Fixed build and crashes with zig master branch:

This commit is contained in:
Alexandros Naskos 2020-06-28 13:58:51 +03:00
parent 108a2dbd64
commit 965724dd7e
3 changed files with 99 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -138,16 +138,20 @@ fn loadPackages(context: LoadPackagesContext) !void {
try std.fs.copyFileAbsolute(build_runner_path, target_path, .{});
defer std.fs.deleteFileAbsolute(target_path) catch {};
// TODO Using the page allocator directly here causes a segfault
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const zig_run_result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{
.allocator = allocator,
.allocator = &arena.allocator,
.argv = &[_][]const u8{ zig_exe_path, "run", "build_runner.zig" },
.cwd = directory_path,
defer {;;
// TODO Add those back in when we stop using the arena
// defer {
// }
switch (zig_run_result.term) {
.Exited => |exit_code| {
@ -263,14 +267,19 @@ fn newDocument(self: *DocumentStore, uri: []const u8, text: []u8) anyerror!*Hand
if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, curr_path[0 .. curr_path.len - 1], std.fs.path.sep)) |idx| {
// This includes the last separator
curr_path = curr_path[0 .. idx + 1];
var folder = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(curr_path, .{});
defer folder.close();
// Try to open the file, read it and add the new document if we find it.
const build_file_text = folder.readFileAlloc(self.allocator, "build.zig", std.math.maxInt(usize)) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound, error.AccessDenied => continue,
else => return err,
var candidate_path = try std.mem.concat(self.allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{ curr_path, "build.zig" });
// Try to open the file, read it and add the new document if we find it.
var file = std.fs.cwd().openFile(candidate_path, .{ .read = true, .write = false }) catch continue;
defer file.close();
const build_file_text = try file.inStream().readAllAlloc(self.allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
const build_file_uri = try URI.fromPath(self.allocator, candidate_path);

View File

@ -954,16 +954,16 @@ fn loadConfig(folder_path: []const u8) ?Config {
var folder = std.fs.cwd().openDir(folder_path, .{}) catch return null;
defer folder.close();
const conf_file = folder.openFile("zls.json", .{}) catch return null;
defer conf_file.close();
// Max 1MB
const file_buf = conf_file.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, 0x1000000) catch return null;
const file_buf = folder.readFileAlloc(allocator, "zls.json", 0x1000000) catch |err| {
if (err != error.FileNotFound)
std.log.debug(.main, "Error while reading configuration file: {}\n", .{err});
return null;
// TODO: Better errors? Doesn't seem like std.json can provide us positions or context.
var config = std.json.parse(Config, &std.json.TokenStream.init(file_buf), std.json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator }) catch |err| {
std.log.debug(.main, "Error while parsing configuration file: {}\nUsing default config.\n", .{err});
std.log.debug(.main, "Error while parsing configuration file: {}\n", .{err});
return null;

View File

@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ fn writeContainerField(
if (container_field.doc_comments) |docs| try writeDocComments(builder, builder.handle.tree, docs);
try writeToken(builder, container_field.comptime_token, .keyword);
if (field_token_type) |tok_type| try writeToken(builder, container_field.name_token, tok_type);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, container_field.type_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, container_field.type_expr});
if (container_field.align_expr) |n| {
try writeToken(builder, n.firstToken() - 2, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, n);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, n});
if (container_field.value_expr) |value_expr| block: {
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ fn writeContainerField(
break :block; // Check this, I believe it is correct.
