n| return n == 0, else => return false, } } fn isContainerKind(self: TypeWithHandle, container_kind_tok: std.zig.Token.Tag) bool { const tree = self.handle.tree; const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); switch ( { .other => |n| return tags[main_tokens[n]] == container_kind_tok, else => return false, } } pub fn isStructType(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { return self.isContainerKind(.keyword_struct) or self.isRoot(); } pub fn isNamespace(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { if (!self.isStructType()) return false; const tree = self.handle.tree; const node =; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); if (ast.isContainer(tree, node)) { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; for (ast.declMembers(tree, node, &buf)) |child| { if (tags[child].isContainerField()) return false; } } return true; } pub fn isEnumType(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { return self.isContainerKind(.keyword_enum); } pub fn isUnionType(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { return self.isContainerKind(.keyword_union); } pub fn isOpaqueType(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { return self.isContainerKind(.keyword_opaque); } pub fn isTypeFunc(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const tree = self.handle.tree; return switch ( { .other => |n| if (ast.fnProto(tree, n, &buf)) |fn_proto| blk: { break :blk isTypeFunction(tree, fn_proto); } else false, else => false, }; } pub fn isGenericFunc(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const tree = self.handle.tree; return switch ( { .other => |n| if (ast.fnProto(tree, n, &buf)) |fn_proto| blk: { break :blk isGenericFunction(tree, fn_proto); } else false, else => false, }; } pub fn isFunc(self: TypeWithHandle) bool { const tree = self.handle.tree; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); return switch ( { .other => |n| switch (tags[n]) { .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => true, else => false, }, else => false, }; } }; pub fn resolveTypeOfNode(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, node_handle: NodeWithHandle) error{OutOfMemory}!?TypeWithHandle { var bound_type_params = BoundTypeParams.init(arena.allocator()); return resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, node_handle, &bound_type_params); } /// Collects all imports we can find into a slice of import paths (without quotes). pub fn collectImports(import_arr: *std.ArrayList([]const u8), tree: Ast) !void { const tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); var i: usize = 0; while (i < tags.len) : (i += 1) { if (tags[i] != .builtin) continue; const text = tree.tokenSlice(@intCast(u32, i)); if (std.mem.eql(u8, text, "@import")) { if (i + 3 >= tags.len) break; if (tags[i + 1] != .l_paren) continue; if (tags[i + 2] != .string_literal) continue; if (tags[i + 3] != .r_paren) continue; const str = tree.tokenSlice(@intCast(u32, i + 2)); try import_arr.append(str[1 .. str.len - 1]); } } } pub const NodeWithHandle = struct { node: Ast.Node.Index, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, }; pub const FieldAccessReturn = struct { original: TypeWithHandle, unwrapped: ?TypeWithHandle = null, }; pub fn getFieldAccessType(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize, tokenizer: *std.zig.Tokenizer) !?FieldAccessReturn { var current_type = TypeWithHandle.typeVal(.{ .node = undefined, .handle = handle, }); var bound_type_params = BoundTypeParams.init(arena.allocator()); while (true) { const tok =; switch (tok.tag) { .eof => return FieldAccessReturn{ .original = current_type, .unwrapped = try resolveDerefType(store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params), }, .identifier => { if (try lookupSymbolGlobal( store, arena, current_type.handle, tokenizer.buffer[tok.loc.start..tok.loc.end], source_index, )) |child| { current_type = (try child.resolveType(store, arena, &bound_type_params)) orelse return null; } else return null; }, .period => { const after_period =; switch (after_period.tag) { .eof => { // function labels cannot be dot accessed if (current_type.isFunc()) return null; return FieldAccessReturn{ .original = current_type, .unwrapped = try resolveDerefType(store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params), }; }, .identifier => { if (after_period.loc.end == tokenizer.buffer.len) { return FieldAccessReturn{ .original = current_type, .unwrapped = try resolveDerefType(store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params), }; } current_type = try resolveFieldAccessLhsType(store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params); const current_type_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; if (try lookupSymbolContainer( store, arena, .{ .node = current_type_node, .handle = current_type.handle }, tokenizer.buffer[after_period.loc.start..after_period.loc.end], !current_type.type.is_type_val, )) |child| { current_type = (try child.resolveType( store, arena, &bound_type_params, )) orelse return null; } else return null; }, .question_mark => { current_type = (try resolveUnwrapOptionalType( store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params, )) orelse return null; }, else => { log.debug("Unrecognized token {} after period.", .{after_period.tag}); return null; }, } }, .period_asterisk => { current_type = (try resolveDerefType( store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params, )) orelse return null; }, .l_paren => { const current_type_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => return null, }; // Can't call a function type, we need a function type instance. if (current_type.type.is_type_val) return null; const cur_tree = current_type.handle.tree; var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; if (ast.fnProto(cur_tree, current_type_node, &buf)) |func| { // Check if the function has a body and if so, pass it // so the type can be resolved if it's a generic function returning // an anonymous struct const has_body = cur_tree.nodes.items(.tag)[current_type_node] == .fn_decl; const body = cur_tree.nodes.items(.data)[current_type_node].rhs; // TODO Actually bind params here when calling functions instead of just skipping args. if (try resolveReturnType(store, arena, func, current_type.handle, &bound_type_params, if (has_body) body else null)) |ret| { current_type = ret; // Skip to the right paren var paren_count: usize = 1; var next =; while (next.tag != .eof) : (next = { if (next.tag == .r_paren) { paren_count -= 1; if (paren_count == 0) break; } else if (next.tag == .l_paren) { paren_count += 1; } } else return null; } else return null; } else return null; }, .l_bracket => { var brack_count: usize = 1; var next =; var is_range = false; while (next.tag != .eof) : (next = { if (next.tag == .r_bracket) { brack_count -= 1; if (brack_count == 0) break; } else if (next.tag == .l_bracket) { brack_count += 1; } else if (next.tag == .ellipsis2 and brack_count == 1) { is_range = true; } } else return null; current_type = (try resolveBracketAccessType(store, arena, current_type, if (is_range) .Range else .Single, &bound_type_params)) orelse return null; }, else => { log.debug("Unimplemented token: {}", .