Optimize document symbols (#1050)

* optimize document symbol generation

* match folding range index to position conversion and documentation to document symbol's

* skip function decls with no name

* skip document symbol field in opaque type
This commit is contained in:
Techatrix 2023-03-12 06:24:42 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent c203110555
commit ab23ff3616
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 291 additions and 264 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ const semantic_tokens = @import("semantic_tokens.zig");
const inlay_hints = @import("inlay_hints.zig"); const inlay_hints = @import("inlay_hints.zig");
const code_actions = @import("code_actions.zig"); const code_actions = @import("code_actions.zig");
const folding_range = @import("folding_range.zig"); const folding_range = @import("folding_range.zig");
const document_symbol = @import("document_symbol.zig");
const shared = @import("shared.zig"); const shared = @import("shared.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast; const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig"); const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
@ -2498,7 +2499,7 @@ pub fn documentSymbolsHandler(server: *Server, request: types.DocumentSymbolPara
const handle = server.document_store.getHandle(request.textDocument.uri) orelse return null; const handle = server.document_store.getHandle(request.textDocument.uri) orelse return null;
return try analysis.getDocumentSymbols(server.arena.allocator(), handle.tree, server.offset_encoding); return try document_symbol.getDocumentSymbols(server.arena.allocator(), handle.tree, server.offset_encoding);
} }
pub fn formattingHandler(server: *Server, request: types.DocumentFormattingParams) Error!?[]types.TextEdit { pub fn formattingHandler(server: *Server, request: types.DocumentFormattingParams) Error!?[]types.TextEdit {

View File

@ -1804,237 +1804,6 @@ pub fn getPositionContext(
return if (tok.tag == .identifier) PositionContext{ .var_access = tok.loc } else .empty; return if (tok.tag == .identifier) PositionContext{ .var_access = tok.loc } else .empty;
} }
fn addOutlineNodes(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, child: Ast.Node.Index, context: *GetDocumentSymbolsContext) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[child]) {
=> return,
=> {
var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const members = tree.fullContainerDecl(&buf, child).?.ast.members;
for (members) |member|
try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, member, context);
else => {},
try getDocumentSymbolsInternal(allocator, tree, child, context);
const GetDocumentSymbolsContext = struct {
symbols: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.DocumentSymbol),
encoding: offsets.Encoding,
fn getDocumentSymbolsInternal(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, context: *GetDocumentSymbolsContext) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const name = getDeclName(tree, node) orelse return;
if (name.len == 0)
const range = offsets.nodeToRange(tree, node, context.encoding);
const tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
(try context.symbols.addOne(allocator)).* = .{
.name = name,
.kind = switch (tags[node]) {
=> .Function,
=> .Variable,
=> .Field,
else => .Variable,
.range = range,
.selectionRange = range,
.detail = "",
.children = ch: {
var children = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.DocumentSymbol){};
var child_context = GetDocumentSymbolsContext{
.symbols = &children,
.encoding = context.encoding,
var buf: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
if (tree.fullContainerDecl(&buf, node)) |container_decl| {
for (container_decl.ast.members) |child| {
try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, child, &child_context);
} else if (tree.fullVarDecl(node)) |var_decl| {
if (var_decl.ast.init_node != 0)
try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, var_decl.ast.init_node, &child_context);
} else if (tags[node] == .fn_decl) fn_ch: {
const fn_decl = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node];
var params: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const fn_proto = tree.fullFnProto(&params, fn_decl.lhs).?;
if (!isTypeFunction(tree, fn_proto)) break :fn_ch;
const ret_stmt = findReturnStatement(tree, fn_proto, fn_decl.rhs) orelse break :fn_ch;
const type_decl = tree.nodes.items(.data)[ret_stmt].lhs;
if (type_decl != 0)
try addOutlineNodes(allocator, tree, type_decl, &child_context);
break :ch children.items;
pub fn getDocumentSymbols(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, encoding: offsets.Encoding) ![]types.DocumentSymbol {
var symbols = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.DocumentSymbol){};
try symbols.ensureTotalCapacity(allocator, tree.rootDecls().len);
var context = GetDocumentSymbolsContext{
.symbols = &symbols,
.encoding = encoding,
for (tree.rootDecls()) |idx| {
try getDocumentSymbolsInternal(allocator, tree, idx, &context);
return symbols.items;
pub const Declaration = union(enum) { pub const Declaration = union(enum) {
/// Index of the ast node /// Index of the ast node
ast_node: Ast.Node.Index, ast_node: Ast.Node.Index,

