rewrite folding range (#954)

This commit is contained in:
Techatrix 2023-02-02 00:29:36 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 767cf7a52d
commit 1b3c3defb7
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 504 additions and 295 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ const offsets = @import("offsets.zig");
const semantic_tokens = @import("semantic_tokens.zig");
const inlay_hints = @import("inlay_hints.zig");
const code_actions = @import("code_actions.zig");
const folding_range = @import("folding_range.zig");
const shared = @import("shared.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
@ -2579,250 +2580,10 @@ fn foldingRangeHandler(server: *Server, request: types.FoldingRangeParams) Error
const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src());
defer tracy_zone.end();
const Token = std.zig.Token;
const Node = Ast.Node;
const allocator = server.arena.allocator();
const handle = server.document_store.getHandle(request.textDocument.uri) orelse return null;
const allocator = server.arena.allocator();
const helper = struct {
const Inclusivity = enum { inclusive, exclusive };
fn addTokRange(
p_ranges: *std.ArrayList(types.FoldingRange),
tree: Ast,
start: Ast.TokenIndex,
end: Ast.TokenIndex,
end_reach: Inclusivity,
) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
if (tree.tokensOnSameLine(start, end)) return;
std.debug.assert(start <= end);
const start_index = offsets.tokenToIndex(tree, start);
const end_index = offsets.tokenToIndex(tree, end);
const start_line = std.mem.count(u8, tree.source[0..start_index], "\n");
const end_line = start_line + std.mem.count(u8, tree.source[start_index..end_index], "\n");
try p_ranges.append(.{
.startLine = @intCast(u32, start_line),
.endLine = @intCast(u32, end_line) - @boolToInt(end_reach == .exclusive),
// Used to store the result
var ranges = std.ArrayList(types.FoldingRange).init(allocator);
const token_tags: []const Token.Tag = handle.tree.tokens.items(.tag);
const node_tags: []const Node.Tag = handle.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
if (token_tags.len == 0) return null;
if (token_tags[0] == .container_doc_comment) {
var tok: Ast.TokenIndex = 1;
while (tok < token_tags.len) : (tok += 1) {
if (token_tags[tok] != .container_doc_comment) {
if (tok > 1) { // each container doc comment has its own line, so each one counts for a line
try ranges.append(.{
.startLine = 0,
.endLine = tok - 1,
for (node_tags) |node_tag, i| {
const node = @intCast(Node.Index, i);
switch (node_tag) {
.root => continue,
// only fold the expression pertaining to the if statement, and the else statement, each respectively.
// TODO: Should folding multiline condition expressions also be supported? Ditto for the other control flow structures.
=> {
const if_full = ast.fullIf(handle.tree, node).?;
const start_tok_1 = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, if_full.ast.cond_expr);
const end_tok_1 = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, if_full.ast.then_expr);
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_tok_1, end_tok_1, .inclusive);
if (if_full.ast.else_expr == 0) continue;
const start_tok_2 = if_full.else_token;
const end_tok_2 = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, if_full.ast.else_expr);
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_tok_2, end_tok_2, .inclusive);
// same as if/else
=> {
const loop_full = ast.fullWhile(handle.tree, node).?;
const start_tok_1 = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, loop_full.ast.cond_expr);
const end_tok_1 = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, loop_full.ast.then_expr);
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_tok_1, end_tok_1, .inclusive);
if (loop_full.ast.else_expr == 0) continue;
const start_tok_2 = loop_full.else_token;
const end_tok_2 = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, loop_full.ast.else_expr);
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_tok_2, end_tok_2, .inclusive);
=> decl_node_blk: {
doc_comment_range: {
const first_tok: Ast.TokenIndex = handle.tree.firstToken(node);
if (first_tok == 0) break :doc_comment_range;
const end_doc_tok = first_tok - 1;
if (token_tags[end_doc_tok] != .doc_comment) break :doc_comment_range;
var start_doc_tok = end_doc_tok;
while (start_doc_tok != 0) {
if (token_tags[start_doc_tok - 1] != .doc_comment) break;
start_doc_tok -= 1;
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_doc_tok, end_doc_tok, .inclusive);
// Function prototype folding regions
var buffer: [1]Node.Index = undefined;
const fn_proto = handle.tree.fullFnProto(&buffer, node) orelse
break :decl_node_blk;
const list_start_tok: Ast.TokenIndex = fn_proto.lparen;
const list_end_tok: Ast.TokenIndex = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, fn_proto.ast.proto_node);
if (handle.tree.tokensOnSameLine(list_start_tok, list_end_tok)) break :decl_node_blk;
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, list_start_tok, list_end_tok, .exclusive);
var it = fn_proto.iterate(&handle.tree);
while (ast.nextFnParam(&it)) |param| {
const doc_start_tok = param.first_doc_comment orelse continue;
var doc_end_tok = doc_start_tok;
while (token_tags[doc_end_tok + 1] == .doc_comment)
doc_end_tok += 1;
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, doc_start_tok, doc_end_tok, .inclusive);
// TODO: Similar to condition expressions in control flow structures, should folding multiline grouped expressions be enabled?
