Add anytype resolution based on call references (#1067)
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const ast = @import("ast.zig");
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
const ComptimeInterpreter = @import("ComptimeInterpreter.zig");
const ComptimeInterpreter = @import("ComptimeInterpreter.zig");
const InternPool = ComptimeInterpreter.InternPool;
const InternPool = ComptimeInterpreter.InternPool;
const references = @import("features/references.zig");
const Analyser = @This();
const Analyser = @This();
@ -1162,6 +1163,77 @@ pub const TypeWithHandle = struct {
type: Type,
type: Type,
handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
const Context = struct {
// Note that we don't hash/equate descriptors to remove
// duplicates
fn hashType(hasher: *std.hash.Wyhash, ty: Type) void {
hasher.update(&.{ @boolToInt(ty.is_type_val), @enumToInt( });
switch ( {
=> |idx| hasher.update(&std.mem.toBytes(idx)),
.either => |entries| {
for (entries) |e| {
hashType(hasher, e.type_with_handle.type);
.array_index => {},
.@"comptime" => {
pub fn hash(self: @This(), item: TypeWithHandle) u64 {
_ = self;
var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0);
hashType(&hasher, item.type);
pub fn eql(self: @This(), a: TypeWithHandle, b: TypeWithHandle) bool {
_ = self;
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, a.handle.uri, b.handle.uri)) return false;
if (a.type.is_type_val != b.type.is_type_val) return false;
if (@enumToInt( != @enumToInt( return false;
switch ( {
inline .pointer,
=> |a_idx, name| {
if (a_idx != @field(, @tagName(name))) return false;
.either => |a_entries| {
const b_entries =;
if (a_entries.len != b_entries.len) return false;
for (a_entries, b_entries) |ae, be| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, ae.descriptor, be.descriptor)) return false;
if (!eql(.{}, ae.type_with_handle, be.type_with_handle)) return false;
.array_index => {},
.@"comptime" => {
return true;
pub fn typeVal(node_handle: NodeWithHandle) TypeWithHandle {
pub fn typeVal(node_handle: NodeWithHandle) TypeWithHandle {
return .{
return .{
.type = .{
.type = .{
@ -1172,7 +1244,10 @@ pub const TypeWithHandle = struct {
pub const Deduplicator = std.HashMapUnmanaged(TypeWithHandle, void, TypeWithHandle.Context, std.hash_map.default_max_load_percentage);
/// Resolves possible types of a type (single for all except array_index and either)
/// Resolves possible types of a type (single for all except array_index and either)
/// Drops duplicates
pub fn getAllTypesWithHandles(ty: TypeWithHandle, arena: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const TypeWithHandle {
pub fn getAllTypesWithHandles(ty: TypeWithHandle, arena: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const TypeWithHandle {
var all_types = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(TypeWithHandle){};
var all_types = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(TypeWithHandle){};
try ty.getAllTypesWithHandlesArrayList(arena, &all_types);
try ty.getAllTypesWithHandlesArrayList(arena, &all_types);
@ -1866,6 +1941,7 @@ pub const Declaration = union(enum) {
/// Function parameter
/// Function parameter
param_payload: struct {
param_payload: struct {
param: Ast.full.FnProto.Param,
param: Ast.full.FnProto.Param,
param_idx: u16,
func: Ast.Node.Index,
func: Ast.Node.Index,
pointer_payload: struct {
pointer_payload: struct {
@ -1888,12 +1964,20 @@ pub const Declaration = union(enum) {
/// always an identifier
/// always an identifier
error_token: Ast.Node.Index,
error_token: Ast.Node.Index,
pub fn eql(a: Declaration, b: Declaration) bool {
return std.meta.eql(a, b);
pub const DeclWithHandle = struct {
pub const DeclWithHandle = struct {
decl: *Declaration,
decl: *Declaration,
handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
pub fn eql(a: DeclWithHandle, b: DeclWithHandle) bool {
return a.decl.eql(b.decl.*) and std.mem.eql(u8, a.handle.uri, b.handle.uri);
pub fn nameToken(self: DeclWithHandle) Ast.TokenIndex {
pub fn nameToken(self: DeclWithHandle) Ast.TokenIndex {
const tree = self.handle.tree;
const tree = self.handle.tree;
return switch (self.decl.*) {
return switch (self.decl.*) {
@ -1924,6 +2008,71 @@ pub const DeclWithHandle = struct {
.{ .node = node, .handle = self.handle },
.{ .node = node, .handle = self.handle },
.param_payload => |pay| {
.param_payload => |pay| {
// handle anytype
if (pay.param.type_expr == 0) {
var func_decl = Declaration{ .ast_node = pay.func };
var func_buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const func = tree.fullFnProto(&func_buf, pay.func).?;
var func_params_len: usize = 0;
var it = func.iterate(&tree);
while (ast.nextFnParam(&it)) |_| {
func_params_len += 1;
var refs = try references.callsiteReferences(analyser.arena.allocator(), analyser, .{
.decl = &func_decl,
.handle = self.handle,
}, false, false, false);
// TODO: Set `workspace` to true; current problems
// - we gather dependencies, not dependents
// - stack overflow due to cyclically anytype resolution(?)