src/document_symbol.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
const std = @import("std");
const types = @import("lsp.zig");
const offsets = @import("offsets.zig");
const ast = @import("ast.zig");
const analysis = @import("analysis.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const log = std.log.scoped(.zls_document_symbol);
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
const Symbol = struct {
name: []const u8,
detail: ?[]const u8 = null,
kind: types.SymbolKind,
loc: offsets.Loc,
selection_loc: offsets.Loc,
children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Symbol),
pub const Context = struct {
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
last_var_decl_name: ?[]const u8,
parent_node: Ast.Node.Index,
parent_symbols: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Symbol),
total_symbol_count: *usize,
fn callback(ctx: *Context, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
if (node == 0) return;
const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
const decl_name_token = analysis.getDeclNameToken(tree, node);
const decl_name = analysis.getDeclName(tree, node);
var new_ctx = ctx.*;
const maybe_symbol: ?Symbol = switch (node_tags[node]) {
=> blk: {
new_ctx.last_var_decl_name = decl_name;
if (!ast.isContainer(tree, ctx.parent_node)) break :blk null;
const kind: types.SymbolKind = switch (token_tags[main_tokens[node]]) {
.keyword_var => .Variable,
.keyword_const => .Constant,
else => unreachable,
break :blk .{
.name = decl_name.?,
.detail = null,
.kind = kind,
.loc = offsets.nodeToLoc(tree, node),
.selection_loc = offsets.tokenToLoc(tree, decl_name_token.?),
.children = .{},
=> |tag| blk: {
const kind: types.SymbolKind = switch (tag) {
.test_decl => .Method, // there is no SymbolKind that represents a tests
.fn_decl => .Function,
else => unreachable,
var buffer: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const detail = if (tree.fullFnProto(&buffer, node)) |fn_info| analysis.getFunctionSignature(tree, fn_info) else null;
break :blk .{
.name = decl_name orelse break :blk null,
.detail = detail,
.kind = kind,
.loc = offsets.nodeToLoc(tree, node),
.selection_loc = offsets.tokenToLoc(tree, decl_name_token.?),
.children = .{},
=> blk: {
const kind: types.SymbolKind = switch (node_tags[ctx.parent_node]) {
.root => .Field,
=> switch (token_tags[main_tokens[ctx.parent_node]]) {
.keyword_struct => .Field,
.keyword_union => .Field,
.keyword_enum => .EnumMember,
.keyword_opaque => break :blk null,
else => unreachable,
=> .Field,
else => unreachable,
break :blk .{
.name = decl_name.?,
.detail = ctx.last_var_decl_name,
.kind = kind,
.loc = offsets.nodeToLoc(tree, node),
.selection_loc = offsets.tokenToLoc(tree, decl_name_token.?),
.children = .{},
else => null,
new_ctx.parent_node = node;
if (maybe_symbol) |symbol| {
var symbol_ptr = try ctx.parent_symbols.addOne(ctx.arena);
symbol_ptr.* = symbol;
new_ctx.parent_symbols = &symbol_ptr.children;
ctx.total_symbol_count.* += 1;
try ast.iterateChildren(tree, node, &new_ctx, error{OutOfMemory}, callback);
/// a mapping from a source index to a line character pair
const IndexToPositionEntry = struct {
output: *types.Position,
source_index: usize,
const Self = @This();
fn lessThan(_: void, lhs: Self, rhs: Self) bool {
return lhs.source_index < rhs.source_index;
/// converts `Symbol` to `types.DocumentSymbol`
fn convertSymbols(
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