try writeToken(builder, eq_tok, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, value_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, value_expr});
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
if (child.cast(ast.Node.ContainerField)) |container_field| {
try writeContainerField(builder, arena, store, container_field, .field, child_frame);
} else {
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, child);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, child});
try gap_highlighter.end(node.lastToken());
@ -263,24 +263,24 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
} else {
try writeTokenMod(builder, var_decl.name_token, .variable, .{ .definition = true });
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, var_decl.type_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, var_decl.align_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, var_decl.section_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, var_decl.type_node});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, var_decl.align_node});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, var_decl.section_node});
try writeToken(builder, var_decl.eq_token, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, var_decl.init_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, var_decl.init_node});
.Use => {
const use = node.cast(ast.Node.Use).?;
if (use.doc_comments) |docs| try writeDocComments(builder, builder.handle.tree, docs);
try writeToken(builder, use.visib_token, .keyword);
try writeToken(builder, use.use_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, use.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, use.expr});
.ErrorSetDecl => {
const error_set = node.cast(ast.Node.ErrorSetDecl).?;
try writeToken(builder, error_set.error_token, .keyword);
for (error_set.declsConst()) |decl|
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, decl);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, decl});
.ContainerDecl => {
const container_decl = node.cast(ast.Node.ContainerDecl).?;
@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
switch (container_decl.init_arg_expr) {
.None => {},
.Enum => |enum_expr| if (enum_expr) |expr|
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, expr)
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, expr})
try writeToken(builder, container_decl.kind_token + 2, .keyword),
.Type => |type_node| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, type_node),
.Type => |type_node| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, type_node}),
var gap_highlighter = GapHighlighter.init(builder, container_decl.lbrace_token + 1);
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
if (child.cast(ast.Node.ContainerField)) |container_field| {
try writeContainerField(builder, arena, store, container_field, field_token_type, child_frame);
} else {
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, child);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, child});
try gap_highlighter.end(node.lastToken());
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
if (fn_proto.doc_comments) |docs| try writeDocComments(builder, handle.tree, docs);
try writeToken(builder, fn_proto.visib_token, .keyword);
try writeToken(builder, fn_proto.extern_export_inline_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, fn_proto.lib_name);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, fn_proto.lib_name});
try writeToken(builder, fn_proto.fn_token, .keyword);
const func_name_tok_type: TokenType = if (analysis.isTypeFunction(handle.tree, fn_proto))
@ -357,47 +357,47 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
switch (param_decl.param_type) {
.var_type => |var_node| try writeToken(builder, var_node.firstToken(), .type),
.var_args => |var_args_tok| try writeToken(builder, var_args_tok, .operator),
.type_expr => |type_expr| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, type_expr),
.type_expr => |type_expr| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, type_expr}),
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, fn_proto.align_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, fn_proto.section_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, fn_proto.callconv_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, fn_proto.align_expr});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, fn_proto.section_expr});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, fn_proto.callconv_expr});
switch (fn_proto.return_type) {
.Explicit => |type_expr| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, type_expr),
.Explicit => |type_expr| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, type_expr}),
.InferErrorSet => |type_expr| {
try writeToken(builder, type_expr.firstToken() - 1, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, type_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, type_expr});
.Invalid => {},
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, fn_proto.body_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, fn_proto.body_node});
.AnyFrameType => {
const any_frame_type = node.cast(ast.Node.AnyFrameType).?;
try writeToken(builder, any_frame_type.anyframe_token, .type);
if (any_frame_type.result) |any_frame_result| {
try writeToken(builder, any_frame_result.arrow_token, .type);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, any_frame_result.return_type);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, any_frame_result.return_type});
.Defer => {
const defer_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Defer).?;
try writeToken(builder, defer_node.defer_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, defer_node.payload);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, defer_node.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, defer_node.payload});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, defer_node.expr});
.Comptime => {
const comptime_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Comptime).?;
if (comptime_node.doc_comments) |docs| try writeDocComments(builder, handle.tree, docs);
try writeToken(builder, comptime_node.comptime_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, comptime_node.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, comptime_node.expr});
.Nosuspend => {