// .grouped_expression,
=> {
const start_tok = handle.tree.firstToken(node);
const end_tok = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, node);
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_tok, end_tok, .inclusive);
// most other trivial cases can go through here.
else => {
switch (node_tag) {
=> {},
else => disallow_fold: {
if (ast.isBlock(handle.tree, node))
break :disallow_fold;
if (ast.isCall(handle.tree, node))
break :disallow_fold;
if (ast.isBuiltinCall(handle.tree, node))
break :disallow_fold;
if (ast.isContainer(handle.tree, node) and node_tag != .root)
break :disallow_fold;
continue; // no conditions met, continue iterating without adding this potential folding range
const start_tok = handle.tree.firstToken(node);
const end_tok = ast.lastToken(handle.tree, node);
try helper.addTokRange(&ranges, handle.tree, start_tok, end_tok, .exclusive);
// Iterate over the source code and look for code regions with #region #endregion
// We add opened folding regions to a stack as we go and pop one off when we find a closing brace.
// As an optimization we start with a reasonable capacity, which should work well in most cases since
// people will almost never have nesting that deep.
var stack = try std.ArrayList(u32).initCapacity(allocator, 10);
var i: usize = 0;
var lines_count: u32 = 0;
while (i < handle.tree.source.len) : (i += 1) {
const slice = handle.tree.source[i..];
if (slice[0] == '\n') {
lines_count += 1;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, slice, "//#region")) {
try stack.append(lines_count);
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, slice, "//#endregion") and stack.items.len > 0) {
const start_line = stack.pop();
const end_line = lines_count;
// Add brace pairs but discard those from the same line, no need to waste memory on them
if (start_line != end_line) {
try ranges.append(.{
.startLine = start_line,
.endLine = end_line,
return ranges.items;
return try folding_range.generateFoldingRanges(allocator, handle.tree, server.offset_encoding);
pub const SelectionRange = struct {

View File

@ -976,32 +976,6 @@ pub fn isBuiltinCall(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool {
pub fn isCall(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool {
return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) {
=> true,
else => false,
pub fn isBlock(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index) bool {
return switch (tree.nodes.items(.tag)[node]) {
=> true,
else => false,
/// returns a list of parameters
pub fn builtinCallParams(tree: Ast, node: Ast.Node.Index, buf: *[2]Ast.Node.Index) ?[]const Node.Index {
const node_data = tree.nodes.items(.data);

src/folding_range.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
const std = @import("std");
const ast = @import("ast.zig");
const types = @import("lsp.zig");
const offsets = @import("offsets.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const FoldingRange = struct {
loc: offsets.Loc,
kind: ?types.FoldingRangeKind = null,
const Inclusivity = enum { inclusive, exclusive };
const Builder = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
locations: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(FoldingRange),
tree: Ast,
encoding: offsets.Encoding,
pub fn deinit(builder: *Builder) void {
pub fn add(
builder: *Builder,
kind: ?types.FoldingRangeKind,
start: Ast.TokenIndex,
end: Ast.TokenIndex,
start_reach: Inclusivity,
end_reach: Inclusivity,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
if (builder.tree.tokensOnSameLine(start, end)) return;
std.debug.assert(start <= end);
const start_loc = offsets.tokenToLoc(builder.tree, start);
const end_loc = offsets.tokenToLoc(builder.tree, end);
try builder.locations.append(builder.allocator, .{
.loc = .{
.start = if (start_reach == .exclusive) start_loc.end else start_loc.start,
.end = if (end_reach == .exclusive) end_loc.start else end_loc.end,
.kind = kind,
pub fn addNode(
builder: *Builder,
kind: ?types.FoldingRangeKind,
node: Ast.Node.Index,
start_reach: Inclusivity,
end_reach: Inclusivity,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
try builder.add(kind, builder.tree.firstToken(node), ast.lastToken(builder.tree, node), start_reach, end_reach);
pub fn getRanges(builder: Builder) error{OutOfMemory}![]types.FoldingRange {
var result = try builder.allocator.alloc(types.FoldingRange, builder.locations.items.len);
for (result) |*r, i| {
