WIP alias type resolution

This commit is contained in:
Sergeeeek 2020-05-16 18:30:16 +03:00
parent 761c277ccc
commit 8637099d72
2 changed files with 60 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub fn getFunctionByName(tree: *ast.Tree, name: []const u8) ?*ast.Node.FnProto {
const func = decl.cast(ast.Node.FnProto).?;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(func.name_token.?), name)) return func;
else => {}
else => {},
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ pub fn getDocComments(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tree: *ast.Tree, node: *ast
const param = node.cast(ast.Node.ParamDecl).?;
if (param.doc_comments) |doc_comments| {
return try collectDocComments(allocator, tree, doc_comments);
else => {}
else => {},
return null;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ fn collectDocComments(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tree: *ast.Tree, doc_commen
pub fn getFunctionSignature(tree: *ast.Tree, func: *ast.Node.FnProto) []const u8 {
const start = tree.tokens.at(func.firstToken()).start;
const end = tree.tokens.at(switch (func.return_type) {
.Explicit, .InferErrorSet => |node| node.lastToken()
.Explicit, .InferErrorSet => |node| node.lastToken(),
return tree.source[start..end];
@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ pub fn getFunctionSnippet(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tree: *ast.Tree, func:
const param = param_ptr.*;
const param_decl = param.cast(ast.Node.ParamDecl).?;
if (param_num != 1) try buffer.appendSlice(", ${")
else try buffer.appendSlice("${");
if (param_num != 1) try buffer.appendSlice(", ${") else try buffer.appendSlice("${");
try buf_stream.print("{}:", .{param_num});
@ -147,9 +146,9 @@ pub fn getFunctionSnippet(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tree: *ast.Tree, func:
pub fn getVariableSignature(tree: *ast.Tree, var_decl: *ast.Node.VarDecl) []const u8 {
const start = tree.tokens.at(var_decl.firstToken()).start;
const end = tree.tokens.at(var_decl.semicolon_token).start;
// var end =
// if (var_decl.init_n) |body| tree.tokens.at(body.firstToken()).start
// else tree.tokens.at(var_decl.name_token).end;
// var end =
// if (var_decl.init_n) |body| tree.tokens.at(body.firstToken()).start
// else tree.tokens.at(var_decl.name_token).end;
return tree.source[start..end];
@ -182,7 +181,7 @@ pub fn getChild(tree: *ast.Tree, node: *ast.Node, name: []const u8) ?*ast.Node {
const field = child.cast(ast.Node.ContainerField).?;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.tokenSlice(field.name_token), name)) return child;
else => {}
else => {},
index += 1;
@ -191,9 +190,18 @@ pub fn getChild(tree: *ast.Tree, node: *ast.Node, name: []const u8) ?*ast.Node {
/// Resolves the type of a node
pub fn resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx: *AnalysisContext, node: *ast.Node) ?*ast.Node {
std.debug.warn("Resolving node of type {}\n{}\n", .{ node.id, analysis_ctx.tree.getNodeSource(node) });
switch (node.id) {
.VarDecl => {
const vari = node.cast(ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
if (vari.lib_name) |lib_name_node| {
if (nodeToString(analysis_ctx.tree, lib_name_node)) |lib_name_str| {
// if (std.mem.eql(u8, lib_name_str, "ArrayList")) {
std.debug.warn("Evaluating var decl. {}\n", .{lib_name_str});
// }
return resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx, vari.type_node orelse vari.init_node.?) orelse null;
.FnProto => {
@ -223,22 +231,32 @@ pub fn resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx: *AnalysisContext, node: *ast.Node) ?*ast.
.Call => {
return resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx, suffix_op.lhs.node);
else => {}
else => {},
.InfixOp => {
const infix_op = node.cast(ast.Node.InfixOp).?;