var possible = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Type.EitherEntry){};
var deduplicator = TypeWithHandle.Deduplicator{};
defer deduplicator.deinit(analyser.gpa);
for (refs.items) |ref| {
var handle =;
var call_buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
var call = handle.tree.fullCall(&call_buf, ref.call_node).?;
const real_param_idx = if (func_params_len != 0 and pay.param_idx != 0 and call.ast.params.len == func_params_len - 1)
pay.param_idx - 1
if (real_param_idx >= call.ast.params.len) continue;
if (try analyser.resolveTypeOfNode(.{
// TODO?: this is a """heuristic based approach"""
// perhaps it would be better to use proper self detection
// maybe it'd be a perf issue and this is fine?
// you figure it out future contributor <3
.node = call.ast.params[real_param_idx],
.handle = handle,
})) |ty| {
var gop = try deduplicator.getOrPut(analyser.gpa, ty);
if (gop.found_existing) continue;
var loc = offsets.tokenToPosition(handle.tree, main_tokens[call.ast.params[real_param_idx]], .@"utf-8");
try possible.append(analyser.arena.allocator(), .{ // TODO: Dedup
.type_with_handle = ty,
.descriptor = try std.fmt.allocPrint(analyser.arena.allocator(), "{s}:{d}:{d}", .{ handle.uri, loc.line + 1, loc.character + 1 }),
return TypeWithHandle{
.type = .{ .data = .{ .either = try possible.toOwnedSlice(analyser.arena.allocator()) }, .is_type_val = false },
.handle = self.handle,
const param_decl = pay.param;
const param_decl = pay.param;
if (isMetaType(self.handle.tree, param_decl.type_expr)) {
if (isMetaType(self.handle.tree, param_decl.type_expr)) {
var bound_param_it = analyser.bound_type_params.iterator();
var bound_param_it = analyser.bound_type_params.iterator();
@ -2662,6 +2811,11 @@ fn makeScopeInternal(context: ScopeContext, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutO
defer context.popScope();
defer context.popScope();
// NOTE: We count the param index ourselves
// as param_i stops counting; TODO: change this
var param_index: usize = 0;
var it = func.iterate(&tree);
var it = func.iterate(&tree);
while (ast.nextFnParam(&it)) |param| {
while (ast.nextFnParam(&it)) |param| {
// Add parameter decls
// Add parameter decls
@ -2669,12 +2823,13 @@ fn makeScopeInternal(context: ScopeContext, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutO
try scopes.items(.decls)[scope_index].put(
try scopes.items(.decls)[scope_index].put(
.{ .param_payload = .{ .param = param, .func = node_idx } },
.{ .param_payload = .{ .param = param, .param_idx = @intCast(u16, param_index), .func = node_idx } },
// Visit parameter types to pick up any error sets and enum
// Visit parameter types to pick up any error sets and enum
// completions
// completions
try makeScopeInternal(context, param.type_expr);
try makeScopeInternal(context, param.type_expr);
param_index += 1;
if (fn_tag == .fn_decl) blk: {
if (fn_tag == .fn_decl) blk: {
@ -2895,6 +3050,8 @@ fn makeScopeInternal(context: ScopeContext, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutO
.items = switch_case.ast.values,
.items = switch_case.ast.values,
try makeScopeInternal(context, switch_case.ast.target_expr);
} else {
} else {
try makeScopeInternal(context, switch_case.ast.target_expr);
try makeScopeInternal(context, switch_case.ast.target_expr);
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ const Builder = struct {
)) orelse return;
)) orelse return;
if (std.meta.eql(builder.decl_handle, child)) {
if (builder.decl_handle.eql(child)) {
try builder.add(handle, identifier_token);
try builder.add(handle, identifier_token);
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ const Builder = struct {
)) orelse return;
)) orelse return;
if (std.meta.eql(builder.decl_handle, child)) {
if (builder.decl_handle.eql(child)) {
try builder.add(handle, datas[node].rhs);
try builder.add(handle, datas[node].rhs);
@ -141,6 +141,53 @@ const Builder = struct {
fn gatherReferences(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
analyser: *Analyser,
curr_handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
skip_std_references: bool,
include_decl: bool,
builder: anytype,
handle_behavior: enum { get, get_or_load },
) !void {
var dependencies = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void){};
defer {
for (dependencies.keys()) |uri| {
for ( |handle| {
if (skip_std_references and std.mem.indexOf(u8, handle.uri, "std") != null) {
if (!include_decl or !std.mem.eql(u8, handle.uri, curr_handle.uri))
var handle_dependencies = std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8){};
defer handle_dependencies.deinit(allocator);
try, handle.*, &handle_dependencies);
try dependencies.ensureUnusedCapacity(allocator, handle_dependencies.items.len);
for (handle_dependencies.items) |uri| {
var gop = dependencies.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(uri);
if (gop.found_existing) {
for (dependencies.keys()) |uri| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, uri, curr_handle.uri)) continue;