r.* = .{
.startLine = undefined,
.endLine = undefined,
.kind = builder.locations.items[i].kind,
const Item = struct {
output: *types.FoldingRange,
input: *const FoldingRange,
where: enum { start, end },
const Self = @This();
fn getInputIndex(self: Self) usize {
return switch (self.where) {
.start => self.input.loc.start,
.end => self.input.loc.end,
fn lessThan(_: void, lhs: Self, rhs: Self) bool {
return lhs.getInputIndex() < rhs.getInputIndex();
// one item for every start and end position
var items = try builder.allocator.alloc(Item, builder.locations.items.len * 2);
for (builder.locations.items) |*folding_range, i| {
items[2 * i + 0] = .{ .output = &result[i], .input = folding_range, .where = .start };
items[2 * i + 1] = .{ .output = &result[i], .input = folding_range, .where = .end };
// sort items based on their source position
std.sort.sort(Item, items, {}, Item.lessThan);
var last_index: usize = 0;
var last_position: types.Position = .{ .line = 0, .character = 0 };
for (items) |item| {
const index = item.getInputIndex();
const position = offsets.advancePosition(builder.tree.source, last_position, last_index, index, builder.encoding);
defer last_index = index;
defer last_position = position;
switch (item.where) {
.start => {
item.output.startLine = position.line;
item.output.startCharacter = position.character;
.end => {
item.output.endLine = position.line;
item.output.endCharacter = position.character;
return result;
pub fn generateFoldingRanges(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, tree: Ast, encoding: offsets.Encoding) error{OutOfMemory}![]types.FoldingRange {
var builder = Builder{
.allocator = allocator,
.locations = .{},
.tree = tree,
.encoding = encoding,
defer builder.deinit();
const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
const node_tags = tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const main_tokens = tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
var start_doc_comment: ?Ast.TokenIndex = null;
var end_doc_comment: ?Ast.TokenIndex = null;
for (token_tags) |tag, i| {
const token = @intCast(Ast.TokenIndex, i);
switch (tag) {
=> {
if (start_doc_comment == null) {
start_doc_comment = token;
end_doc_comment = token;
} else {
end_doc_comment = token;
else => {
if (start_doc_comment != null and end_doc_comment != null) {
try builder.add(.comment, start_doc_comment.?, end_doc_comment.?, .inclusive, .inclusive);
start_doc_comment = null;
end_doc_comment = null;
// TODO add folding range normal comments
// TODO add folding range for top level `@Import()`
for (node_tags) |node_tag, i| {
const node = @intCast(Ast.Node.Index, i);
switch (node_tag) {
.root => continue,
// TODO: Should folding multiline condition expressions also be supported? Ditto for the other control flow structures.
// .fn_decl
=> {
var buffer: [1]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const fn_proto = tree.fullFnProto(&buffer, node).?;
const list_start_tok = fn_proto.lparen;
const list_end_tok = ast.lastToken(tree, node) -| 1;
try builder.add(null, list_start_tok, list_end_tok, .exclusive, .exclusive);
=> {
try builder.addNode(null, node, .exclusive, .exclusive);
=> {
const lhs = tree.nodes.items(.data)[node].lhs;
const start_tok = ast.lastToken(tree, lhs) + 2; // lparen + rbrace
const end_tok = ast.lastToken(tree, node);
try builder.add(null, start_tok, end_tok, .exclusive, .exclusive);
=> {
const switch_case = tree.fullSwitchCase(node).?.ast;
if (switch_case.values.len >= 4) {
const first_value = tree.firstToken(switch_case.values[0]);
const last_value = ast.lastToken(tree, switch_case.values[switch_case.values.len - 1]);
try builder.add(null, first_value, last_value, .inclusive, .inclusive);
=> {
var buffer: [2]Ast.Node.Index = undefined;
const container_decl = tree.fullContainerDecl(&buffer, node).?;
if (container_decl.ast.members.len != 0) {
const first_member = container_decl.ast.members[0];
const start_tok = tree.firstToken(first_member) -| 1;
const end_tok = ast.lastToken(tree, node);
try builder.add(null, start_tok, end_tok, .exclusive, .exclusive);
=> {
const lparen = main_tokens[node];
try builder.add(null, lparen, ast.lastToken(tree, node), .exclusive, .exclusive);
// everything after here is mostly untested
=> {
try builder.addNode(null, node, .inclusive, .inclusive);
else => {},
// We add opened folding regions to a stack as we go and pop one off when we find a closing brace.