{tok.tag}); return null; }, } } return FieldAccessReturn{ .original = current_type, .unwrapped = try resolveDerefType(store, arena, current_type, &bound_type_params), }; } pub fn isNodePublic(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .global_var_decl, .local_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, => ast.varDecl(tree, node).?.visib_token != null, .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => ast.fnProto(tree, node, &buf).?.visib_token != null, else => true, }; } pub fn nodeToString(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) ?[]const u8 { const data = tree.nodes.items(.data); const main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node]; var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) { .container_field => return tree.tokenSlice(tree.containerField(node).ast.name_token), .container_field_init => return tree.tokenSlice(tree.containerFieldInit(node).ast.name_token), .container_field_align => return tree.tokenSlice(tree.containerFieldAlign(node).ast.name_token), .error_value => return tree.tokenSlice(data[node].rhs), .identifier => return tree.tokenSlice(main_token), .fn_proto, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_decl, => if (ast.fnProto(tree, node, &buf).?.name_token) |name| return tree.tokenSlice(name), .field_access => return tree.tokenSlice(data[node].rhs), .call, .call_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, => return tree.tokenSlice(tree.callFull(node).ast.lparen - 1), .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, => return tree.tokenSlice(tree.callOne(&buf, node).ast.lparen - 1), .test_decl => if (data[node].lhs != 0) return tree.tokenSlice(data[node].lhs), else => |tag| log.debug("INVALID: {}", .{tag}), } return null; } fn nodeContainsSourceIndex(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, source_index: usize) bool { const first_token = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, tree.firstToken(node)).start; const last_token = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, node)).end; return source_index >= first_token and source_index <= last_token; } pub fn getImportStr(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, source_index: usize) ?[]const u8 { const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; if (ast.isContainer(tree, node)) { const decls = ast.declMembers(tree, node, &buf); for (decls) |decl_idx| { if (getImportStr(tree, decl_idx, source_index)) |name| { return name; } } return null; } else if (ast.varDecl(tree, node)) |var_decl| { return getImportStr(tree, var_decl.ast.init_node, source_index); } else if (node_tags[node] == .@"usingnamespace") { return getImportStr(tree, tree.nodes.items(.data)[node].lhs, source_index); } if (!nodeContainsSourceIndex(tree, node, source_index)) { return null; } if (ast.isBuiltinCall(tree, node)) { const builtin_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[node]; const call_name = tree.tokenSlice(builtin_token); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, call_name, "@import")) return null; var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const params = ast.builtinCallParams(tree, node, &buffer).?; if (params.len != 1) return null; const import_str = tree.tokenSlice(tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[params[0]]); return import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1]; } return null; } pub const SourceRange = std.zig.Token.Loc; pub const PositionContext = union(enum) { builtin: SourceRange, comment, import_string_literal: SourceRange, embedfile_string_literal: SourceRange, string_literal: SourceRange, field_access: SourceRange, var_access: SourceRange, global_error_set, enum_literal, pre_label, label: bool, other, empty, pub fn range(self: PositionContext) ?SourceRange { return switch (self) { .builtin => |r| r, .comment => null, .import_string_literal => |r| r, .embedfile_string_literal => |r| r, .string_literal => |r| r, .field_access => |r| r, .var_access => |r| r, .enum_literal => null, .pre_label => null, .label => null, .other => null, .empty => null, .global_error_set => null, }; } }; const StackState = struct { ctx: PositionContext, stack_id: enum { Paren, Bracket, Global }, }; fn peek(arr: *std.ArrayList(StackState)) !*StackState { if (arr.items.len == 0) { try arr.append(.{ .ctx = .empty, .stack_id = .Global }); } return &arr.items[arr.items.len - 1]; } fn tokenRangeAppend(prev: SourceRange, token: std.zig.Token) SourceRange { return .{ .start = prev.start, .end = token.loc.end, }; } const DocumentPosition = offsets.DocumentPosition; pub fn documentPositionContext(arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, document: types.TextDocument, doc_position: DocumentPosition) !PositionContext { _ = document; const line = doc_position.line; const line_mem_start = @ptrToInt(line.ptr) - @ptrToInt(document.mem.ptr); var stack = try std.ArrayList(StackState).initCapacity(arena.allocator(), 8); { var held_line = document.borrowNullTerminatedSlice( line_mem_start, line_mem_start + doc_position.line_index, ); defer held_line.release(); var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(; while (true) { const tok =; // Early exits. switch (tok.tag) { .invalid => { // Single '@' do not return a builtin token so we check this on our own. if (line[doc_position.line_index - 1] == '@') { return PositionContext{ .builtin = .{ .start = doc_position.line_index - 1, .end = doc_position.line_index, }, }; } return .other; }, .doc_comment, .container_doc_comment => return .comment, .eof => break, else => {}, } // State changes var curr_ctx = try peek(&stack); switch (tok.tag) { .string_literal, .multiline_string_literal_line => string_lit_block: { if (curr_ctx.stack_id == .Paren and stack.items.len >= 2) { const perhaps_builtin = stack.items[stack.items.len - 2]; switch (perhaps_builtin.ctx) { .builtin => |loc| { const builtin_name = tokenizer.buffer[loc.start..loc.end]; if (std.mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@import")) { curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .import_string_literal = tok.loc }; break :string_lit_block; } if (std.mem.eql(u8, builtin_name, "@embedFile")) { curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .embedfile_string_literal = tok.loc }; break :string_lit_block; } }, else => {}, } } curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .string_literal = tok.loc }; }, .identifier => switch (curr_ctx.ctx) { .empty, .pre_label => curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .var_access = tok.loc }, .label => |filled| if (!filled) { curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .label = true }; } else { curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .var_access = tok.loc }; }, else => {}, }, .builtin => switch (curr_ctx.ctx) { .empty, .pre_label => curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .builtin = tok.loc }, else => {}, }, .period, .period_asterisk => switch (curr_ctx.ctx) { .empty, .pre_label => curr_ctx.ctx = .enum_literal, .enum_literal => curr_ctx.ctx = .empty, .field_access => {}, .other => {}, .global_error_set => {}, else => curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .field_access = tokenRangeAppend(curr_ctx.ctx.range().?, tok), }, }, .keyword_break, .keyword_continue => curr_ctx.ctx = .pre_label, .colon => if (curr_ctx.ctx == .pre_label) { curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .label = false }; } else { curr_ctx.ctx = .empty; }, .question_mark => switch (curr_ctx.ctx) { .field_access => {}, else => curr_ctx.ctx = .empty, }, .l_paren => try stack.append(.