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2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
/// Based on src/InternPool.zig from the zig codebase
/// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/src/InternPool.zig
map: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void, void) = .{},
items: std.MultiArrayList(Item) = .{},
extra: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = .{},
const InternPool = @This();
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const KeyAdapter = struct {
intern_pool: *const InternPool,
pub fn eql(ctx: @This(), a: Key, b_void: void, b_map_index: usize) bool {
_ = b_void;
return ctx.intern_pool.indexToKey(@intToEnum(Index, b_map_index)).eql(a);
pub fn hash(ctx: @This(), a: Key) u32 {
_ = ctx;
return a.hash();
pub const Int = struct {
signedness: std.builtin.Signedness,
bits: u16,
pub const Pointer = struct {
elem_type: Index,
sentinel: Index,
alignment: u16,
size: std.builtin.Type.Pointer.Size,
is_const: bool,
is_volatile: bool,
is_allowzero: bool,
address_space: std.builtin.AddressSpace,
pub const Array = struct {
// TODO support big int
len: u32,
child: Index,
sentinel: Index,
pub const Struct = struct {
fields: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Field),
/// always points to Namespace
namespace: Index,
layout: std.builtin.Type.ContainerLayout,
backing_int_ty: Index,
pub const Field = struct {
ty: Index,
default_value: Index,
alignent: u16,
is_comptime: bool,
pub const Optional = struct {
payload_type: Index,
pub const ErrorUnion = struct {
error_set_type: Index,
payload_type: Index,
// pub const Error = struct {
// name: []const u8,
// };
pub const ErrorSet = struct {
/// must be sorted
names: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void),
pub fn sort(self: *ErrorSet) void {
const Context = struct {
keys: [][]const u8,
pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a_index: usize, b_index: usize) bool {
return std.mem.lessThan(u8, ctx.keys[a_index], ctx.keys[b_index]);
self.names.sort(Context{ .keys = self.names.keys() });
pub const Enum = struct {
tag_type: Index,
fields: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Index),
/// this always points to Namespace
namespace: Index,
tag_type_infered: bool,
pub const Fn = struct {
calling_convention: std.builtin.CallingConvention,
alignment: u16,
is_generic: bool,
is_var_args: bool,
return_type: Index,
args: []const Param,
pub const Param = struct {
is_comptime: bool,
is_generic: bool,
is_noalias: bool,
arg_type: Index,
pub const Union = struct {
tag_type: Index,
fields: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Field),
/// always points to Namespace
namespace: Index,
layout: std.builtin.Type.ContainerLayout,
pub const Field = struct {
ty: Index,
alignment: u16,
pub const Tuple = struct {
types: []Index,
/// unreachable_value elements are used to indicate runtime-known.
values: []Index,
pub const Vector = struct {
// TODO support big int
len: u32,
child: Index,
pub const BigInt = std.math.big.int.Const;
pub const Decl = struct {
name: []const u8,
ty: Index,
val: Index,
alignment: u16,
address_space: std.builtin.AddressSpace,
is_pub: bool,
is_exported: bool,
pub const Namespace = struct {
/// always points to Namespace or Index.none
parent: Index,
/// Will be a struct, enum, union, or opaque.
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
// ty: Index,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
/// always points to Decl
decls: []const Index,
usingnamespaces: []const Index,
pub const Bytes = struct {
data: []const u8,
pub const Key = union(enum) {
simple: Simple,
int_type: Int,
pointer_type: Pointer,
array_type: Array,
struct_type: Struct,
optional_type: Optional,
error_union_type: ErrorUnion,
// error_type: Error,
error_set_type: ErrorSet,
enum_type: Enum,
function_type: Fn,
union_type: Union,
tuple_type: Tuple,
vector_type: Vector,
declaration: Decl,
namespace: Namespace,
int_u64_value: u64,
int_i64_value: i64,
int_big_value: BigInt,
float_16_value: f16,
float_32_value: f32,
float_64_value: f64,
float_80_value: f80,
float_128_value: f128,
type_value: Index,
bytes: Bytes,
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
one_pointer: Index,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// slice
// error
// error union
// optional
// aggregate
// union
pub fn hash(key: Key) u32 {
var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0);
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, std.meta.activeTag(key));
switch (key) {
.struct_type => |struct_info| {
var field_it = struct_info.fields.iterator();
while (field_it.next()) |item| {
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, item.value_ptr.*);
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, struct_info.layout);
// .error_type => |error_info| hasher.update(error_info.name),
.error_set_type => |error_set_info| {
const names = error_set_info.names.keys();
std.debug.assert(std.sort.isSorted([]const u8, names, u8, std.mem.lessThan));
for (names) |error_name| {
.enum_type => |enum_info| {
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, enum_info.tag_type);
var field_it = enum_info.fields.iterator();
while (field_it.next()) |item| {
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, item.value_ptr.*);
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, enum_info.tag_type_infered);
.function_type => |function_info| std.hash.autoHashStrat(&hasher, function_info, .Deep),
.union_type => |union_info| {
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, union_info.tag_type);
var field_it = union_info.fields.iterator();
while (field_it.next()) |item| {
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, item.value_ptr.*);
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, union_info.layout);
