const std = @import("std"); const Uri = @import("uri.zig"); const data = @import("data"); const types = @import("types.zig"); const analysis = @import("analysis.zig"); // Code is largely based off of var stdout: std.fs.File.OutStream = undefined; var allocator: *std.mem.Allocator = undefined; /// Documents hashmap, types.DocumentUri:types.TextDocument var documents: std.StringHashMap(types.TextDocument) = undefined; const initialize_response = \\,"result":{"capabilities":{"signatureHelpProvider":{"triggerCharacters":["(",","]},"textDocumentSync":1,"completionProvider":{"resolveProvider":false,"triggerCharacters":[".",":","@"]},"documentHighlightProvider":false,"codeActionProvider":false,"workspace":{"workspaceFolders":{"supported":true}}}}} ; const not_implemented_response = \\,"error":{"code":-32601,"message":"NotImplemented"}} ; const null_result_response = \\,"result":null} ; const empty_result_response = \\,"result":{}} ; const empty_array_response = \\,"result":[]} ; const edit_not_applied_response = \\,"result":{"applied":false,"failureReason":"feature not implemented"}} ; const no_completions_response = \\,"result":{"isIncomplete":false,"items":[]}} ; /// Sends a request or response pub fn send(reqOrRes: var) !void { // The most memory we'll probably need var mem_buffer: [1024 * 128]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; try std.json.stringify(reqOrRes, std.json.StringifyOptions{}, fbs.outStream()); _ = try stdout.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", .{fbs.pos}); _ = try stdout.write(fbs.getWritten()); } pub fn log(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: var) !void { var message = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, fmt, args); defer; try send(types.Notification{ .method = "window/logMessage", .params = types.NotificationParams{ .LogMessageParams = types.LogMessageParams{ .@"type" = types.MessageType.Log, .message = message } } }); } pub fn respondGeneric(id: i64, response: []const u8) !void { const id_digits = blk: { if (id == 0) break :blk 1; var digits: usize = 1; var value = @divTrunc(id, 10); while (value != 0) : (value = @divTrunc(value, 10)) { digits += 1; } break :blk digits; }; _ = try stdout.print("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n{}\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":{}", .{response.len + id_digits + 22, "{", id}); _ = try stdout.write(response); } pub fn openDocument(uri: []const u8, text: []const u8) !void { const du = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, uri); _ = try documents.put(du, types.TextDocument{ .uri = du, .text = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, text) }); } pub fn publishDiagnostics(document: types.TextDocument) !void { const tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator, document.text); defer tree.deinit(); var diagnostics = std.ArrayList(types.Diagnostic).init(allocator); if (tree.errors.len > 0) { var index: usize = 0; while (index < tree.errors.len) : (index += 1) { const err =; const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, err.loc()); var mem_buffer: [256]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; _ = try tree.renderError(err, fbs.outStream()); try diagnostics.append(types.Diagnostic{ .range = types.Range{ .start = types.Position{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column) }, .end = types.Position{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column) } }, .severity = types.DiagnosticSeverity.Error, .code = @tagName(err.*), .source = "zls", .message = fbs.getWritten(), // .relatedInformation = undefined }); } } else { var decls = tree.root_node.decls.iterator(0); while ( |decl_ptr| { var decl = decl_ptr.*; switch ( { .FnProto => { const func = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?; if (func.name_token) |name_token| { const loc = tree.tokenLocation(0, name_token); if (func.extern_export_inline_token == null and !analysis.isCamelCase(tree.tokenSlice(name_token))) { try diagnostics.append(types.Diagnostic{ .range = types.Range{ .start = types.Position{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column) }, .end = types.Position{ .line = @intCast(i64, loc.line), .character = @intCast(i64, loc.column) } }, .severity = types.DiagnosticSeverity.Information, .code = "BadStyle", .source = "zls", .message = "Callables should be camelCase" }); } } }, else => {} } } } try send(types.Notification{ .method = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", .params = types.NotificationParams{ .PublishDiagnosticsParams = types.PublishDiagnosticsParams{ .uri = document.uri, .diagnostics = diagnostics.toOwnedSlice() } } }); } pub fn completeGlobal(id: i64, document: types.TextDocument) !void { const tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator, document.text); // defer tree.deinit(); if (tree.errors.len > 0) return try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response); var completions = std.ArrayList(types.CompletionItem).init(allocator); // @TODO try log("{}", .