{ .ctx = .empty, .stack_id = .Paren }), .l_bracket => try stack.append(.{ .ctx = .empty, .stack_id = .Bracket }), .r_paren => { _ = stack.pop(); if (curr_ctx.stack_id != .Paren) { (try peek(&stack)).ctx = .empty; } }, .r_bracket => { _ = stack.pop(); if (curr_ctx.stack_id != .Bracket) { (try peek(&stack)).ctx = .empty; } }, .keyword_error => curr_ctx.ctx = .global_error_set, else => curr_ctx.ctx = .empty, } switch (curr_ctx.ctx) { .field_access => |r| curr_ctx.ctx = .{ .field_access = tokenRangeAppend(r, tok), }, else => {}, } } } return block: { if (stack.popOrNull()) |state| { switch (state.ctx) { .empty => {}, .label => |filled| { // We need to check this because the state could be a filled // label if only a space follows it const last_char = line[doc_position.line_index - 1]; if (!filled or last_char != ' ') { break :block state.ctx; } }, else => break :block state.ctx, } } if (doc_position.line_index < line.len) { var held_line = document.borrowNullTerminatedSlice( line_mem_start + doc_position.line_index, line_mem_start + line.len, ); defer held_line.release(); switch (line[doc_position.line_index]) { 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '@' => {}, else => break :block .empty, } var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(; const tok =; if (tok.tag == .identifier) break :block PositionContext{ .var_access = tok.loc }; } break :block .empty; }; } fn addOutlineNodes(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, child: Ast.Node.Index, context: *GetDocumentSymbolsContext) anyerror!void { switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[child]) { .string_literal, .integer_literal, .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma, .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma, .call, .call_comma, .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, .identifier, .add, .add_wrap, .array_cat, .array_mult, .assign, .assign_bit_and, .assign_bit_or, .assign_shl, .assign_shr, .assign_bit_xor, .assign_div, .assign_sub, .assign_sub_wrap, .assign_mod, .assign_add, .assign_add_wrap, .assign_mul, .assign_mul_wrap, .bang_equal, .bit_and, .bit_or, .shl, .shr, .bit_xor, .bool_and, .bool_or, .div, .equal_equal, .error_union, .greater_or_equal, .greater_than, .less_or_equal, .less_than, .merge_error_sets, .mod, .mul, .mul_wrap, .field_access, .switch_range, .sub, .sub_wrap, .@"orelse", .address_of, .@"await", .bit_not, .bool_not, .optional_type, .negation, .negation_wrap, .@"resume", .@"try", .array_type, .array_type_sentinel, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_bit_range, .ptr_type_sentinel, .slice_open, .slice_sentinel, .deref, .unwrap_optional, .array_access, .@"return", .@"break", .@"continue", .array_init, .array_init_comma, .array_init_dot, .array_init_dot_comma, .array_init_dot_two, .array_init_dot_two_comma, .array_init_one, .array_init_one_comma, .@"switch", .switch_comma, .switch_case, .switch_case_one, .@"for", .for_simple, .enum_literal, .struct_init, .struct_init_comma, .struct_init_dot, .struct_init_dot_comma, .struct_init_dot_two, .struct_init_dot_two_comma, .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma, .@"while", .while_simple, .while_cont, .@"defer", .@"if", .if_simple, .multiline_string_literal, .block, .block_semicolon, .block_two, .block_two_semicolon, .error_set_decl, => return, .container_decl, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, => { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; for (ast.declMembers(tree, child, &buf)) |member| try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, member, context); return; }, else => {}, } try getDocumentSymbolsInternal(allocator, tree, child, context); } const GetDocumentSymbolsContext = struct { prev_loc: offsets.TokenLocation = .{ .line = 0, .column = 0, .offset = 0, }, symbols: *std.ArrayList(types.DocumentSymbol), encoding: offsets.Encoding, }; fn getDocumentSymbolsInternal(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, context: *GetDocumentSymbolsContext) anyerror!void { const name = getDeclName(tree, node) orelse return; if (name.len == 0) return; const starts = tree.tokens.items(.start); const start_loc = context.prev_loc.add(try offsets.tokenRelativeLocation( tree, context.prev_loc.offset, starts[tree.firstToken(node)], context.encoding, )); const end_loc = start_loc.add(try offsets.tokenRelativeLocation( tree, start_loc.offset, starts[ast.lastToken(tree, node)], context.encoding, )); context.prev_loc = end_loc; const range = types.Range{ .start = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, start_loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, start_loc.column), }, .end = .{ .line = @intCast(i64, end_loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, end_loc.column), }, }; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); (try context.symbols.addOne()).* = .{ .name = name, .kind = switch (tags[node]) { .fn_proto, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_proto_one, .fn_decl, => .Function, .local_var_decl, .global_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, => .Variable, .container_field, .container_field_align, .container_field_init, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, => .Field, else => .Variable, }, .range = range, .selectionRange = range, .detail = "", .children = ch: { var children = std.ArrayList(types.DocumentSymbol).init(allocator); var child_context = GetDocumentSymbolsContext{ .prev_loc = start_loc, .symbols = &children, .encoding = context.encoding, }; if (ast.isContainer(tree, node)) { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; for (ast.declMembers(tree, node, &buf)) |child| try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, child, &child_context); } if (ast.varDecl(tree, node)) |var_decl| { if (var_decl.ast.init_node != 0) try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, var_decl.ast.init_node, &child_context); } if (tags[node] == .fn_decl) fn_ch: { const fn_decl = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node]; var params: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const fn_proto = ast.fnProto(tree, fn_decl.lhs, ¶ms) orelse break :fn_ch; if (!isTypeFunction(tree, fn_proto)) break :fn_ch; const ret_stmt = findReturnStatement(tree, fn_proto, fn_decl.rhs) orelse break :fn_ch; const type_decl = tree.nodes.items(.data)[ret_stmt].lhs; if (type_decl != 0) try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, type_decl, &child_context); } break :ch children.items; }, }; } pub fn getDocumentSymbols(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, encoding: offsets.Encoding) ![]types.DocumentSymbol { var symbols = try std.ArrayList(types.DocumentSymbol).initCapacity(allocator, tree.rootDecls().len); var context = GetDocumentSymbolsContext{ .symbols = &symbols, .encoding = encoding, }; for (tree.rootDecls()) |idx| { try getDocumentSymbolsInternal(allocator, tree, idx, &context); } return symbols.items; } pub const Declaration = union(enum) { /// Index of the ast node ast_node: Ast.Node.Index, /// Function parameter param_decl: Ast.full.FnProto.Param, pointer_payload: struct { name: Ast.TokenIndex, condition: Ast.Node.Index, }, array_payload: struct { identifier: Ast.TokenIndex, array_expr: Ast.Node.Index, }, array_index: Ast.TokenIndex, switch_payload: struct { node: Ast.TokenIndex, switch_expr: Ast.Node.Index, items: []const Ast.Node.Index, }, label_decl: Ast.TokenIndex, }; pub const DeclWithHandle = struct { decl: *Declaration, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, pub fn nameToken(self: DeclWithHandle) Ast.TokenIndex { const tree = self.handle.tree; return switch (self.decl.