Zig Language Server [![CI](https://github.com/zigtools/zls/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/zigtools/zls/actions) **Need support? Wanna help out? Join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/5m5U3qpUhk)!** The Zig Language Server (zls) is a tool that implements Microsoft's Language Server Protocol for Zig in Zig. In simpler terms: it'll provide you with completions, go-to definition, [etc.](#features) when you write Zig code! ## Table Of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [From Source](#from-source) - [Build Options](#build-options) - [Updating Data Files](#updating-data-files) - [Configuration Options](#configuration-options) - [Per-build Configuration Options](#per-build-configuration-options) - [`BuildOption`](#buildoption) - [Features](#features) - [Using as a library](#using-as-a-library) - [Related Projects](#related-projects) - [Quick Thanks :)](#quick-thanks-) - [License](#license) ## Installation ### [See the `install zls` tool](https://zigtools.github.io/install-zls/) for editor and binary installation instructions. ### From Source Building `zls` is very easy. You will need [a build of Zig master](https://ziglang.org/download/) to build zls. ```bash git clone https://github.com/zigtools/zls cd zls zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe ``` #### Build Options | Option | Type | Default Value | What it Does | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `-Ddata_version` | `string` (like 0.7.1 or 0.9.0) | master | The data file version. This selects the files in the `src/data` folder that correspond to the Zig version being served.| #### Updating Data Files Run `zig build gen -- --generate-version-data master` to update data files. This command will require an internet connection. You can replace `master` with a specific zig version like `0.10.0`. Which version ZLS uses can be configured by passing the `-Ddata_version` parameter when building ZLS. ### Configuration Options You can configure zls by editing your `zls.json` configuration file. Running `zls --show-config-path` will show a path to an already existing `zls.json` or a path to the local configuration folder instead. zls will look for a `zls.json` configuration file in multiple locations with the following priority: - In the local configuration folder of your OS (as provided by [known-folders](https://github.com/ziglibs/known-folders/blob/master/RESOURCES.md#folder-list)) - In the global configuration folder of your OS (as provided by [known-folders](https://github.com/ziglibs/known-folders/blob/master/RESOURCES.md#folder-list)) The following options are currently available. | Option | Type | Default value | What it Does | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `enable_snippets` | `bool` | `true` | Enables snippet completions when the client also supports them | | `enable_ast_check_diagnostics` | `bool` | `true` | Whether to enable ast-check diagnostics | | `enable_autofix` | `bool` | `true` | Whether to automatically fix errors on save. Currently supports adding and removing discards. | | `enable_import_embedfile_argument_completions` | `bool` | `true` | Whether to enable import/embedFile argument completions | | `semantic_tokens` | `enum` | `.full` | Set level of semantic tokens. Partial only includes information that requires semantic analysis. | | `enable_inlay_hints` | `bool` | `true` | Enables inlay hint support when the client also supports it | | `inlay_hints_show_builtin` | `bool` | `true` | Enable inlay hints for builtin functions | | `inlay_hints_exclude_single_argument` | `bool` | `true` | Don't show inlay hints for single argument calls | | `inlay_hints_hide_redundant_param_names` | `bool` | `false` | Hides inlay hints when parameter name matches the identifier (e.g. foo: foo) | | `inlay_hints_hide_redundant_param_names_last_token` | `bool` | `false` | Hides inlay hints when parameter name matches the last token of a parameter node (e.g. foo: bar.foo, foo: &foo) | | `operator_completions` | `bool` | `true` | Enables `*` and `?