switch (infix_op.op) {
.Period => {
std.debug.warn("\n\n\nPeriod\n\n\n", .{});
// Save the child string from this tree since the tree may switch when processing
// an import lhs.
var rhs_str = nodeToString(analysis_ctx.tree, infix_op.rhs) orelse return null;
// Use the analysis context temporary arena to store the rhs string.
rhs_str = std.mem.dupe(&analysis_ctx.arena.allocator, u8, rhs_str) catch return null;
std.debug.warn("InfixOp rhs_str = {}\n", .{rhs_str});
const left = resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx, infix_op.lhs) orelse return null;
return getChild(analysis_ctx.tree, left, rhs_str);
std.debug.warn("InfixOp left = {}\n", .{left});
const child = getChild(analysis_ctx.tree, left, rhs_str) orelse return null;
std.debug.warn("InfixOp child = {}\n", .{child});
const right_type = resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx, child);
std.debug.warn("InfixOp rightType = {}\n", .{right_type});
return right_type;
else => {}
else => {},
.PrefixOp => {
@ -247,7 +265,7 @@ pub fn resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx: *AnalysisContext, node: *ast.Node) ?*ast.
.PtrType => {
return resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx, prefix_op.rhs);
else => {}
else => {},
.BuiltinCall => {
@ -260,13 +278,13 @@ pub fn resolveTypeOfNode(analysis_ctx: *AnalysisContext, node: *ast.Node) ?*ast.
const import_str = analysis_ctx.tree.tokenSlice(import_param.cast(ast.Node.StringLiteral).?.token);
return analysis_ctx.onImport(import_str[1 .. import_str.len - 1]) catch |err| block: {
std.debug.warn("Error {} while proessing import {}\n", .{err, import_str});
std.debug.warn("Error {} while proessing import {}\n", .{ err, import_str });
break :block null;
else => {
std.debug.warn("Type resolution case not implemented; {}\n", .{node.id});
return null;
@ -293,16 +311,16 @@ pub fn collectImports(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, tree: *ast.Tree) ![][]const
if (decl.id != .VarDecl) continue;
const var_decl = decl.cast(ast.Node.VarDecl).?;
if (var_decl.init_node == null) continue;
switch(var_decl.init_node.?.id) {
switch (var_decl.init_node.?.id) {
.BuiltinCall => {
const builtin_call = var_decl.init_node.?.cast(ast.Node.BuiltinCall).?;
try maybeCollectImport(tree, builtin_call, &arr);
.InfixOp => {
const infix_op = var_decl.init_node.?.cast(ast.Node.InfixOp).?;
switch(infix_op.op) {
switch (infix_op.op) {
.Period => {},
else => continue,
@ -348,7 +366,7 @@ pub fn getFieldAccessTypeNode(analysis_ctx: *AnalysisContext, tokenizer: *std.zi
else => {
std.debug.warn("Not implemented; {}\n", .{next.id});
@ -374,7 +392,7 @@ pub fn isNodePublic(tree: *ast.Tree, node: *ast.Node) bool {
else => {
return false;
return false;
@ -402,8 +420,8 @@ pub fn nodeToString(tree: *ast.Tree, node: *ast.Node) ?[]const u8 {
else => {
std.debug.warn("INVALID: {}\n", .{node.id});
return null;

View File

@ -288,7 +288,24 @@ fn completeFieldAccess(id: i64, handle: *DocumentStore.Handle, position: types.P
var index: usize = 0;
while (node.iterate(index)) |child_node| {
if (analysis.isNodePublic(analysis_ctx.tree, child_node)) {
if (try nodeToCompletion(&arena.allocator, analysis_ctx.tree, child_node, config)) |completion| {
// TODO: Not great to allocate it again and again inside a loop
var node_analysis_ctx = (try document_store.analysisContext(handle, &arena)) orelse {
return send(types.Response{
.id = .{ .Integer = id },
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{
.isIncomplete = true,
.items = completions.items,
defer node_analysis_ctx.deinit();
const resolved_node = analysis.resolveTypeOfNode(&node_analysis_ctx, child_node) orelse child_node;
if (try nodeToCompletion(&arena.allocator, node_analysis_ctx.tree, resolved_node, config)) |completion| {
try completions.append(completion);