const nosuspend_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Nosuspend).?;
try writeToken(builder, nosuspend_node.nosuspend_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, nosuspend_node.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, nosuspend_node.expr});
.Payload => {
const payload = node.cast(ast.Node.Payload).?;
@ -423,27 +423,27 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
.Else => {
const else_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Else).?;
try writeToken(builder, else_node.else_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, else_node.payload);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, else_node.body);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, else_node.payload});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, else_node.body});
.Switch => {
const switch_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Switch).?;
try writeToken(builder, switch_node.switch_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, switch_node.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, switch_node.expr});
var gap_highlighter = GapHighlighter.init(builder, switch_node.expr.lastToken() + 3);
for (switch_node.casesConst()) |case_node| {
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, case_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, case_node});
try gap_highlighter.end(node.lastToken());
.SwitchCase => {
const switch_case = node.cast(ast.Node.SwitchCase).?;
for (switch_case.itemsConst()) |item_node| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, item_node);
for (switch_case.itemsConst()) |item_node| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, item_node});
try writeToken(builder, switch_case.arrow_token, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, switch_case.payload);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, switch_case.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, switch_case.payload});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, switch_case.expr});
.SwitchElse => {
const switch_else = node.cast(ast.Node.SwitchElse).?;
@ -454,36 +454,36 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
try writeToken(builder, while_node.label, .label);
try writeToken(builder, while_node.inline_token, .keyword);
try writeToken(builder, while_node.while_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, while_node.condition);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, while_node.payload);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, while_node.continue_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, while_node.body);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, while_node.condition});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, while_node.payload});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, while_node.continue_expr});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, while_node.body});
if (while_node.@"else") |else_node|
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, &else_node.base);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, &else_node.base});
.For => {
const for_node = node.cast(ast.Node.For).?;
try writeToken(builder, for_node.label, .label);
try writeToken(builder, for_node.inline_token, .keyword);
try writeToken(builder, for_node.for_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, for_node.array_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, for_node.payload);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, for_node.body);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, for_node.array_expr});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, for_node.payload});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, for_node.body});
if (for_node.@"else") |else_node|
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, &else_node.base);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, &else_node.base});
.If => {
const if_node = node.cast(ast.Node.If).?;
try writeToken(builder, if_node.if_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, if_node.condition);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, if_node.payload);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, if_node.body);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, if_node.condition});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, if_node.payload});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, if_node.body});
if (if_node.@"else") |else_node|
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, &else_node.base);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, &else_node.base});
.InfixOp => {
const infix_op = node.cast(ast.Node.InfixOp).?;
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, infix_op.lhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, infix_op.lhs});
if (infix_op.op != .Period and infix_op.op != .Catch) {
const token_type: TokenType = switch (infix_op.op) {
.BoolAnd, .BoolOr, .UnwrapOptional => .keyword,
@ -491,13 +491,13 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
try writeToken(builder, infix_op.op_token, token_type);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, infix_op.rhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, infix_op.rhs});
switch (infix_op.op) {
.Catch => |n| {
try writeToken(builder, infix_op.op_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, n);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, infix_op.rhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, n});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, infix_op.rhs});
.Period => {
const rhs_str = handle.tree.tokenSlice(infix_op.rhs.firstToken());
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
switch (prefix_op.op) {
.ArrayType => |info| {
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, info.len_expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, info.len_expr});
.SliceType, .PtrType => |info| {
if (prefix_op.op == .PtrType) try writeToken(builder, prefix_op.op_token, tok_type);
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
} else {
try writeToken(builder, prefix_op.op_token + 2, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, align_info.node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, align_info.node});
try writeToken(builder, info.const_token, .keyword);
try writeToken(builder, info.volatile_token, .keyword);