` operators in completion lists | | `warn_style` | `bool` | `false` | Enables warnings for style guideline mismatches | | `highlight_global_var_declarations` | `bool` | `false` | Whether to highlight global var declarations | | `dangerous_comptime_experiments_do_not_enable` | `bool` | `false` | Whether to use the comptime interpreter | | `include_at_in_builtins` | `bool` | `false` | Whether the @ sign should be part of the completion of builtins | | `skip_std_references` | `bool` | `false` | When true, skips searching for references in std. Improves lookup speed for functions in user's code. Renaming and go-to-definition will continue to work as is | | `max_detail_length` | `usize` | `1048576` | The detail field of completions is truncated to be no longer than this (in bytes) | | `prefer_ast_check_as_child_process` | `bool` | `true` | Can be used in conjuction with `enable_ast_check_diagnostics` to favor using `zig ast-check` instead of ZLS's fork | | `record_session` | `bool` | `false` | When true, zls will record all request is receives and write in into `record_session_path`, so that they can replayed with `zls replay` | | `record_session_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Output file path when `record_session` is set. The recommended file extension *.zlsreplay | | `replay_session_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Used when calling `zls replay` for specifying the replay file. If no extra argument is given `record_session_path` is used as the default path. | | `builtin_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Path to 'builtin;' useful for debugging, automatically set if let null | | `zig_lib_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Zig library path, e.g. `/path/to/zig/lib/zig`, used to analyze std library imports | | `zig_exe_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Zig executable path, e.g. `/path/to/zig/zig`, used to run the custom build runner. If `null`, zig is looked up in `PATH`. Will be used to infer the zig standard library path if none is provided | | `build_runner_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Path to the `build_runner.zig` file provided by zls. null is equivalent to `${executable_directory}/build_runner.zig` | | `global_cache_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Path to a directory that will be used as zig's cache. null is equivalent to `${KnownFolders.Cache}/zls` | | `build_runner_global_cache_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | Path to a directory that will be used as the global cache path when executing a projects build.zig. null is equivalent to the path shown by `zig env` | ### Per-build Configuration Options The following options can be set on a per-project basis by placing `zls.build.json` in the project root directory next to `build.zig`. | Option | Type | Default value | What it Does | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `relative_builtin_path` | `?[]const u8` | `null` | If present, this path is used to resolve `@import("builtin")` | | `build_options` | `?[]BuildOption` | `null` | If present, this contains a list of user options to pass to the build. This is useful when options are used to conditionally add packages in `build.zig`. | #### `BuildOption` `BuildOption` is defined as follows: ```zig const BuildOption = struct { name: []const u8, value: ?[]const u8 = null, }; ``` When `value` is present, the option will be passed the same as in `zig build -Dname=value`. When `value` is `null`, the option will be passed as a flag instead as in `zig build -Dflag`. ## Features `zls` supports most language features, including simple type function support, using namespace, payload capture type resolution, custom packages, cImport and others. Support for comptime and semantic analysis is Work-in-Progress. The following LSP features are supported: - Completions - Hover - Goto definition/declaration - Document symbols - Find references - Rename symbol - Formatting using `zig fmt` - Semantic token highlighting - Inlay hints - Code actions - Selection ranges - Folding regions ## Using as a library You can use zls as a library! [Check out this demo repo](https://github.com/zigtools/zls-as-lib-demo) for a good reference. ## Related Projects - [`sublime-zig-language` by @prime31](https://github.com/prime31/sublime-zig-language) - Supports basic language features - Uses data provided by `src/data` to perform builtin autocompletion - [`zig-lsp` by @xackus](https://github.com/xackus/zig-lsp) - Inspiration for `zls` - [`known-folders` by @ziglibs](https://github.com/ziglibs/known-folders) - Provides API to access known folders on Linux, Windows and Mac OS - [`zls` by @zigtools](https://github.com/zigtools/zls) - Used by many zls developers to more efficiently work on zls ## Quick Thanks :) We'd like to take a second to thank all our awesome [contributors](https://github.com/zigtools/zls/graphs/contributors) and donators/backers/sponsors; if you have time or money to spare, consider partaking in either of these options - they help keep zls awesome for everyone! [![OpenCollective Backers](https://opencollective.com/zigtools/backers.svg?width=890&limit=1000)](https://opencollective.com/zigtools#category-CONTRIBUTE) ## License MIT