*) { .ast_node => |n| getDeclNameToken(tree, n).?, .param_decl => |p| p.name_token.?, .pointer_payload => |pp|, .array_payload => |ap| ap.identifier, .array_index => |ai| ai, .switch_payload => |sp| sp.node, .label_decl => |ld| ld, }; } pub fn location(self: DeclWithHandle, encoding: offsets.Encoding) !offsets.TokenLocation { const tree = self.handle.tree; return try offsets.tokenRelativeLocation(tree, 0, tree.tokens.items(.start)[self.nameToken()], encoding); } fn isPublic(self: DeclWithHandle) bool { return switch (self.decl.*) { .ast_node => |node| isNodePublic(self.handle.tree, node), else => true, }; } pub fn resolveType(self: DeclWithHandle, store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, bound_type_params: *BoundTypeParams) !?TypeWithHandle { const tree = self.handle.tree; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); return switch (self.decl.*) { .ast_node => |node| try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal( store, arena, .{ .node = node, .handle = self.handle }, bound_type_params, ), .param_decl => |param_decl| { if (isMetaType(self.handle.tree, param_decl.type_expr)) { var bound_param_it = bound_type_params.iterator(); while ( |entry| { if (std.meta.eql(entry.key_ptr.*, param_decl)) return entry.value_ptr.*; } return null; } else if (node_tags[param_decl.type_expr] == .identifier) { if (param_decl.name_token) |name_tok| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[param_decl.type_expr]), tree.tokenSlice(name_tok))) return null; } } return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal( store, arena, .{ .node = param_decl.type_expr, .handle = self.handle }, bound_type_params, )) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); }, .pointer_payload => |pay| try resolveUnwrapOptionalType( store, arena, (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = pay.condition, .handle = self.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null, bound_type_params, ), .array_payload => |pay| try resolveBracketAccessType( store, arena, (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = pay.array_expr, .handle = self.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null, .Single, bound_type_params, ), .array_index => TypeWithHandle{ .type = .{ .data = .array_index, .is_type_val = false }, .handle = self.handle, }, .label_decl => return null, .switch_payload => |pay| { if (pay.items.len == 0) return null; // TODO Peer type resolution, we just use the first item for now. const switch_expr_type = (try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal(store, arena, .{ .node = pay.switch_expr, .handle = self.handle, }, bound_type_params)) orelse return null; if (!switch_expr_type.isUnionType()) return null; if (node_tags[pay.items[0]] == .enum_literal) { const scope = findContainerScope(.{ .node =, .handle = switch_expr_type.handle }) orelse return null; if (scope.decls.getEntry(tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[pay.items[0]]))) |candidate| { switch (candidate.value_ptr.*) { .ast_node => |node| { if (ast.containerField(switch_expr_type.handle.tree, node)) |container_field| { if (container_field.ast.type_expr != 0) { return ((try resolveTypeOfNodeInternal( store, arena, .{ .node = container_field.ast.type_expr, .handle = switch_expr_type.handle }, bound_type_params, )) orelse return null).instanceTypeVal(); } } }, else => {}, } return null; } } return null; }, }; } }; fn findContainerScope(container_handle: NodeWithHandle) ?*Scope { const container = container_handle.node; const handle = container_handle.handle; if (!ast.isContainer(handle.tree, container)) return null; // Find the container scope. return for (handle.document_scope.scopes) |*scope| { switch ( { .container => |node| if (node == container) { break scope; }, else => {}, } } else null; } fn iterateSymbolsContainerInternal(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, container_handle: NodeWithHandle, orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, comptime callback: anytype, context: anytype, instance_access: bool, use_trail: *std.ArrayList(Ast.Node.Index)) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const container = container_handle.node; const handle = container_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[container]; const is_enum = token_tags[main_token] == .keyword_enum; const container_scope = findContainerScope(container_handle) orelse return; var decl_it = container_scope.decls.iterator(); while ( |entry| { switch (entry.value_ptr.*) { .ast_node => |node| { if (node_tags[node].isContainerField()) { if (!instance_access and !is_enum) continue; if (instance_access and is_enum) continue; } else if (node_tags[node] == .global_var_decl or node_tags[node] == .local_var_decl or node_tags[node] == .simple_var_decl or node_tags[node] == .aligned_var_decl) { if (instance_access) continue; } }, .label_decl => continue, else => {}, } const decl = DeclWithHandle{ .decl = entry.value_ptr, .handle = handle }; if (handle != orig_handle and !decl.isPublic()) continue; try callback(context, decl); } for (container_scope.uses) |use| { const use_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[use]; const is_pub = use_token > 0 and token_tags[use_token - 1] == .keyword_pub; if (handle != orig_handle and !is_pub) continue; if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(Ast.Node.Index, use_trail.items, use) != null) continue; try use_trail.append(use); const lhs = tree.nodes.items(.data)[use].lhs; const use_expr = (try resolveTypeOfNode(store, arena, .{ .node = lhs, .handle = handle, })) orelse continue; const use_expr_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => continue, }; try iterateSymbolsContainerInternal( store, arena, .{ .node = use_expr_node, .handle = use_expr.handle }, orig_handle, callback, context, false, use_trail, ); } } pub fn iterateSymbolsContainer(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, container_handle: NodeWithHandle, orig_handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, comptime callback: anytype, context: anytype, instance_access: bool) error{OutOfMemory}!void { var use_trail = std.ArrayList(Ast.Node.Index).init(arena.allocator()); return try iterateSymbolsContainerInternal(store, arena, container_handle, orig_handle, callback, context, instance_access, &use_trail); } pub fn iterateLabels(handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize, comptime callback: anytype, context: anytype) error{OutOfMemory}!void { for (handle.document_scope.scopes) |scope| { if (source_index >= scope.range.start and source_index < scope.range.end) { var decl_it = scope.decls.iterator(); while ( |entry| { switch (entry.value_ptr.