More . completion

This commit is contained in:
nullptrdevs 2023-03-23 00:42:20 -07:00 committed by Lee Cannon
parent c89431c625
commit e1d90a1a1b
2 changed files with 80 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -1513,6 +1513,26 @@ pub fn getFieldAccessType(analyser: *Analyser, handle: *const DocumentStore.Hand
current_type = (try analyser.resolveBracketAccessType(current_type orelse return null, if (is_range) .Range else .Single)) orelse return null;
.builtin => {
const curr_handle = if (current_type == null) handle else current_type.?.handle;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tokenizer.buffer[tok.loc.start..tok.loc.end], "@import")) {
if ( != .l_paren) return null;
var import_str_tok =; // should be the .string_literal
if (import_str_tok.tag != .string_literal) return null;
if (import_str_tok.loc.end - import_str_tok.loc.start < 2) return null;
var import_str = offsets.locToSlice(tokenizer.buffer, .{
.start = import_str_tok.loc.start + 1,
.end = import_str_tok.loc.end - 1,
const uri = try, curr_handle.*, import_str) orelse return null;
const node_handle = orelse return null;
current_type = TypeWithHandle.typeVal(NodeWithHandle{ .handle = node_handle, .node = 0 });
_ =; // eat the .r_paren
} else {
log.debug("Unhandled builtin: {s}", .{offsets.locToSlice(tokenizer.buffer, tok.loc)});
return null;
else => {
log.debug("Unimplemented token: {}", .{tok.tag});
return null;

View File

@ -728,14 +728,15 @@ fn kindToSortScore(kind: types.CompletionItemKind) ?[]const u8 {
/// Given a decl that is an ast_node, tag .simple_var_decl, and it's rhs is a container adds the container fields to completions
/// Given a root node decl or a .simple_var_decl (const MyStruct = struct {..}) node decl, adds it's `.container_field*`s to completions
pub fn addStructInitNodeFields(server: *Server, decl: Analyser.DeclWithHandle, completions: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.CompletionItem)) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const node = switch (decl.decl.*) {
.ast_node => |ast_node| ast_node,
else => return,
const node_tags = decl.handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
if (node_tags[node] != .simple_var_decl) return;
switch (node_tags[node]) {
.simple_var_decl => {
const node_data = decl.handle.tree.nodes.items(.data)[node];
if (node_data.rhs != 0) {
var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
@ -751,6 +752,21 @@ pub fn addStructInitNodeFields(server: *Server, decl: Analyser.DeclWithHandle, c
.root => {
for (decl.handle.tree.rootDecls()) |root_node| {
const field = decl.handle.tree.fullContainerField(@intCast(u32, root_node)) orelse continue;
try completions.append(server.arena.allocator(), .{
.label = decl.handle.tree.tokenSlice(field.ast.main_token),
.kind = if (field.ast.tuple_like) .Enum else .Field,
.detail = Analyser.getContainerFieldSignature(decl.handle.tree, field),
.insertText = decl.handle.tree.tokenSlice(field.ast.main_token),
.insertTextFormat = .PlainText,
else => {},
fn completeDot(server: *Server, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, source_index: usize) error{OutOfMemory}![]types.CompletionItem {
@ -820,7 +836,7 @@ fn completeDot(server: *Server, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, source_inde
var completions = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.CompletionItem){};
if (identifier_loc.start != identifier_original_start) { // field access
if (identifier_loc.start != identifier_original_start) { //{.<cursor> => use field access resolution
const possible_decls = (try server.getSymbolFieldAccesses(handle, identifier_loc.end, identifier_loc));
if (possible_decls) |decls| {
for (decls) |decl| {
@ -836,7 +852,7 @@ fn completeDot(server: *Server, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, source_inde
} else { // var_access, but also field_access if the node's rhs is an alias, eg const MyStruct =;
} else { // MyStruct{.<cursor> => use var resolution (supports only one level of indirection)
const maybe_decl = try server.analyser.lookupSymbolGlobal(handle, tree.source[identifier_loc.start..identifier_loc.end], identifier_loc.end);
if (maybe_decl) |local_decl| {
const nodes_tags = handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
@ -844,7 +860,29 @@ fn completeDot(server: *Server, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, source_inde
const node_data = nodes_data[local_decl.decl.ast_node];
if (node_data.rhs != 0) {
switch (nodes_tags[node_data.rhs]) {
.field_access => { // decl is an alias, ie const MyStruct =;
// decl is `const Alias = @import("MyStruct.zig");`
.builtin_call_two => {
var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const params = ast.builtinCallParams(tree, node_data.rhs, &buffer).?;
const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
const call_name = tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[node_data.rhs]);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, call_name, "@import")) {
if (params.len == 0) break :struct_init;
const import_param = params[0];
if (nodes_tags[import_param] != .string_literal) break :struct_init;
const import_str = tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[import_param]);
const import_uri = (try server.document_store.uriFromImportStr(allocator, handle.*, import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1])) orelse break :struct_init;
const node_handle = server.document_store.getOrLoadHandle(import_uri) orelse break :struct_init;
var decl = Analyser.Declaration{ .ast_node = 0 };
try addStructInitNodeFields(server, Analyser.DeclWithHandle{ .handle = node_handle, .decl = &decl }, &completions);
// decl is `const Alias =` or `const Alias = @import("file.zig").MyStruct;`
.field_access => {
const node_loc = offsets.nodeToLoc(tree, node_data.rhs);
const possible_decls = (try server.getSymbolFieldAccesses(handle, node_loc.end, node_loc));
if (possible_decls) |decls| {
@ -862,6 +900,9 @@ fn completeDot(server: *Server, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, source_inde
// decl is `const AliasB = AliasA;` (alias of an alias)
//.identifier => {},
// decl is `const MyStruct = struct {..}` which is a .simple_var_decl (check is in addStructInitNodeFields)
else => try addStructInitNodeFields(server, local_decl, &completions),