add basic comptime interpreter tests

This commit is contained in:
Techatrix 2023-01-20 17:06:16 +01:00
parent 06fcfcb3db
commit 34b2643b33
3 changed files with 132 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -727,12 +727,14 @@ pub fn interpret(
if (as_type.ty != type_type) return error.InvalidBuiltin;
return InterpretResult{ .value = Value{
.interpreter = interpreter,
.node_idx = node_idx,
.ty = type_type,
.val = try interpreter.cast(node_idx, as_type.val, value.val),
} };
return InterpretResult{
.value = Value{
.interpreter = interpreter,
.node_idx = node_idx,
.ty = as_type.val,
.val = value.val, // TODO port Sema.coerceExtra to InternPool
log.err("Builtin not implemented: {s}", .{call_name});

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ pub const ErrorSet = struct {
names: []const []const u8,
pub fn sort(self: *ErrorSet) void {
std.sort.sort([][]const u8, self.names, u8, std.mem.lessThan);
std.sort.sort([]const []const u8, self.names, u8, std.mem.lessThan);

View File

@ -11,6 +11,40 @@ const Key = InternPool.Key;
const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "ComptimeInterpreter - primitive types" {
try testExprCheck("true", .{ .simple = .bool }, .{ .simple = .bool_true });
try testExprCheck("false", .{ .simple = .bool }, .{ .simple = .bool_false });
try testExprCheck("5", .{ .simple = .comptime_int }, .{ .int_u64_value = 5 });
// TODO try testExprCheck("-2", .{ .simple = .comptime_int }, .{ .int_i64_value = -2 });
try testExprCheck("3.0", .{ .simple = .comptime_float }, null);
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try testExprCheck("null", .{ .simple = .null_type }, .{ .simple = .null_value });
try testExprCheck("void", .{ .simple = .void }, .{ .simple = .void_value });
try testExprCheck("undefined", .{ .simple = .undefined_type }, .{ .simple = .undefined_value });
try testExprCheck("noreturn", .{ .simple = .noreturn }, .{ .simple = .unreachable_value });
test "ComptimeInterpreter - expressions" {
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try testExprCheck("5 + 3", .{ .simple = .comptime_int }, .{ .int_u64_value = 8 });
try testExprCheck("5.2 + 4.2", .{ .simple = .comptime_float }, null);
try testExprCheck("3 == 3", .{ .simple = .bool }, .{ .simple = .bool_true });
try testExprCheck("5.2 == 2.1", .{ .simple = .bool }, .{ .simple = .bool_false });
try testExprCheck("@as(?bool, null) orelse true", .{ .simple = .bool }, .{ .simple = .bool_true });
test "ComptimeInterpreter - builtins" {
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
try testExprCheck("@as(bool, true)", .{ .simple = .bool }, .{ .simple = .bool_true });
try testExprCheck("@as(u32, 3)", .{ .int_type = .{
.signedness = .unsigned,
.bits = 32,
} }, .{ .int_u64_value = 3 });
test "ComptimeInterpreter - call return primitive type" {
try testCallCheck(
\\pub fn Foo() type {
@ -48,7 +82,9 @@ test "ComptimeInterpreter - call return struct" {
, &.{});
defer result.deinit();
const struct_info = result.key.struct_type;
try std.testing.expect(result.ty == .simple);
try std.testing.expect(result.ty.simple == .type);
const struct_info = result.val.struct_type;
try std.testing.expectEqual(Index.none, struct_info.backing_int_ty);
try std.testing.expectEqual(std.builtin.Type.ContainerLayout.Auto, struct_info.layout);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), struct_info.fields.len);
@ -72,7 +108,9 @@ test "ComptimeInterpreter - call comptime argument" {
defer result1.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(Key{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 8 } }, result1.key);
try std.testing.expect(result1.ty == .simple);
try std.testing.expect(result1.ty.simple == .type);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Key{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 8 } }, result1.val);
var result2 = try testCall(source, &.{
@ -81,18 +119,21 @@ test "ComptimeInterpreter - call comptime argument" {
defer result2.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(Key{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 69 } }, result2.key);
try std.testing.expect(result2.ty == .simple);
try std.testing.expect(result2.ty.simple == .type);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Key{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 69 } }, result2.val);
// Helper functions
const CallResult = struct {
const Result = struct {
interpreter: ComptimeInterpreter,
key: Key,
ty: Key,
val: Key,
pub fn deinit(self: *CallResult) void {
pub fn deinit(self: *Result) void {
@ -102,7 +143,7 @@ const Value = struct {
val: Key,
fn testCall(source: []const u8, arguments: []const Value) !CallResult {
fn testCall(source: []const u8, arguments: []const Value) !Result {
var config = zls.Config{};
var doc_store = zls.DocumentStore{
.allocator = allocator,
@ -144,20 +185,89 @@ fn testCall(source: []const u8, arguments: []const Value) !CallResult {
const call_result = try, func_node, args, .{});
try std.testing.expectEqual(Key{ .simple = .type }, interpreter.ip.indexToKey(call_result.result.value.ty));
return CallResult{
return Result{
.interpreter = interpreter,
.key = interpreter.ip.indexToKey(call_result.result.value.val),
.ty = interpreter.ip.indexToKey(call_result.result.value.ty),
.val = interpreter.ip.indexToKey(call_result.result.value.val),
fn testCallCheck(
source: []const u8,
arguments: []const Value,
expected: Key,
expected_ty: Key,
) !void {
var result = try testCall(source, arguments);
defer result.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(expected, result.key);
try std.testing.expect(result.ty == .simple);
try std.testing.expect(result.ty.simple == .type);
if (!expected_ty.eql(result.val)) {
std.debug.print("expected type `{}`, found `{}`\n", .{ expected_ty.fmtType(result.interpreter.ip), result.val.fmtType(result.interpreter.ip) });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
fn testInterpret(source: []const u8, node_idx: Ast.Node.Index) !Result {
var config = zls.Config{};
var doc_store = zls.DocumentStore{
.allocator = allocator,
.config = &config,
defer doc_store.deinit();
const test_uri: []const u8 = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => "file:///C:\\test.zig",
else => "file:///test.zig",
const handle = try doc_store.openDocument(test_uri, source);
var interpreter = ComptimeInterpreter{
.allocator = allocator,
.document_store = &doc_store,
.uri = handle.uri,
errdefer interpreter.deinit();
_ = try interpreter.interpret(0, .none, .{});
const result = try interpreter.interpret(node_idx, .none, .{});
return Result{
.interpreter = interpreter,
.ty = interpreter.ip.indexToKey(result.value.ty),
.val = interpreter.ip.indexToKey(result.value.val),
fn testExprCheck(
expr: []const u8,
expected_ty: Key,
expected_val: ?Key,
) !void {
const source = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator,
\\const foobarbaz = {s};
, .{expr});
var result = try testInterpret(source, 1);
defer result.deinit();
var ip: *InternPool = &result.interpreter.ip;
if (!expected_ty.eql(result.ty)) {
std.debug.print("expected type `{}`, found `{}`\n", .{ expected_ty.fmtType(ip.*), result.ty.fmtType(ip.*) });
return error.TestExpectedEqual;
if (expected_val) |expected_value| {
if (!expected_value.eql(result.val)) {
const expected_ty_index = try ip.get(allocator, expected_ty);
const actual_ty_index = try ip.get(allocator, result.ty);
std.debug.print("expected value `{}`, found `{}`\n", .{
expected_value.fmtValue(expected_ty_index, ip.*),
result.val.fmtValue(actual_ty_index, ip.*),
return error.TestExpectedEqual;