*) { .label_decl => {}, else => continue, } try callback(context, DeclWithHandle{ .decl = entry.value_ptr, .handle = handle }); } } if (scope.range.start >= source_index) return; } } fn iterateSymbolsGlobalInternal(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize, comptime callback: anytype, context: anytype, use_trail: *std.ArrayList(Ast.Node.Index)) error{OutOfMemory}!void { for (handle.document_scope.scopes) |scope| { if (source_index >= scope.range.start and source_index <= scope.range.end) { var decl_it = scope.decls.iterator(); while ( |entry| { if (entry.value_ptr.* == .ast_node and handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[entry.value_ptr.*.ast_node].isContainerField()) continue; if (entry.value_ptr.* == .label_decl) continue; try callback(context, DeclWithHandle{ .decl = entry.value_ptr, .handle = handle }); } for (scope.uses) |use| { if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(Ast.Node.Index, use_trail.items, use) != null) continue; try use_trail.append(use); const use_expr = (try resolveTypeOfNode( store, arena, .{ .node = handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[use].lhs, .handle = handle }, )) orelse continue; const use_expr_node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => continue, }; try iterateSymbolsContainerInternal( store, arena, .{ .node = use_expr_node, .handle = use_expr.handle }, handle, callback, context, false, use_trail, ); } } if (scope.range.start >= source_index) return; } } pub fn iterateSymbolsGlobal(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize, comptime callback: anytype, context: anytype) error{OutOfMemory}!void { var use_trail = std.ArrayList(Ast.Node.Index).init(arena.allocator()); return try iterateSymbolsGlobalInternal(store, arena, handle, source_index, callback, context, &use_trail); } pub fn innermostBlockScopeIndex(handle: DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize) usize { if (handle.document_scope.scopes.len == 1) return 0; var current: usize = 0; for (handle.document_scope.scopes[1..]) |*scope, idx| { if (source_index >= scope.range.start and source_index <= scope.range.end) { switch ( { .container, .function, .block => current = idx + 1, else => {}, } } if (scope.range.start > source_index) break; } return current; } pub fn innermostBlockScope(handle: DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize) Ast.Node.Index { return handle.document_scope.scopes[innermostBlockScopeIndex(handle, source_index)].toNodeIndex().?; } pub fn innermostContainer(handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize) TypeWithHandle { var current = handle.document_scope.scopes[0].data.container; if (handle.document_scope.scopes.len == 1) return TypeWithHandle.typeVal(.{ .node = current, .handle = handle }); for (handle.document_scope.scopes[1..]) |scope| { if (source_index >= scope.range.start and source_index <= scope.range.end) { switch ( { .container => |node| current = node, else => {}, } } if (scope.range.start > source_index) break; } return TypeWithHandle.typeVal(.{ .node = current, .handle = handle }); } fn resolveUse(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, uses: []const Ast.Node.Index, symbol: []const u8, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle) error{OutOfMemory}!?DeclWithHandle { // If we were asked to resolve this symbol before, // it is self-referential and we cannot resolve it. if (std.mem.indexOfScalar([*]const u8, using_trail.items, symbol.ptr) != null) return null; try using_trail.append(symbol.ptr); defer _ = using_trail.pop(); for (uses) |index| { if (handle.tree.nodes.items(.data).len <= index) continue; const expr = .{ .node = handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[index].lhs, .handle = handle }; const expr_type_node = (try resolveTypeOfNode(store, arena, expr)) orelse continue; const expr_type = .{ .node = switch ( { .other => |n| n, else => continue, }, .handle = expr_type_node.handle, }; if (try lookupSymbolContainer(store, arena, expr_type, symbol, false)) |candidate| { if (candidate.handle == handle or candidate.isPublic()) { return candidate; } } } return null; } pub fn lookupLabel(handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, symbol: []const u8, source_index: usize) error{OutOfMemory}!?DeclWithHandle { for (handle.document_scope.scopes) |scope| { if (source_index >= scope.range.start and source_index < scope.range.end) { if (scope.decls.getEntry(symbol)) |candidate| { switch (candidate.value_ptr.*) { .label_decl => {}, else => continue, } return DeclWithHandle{ .decl = candidate.value_ptr, .handle = handle, }; } } if (scope.range.start > source_index) return null; } return null; } pub fn lookupSymbolGlobal(store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, symbol: []const u8, source_index: usize) error{OutOfMemory}!?DeclWithHandle { const innermost_scope_idx = innermostBlockScopeIndex(handle.*, source_index); var curr = innermost_scope_idx; while (curr >= 0) : (curr -= 1) { const scope = &handle.document_scope.scopes[curr]; if (source_index >= scope.range.start and source_index <= scope.range.end) blk: { if (scope.decls.getEntry(symbol)) |candidate| { switch (candidate.value_ptr.*) { .ast_node => |node| { if (handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node].isContainerField()) break :blk; }, .label_decl => break :blk, else => {}, } return DeclWithHandle{ .decl = candidate.value_ptr, .handle = handle, }; } if (try resolveUse(store, arena, scope.uses, symbol, handle)) |result| return result; } if (curr == 0) break; } return null; } pub fn lookupSymbolContainer( store: *DocumentStore, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, container_handle: NodeWithHandle, symbol: []const u8, /// If true, we are looking up the symbol like we are accessing through a field access /// of an instance of the type, otherwise as a field access of the type value itself. instance_access: bool, ) error{OutOfMemory}!?DeclWithHandle { const container = container_handle.node; const handle = container_handle.handle; const tree = handle.tree; const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const main_token = tree.nodes.items(.main_token)[container]; const is_enum = token_tags[main_token] == .keyword_enum; if (findContainerScope(container_handle)) |container_scope| { if (container_scope.decls.getEntry(symbol)) |candidate| { switch (candidate.value_ptr.