Merge pull request #674 from Techatrix/snippets
Add keyword Snippets for autocomplete
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ const shared = @import("shared.zig");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
const tracy = @import("tracy.zig");
const uri_utils = @import("uri.zig");
const uri_utils = @import("uri.zig");
const data = @import("data/data.zig");
const diff = @import("diff.zig");
const diff = @import("diff.zig");
const data = @import("data/data.zig");
const snipped_data = @import("data/snippets.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.server);
const log = std.log.scoped(.server);
// Server fields
// Server fields
@ -1169,6 +1171,30 @@ fn populateBuiltinCompletions(builtin_completions: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types
truncateCompletions(builtin_completions.items, config.max_detail_length);
truncateCompletions(builtin_completions.items, config.max_detail_length);
fn populateSnippedCompletions(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
completions: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.CompletionItem),
snippets: []const snipped_data.Snipped,
config: Config,
start_with: ?[]const u8,
) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
try completions.ensureUnusedCapacity(allocator, snippets.len);
for (snippets) |snipped| {
if (start_with) |needle| {
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, snipped.label, needle)) continue;
.label = snipped.label,
.kind = snipped.kind,
.detail = if (config.enable_snippets) snipped.text else null,
.insertText = if (config.enable_snippets) snipped.text else null,
.insertTextFormat = if (config.enable_snippets and snipped.text != null) .Snippet else .PlainText,
fn completeBuiltin(server: *Server, writer: anytype, id: types.RequestId) !void {
fn completeBuiltin(server: *Server, writer: anytype, id: types.RequestId) !void {
const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src());
const tracy_zone = tracy.trace(@src());
defer tracy_zone.end();
defer tracy_zone.end();
@ -1201,6 +1227,7 @@ fn completeGlobal(server: *Server, writer: anytype, id: types.RequestId, pos_ind
.orig_handle = handle,
.orig_handle = handle,
try analysis.iterateSymbolsGlobal(&server.document_store, &server.arena, handle, pos_index, declToCompletion, context);
try analysis.iterateSymbolsGlobal(&server.document_store, &server.arena, handle, pos_index, declToCompletion, context);
try populateSnippedCompletions(server.arena.allocator(), &completions, &snipped_data.generic, server.config.*, null);
sortCompletionItems(completions.items, server.arena.allocator());
sortCompletionItems(completions.items, server.arena.allocator());
truncateCompletions(completions.items, server.config.max_detail_length);
truncateCompletions(completions.items, server.config.max_detail_length);
@ -1446,7 +1473,7 @@ fn kindToSortScore(kind: types.CompletionItem.Kind) []const u8 {
.Field => "3_",
.Field => "3_",
.Function => "4_",
.Function => "4_",
.Keyword, .EnumMember => "5_",
.Keyword, .Snippet, .EnumMember => "5_",
@ -1826,8 +1853,17 @@ fn completionHandler(server: *Server, writer: anytype, id: types.RequestId, req:
return try respondGeneric(writer, id, no_completions_response);
return try respondGeneric(writer, id, no_completions_response);
if (req.params.position.character == 0)
if (req.params.position.character == 0) {
return try respondGeneric(writer, id, no_completions_response);
var completions = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(types.CompletionItem){};
try populateSnippedCompletions(server.arena.allocator(), &completions, &snipped_data.top_level_decl_data, server.config.*, null);
return try send(writer, server.arena.allocator(), types.Response{
.id = id,
.result = .{
.CompletionList = .{ .isIncomplete = false, .items = completions.items },
const source_index = offsets.positionToIndex(handle.document.text, req.params.position, server.offset_encoding);
const source_index = offsets.positionToIndex(handle.document.text, req.params.position, server.offset_encoding);
const pos_context = try analysis.getPositionContext(server.arena.allocator(), handle.document, source_index);
const pos_context = try analysis.getPositionContext(server.arena.allocator(), handle.document, source_index);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
const types = @import("../types.zig");
pub const Snipped = struct {
label: []const u8,
kind: types.CompletionItem.Kind,
text: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub const top_level_decl_data = [_]Snipped{
.{ .label = "fn", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "fn ${1:name}($2) ${3:!void} {$0}" },
.{ .label = "pub fn", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "pub fn ${1:name}($2) ${3:!void} {$0}" },
.{ .label = "struct", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "const $1 = struct {$0};" },
.{ .label = "error set", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "const ${1:Error} = error {$0};" },
.{ .label = "enum", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "const $1 = enum {$0};" },
.{ .label = "union", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "const $1 = union {$0};" },
.{ .label = "union tagged", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "const $1 = union(${2:enum}) {$0};" },
.{ .label = "test", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "test \"$1\" {$0}" },
.{ .label = "main", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "pub fn main() !void {$0}" },
pub const generic = [_]Snipped{
// keywords
.{ .label = "align", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "allowzero", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "and", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "anyframe", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "anytype", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "asm", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "async", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "await", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "break", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "callconv", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "callconv($0)" },
.{ .label = "catch", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "comptime", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "const", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "continue", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "defer", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "else", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "else {$0}" },
.{ .label = "enum", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "enum {$0}" },
.{ .label = "errdefer", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "error", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "export", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "extern", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "fn", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "fn ${1:name}($2) ${3:!void} {$0}" },
.{ .label = "for", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "for ($1) {$0}" },
.{ .label = "if", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "if ($1) {$0}" },
