Some comptime interpreter fixes

This commit is contained in:
Auguste Rame 2022-11-10 20:51:02 -05:00
parent c803a5de3f
commit c8dffc1f9b
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 109 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const log = std.log.scoped(.comptime_interpreter);
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
document_store: *DocumentStore,
handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
uri: DocumentStore.Uri,
root_type: ?Type = null,
/// Interpreter diagnostic errors
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ type_info_map: std.HashMapUnmanaged(TypeInfo, usize, TypeInfo.Context, std.hash_
// TODO: Use DOD
value_data_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*ValueData) = .{},
pub fn getHandle(interpreter: *ComptimeInterpreter) *const DocumentStore.Handle {
// This interpreter is loaded from a known-valid handle so a valid handle must exist
return interpreter.document_store.getOrLoadHandle(interpreter.uri).?;
pub const InterpreterError = struct {
code: []const u8,
message: []const u8,
@ -231,9 +236,7 @@ pub const ValueData = union(enum) {
@"type": Type,
@"bool": bool,
// @"struct": struct {
// },
@"struct": struct {},
/// This is what a pointer is; we don't need to map
/// this to anything because @ptrToInt is comptime-illegal
/// Pointer equality scares me though :( (but that's for later)
@ -311,7 +314,7 @@ pub const Declaration = struct {
pub fn getValue(decl: *Declaration) InterpretError!Value {
var interpreter = decl.scope.interpreter;
const tree = decl.scope.interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = decl.scope.interpreter.getHandle().tree;
const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
if (decl.value == null) {
@ -350,7 +353,7 @@ pub const Declaration = struct {
pub fn isConstant(declaration: Declaration) bool {
const tree = declaration.scope.interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = declaration.scope.interpreter.getHandle().tree;
return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[declaration.node_idx]) {
@ -491,7 +494,7 @@ pub const InterpreterScope = struct {
pub const ScopeKind = enum { container, block, function };
pub fn scopeKind(scope: InterpreterScope) ScopeKind {
const tree = scope.interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = scope.interpreter.getHandle().tree;
return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[scope.node_idx]) {
@ -513,7 +516,7 @@ pub const InterpreterScope = struct {
pub fn getLabel(scope: InterpreterScope) ?Ast.TokenIndex {
const tree = scope.interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = scope.interpreter.getHandle().tree;
const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
return switch (scope.scopeKind()) {
@ -621,7 +624,7 @@ pub fn huntItDown(
decl_name: []const u8,
options: InterpretOptions,
) InterpretError!*Declaration {
const tree = interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = interpreter.getHandle().tree;
const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
var psi = scope.parentScopeIterator();
@ -728,7 +731,7 @@ pub fn interpret(
scope: ?*InterpreterScope,
options: InterpretOptions,
) InterpretError!InterpretResult {
const tree = interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = interpreter.getHandle().tree;
const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const data = tree.nodes.items(.data);
const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
@ -833,9 +836,11 @@ pub fn interpret(
.name = name,
if (scope.?.scopeKind() != .container) {
// TODO: Am I a dumbo shrimp? (e.g. is this tree shaking correct? works on my machine so like...)
// if (scope.?.scopeKind() != .container) {
if (scope.?.node_idx != 0)
_ = try scope.?.declarations.getPtr(name).?.getValue();
return InterpretResult{ .nothing = {} };
@ -969,8 +974,7 @@ pub fn interpret(
var irv = try ir.getValue();
var sub_scope = irv.value_data.@"type".getTypeInfo().getScopeOfType() orelse return error.IdentifierNotFound;
// var scope_sub_decl = sub_scope.declarations.get(rhs_str) orelse return error.IdentifierNotFound;
var scope_sub_decl = irv.value_data.@"type".interpreter.huntItDown(sub_scope, rhs_str, options) catch |err| {
var scope_sub_decl = sub_scope.interpreter.huntItDown(sub_scope, rhs_str, options) catch |err| {
if (err == error.IdentifierNotFound) try interpreter.recordError(
@ -1131,8 +1135,19 @@ pub fn interpret(
const import_str = tree.tokenSlice(main_tokens[import_param]);"Resolving {s} from {s}", .{ import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1], interpreter.handle.uri });
var import_uri = (try interpreter.document_store.uriFromImportStr(interpreter.allocator, interpreter.handle.*, import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1])) orelse return error.ImportFailure;"Resolving {s} from {s}", .{ import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1], interpreter.uri });
// TODO: Implement root support
if (std.mem.eql(u8, import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1], "root")) {
return InterpretResult{ .value = Value{
.interpreter = interpreter,
.node_idx = node_idx,
.@"type" = try interpreter.createType(node_idx, .{ .@"struct" = .{ .scope = try interpreter.newScope(null, 0) } }),
.value_data = try interpreter.createValueData(.{ .@"struct" = .{} }),
} };
var import_uri = (try interpreter.document_store.uriFromImportStr(interpreter.allocator, interpreter.getHandle().*, import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1])) orelse return error.ImportFailure;
var handle = interpreter.document_store.getOrLoadHandle(import_uri) orelse return error.ImportFailure;
@ -1403,7 +1418,7 @@ pub fn call(
// TODO: type check args
const tree = interpreter.handle.tree;
const tree = interpreter.getHandle().tree;
const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
std.debug.assert(tags[func_node_idx] == .fn_decl);