*) { .ast_node => |node| { if (node_tags[node].isContainerField()) { if (!instance_access and !is_enum) return null; if (instance_access and is_enum) return null; } }, .label_decl => unreachable, else => {}, } return DeclWithHandle{ .decl = candidate.value_ptr, .handle = handle }; } if (try resolveUse(store, arena, container_scope.uses, symbol, handle)) |result| return result; return null; } return null; } const CompletionContext = struct { pub fn hash(self: @This(), item: types.CompletionItem) u32 { _ = self; return @truncate(u32, std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, item.label)); } pub fn eql(self: @This(), a: types.CompletionItem, b: types.CompletionItem, b_index: usize) bool { _ = self; _ = b_index; return std.mem.eql(u8, a.label, b.label); } }; pub const CompletionSet = std.ArrayHashMapUnmanaged( types.CompletionItem, void, CompletionContext, false, ); comptime { std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(types.CompletionItem) == @sizeOf(CompletionSet.Data)); } pub const DocumentScope = struct { scopes: []Scope, error_completions: CompletionSet, enum_completions: CompletionSet, pub fn debugPrint(self: DocumentScope) void { for (self.scopes) |scope| { log.debug( \\-------------------------- \\Scope {}, range: [{d}, {d}) \\ {d} usingnamespaces \\Decls: , .{, scope.range.start, scope.range.end, scope.uses.len, }); var decl_it = scope.decls.iterator(); var idx: usize = 0; while ( |_| : (idx += 1) { if (idx != 0) log.debug(", ", .{}); } // log.debug("{s}", .{name_decl.key}); log.debug("\n--------------------------\n", .{}); } } pub fn deinit(self: *DocumentScope, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { for (self.scopes) |*scope| { scope.decls.deinit();;; }; for (self.error_completions.entries.items(.key)) |item| { if (item.documentation) |doc|; } self.error_completions.deinit(allocator); for (self.enum_completions.entries.items(.key)) |item| { if (item.documentation) |doc|; } self.enum_completions.deinit(allocator); } }; pub const Scope = struct { pub const Data = union(enum) { container: Ast.Node.Index, // .tag is ContainerDecl or Root or ErrorSetDecl function: Ast.Node.Index, // .tag is FnProto block: Ast.Node.Index, // .tag is Block other, }; range: SourceRange, decls: std.StringHashMap(Declaration), tests: []const Ast.Node.Index = &.{}, uses: []const Ast.Node.Index = &.{}, data: Data, pub fn toNodeIndex(self: Scope) ?Ast.Node.Index { return switch ( { .container, .function, .block => |idx| idx, else => null, }; } }; pub fn makeDocumentScope(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast) !DocumentScope { var scopes = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Scope){}; var error_completions = CompletionSet{}; var enum_completions = CompletionSet{}; errdefer { scopes.deinit(allocator); for (error_completions.entries.items(.key)) |completion| { if (completion.documentation) |doc|; } error_completions.deinit(allocator); for (enum_completions.entries.items(.key)) |completion| { if (completion.documentation) |doc|; } enum_completions.deinit(allocator); } // pass root node index ('0') had_root = false; try makeScopeInternal(allocator, .{ .scopes = &scopes, .errors = &error_completions, .enums = &enum_completions, .tree = tree, }, 0); return DocumentScope{ .scopes = scopes.toOwnedSlice(allocator), .error_completions = error_completions, .enum_completions = enum_completions, }; } fn nodeSourceRange(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) SourceRange { const loc_start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, tree.firstToken(node)); const loc_end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, node)); return SourceRange{ .start = loc_start.start, .end = loc_end.end, }; } const ScopeContext = struct { scopes: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Scope), enums: *CompletionSet, errors: *CompletionSet, tree: Ast, }; fn makeInnerScope(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, context: ScopeContext, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const scopes = context.scopes; const tree = context.tree; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const data = tree.nodes.items(.data); const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const node_tag = tags[node_idx]; var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const ast_decls = ast.declMembers(tree, node_idx, &buf); (try scopes.addOne(allocator)).* = .{ .range = nodeSourceRange(tree, node_idx), .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .{ .container = node_idx }, }; const scope_idx = scopes.items.len - 1; var uses = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Ast.Node.Index){}; var tests = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Ast.Node.Index){}; errdefer { scopes.items[scope_idx].decls.deinit(); uses.deinit(allocator); tests.deinit(allocator); } if (node_tag == .error_set_decl) { // All identifiers in are error fields. var i = main_tokens[node_idx]; while (i < data[node_idx].rhs) : (i += 1) { if (token_tags[i] == .identifier) { try context.errors.put(allocator, .{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(i), .kind = .Constant, .insertText = tree.tokenSlice(i), .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, }, {}); } } } var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const container_decl = ast.containerDecl(tree, node_idx, &buffer); // Only tagged unions and enums should pass this const can_have_enum_completions = if (container_decl) |container| blk: { const kind = token_tags[container.ast.main_token]; break :blk kind != .keyword_struct and (kind != .keyword_union or container.ast.enum_token != null or container.ast.arg != 0); } else false; for (ast_decls) |decl| { if (tags[decl] == .@"usingnamespace") { try uses.append(allocator, decl); continue; } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, decl); const name = getDeclName(tree, decl) orelse continue; if (tags[decl] == .test_decl) { try tests.append(allocator, decl); continue; } if (try scopes.items[scope_idx].decls.fetchPut(name, .{ .ast_node = decl })) |existing| { _ = existing; // TODO Record a redefinition error. } if (!can_have_enum_completions) continue; const container_field = switch (tags[decl]) { .container_field => tree.containerField(decl), .container_field_align => tree.containerFieldAlign(decl), .container_field_init => tree.containerFieldInit(decl), else => null, }; if (container_field) |_| { if (!std.mem.eql(u8, name, "_")) { try context.enums.put(allocator, .{ .label = name, .kind = .Constant, .insertText = name, .insertTextFormat = .PlainText, .documentation = if (try getDocComments(allocator, tree, decl, .Markdown)) |docs| types.MarkupContent{ .kind = .Markdown, .value = docs } else null, }, {}); } } } scopes.items[scope_idx].tests = tests.toOwnedSlice(allocator); scopes.items[scope_idx].uses = uses.toOwnedSlice(allocator); } // Whether we have already visited the root node. var had_root = true; fn makeScopeInternal(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, context: ScopeContext, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutOfMemory}!void { const scopes = context.scopes; const tree = context.tree; const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag); const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag); const data = tree.nodes.items(.data); const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token); const node_tag = tags[node_idx]; if (node_idx == 0) { if (had_root) return else had_root = true; } switch (node_tag) { .container_decl, .container_decl_trailing, .container_decl_arg, .container_decl_arg_trailing, .container_decl_two, .container_decl_two_trailing, .tagged_union, .tagged_union_trailing, .tagged_union_two, .tagged_union_two_trailing, .tagged_union_enum_tag, .tagged_union_enum_tag_trailing, .root, .error_set_decl, => { try makeInnerScope(allocator, context, node_idx); }, .array_type_sentinel => { // TODO: ??? return; }, .fn_proto, .fn_proto_one, .fn_proto_simple, .fn_proto_multi, .fn_decl, => |fn_tag| { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const func = ast.fnProto(tree, node_idx, &buf).?; (try scopes.addOne(allocator)).