tree: Ast,
from: []const Symbol,
total_symbol_count: usize,
encoding: offsets.Encoding,
) error{OutOfMemory}![]types.DocumentSymbol {
const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src());
defer tracy_zone.end();
var symbol_buffer = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.DocumentSymbol){};
try symbol_buffer.ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(arena, total_symbol_count);
// instead of converting every `offsets.Loc` to `types.Range` by calling `offsets.locToRange`
// we instead store a mapping from source indices to their desired position, sort them by their source index
// and then iterate through them which avoids having to re-iterate through the source file to find out the line number
// this reduces algorithmic complexity from `O(file_size*symbol_count)` to `O(symbol_count*log(symbol_count))`
var mappings = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(IndexToPositionEntry){};
try mappings.ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(arena, total_symbol_count * 4);
const result = convertSymbolsInternal(from, &symbol_buffer, &mappings);
// sort items based on their source position
std.sort.sort(IndexToPositionEntry, mappings.items, {}, IndexToPositionEntry.lessThan);
var last_index: usize = 0;
var last_position: types.Position = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 };
for (mappings.items) |mapping| {
const index = mapping.source_index;
const position = offsets.advancePosition(tree.source, last_position, last_index, index, encoding);
defer last_index = index;
defer last_position = position;
mapping.output.* = position;
return result;
fn convertSymbolsInternal(
from: []const Symbol,
symbol_buffer: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.DocumentSymbol),
mappings: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(IndexToPositionEntry),
) []types.DocumentSymbol {
// aquire storage for exactly `from.len` symbols
const prev_len = symbol_buffer.items.len;
symbol_buffer.items.len += from.len;
const to: []types.DocumentSymbol = symbol_buffer.items[prev_len..];
for (from, to) |symbol, *out| {
out.* = .{
.name = symbol.name,
.detail = symbol.detail,
.kind = symbol.kind,
// will be set later through the mapping below
.range = undefined,
.selectionRange = undefined,
.children = convertSymbolsInternal(symbol.children.items, symbol_buffer, mappings),
.{ .output = &out.range.start, .source_index = symbol.loc.start },
.{ .output = &out.selectionRange.start, .source_index = symbol.selection_loc.start },
.{ .output = &out.selectionRange.end, .source_index = symbol.selection_loc.end },
.{ .output = &out.range.end, .source_index = symbol.loc.end },
return to;
pub fn getDocumentSymbols(
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
tree: Ast,
encoding: offsets.Encoding,
) error{OutOfMemory}![]types.DocumentSymbol {
const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src());
defer tracy_zone.end();
var root_symbols = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Symbol){};
var total_symbol_count: usize = 0;
var ctx = Context{
.arena = arena,
.last_var_decl_name = null,
.parent_node = 0, // root-node
.parent_symbols = &root_symbols,
.total_symbol_count = &total_symbol_count,
try ast.iterateChildren(tree, 0, &ctx, error{OutOfMemory}, callback);
return try convertSymbols(arena, tree, root_symbols.items, ctx.total_symbol_count.*, encoding);

