Add param type resolution & stop using stage2, still a bit broken :(

This commit is contained in:
Auguste Rame 2022-11-08 15:54:30 -05:00
parent b91a193d04
commit 411e74d364
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 38 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub fn build(b: * !void {
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("zls", "src/main.zig");
// exe.use_stage1 = true;
exe.use_stage1 = true;
const exe_options = b.addOptions();
exe.addOptions("build_options", exe_options);
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ pub fn build(b: * !void {
// tests.use_stage1 = true;
tests.use_stage1 = true;
tests.addPackage(.{ .name = "zls", .source = .{ .path = "src/zls.zig" }, .dependencies = exe.packages.items });

View File

@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ pub const TypeInfo = union(enum) {
pub fn eql(self: @This(), a: TypeInfo, b: TypeInfo) bool {
return TypeInfo.eql(self.interpreter, a, b);
_ = self;
return TypeInfo.eql(a, b);
@ -130,15 +131,14 @@ pub const TypeInfo = union(enum) {
array: Array,
pub fn eql(interpreter: ComptimeInterpreter, a: TypeInfo, b: TypeInfo) bool {
pub fn eql(a: TypeInfo, b: TypeInfo) bool {
if (std.meta.activeTag(a) != std.meta.activeTag(b)) return false;
return switch (a) {
.@"struct" => false, // Struct declarations can never be equal
.@"struct" => false, // Struct declarations can never be equal (this is a lie, gotta fix this)
.pointer => p: {
const ap = a.pointer;
const bp = b.pointer;
break :p ap.size == bp.size and ap.is_const == bp.is_const and ap.is_volatile == bp.is_volatile and eql(
) and ap.is_allowzero == bp.is_allowzero and ((ap.sentinel == null and bp.sentinel == null) or ((ap.sentinel != null and bp.sentinel != null) and ap.sentinel.?.eql(bp.sentinel.?)));
@ -460,7 +460,10 @@ pub const ValueFormatter = struct {
return switch (ti) {
.int, .@"comptime_int" => switch (value.value_data.*) {
inline .unsigned_int, .signed_int, .big_int => |a| try writer.print("{d}", .{a}),
.unsigned_int => |a| try writer.print("{d}", .{a}),
.signed_int => |a| try writer.print("{d}", .{a}),
.big_int => |a| try writer.print("{d}", .{a}),
else => unreachable,
.@"type" => try writer.print("{ }", .{form.interpreter.formatTypeInfo(value.value_data.@"type".getTypeInfo())}),
@ -668,14 +671,19 @@ pub fn cast(
const to_type_info = dest_type.getTypeInfo();
const from_type_info = value.@"type".getTypeInfo();
// TODO: Implement more implicit casts
if (from_type_info.eql(to_type_info)) return value;
const err = switch (from_type_info) {
.@"comptime_int" => switch (to_type_info) {
.int => {
if (value_data.bitCount().? > {
switch (value_data.*) {
inline .unsigned_int, .signed_int, .big_int => |bi| {
try interpreter.recordError(node_idx, "invalid_cast", try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "integer value {d} cannot be coerced to type '{s}'", .{ bi, interpreter.formatTypeInfo(to_type_info) }));
.unsigned_int => |bi| try interpreter.recordError(node_idx, "invalid_cast", try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "integer value {d} cannot be coerced to type '{s}'", .{ bi, interpreter.formatTypeInfo(to_type_info) })),
.signed_int => |bi| try interpreter.recordError(node_idx, "invalid_cast", try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "integer value {d} cannot be coerced to type '{s}'", .{ bi, interpreter.formatTypeInfo(to_type_info) })),
.big_int => |bi| try interpreter.recordError(node_idx, "invalid_cast", try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "integer value {d} cannot be coerced to type '{s}'", .{ bi, interpreter.formatTypeInfo(to_type_info) })),
else => unreachable,
return error.InvalidCast;
@ -956,8 +964,8 @@ pub fn interpret(
return InterpretResult{ .value = try (interpreter.huntItDown(scope.?, value, options) catch |err| {
if (err == error.IdentifierNotFound) try interpreter.recordError(
try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "Couldn't find identifier \"{s}\"", .{value}),
try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "use of undeclared identifier '{s}'", .{value}),
return err;
}).getValue() };
@ -974,8 +982,8 @@ pub fn interpret(
var scope_sub_decl = irv.value_data.@"type".interpreter.huntItDown(sub_scope, rhs_str, options) catch |err| {
if (err == error.IdentifierNotFound) try interpreter.recordError(
try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "Couldn't find identifier \"{s}\"", .{rhs_str}),
try std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "use of undeclared identifier '{s}'", .{rhs_str}),
return err;
@ -1063,7 +1071,10 @@ pub fn interpret(
=> {
// TODO: Actually consider operators
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.getNodeSource(data[node_idx].lhs), "_")) return InterpretResult{ .nothing = {} };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, tree.getNodeSource(data[node_idx].lhs), "_")) {
_ = try interpreter.interpret(data[node_idx].rhs, scope.?, options);
return InterpretResult{ .nothing = {} };
var ir = try interpreter.interpret(data[node_idx].lhs, scope, options);
var to_value = try ir.getValue();
@ -1400,7 +1411,7 @@ pub fn call(
arguments: []const Value,
options: InterpretOptions,
) InterpretError!CallResult {
_ = options;
// _ = options;
// TODO: type check args
@ -1419,12 +1430,21 @@ pub fn call(
var arg_index: usize = 0;
while (ast.nextFnParam(&arg_it)) |param| {
if (arg_index >= arguments.len) return error.MissingArguments;
var tex = try (try interpreter.interpret(param.type_expr, fn_scope, options)).getValue();
if (tex.@"type".getTypeInfo() != .@"type") {
try interpreter.recordError(
std.fmt.allocPrint(interpreter.allocator, "expected type 'type', found '{s}'", .{interpreter.formatTypeInfo(tex.@"type".getTypeInfo())}) catch return error.CriticalAstFailure,
return error.InvalidCast;
if (param.name_token) |nt| {
const decl = Declaration{
.scope = fn_scope,
.node_idx = param.type_expr,
.name = tree.tokenSlice(nt),
.value = arguments[arg_index],
.value = try interpreter.cast(arguments[arg_index].node_idx, tex.value_data.@"type", arguments[arg_index]),
try fn_scope.declarations.put(interpreter.allocator, tree.tokenSlice(nt), decl);
arg_index += 1;
@ -1438,7 +1458,7 @@ pub fn call(
return CallResult{
.scope = fn_scope,
.result = switch (result) {
.@"return" => .{ .nothing = {} },
.@"return", .nothing => .{ .nothing = {} }, // nothing could be due to an error
.@"return_with_value" => |v| .{ .value = v },
else => @panic("bruh"),