* = .{ .range = nodeSourceRange(tree, node_idx), .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .{ .function = node_idx }, }; var scope_idx = scopes.items.len - 1; errdefer scopes.items[scope_idx].decls.deinit(); var it = func.iterate(&tree); while ( |param| { // Add parameter decls if (param.name_token) |name_token| { if (try scopes.items[scope_idx].decls.fetchPut( tree.tokenSlice(name_token), .{ .param_decl = param }, )) |existing| { _ = existing; // TODO record a redefinition error } } // Visit parameter types to pick up any error sets and enum // completions try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, param.type_expr); } if (fn_tag == .fn_decl) blk: { if (data[node_idx].lhs == 0) break :blk; const return_type_node = data[data[node_idx].lhs].rhs; // Visit the return type try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, return_type_node); } // Visit the function body try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].rhs); }, .test_decl => { return try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].rhs); }, .block, .block_semicolon, .block_two, .block_two_semicolon, => { const first_token = tree.firstToken(node_idx); const last_token = ast.lastToken(tree, node_idx); // if labeled block if (token_tags[first_token] == .identifier) { const scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, main_tokens[node_idx]).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, last_token).start, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(tree.tokenSlice(first_token), .{ .label_decl = first_token }); } (try scopes.addOne(allocator)).* = .{ .range = nodeSourceRange(tree, node_idx), .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .{ .block = node_idx }, }; var scope_idx = scopes.items.len - 1; var uses = std.ArrayList(Ast.Node.Index).init(allocator); errdefer { scopes.items[scope_idx].decls.deinit(); uses.deinit(); } var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const statements = ast.blockStatements(tree, node_idx, &buffer).?; for (statements) |idx| { if (tags[idx] == .@"usingnamespace") { try uses.append(idx); continue; } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, idx); if (ast.varDecl(tree, idx)) |var_decl| { const name = tree.tokenSlice(var_decl.ast.mut_token + 1); if (try scopes.items[scope_idx].decls.fetchPut(name, .{ .ast_node = idx })) |existing| { _ = existing; // TODO record a redefinition error. } } } scopes.items[scope_idx].uses = uses.toOwnedSlice(); return; }, .@"if", .if_simple, => { const if_node = ast.ifFull(tree, node_idx); if (if_node.payload_token) |payload| { var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, payload).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, if_node.ast.then_expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); const name_token = payload + @boolToInt(token_tags[payload] == .asterisk); std.debug.assert(token_tags[name_token] == .identifier); const name = tree.tokenSlice(name_token); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, .{ .pointer_payload = .{ .name = name_token, .condition = if_node.ast.cond_expr, }, }); } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, if_node.ast.then_expr); if (if_node.ast.else_expr != 0) { if (if_node.error_token) |err_token| { std.debug.assert(token_tags[err_token] == .identifier); var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, err_token).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, if_node.ast.else_expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); const name = tree.tokenSlice(err_token); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, .{ .ast_node = if_node.ast.else_expr }); } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, if_node.ast.else_expr); } }, .@"catch" => { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].lhs); const catch_token = main_tokens[node_idx]; const catch_expr = data[node_idx].rhs; var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, tree.firstToken(catch_expr)).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, catch_expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); if (token_tags.len > catch_token + 2 and token_tags[catch_token + 1] == .pipe and token_tags[catch_token + 2] == .identifier) { const name = tree.tokenSlice(catch_token + 2); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, .{ .ast_node = catch_expr }); } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, catch_expr); }, .@"while", .while_simple, .while_cont, .@"for", .for_simple, => { const while_node = ast.whileAst(tree, node_idx).?; const is_for = node_tag == .@"for" or node_tag == .for_simple; if (while_node.label_token) |label| { std.debug.assert(token_tags[label] == .identifier); var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, while_node.ast.while_token).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, node_idx)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(tree.tokenSlice(label), .{ .label_decl = label }); } if (while_node.payload_token) |payload| { var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, payload).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, while_node.ast.then_expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); const name_token = payload + @boolToInt(token_tags[payload] == .asterisk); std.debug.assert(token_tags[name_token] == .identifier); const name = tree.tokenSlice(name_token); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, if (is_for) .{ .array_payload = .{ .identifier = name_token, .array_expr = while_node.ast.cond_expr, }, } else .{ .pointer_payload = .{ .name = name_token, .condition = while_node.ast.cond_expr, }, }); // for loop with index as well if (token_tags[name_token + 1] == .comma) { const index_token = name_token + 2; std.debug.assert(token_tags[index_token] == .identifier); if (try scope.decls.fetchPut( tree.tokenSlice(index_token), .{ .array_index = index_token }, )) |existing| { _ = existing; // TODO Record a redefinition error } } } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, while_node.ast.then_expr); if (while_node.ast.else_expr != 0) { if (while_node.error_token) |err_token| { std.debug.assert(token_tags[err_token] == .identifier); var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, err_token).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, while_node.ast.else_expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); const name = tree.tokenSlice(err_token); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, .{ .ast_node = while_node.ast.else_expr }); } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, while_node.ast.else_expr); } }, .