@ -576,20 +576,20 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
else => try writeToken(builder, prefix_op.op_token, tok_type),
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, prefix_op.rhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, prefix_op.rhs});
.ArrayInitializer => {
const array_initializer = node.cast(ast.Node.ArrayInitializer).?;
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, array_initializer.lhs);
for (array_initializer.listConst()) |elem| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, elem);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, array_initializer.lhs});
for (array_initializer.listConst()) |elem| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, elem});
.ArrayInitializerDot => {
const array_initializer = node.cast(ast.Node.ArrayInitializerDot).?;
for (array_initializer.listConst()) |elem| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, elem);
for (array_initializer.listConst()) |elem| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, elem});
.StructInitializer => {
const struct_initializer = node.cast(ast.Node.StructInitializer).?;
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, struct_initializer.lhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, struct_initializer.lhs});
const field_token_type = if (try analysis.resolveTypeOfNode(store, arena, .{ .node = struct_initializer.lhs, .handle = handle })) |struct_type| switch ( {
.other => |type_node| if (type_node.cast(ast.Node.ContainerDecl)) |container_decl|
fieldTokenType(container_decl, handle)
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
try writeToken(builder, field_init.name_token, tok_type);
try writeToken(builder, field_init.name_token + 1, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, field_init.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, field_init.expr});
try gap_highlighter.end(struct_initializer.rtoken);
@ -623,40 +623,40 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
try writeToken(builder, field_init.period_token, .field);
try writeToken(builder, field_init.name_token, .field);
try writeToken(builder, field_init.name_token + 1, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, field_init.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, field_init.expr});
try gap_highlighter.end(struct_initializer.rtoken);
.Call => {
const call = node.cast(ast.Node.Call).?;
try writeToken(builder, call.async_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, call.lhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, call.lhs});
if (builder.current_token) |curr_tok| {
if (curr_tok != call.lhs.lastToken() and handle.tree.token_ids[call.lhs.lastToken()] == .Identifier) {
try writeToken(builder, call.lhs.lastToken(), .function);
for (call.paramsConst()) |param| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, param);
for (call.paramsConst()) |param| try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, param});
.SuffixOp => {
const suffix_op = node.cast(ast.Node.SuffixOp).?;
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, suffix_op.lhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, suffix_op.lhs});
switch (suffix_op.op) {
.ArrayAccess => |n| {
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, n);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, n});
.Slice => |s| {
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, s.start);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, s.start});
try writeToken(builder, s.start.lastToken() + 1, .operator);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, s.end);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, s.sentinel);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, s.end});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, s.sentinel});
else => try writeToken(builder, suffix_op.rtoken, .operator),
.GroupedExpression => {
const grouped_expr = node.cast(ast.Node.GroupedExpression).?;
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, grouped_expr.expr);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, grouped_expr.expr});
.ControlFlowExpression => {
const cfe = node.cast(ast.Node.ControlFlowExpression).?;
@ -666,12 +666,12 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
.Continue => |label| if (label) |n| try writeToken(builder, n.firstToken(), .label),
else => {},
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, cfe.rhs);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, cfe.rhs});
.Suspend => {
const suspend_node = node.cast(ast.Node.Suspend).?;
try writeToken(builder, suspend_node.suspend_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, suspend_node.body);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, suspend_node.body});
.IntegerLiteral => {
try writeToken(builder, node.firstToken(), .number);
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
const builtin_call = node.cast(ast.Node.BuiltinCall).?;
try writeToken(builder, builtin_call.builtin_token, .builtin);
for (builtin_call.paramsConst()) |param|
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, param);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, param});
.StringLiteral, .CharLiteral => {
try writeToken(builder, node.firstToken(), .string);
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
const asm_expr = node.cast(ast.Node.Asm).?;
try writeToken(builder, asm_expr.asm_token, .keyword);
try writeToken(builder, asm_expr.volatile_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, asm_expr.template);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, asm_expr.template});
// TODO Inputs, outputs.
.VarType => {
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ fn writeNodeTokens(builder: *Builder, arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator, store: *D
const test_decl = node.cast(ast.Node.TestDecl).?;
if (test_decl.doc_comments) |doc| try writeDocComments(builder, handle.tree, doc);
try writeToken(builder, test_decl.test_token, .keyword);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store,;
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, builder, arena, store, test_decl.body_node);
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store,});
try await @asyncCall(child_frame, {}, writeNodeTokens, .{builder, arena, store, test_decl.body_node});
else => {},