View File

@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ pub fn ensureInterpreterExists(self: *DocumentStore, uri: Uri) !void {
int.* = ComptimeInterpreter{
.allocator = self.allocator,
.document_store = self,
.handle = handle,
.uri = uri,
handle.interpreter = int;
_ = try int.interpret(0, null, .{});

View File

@ -2776,7 +2776,35 @@ pub fn processJsonRpc(server: *Server, writer: anytype, json: []const u8) !void
const method_map = .{ .{ "initialized", void, initializedHandler }, .{"$/cancelRequest"}, .{"textDocument/willSave"}, .{ "initialize", requests.Initialize, initializeHandler }, .{ "shutdown", void, shutdownHandler }, .{ "exit", void, exitHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didOpen", requests.OpenDocument, openDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didChange", requests.ChangeDocument, changeDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didSave", requests.SaveDocument, saveDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/didClose", requests.CloseDocument, closeDocumentHandler }, .{ "textDocument/semanticTokens/full", requests.SemanticTokensFull, semanticTokensFullHandler }, .{ "textDocument/inlayHint", requests.InlayHint, inlayHintHandler }, .{ "textDocument/completion", requests.Completion, completionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/signatureHelp", requests.SignatureHelp, signatureHelpHandler }, .{ "textDocument/definition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/typeDefinition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/implementation", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler }, .{ "textDocument/declaration", requests.GotoDeclaration, gotoDeclarationHandler }, .{ "textDocument/hover", requests.Hover, hoverHandler }, .{ "textDocument/documentSymbol", requests.DocumentSymbols, documentSymbolsHandler }, .{ "textDocument/formatting", requests.Formatting, formattingHandler }, .{ "textDocument/rename", requests.Rename, renameHandler }, .{ "textDocument/references", requests.References, referencesHandler }, .{ "textDocument/documentHighlight", requests.DocumentHighlight, documentHighlightHandler }, .{ "textDocument/codeAction", requests.CodeAction, codeActionHandler }, .{ "workspace/didChangeConfiguration", Config.DidChangeConfigurationParams, didChangeConfigurationHandler }, .{ "textDocument/foldingRange", requests.FoldingRange, foldingRangeHandler } };
const method_map = .{
.{ "initialized", void, initializedHandler },
.{ "initialize", requests.Initialize, initializeHandler },
.{ "shutdown", void, shutdownHandler },
.{ "exit", void, exitHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didOpen", requests.OpenDocument, openDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didChange", requests.ChangeDocument, changeDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didSave", requests.SaveDocument, saveDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/didClose", requests.CloseDocument, closeDocumentHandler },
.{ "textDocument/semanticTokens/full", requests.SemanticTokensFull, semanticTokensFullHandler },
.{ "textDocument/inlayHint", requests.InlayHint, inlayHintHandler },
.{ "textDocument/completion", requests.Completion, completionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/signatureHelp", requests.SignatureHelp, signatureHelpHandler },
.{ "textDocument/definition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/typeDefinition", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/implementation", requests.GotoDefinition, gotoDefinitionHandler },
.{ "textDocument/declaration", requests.GotoDeclaration, gotoDeclarationHandler },
.{ "textDocument/hover", requests.Hover, hoverHandler },
.{ "textDocument/documentSymbol", requests.DocumentSymbols, documentSymbolsHandler },
.{ "textDocument/formatting", requests.Formatting, formattingHandler },
.{ "textDocument/rename", requests.Rename, renameHandler },
.{ "textDocument/references", requests.References, referencesHandler },
.{ "textDocument/documentHighlight", requests.DocumentHighlight, documentHighlightHandler },
.{ "textDocument/codeAction", requests.CodeAction, codeActionHandler },
.{ "workspace/didChangeConfiguration", Config.DidChangeConfigurationParams, didChangeConfigurationHandler },
.{ "textDocument/foldingRange", requests.FoldingRange, foldingRangeHandler },
if (zig_builtin.zig_backend == .stage1) {
// Hack to avoid `return`ing in the inline for, which causes bugs.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
// used by tests as a package
// Used by tests as a package, can be used by tools such as
// zigbot9001 to take advantage of zls' tools
pub const analysis = @import("analysis.zig");
pub const header = @import("header.zig");
pub const offsets = @import("offsets.zig");
@ -8,4 +10,5 @@ pub const Server = @import("Server.zig");
pub const translate_c = @import("translate_c.zig");
pub const types = @import("types.zig");
pub const URI = @import("uri.zig");
pub const DocumentStore = @import("DocumentStore.zig");
pub const ComptimeInterpreter = @import("ComptimeInterpreter.zig");