View File

@ -69,53 +69,47 @@ const Builder = struct {
}; };
} }
const Item = struct { // a mapping from a source index to a line character pair
const IndexToPositionEntry = struct {
output: *types.FoldingRange, output: *types.FoldingRange,
input: *const FoldingRange, source_index: usize,
where: enum { start, end }, where: enum { start, end },
const Self = @This(); const Self = @This();
fn getInputIndex(self: Self) usize {
return switch (self.where) {
.start => self.input.loc.start,
.end => self.input.loc.end,
fn lessThan(_: void, lhs: Self, rhs: Self) bool { fn lessThan(_: void, lhs: Self, rhs: Self) bool {
return lhs.getInputIndex() < rhs.getInputIndex(); return lhs.source_index < rhs.source_index;
} }
}; };
// one item for every start and end position // one mapping for every start and end position
var items = try builder.allocator.alloc(Item, builder.locations.items.len * 2); var mappings = try builder.allocator.alloc(IndexToPositionEntry, builder.locations.items.len * 2);
defer builder.allocator.free(items); defer builder.allocator.free(mappings);
for (builder.locations.items, result_locations, 0..) |*folding_range, *result, i| { for (builder.locations.items, result_locations, 0..) |*folding_range, *result, i| {
items[2 * i + 0] = .{ .output = result, .input = folding_range, .where = .start }; mappings[2 * i + 0] = .{ .output = result, .source_index = folding_range.loc.start, .where = .start };
items[2 * i + 1] = .{ .output = result, .input = folding_range, .where = .end }; mappings[2 * i + 1] = .{ .output = result, .source_index = folding_range.loc.end, .where = .end };
} }
// sort items based on their source position // sort mappings based on their source index
std.sort.sort(Item, items, {}, Item.lessThan); std.sort.sort(IndexToPositionEntry, mappings, {}, IndexToPositionEntry.lessThan);
var last_index: usize = 0; var last_index: usize = 0;
var last_position: types.Position = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 }; var last_position: types.Position = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 };
for (items) |item| { for (mappings) |mapping| {
const index = item.getInputIndex(); const index = mapping.source_index;
const position = offsets.advancePosition(builder.tree.source, last_position, last_index, index, builder.encoding); const position = offsets.advancePosition(builder.tree.source, last_position, last_index, index, builder.encoding);
defer last_index = index; defer last_index = index;
defer last_position = position; defer last_position = position;
switch (item.where) { switch (mapping.where) {
.start => { .start => {
item.output.startLine = position.line; mapping.output.startLine = position.line;
item.output.startCharacter = position.character; mapping.output.startCharacter = position.character;
}, },
.end => { .end => {
item.output.endLine = position.line; mapping.output.endLine = position.line;
item.output.endCharacter = position.character; mapping.output.endCharacter = position.character;
}, },
} }
} }

View File

@ -7,34 +7,56 @@ const tres = @import("tres");
const Context = @import("../context.zig").Context; const Context = @import("../context.zig").Context;
const types = zls.types; const types = zls.types;
const requests = zls.requests;
const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator; const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "documentSymbol - smoke" { test "documentSymbol - container decl" {
try testDocumentSymbol( try testDocumentSymbol(
\\const S = struct { \\const S = struct {
\\ fn f() void {} \\ fn f() void {}
\\}; \\};
, ,
\\Variable S \\Constant S
\\ Function f
try testDocumentSymbol(
\\const S = struct {
\\ alpha: u32,
\\ fn f() void {}
\\Constant S
\\ Field alpha
\\ Function f \\ Function f
); );
} }
// FIXME: https://github.com/zigtools/zls/issues/986 test "documentSymbol - enum" {
try testDocumentSymbol(
\\const E = enum {
\\ alpha,
\\ beta,
\\Constant E
\\ EnumMember alpha
\\ EnumMember beta
// https://github.com/zigtools/zls/issues/986
test "documentSymbol - nested struct with self" { test "documentSymbol - nested struct with self" {
try testDocumentSymbol( try testDocumentSymbol(
\\const Foo = struct { \\const Foo = struct {
\\ const Self = @This(); \\ const Self = @This();
\\ pub fn foo() !Self {} \\ pub fn foo() !Self {}
\\ const Bar = struct {}; \\ const Bar = union {};
\\}; \\};
, ,
\\Variable Foo \\Constant Foo
\\ Variable Self \\ Constant Self
\\ Function foo \\ Function foo
\\ Variable Bar \\ Constant Bar
); );
} }