.tuple_type => |tuple_info| std.hash.autoHashStrat(&hasher, tuple_info, .Deep),
.declaration => |decl_info| std.hash.autoHashStrat(&hasher, decl_info, .Deep),
.namespace => |namespace_info| std.hash.autoHashStrat(&hasher, namespace_info, .Deep),
.int_big_value => |big_int| {
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, big_int.positive);
.float_16_value => |f| std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, @bitCast(u16, f)),
.float_32_value => |f| std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, @bitCast(u32, f)),
.float_64_value => |f| std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, @bitCast(u64, f)),
.float_80_value => |f| std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, @bitCast(u80, f)),
.float_128_value => |f| std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, @bitCast(u128, f)),
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.bytes => |bytes| hasher.update(bytes.data),
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
inline else => |info| std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, info), // TODO sad stage1 noises :(
return @truncate(u32, hasher.final());
pub fn eql(a: Key, b: Key) bool {
const KeyTag = std.meta.Tag(Key);
const a_tag: KeyTag = a;
const b_tag: KeyTag = b;
if (a_tag != b_tag) return false;
return switch (a) {
.struct_type => |struct_info| {
if (struct_info.layout != b.struct_type.layout) return false;
if (struct_info.fields.count() != b.struct_type.fields.count()) return false;
@panic("TODO: implement field equality check");
// .error_type => |error_info| std.mem.eql(u8, error_info.name, b.error_type.name),
.error_set_type => |error_set_info| {
const a_names = error_set_info.names.keys();
const b_names = b.error_set_type.names.keys();
if (a_names.len != b_names.len) return false;
for (a_names) |a_name, i| {
const b_name = b_names[i];
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, a_name, b_name)) return false;
return true;
.enum_type => |enum_info| {
if (enum_info.tag_type != b.enum_type.tag_type) return false;
if (enum_info.tag_type_infered != b.enum_type.tag_type_infered) return false;
if (enum_info.fields.count() != b.enum_type.fields.count()) return false;
@panic("TODO: implement field equality check");
.function_type => |function_info| {
if (function_info.calling_convention != b.function_type.calling_convention) return false;
if (function_info.alignment != b.function_type.alignment) return false;
if (function_info.is_generic != b.function_type.is_generic) return false;
if (function_info.is_var_args != b.function_type.is_var_args) return false;
if (function_info.return_type != b.function_type.return_type) return false;
if (function_info.args.len != b.function_type.args.len) return false;
for (function_info.args) |arg, i| {
if (!std.meta.eql(arg, b.function_type.args[i])) return false;
return true;
.union_type => |union_info| {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (union_info.tag_type != b.union_type.tag_type) return false;
if (union_info.layout != b.union_type.layout) return false;
if (union_info.fields.count() != b.union_type.fields.count()) return false;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
@panic("TODO: implement union equality");
.tuple_type => |tuple_info| {
std.debug.assert(tuple_info.types.len == tuple_info.values.len);
std.debug.assert(b.tuple_type.types.len == b.tuple_type.values.len);
if (tuple_info.types.len != b.tuple_type.types.len) return false;
for (tuple_info.types) |ty, i| {
if (ty != b.tuple_type.types[i]) return false;
for (tuple_info.values) |val, i| {
if (val != b.tuple_type.values[i]) return false;
return true;
.declaration => |decl_info| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, decl_info.name, b.declaration.name)) return false;
if (decl_info.ty != b.declaration.ty) return false;
if (decl_info.val != b.declaration.val) return false;
if (decl_info.alignment != b.declaration.alignment) return false;
if (decl_info.address_space != b.declaration.address_space) return false;
if (decl_info.is_pub != b.declaration.is_pub) return false;
if (decl_info.is_exported != b.declaration.is_exported) return false;
return true;
.namespace => |namespace_info| {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (namespace_info.parent != b.namespace.parent) return false;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (namespace_info.decls.len != b.namespace.decls.len) return false;
if (namespace_info.usingnamespaces.len != b.namespace.usingnamespaces.len) return false;
for (namespace_info.decls) |decl, i| {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (decl != b.namespace.decls[i]) return false;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
for (namespace_info.usingnamespaces) |namespace, i| {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (namespace != b.namespace.usingnamespaces[i]) return false;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
return false;
else => std.meta.eql(a, b),
pub fn tag(key: Key) Tag {
return switch (key) {
.simple => .simple,
.int_type => |int_info| switch (int_info.signedness) {
.signed => .type_int_signed,
.unsigned => .type_int_unsigned,
.pointer_type => .type_pointer,
.array_type => .type_array,
.struct_type => .type_struct,
.optional_type => .type_optional,
.error_union_type => .type_error_union,
// .error_type => .type_error,
.error_set_type => .type_error_set,
.enum_type => .type_enum,
.function_type => .type_function,
.union_type => .type_union,
.tuple_type => .type_tuple,
.vector_type => .type_vector,
.int_u64_value => |int| if (int <= std.math.maxInt(u32)) .int_u32 else .int_u64,
.int_i64_value => |int| if (std.math.maxInt(i32) <= int and int <= std.math.maxInt(i32)) .int_i32 else .int_i64,