@"switch", .switch_comma, => { const cond = data[node_idx].lhs; const extra = tree.extraData(data[node_idx].rhs, Ast.Node.SubRange); const cases = tree.extra_data[extra.start..extra.end]; for (cases) |case| { const switch_case: Ast.full.SwitchCase = switch (tags[case]) { .switch_case => tree.switchCase(case), .switch_case_one => tree.switchCaseOne(case), else => continue, }; if (switch_case.payload_token) |payload| { var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, payload).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, switch_case.ast.target_expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); // if payload is *name than get next token const name_token = payload + @boolToInt(token_tags[payload] == .asterisk); const name = tree.tokenSlice(name_token); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, .{ .switch_payload = .{ .node = name_token, .switch_expr = cond, .items = switch_case.ast.values, }, }); } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, switch_case.ast.target_expr); } }, .switch_case, .switch_case_one, .switch_range, => { return; }, .global_var_decl, .local_var_decl, .aligned_var_decl, .simple_var_decl, => { const var_decl = ast.varDecl(tree, node_idx).?; if (var_decl.ast.type_node != 0) { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, var_decl.ast.type_node); } if (var_decl.ast.init_node != 0) { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, var_decl.ast.init_node); } }, .call, .call_comma, .call_one, .call_one_comma, .async_call, .async_call_comma, .async_call_one, .async_call_one_comma, => { var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const call = ast.callFull(tree, node_idx, &buf).?; try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, call.ast.fn_expr); for (call.ast.params) |param| try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, param); }, .struct_init, .struct_init_comma, .struct_init_dot, .struct_init_dot_comma, .struct_init_dot_two, .struct_init_dot_two_comma, .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma, => { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const struct_init: Ast.full.StructInit = switch (node_tag) { .struct_init, .struct_init_comma => tree.structInit(node_idx), .struct_init_dot, .struct_init_dot_comma => tree.structInitDot(node_idx), .struct_init_dot_two, .struct_init_dot_two_comma => tree.structInitDotTwo(&buf, node_idx), .struct_init_one, .struct_init_one_comma => tree.structInitOne(buf[0..1], node_idx), else => unreachable, }; if (struct_init.ast.type_expr != 0) try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, struct_init.ast.type_expr); for (struct_init.ast.fields) |field| { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, field); } }, .array_init, .array_init_comma, .array_init_dot, .array_init_dot_comma, .array_init_dot_two, .array_init_dot_two_comma, .array_init_one, .array_init_one_comma, => { var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const array_init: Ast.full.ArrayInit = switch (node_tag) { .array_init, .array_init_comma => tree.arrayInit(node_idx), .array_init_dot, .array_init_dot_comma => tree.arrayInitDot(node_idx), .array_init_dot_two, .array_init_dot_two_comma => tree.arrayInitDotTwo(&buf, node_idx), .array_init_one, .array_init_one_comma => tree.arrayInitOne(buf[0..1], node_idx), else => unreachable, }; if (array_init.ast.type_expr != 0) try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, array_init.ast.type_expr); for (array_init.ast.elements) |elem| { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, elem); } }, .container_field, .container_field_align, .container_field_init, => { const field = ast.containerField(tree, node_idx).?; try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, field.ast.type_expr); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, field.ast.align_expr); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, field.ast.value_expr); }, .builtin_call, .builtin_call_comma, .builtin_call_two, .builtin_call_two_comma, => { var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined; const params = ast.builtinCallParams(tree, node_idx, &buffer).?; for (params) |param| { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, param); } }, .ptr_type, .ptr_type_aligned, .ptr_type_bit_range, .ptr_type_sentinel, => { const ptr_type: Ast.full.PtrType = ast.ptrType(tree, node_idx).?; try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, ptr_type.ast.sentinel); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, ptr_type.ast.align_node); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, ptr_type.ast.child_type); }, .slice, .slice_open, .slice_sentinel, => { const slice: Ast.full.Slice = switch (node_tag) { .slice => tree.slice(node_idx), .slice_open => tree.sliceOpen(node_idx), .slice_sentinel => tree.sliceSentinel(node_idx), else => unreachable, }; try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, slice.ast.sliced); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, slice.ast.start); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, slice.ast.end); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, slice.ast.sentinel); }, .@"errdefer" => { const expr = data[node_idx].rhs; if (data[node_idx].lhs != 0) { const payload_token = data[node_idx].lhs; var scope = try scopes.addOne(allocator); scope.* = .{ .range = .{ .start = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, payload_token).start, .end = offsets.tokenLocation(tree, ast.lastToken(tree, expr)).end, }, .decls = std.StringHashMap(Declaration).init(allocator), .data = .other, }; errdefer scope.decls.deinit(); const name = tree.tokenSlice(payload_token); try scope.decls.putNoClobber(name, .{ .ast_node = expr }); } try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, expr); }, .@"asm", .asm_simple, .asm_output, .asm_input, .error_value, .multiline_string_literal, .string_literal, .enum_literal, .identifier, .anyframe_type, .anyframe_literal, .char_literal, .integer_literal, .float_literal, .unreachable_literal, .@"continue", => {}, .@"break", .@"defer" => { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].rhs); }, .@"return", .@"resume", .field_access, .@"suspend", .deref, .@"try", .@"await", .optional_type, .@"comptime", .@"nosuspend", .bool_not, .negation, .bit_not, .negation_wrap, .address_of, .grouped_expression, .unwrap_optional, .@"usingnamespace", => { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].lhs); }, .equal_equal, .bang_equal, .less_than, .greater_than, .less_or_equal, .greater_or_equal, .assign_mul, .assign_div, .assign_mod, .assign_add, .assign_sub, .assign_shl, .assign_shr, .assign_bit_and, .assign_bit_xor, .assign_bit_or, .assign_mul_wrap, .assign_add_wrap, .assign_sub_wrap, .assign_mul_sat, .assign_add_sat, .assign_sub_sat, .assign_shl_sat, .assign, .merge_error_sets, .mul, .div, .mod, .array_mult, .mul_wrap, .mul_sat, .add, .sub, .array_cat, .add_wrap, .sub_wrap, .add_sat, .sub_sat, .shl, .shl_sat, .shr, .bit_and, .bit_xor, .bit_or, .@"orelse", .bool_and, .bool_or, .array_type, .array_access, .error_union, => { try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].lhs); try makeScopeInternal(allocator, context, data[node_idx].rhs); }, } }