const handle = switch (handle_behavior) {
.get =>,
.get_or_load =>,
} orelse continue;
try builder.collectReferences(handle, 0);
pub fn symbolReferences(
pub fn symbolReferences(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
analyser: *Analyser,
analyser: *Analyser,
@ -180,41 +227,7 @@ pub fn symbolReferences(
if (decl_handle.decl.* != .ast_node or !workspace) return builder.locations;
if (decl_handle.decl.* != .ast_node or !workspace) return builder.locations;
var dependencies = std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void){};
try gatherReferences(allocator, analyser, curr_handle, skip_std_references, include_decl, &builder, .get);
defer {
for (dependencies.keys()) |uri| {
for ( |handle| {
if (skip_std_references and std.mem.indexOf(u8, handle.uri, "std") != null) {
if (!include_decl or !std.mem.eql(u8, handle.uri, curr_handle.uri))
var handle_dependencies = std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8){};
defer {
for (handle_dependencies.items) |uri| {
try, handle.*, &handle_dependencies);
try dependencies.ensureUnusedCapacity(allocator, handle_dependencies.items.len);
for (handle_dependencies.items) |uri| {
dependencies.putAssumeCapacity(uri, {});
for (dependencies.keys()) |uri| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, uri, curr_handle.uri)) continue;
const handle = orelse continue;
try builder.collectReferences(handle, 0);
.param_payload => |payload| blk: {
.param_payload => |payload| blk: {
// Rename the param tok.
// Rename the param tok.
@ -243,3 +256,137 @@ pub fn symbolReferences(
return builder.locations;
return builder.locations;
pub const Callsite = struct {
uri: []const u8,
call_node: Ast.Node.Index,
const CallBuilder = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
callsites: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Callsite) = .{},
/// this is the declaration we are searching for
decl_handle: Analyser.DeclWithHandle,
analyser: *Analyser,
const Context = struct {
builder: *CallBuilder,
handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle,
pub fn deinit(self: *CallBuilder) void {
pub fn add(self: *CallBuilder, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, call_node: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
try self.callsites.append(self.allocator, .{
.uri = handle.uri,
.call_node = call_node,
fn collectReferences(self: *CallBuilder, handle: *const DocumentStore.Handle, node: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const context = Context{
.builder = self,
.handle = handle,
try ast.iterateChildrenRecursive(handle.tree, node, &context, error{OutOfMemory}, referenceNode);
fn referenceNode(self: *const Context, tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
const builder = self.builder;
const handle = self.handle;
const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const datas = tree.nodes.items(.data);
// const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
const starts = tree.tokens.items(.start);
switch (node_tags[node]) {
=> {
var buf: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
var call = tree.fullCall(&buf, node).?;
const called_node = call.ast.fn_expr;
switch (node_tags[called_node]) {
.identifier => {
const identifier_token = Analyser.getDeclNameToken(tree, called_node).?;
const child = (try builder.analyser.lookupSymbolGlobal(
offsets.tokenToSlice(tree, identifier_token),
)) orelse return;
if (builder.decl_handle.eql(child)) {
try builder.add(handle, node);
.field_access => {
const left_type = try builder.analyser.resolveFieldAccessLhsType(
(try builder.analyser.resolveTypeOfNode(.{ .node = datas[called_node].lhs, .handle = handle })) orelse return,
const left_type_node = switch ( {
.other => |n| n,
else => return,
const child = (try builder.analyser.lookupSymbolContainer(
.{ .node = left_type_node, .handle = left_type.handle },
offsets.tokenToSlice(tree, datas[called_node].rhs),
)) orelse return;
if (builder.decl_handle.eql(child)) {
try builder.add(handle, node);
else => {},
else => {},
pub fn callsiteReferences(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
analyser: *Analyser,
decl_handle: Analyser.DeclWithHandle,
/// add `decl_handle` as a references
include_decl: bool,
/// exclude references from the std library
skip_std_references: bool,
/// search other files for references
workspace: bool,
) error{OutOfMemory}!std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Callsite) {
std.debug.assert(decl_handle.decl.* == .ast_node);
var builder = CallBuilder{
.allocator = allocator,
.analyser = analyser,
.decl_handle = decl_handle,
errdefer builder.deinit();
const curr_handle = decl_handle.handle;
if (include_decl) try builder.add(curr_handle, decl_handle.nameToken());
try builder.collectReferences(curr_handle, 0);
if (!workspace) return builder.callsites;
try gatherReferences(allocator, analyser, curr_handle, skip_std_references, include_decl, &builder, .get_or_load);
return builder.callsites;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user