View File

@ -8,35 +8,51 @@ const ComptimeInterpreter = zls.ComptimeInterpreter;
const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "ComptimeInterpreter - basic test" {
var tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator,
var config = zls.Config{};
var doc_store = zls.DocumentStore{
.allocator = allocator,
.config = &config,
defer doc_store.deinit();
_ = try doc_store.openDocument("file:///file.zig",
\\pub fn ReturnMyType(comptime my_arg: bool) type {
\\ var abc = z: {break :z if (!my_arg) 123 else 0;};
\\ if (abc == 123) return u69;
\\ return u8;
defer tree.deinit(allocator);
var interpreter = ComptimeInterpreter{ .tree = tree, .allocator = allocator };
var interpreter = ComptimeInterpreter{
.allocator = allocator,
.document_store = &doc_store,
.uri = "file:///file.zig",
defer interpreter.deinit();
_ = try interpreter.interpret(0, null, .{});
var bool_type = try interpreter.createType(std.math.maxInt(std.zig.Ast.Node.Index), .{ .@"bool" = .{} });
var arg_false = ComptimeInterpreter.Value{
.interpreter = &interpreter,
.node_idx = std.math.maxInt(std.zig.Ast.Node.Index),
.@"type" = bool_type,
.value_data = .{ .@"bool" = false },
.value_data = try interpreter.createValueData(.{ .@"bool" = false }),
var arg_true = ComptimeInterpreter.Value{
.interpreter = &interpreter,
.node_idx = std.math.maxInt(std.zig.Ast.Node.Index),
.@"type" = bool_type,
.value_data = .{ .@"bool" = true },
.value_data = try interpreter.createValueData(.{ .@"bool" = true }),
const call_with_false = try[0], &.{
const rmt = interpreter.root_type.?.getTypeInfo().@"struct".scope.declarations.get("ReturnMyType").?;
const call_with_false = try, rmt.node_idx, &.{
}, .{});
defer call_with_false.scope.deinit();
const call_with_true = try[0], &.{
const call_with_true = try, rmt.node_idx, &.{
}, .{});
defer call_with_true.scope.deinit();
@ -46,7 +62,14 @@ test "ComptimeInterpreter - basic test" {
test "ComptimeInterpreter - struct" {
var tree = try std.zig.parse(allocator,
var config = zls.Config{};
var doc_store = zls.DocumentStore{
.allocator = allocator,
.config = &config,
defer doc_store.deinit();
_ = try doc_store.openDocument("file:///file.zig",
\\pub fn ReturnMyType() type {
\\ return struct {
\\ slay: bool,
@ -54,13 +77,20 @@ test "ComptimeInterpreter - struct" {
\\ };
defer tree.deinit(allocator);
var interpreter = ComptimeInterpreter{ .tree = tree, .allocator = allocator };
var interpreter = ComptimeInterpreter{
.allocator = allocator,
.document_store = &doc_store,
.uri = "file:///file.zig",
defer interpreter.deinit();
const z = try[0], &.{}, .{});
_ = try interpreter.interpret(0, null, .{});
const rmt = interpreter.root_type.?.getTypeInfo().@"struct".scope.declarations.get("ReturnMyType").?;
const z = try, rmt.node_idx, &.{}, .{});
defer z.scope.deinit();
try std.testing.expectFmt("struct {slay: bool, const abc: comptime_int = TODO_PRINT_VALUES, }", "{any}", .{interpreter.formatTypeInfo(interpreter.typeToTypeInfo(z.result.value.value_data.@"type"))});
try std.testing.expectFmt("struct {slay: bool, var abc: comptime_int = 123, }", "{any}", .{interpreter.formatTypeInfo(z.result.value.value_data.@"type".getTypeInfo())});

View File

@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ comptime {
// Language features
_ = @import("language_features/cimport.zig");
// _ = @import("language_features/comptime_interpreter.zig");
_ = @import("language_features/comptime_interpreter.zig");