var stack = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(usize){};
var i: usize = 0;
while (std.mem.indexOfPos(u8, tree.source, i, "//#")) |possible_region| {
defer i = possible_region + "//#".len;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, tree.source[possible_region..], "//#region")) {
try stack.append(allocator, possible_region);
} else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, tree.source[possible_region..], "//#endregion")) {
const start_index = stack.popOrNull() orelse break; // null means there are more endregions than regions
const end_index = offsets.lineLocAtIndex(tree.source, possible_region).end;
const is_same_line = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, tree.source[start_index..end_index], '\n') == null;
if (is_same_line) continue;
try builder.locations.append(allocator, .{
.loc = .{
.start = start_index,
.end = end_index,
.kind = .region,
return try builder.getRanges();

View File

@ -11,34 +11,197 @@ const types = zls.types;
const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "foldingRange - empty" {
try testFoldingRange("", "[]");
try testFoldingRange("", &.{});
test "foldingRange - smoke" {
test "foldingRange - doc comment" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\/// hello
\\/// world
\\var foo = 5;
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 0, .endLine = 1, .endCharacter = 9, .kind = .comment },
test "foldingRange - region" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = 0;
\\const bar = 1;
\\const baz = 2;
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 1, .startCharacter = 0, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 12, .kind = .region },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = 0;
\\const bar = 1;
\\const baz = 2;
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 2, .startCharacter = 0, .endLine = 4, .endCharacter = 12, .kind = .region },
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 0, .endLine = 6, .endCharacter = 12, .kind = .region },
test "foldingRange - if" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = if (false) {
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 24, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 0 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = if (false) {
\\} else {
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 24, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 0 },
.{ .startLine = 2, .startCharacter = 8, .endLine = 4, .endCharacter = 0 },
test "foldingRange - for/while" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = for ("") |_| {
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 26, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 0 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = while (true) {
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 26, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 0 },
test "foldingRange - switch" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = switch (5) {
\\ 0 => {},
\\ 1 => {}
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 24, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo = switch (5) {
\\ 0 => {},
\\ 1 => {},
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 24, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 },
test "foldingRange - function" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\fn main() u32 {
\\ return 1 + 1;
test "foldingRange - #801" {
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 15, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 0 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\fn score(c: u8) !u32 {
\\ return switch(c) {
\\ 'a'...'z' => c - 'a',
\\ 'A'...'Z' => c - 'A',
\\ _ => error
\\ };
\\fn main(
\\ a: ?u32,
\\) u32 {
\\ return 1 + 1;
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 8, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 0 },
.{ .startLine = 2, .startCharacter = 7, .endLine = 4, .endCharacter = 0 },
fn testFoldingRange(source: []const u8, expect: []const u8) !void {
test "foldingRange - function with doc comment" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\/// this is
\\/// a function
\\fn foo(
\\ /// this is a parameter
\\ a: u32,
\\ ///
\\ /// this is another parameter
\\ b: u32,
\\) void {}
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 0, .endLine = 1, .endCharacter = 14, .kind = .comment },
.{ .startLine = 5, .startCharacter = 4, .endLine = 6, .endCharacter = 33, .kind = .comment },
.{ .startLine = 2, .startCharacter = 7, .endLine = 8, .endCharacter = 0 },
test "foldingRange - container decl" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\const Foo = struct {
\\ alpha: u32,
\\ beta: []const u8,
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 20, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const Foo = packed struct(u32) {
\\ alpha: u16,
\\ beta: u16,
, &.{
// .{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 32, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 }, // TODO
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 32, .endLine = 2, .endCharacter = 11 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const Foo = union {
\\ alpha: u32,
\\ beta: []const u8,
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 19, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 },
try testFoldingRange(
\\const Foo = union(enum) {
\\ alpha: u32,
\\ beta: []const u8,
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 0, .startCharacter = 25, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 },
test "foldingRange - call" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\extern fn foo(a: bool, b: ?usize) void;
\\const result = foo(
\\ false,
\\ null,
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 1, .startCharacter = 19, .endLine = 4, .endCharacter = 0 },
test "foldingRange - multi-line string literal" {
try testFoldingRange(
\\const foo =
\\ \\hello
\\ \\world
, &.{
.{ .startLine = 1, .startCharacter = 4, .endLine = 3, .endCharacter = 0 },
fn testFoldingRange(source: []const u8, expect: []const types.FoldingRange) !void {
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
@ -53,16 +216,16 @@ fn testFoldingRange(source: []const u8, expect: []const u8) !void {
const response = try ctx.requestGetResponse(?[]types.FoldingRange, "textDocument/foldingRange", params);
var actual = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer actual.deinit();
var actual = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer actual.deinit(allocator);
try tres.stringify(response.result, .{
.emit_null_optional_fields = false,
}, actual.writer());
try expectEqualJson(expect, actual.items);
var expected = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){};
defer expected.deinit(allocator);
const options = std.json.StringifyOptions{ .emit_null_optional_fields = false, .whitespace = .{ .indent = .None } };
try tres.stringify(response.result, options, actual.writer(allocator));
try tres.stringify(expect, options, expected.writer(allocator));
fn expectEqualJson(expect: []const u8, actual: []const u8) !void {
// TODO: Actually compare strings as JSON values.
return std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expect, actual);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected.items, actual.items);