{&tree.root_node.decls}); var decls = tree.root_node.decls.iterator(0); while ( |decl_ptr| { var decl = decl_ptr.*; switch ( { .FnProto => { const func = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.FnProto).?; var doc_comments = try analysis.getDocComments(allocator, tree, decl); var doc = types.MarkupContent{ .kind = types.MarkupKind.Markdown, .value = doc_comments orelse "" }; try completions.append(types.CompletionItem{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(func.name_token.?), .kind = types.CompletionItemKind.Function, .documentation = doc, .detail = analysis.getFunctionSignature(tree, func) }); }, .VarDecl => { const var_decl = decl.cast(std.zig.ast.Node.VarDecl).?; var doc_comments = try analysis.getDocComments(allocator, tree, decl); var doc = types.MarkupContent{ .kind = types.MarkupKind.Markdown, .value = doc_comments orelse "" }; try completions.append(types.CompletionItem{ .label = tree.tokenSlice(var_decl.name_token), .kind = types.CompletionItemKind.Variable, .documentation = doc, .detail = analysis.getVariableSignature(tree, var_decl) }); }, else => {} } } try send(types.Response{ .id = .{.Integer = id}, .result = types.ResponseParams{ .CompletionList = types.CompletionList{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions.toOwnedSlice() } } }); } // pub fn signature pub fn processJsonRpc(json: []const u8) !void { var parser = std.json.Parser.init(allocator, false); var tree = try parser.parse(json); defer tree.deinit(); const root = tree.root; // if (root.Object.getValue("method") == null) {return;} const method = root.Object.getValue("method").?.String; const id = if (root.Object.getValue("id")) |id| id.Integer else 0; const params = root.Object.getValue("params").?.Object; // Core if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "initialize")) { try respondGeneric(id, initialize_response); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "initialized")) { // noop } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "$/cancelRequest")) { // noop } // File changes else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "textDocument/didOpen")) { const document = params.getValue("textDocument").?.Object; const uri = document.getValue("uri").?.String; const text = document.getValue("text").?.String; try openDocument(uri, text); try publishDiagnostics(documents.getValue(uri).?); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "textDocument/didChange")) { const text_document = params.getValue("textDocument").?.Object; const uri = text_document.getValue("uri").?.String; var document = &(documents.get(uri).?.value); const content_changes = params.getValue("contentChanges").?.Array; // const text = content_changes.items[0].Object.getValue("text").?.String for (content_changes.items) |change| { if (change.Object.getValue("range")) |range| { const start_pos = types.Position{ .line = range.Object.getValue("start").?.Object.getValue("line").?.Integer, .character = range.Object.getValue("start").?.Object.getValue("character").?.Integer }; const end_pos = types.Position{ .line = range.Object.getValue("end").?.Object.getValue("line").?.Integer, .character = range.Object.getValue("end").?.Object.getValue("character").?.Integer }; const before = document.text[0..try document.positionToIndex(start_pos)]; const after = document.text[try document.positionToIndex(end_pos)..document.text.len];; document.text = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &[3][]const u8{ before, change.Object.getValue("text").?.String, after }); } else {; document.text = try std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8, change.Object.getValue("text").?.String); } } try publishDiagnostics(document.*); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "textDocument/didSave")) { // noop } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "textDocument/didClose")) { const document = params.getValue("textDocument").?.Object; const uri = document.getValue("uri").?.String; _ = documents.remove(uri); } // Autocomplete / Signatures else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "textDocument/completion")) { const text_document = params.getValue("textDocument").?.Object; const uri = text_document.getValue("uri").?.String; const position = params.getValue("position").?.Object; const document = documents.getValue(uri).?; const pos = types.Position{ .line = position.getValue("line").?.Integer, .character = position.getValue("character").?.Integer - 1, }; if (pos.character >= 0) { const pos_index = try document.positionToIndex(pos); const char = document.text[pos_index]; if (char == '@') { var builtin_completions: [data.builtins.len]types.CompletionItem = undefined; for (data.builtins) |builtin, i| { var cutoff = std.mem.indexOf(u8, builtin, "(") orelse builtin.len; builtin_completions[i] = types.CompletionItem{ .label = builtin[0..cutoff], .kind = types.CompletionItemKind.Function, .filterText = builtin[1..cutoff], .insertText = builtin[1..], .insertTextFormat = types.InsertTextFormat.Snippet, .detail = data.builtin_details[i], .documentation = types.MarkupContent{ .kind = types.MarkupKind.Markdown, .value = data.builtin_docs[i] } }; } try send(types.Response{ .id = .{.Integer = id}, .result = types.ResponseParams{ .CompletionList = types.CompletionList{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = builtin_completions[0..] } } }); } else if (char != '.') { try completeGlobal(id, document); } else { try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response); } } else { try respondGeneric(id, no_completions_response); } } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, method, "textDocument/signatureHelp")) { try respondGeneric(id, \\,"result":{"signatures":[{ \\"label": "nameOfFunction(aNumber: u8)", \\"documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Description of the function in **Markdown**!"}, \\"parameters": [ \\{"label": [15, 27], "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "An argument"}} \\] \\}]}} ); // try respondGeneric(id, // \\,"result":{"signatures":[]}} // ); } else if (root.Object.getValue("id")) |_| { try log("Method with return value not implemented: {}", .{method}); try respondGeneric(id, not_implemented_response); } else { try log("Method without return value not implemented: {}", .{method}); } } const use_leak_count_alloc = @import("build_options").leak_detection; var leak_alloc_global: std.testing.LeakCountAllocator = undefined; // We can now use if(leak_count_alloc) |alloc| { ... } as a comptime check. const leak_count_alloc: ?*std.testing.LeakCountAllocator = if (use_leak_count_alloc) &leak_alloc_global else null; pub fn main() anyerror!void { // Init memory var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); allocator = &arena.allocator; if (use_leak_count_alloc) { // Initialize the leak counting allocator. leak_alloc_global = std.testing.LeakCountAllocator.init(allocator); allocator = &leak_alloc_global.allocator; } // Init buffer for stdin read var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); try buffer.resize(4096); // Init global vars const stdin =; stdout =; documents = std.StringHashMap(types.TextDocument).init(allocator); var offset: usize = 0; var bytes_read: usize = 0; var index: usize = 0; var content_len: usize = 0; stdin_poll: while (true) { // var bytes =[0..6]) catch return; if (offset >= 16 and std.mem.startsWith(u8, buffer.items, "Content-Length: ")) { index = 16; while (index <= offset + 10) : (index += 1) { const c = buffer.items[index]; if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') { content_len = content_len * 10 + (c - '0'); } if (c == '\r' and buffer.items[index + 1] == '\n') { index += 2; break; } } // buffer.items[offset] = try stdin.readByte();= if (buffer.items[index] == '\r') { index += 2; if (buffer.items.len < index + content_len) { try buffer.resize(index + content_len); } body_poll: while (offset < content_len + index) { bytes_read =[offset .. index + content_len]) catch return; if (bytes_read == 0) { try log("0 bytes written; exiting!", .{}); return; } offset += bytes_read; } try processJsonRpc(buffer.items[index .. index + content_len]); offset = 0; content_len = 0; } else { try log("\\r not found", .{}); } } else if (offset >= 16) { try log("OffseOt is greater than 16!", .{}); return; } if (offset < 16) { bytes_read =[offset..25]) catch return; } else { if (offset == buffer.items.len) { try buffer.resize(buffer.items.len * 2); } if (index + content_len > buffer.items.len) { bytes_read =[offset..buffer.items.len]) catch { try log("Error reading!", .{}); return; }; } else { bytes_read =[offset .. index + content_len]) catch { try log("Error reading!", .{}); return; }; } } if (bytes_read == 0) { try log("0 bytes written; exiting!", .{}); return; } offset += bytes_read; if (leak_count_alloc) |leaks| { try log("Allocations alive after message: {}", .{leaks.count}); } } }