.{ .label = "inline", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "noalias", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "nosuspend", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "noinline", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "opaque", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "or", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "orelse", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "packed", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "pub", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "resume", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "return", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "linksection", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "struct", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "struct {$0};" },
.{ .label = "suspend", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "switch", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "switch ($1) {$0}" },
.{ .label = "test", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "test \"$1\" {$0}" },
.{ .label = "threadlocal", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "try", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "union", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "unreachable", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "usingnamespace", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "var", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "volatile", .kind = .Keyword },
.{ .label = "while", .kind = .Keyword, .text = "while ($1) {$0}" },
// keyword snippets
.{ .label = "asmv", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "asm volatile (${1:input}, ${0:input})" },
.{ .label = "pub fn", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "pub fn ${1:name}($2) ${3:!void} {$0}" },
.{ .label = "forv", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "for ($1) |${2:value}| {$0}" },
.{ .label = "fori", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "for ($1) |_, ${2:i}| {$0}" },
.{ .label = "forvi", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "for ($1) |${2:value},${3:i}| {$0}" },
.{ .label = "if else", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "if ($1) {$2} else {$0}" },
.{ .label = "catch switch", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "catch |${1:err}| switch(${1:err}) {$0};" },
// snippets
.{ .label = "main", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "pub fn main() !void {$0}" },
.{ .label = "todo", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "std.debug.todo(\"$0\");" },
.{ .label = "print", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "std.debug.print(\"$1\", .{$0});" },
.{ .label = "log err", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "std.log.err(\"$1\", .{$0});" },
.{ .label = "log warn", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "std.log.warn(\"$1\", .{$0});" },
.{ .label = "log info", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "\"$1\", .{$0});" },
.{ .label = "log debug", .kind = .Snippet, .text = "std.log.debug(\"$1\", .{$0});" },
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Context = @import("context.zig").Context;
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
test "Request completion in an empty file" {
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
try ctx.request("textDocument/didOpen",
, null);
try ctx.request("textDocument/completion",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig"}, "position":{"line":0,"character":0}}
, null);
test "Request completion with no trailing whitespace" {
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
try ctx.request("textDocument/didOpen",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig","languageId":"zig","version":420,"text":"const std = @import(\"std\");\nc"}}
, null);
try ctx.request("textDocument/completion",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig"}, "position":{"line":1,"character":1}}
test "Encoded space in file name and usingnamespace on non-existing symbol" {
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
try ctx.request("textDocument/didOpen",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///%20test.zig","languageId":"zig","version":420,"text":"usingnamespace a.b;\nb."}}
, null);
try ctx.request("textDocument/completion",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///%20test.zig"}, "position":{"line":1,"character":2}}
test "Self-referential definition" {
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
try ctx.request("textDocument/didOpen",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig","languageId":"zig","version":420,"text":"const h = h(0);\nc"}}
, null);
try ctx.request("textDocument/completion",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig"}, "position":{"line":1,"character":1}}
// This test as written depends on the configuration in the *host* machines zls.json, if `enable_snippets` is true then
// the insert text is "w()" if it is false it is "w"
// test "Missing return type" {
// var server = try Server.start(initialize_msg, null);
// defer server.shutdown();
// try server.request("textDocument/didOpen",
// \\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig","languageId":"zig","version":420,"text":"fn w() {}\nc"}}
// , null);
// try server.request("textDocument/completion",
// \\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig"}, "position":{"line":1,"character":1}}
// ,
// \\{"isIncomplete":false,"items":[{"label":"w","kind":3,"textEdit":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"w","insertTextFormat":1,"detail":"fn","documentation":null}]}
// );
// }
test "Pointer and optional deref" {
var ctx = try Context.init();
defer ctx.deinit();
try ctx.request("textDocument/didOpen",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig","languageId":"zig","version":420,"text":"var value: ?struct { data: i32 = 5 } = null;const ptr = &value;\nconst a = ptr.*.?."}}
, null);
try ctx.request("textDocument/completion",
\\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig"}, "position":{"line":1,"character":18}}
\\{"isIncomplete":false,"items":[{"label":"data","labelDetails":{"detail":"","description":"i32 ","sortText":null},"kind":5,"detail":"data","sortText":"3_data","filterText":null,"insertText":"data","insertTextFormat":1,"documentation":null}]}
// not fixed yet!
// test "Self-referential import" {
// var ctx = try Context.init();
// defer ctx.deinit();
// try ctx.request("textDocument/didOpen",
// \\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig","languageId":"zig","version":420,"text":"const a = @import(\"test.zig\").a;\nc"}}
// , null);
// try ctx.request("textDocument/completion",
// \\{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///test.zig"}, "position":{"line":1,"character":1}}
// ,
// \\{"isIncomplete":false,"items":[]}
// );
// }
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
comptime {
comptime {
_ = @import("helper.zig");
_ = @import("helper.zig");
_ = @import("sessions.zig");
_ = @import("utility/offsets.zig");
_ = @import("utility/offsets.zig");
_ = @import("utility/position_context.zig");
_ = @import("utility/position_context.zig");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user