.int_big_value => |big_int| if (big_int.positive) .int_big_positive else .int_big_negative,
.float_16_value => .float_f16,
.float_32_value => .float_f32,
.float_64_value => .float_f64,
.float_80_value => .float_f80,
.float_128_value => .float_f128,
.type_value => .type,
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
.declaration => .declaration,
.namespace => .namespace,
.bytes => .bytes,
.one_pointer => .one_pointer,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
pub fn zigTypeTag(key: Key) std.builtin.TypeId {
return switch (key) {
.simple => |simple| switch (simple) {
=> .Float,
=> .Int,
.comptime_int => .ComptimeInt,
.comptime_float => .ComptimeFloat,
.anyopaque => .Opaque,
.bool => .Bool,
.void => .Void,
.type => .Type,
.anyerror => .ErrorSet,
.noreturn => .NoReturn,
.@"anyframe" => .AnyFrame,
.null_type => .Null,
.undefined_type => .Undefined,
.enum_literal_type => .EnumLiteral,
=> unreachable,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.int_type => .Int,
.pointer_type => .Pointer,
.array_type => .Array,
.struct_type => .Struct,
.optional_type => .Optional,
.error_union_type => .ErrorUnion,
.error_set_type => .ErrorSet,
.enum_type => .Enum,
.function_type => .Fn,
.union_type => .Union,
.tuple_type => .Struct, // TODO this correct?
.vector_type => .Vector,
=> unreachable,
=> unreachable,
=> unreachable,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
/// Asserts the type is an integer, enum, error set, packed struct, or vector of one of them.
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
pub fn intInfo(ty: Key, target: std.Target, ip: *const InternPool) Int {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
var key: Key = ty;
while (true) switch (key) {
.simple => |simple| switch (simple) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.usize => return .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = target.cpu.arch.ptrBitWidth() },
.isize => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = target.cpu.arch.ptrBitWidth() },
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// TODO correctly resolve size based on `target`
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.c_short => return .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_short) },
.c_ushort => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_ushort) },
.c_int => return .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_int) },
.c_uint => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_uint) },
.c_long => return .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_long) },
.c_ulong => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_ulong) },
.c_longlong => return .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_longlong) },
.c_ulonglong => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_ulonglong) },
.c_longdouble => return .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_longdouble) },
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// TODO revisit this when error sets support custom int types (comment taken from zig codebase)
.anyerror => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 16 },
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
else => unreachable,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
.int_type => |int_info| return int_info,
.enum_type => @panic("TODO"),
.struct_type => |struct_info| {
std.debug.assert(struct_info.layout == .Packed);
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
key = ip.indexToKey(struct_info.backing_int_ty);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// TODO revisit this when error sets support custom int types (comment taken from zig codebase)
.error_set_type => return .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 16 },
.vector_type => |vector_info| {
std.debug.assert(vector_info.len == 1);
key = ip.indexToKey(vector_info.child);
else => unreachable,
/// Asserts the type is a fixed-size float or comptime_float.
/// Returns 128 for comptime_float types.
pub fn floatBits(ty: Key, target: std.Target) u16 {
std.debug.assert(ty == .simple);
_ = target;
return switch (ty.simple) {
.f16 => 16,
.f32 => 32,
.f64 => 64,
.f80 => 80,
.f128, .comptime_float => 128,
// TODO correctly resolve size based on `target`
.c_longdouble => 80,
else => unreachable,
pub fn isCType(ty: Key) bool {
return switch (ty) {
.simple => |simple| switch (simple) {
=> true,
else => false,
else => false,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
pub fn isConstPtr(ty: Key) bool {
return switch (ty) {
.pointer_type => |pointer_info| pointer_info.is_const,
else => false,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
pub fn isSlice(ty: Key) bool {
return switch (ty) {
.pointer_type => |pointer_info| pointer_info.size == .Slice,
else => false,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
pub fn getNamespace(ty: Key) ?Index {
return switch (ty) {
.struct_type => |struct_info| struct_info.namespace,
.enum_type => |enum_info| enum_info.namespace,
.union_type => |union_info| union_info.namespace,
else => null,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
pub const TypeFormatContext = struct {
ty: Index,
options: FormatOptions = .{},
ip: *const InternPool,
pub const ValueFormatContext = struct {
value: Index,
ty: Index,
options: FormatOptions = .{},
ip: *const InternPool,
// TODO implement options
pub const FormatOptions = struct {
include_fields: bool = true,
include_declarations: bool = true,
pub fn formatType(
ctx: TypeFormatContext,
comptime unused_format_string: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
comptime assert(unused_format_string.len == 0);
_ = options;
return printType(ctx.ty, ctx.ip, writer);
pub fn printType(ty: Index, ip: *const InternPool, writer: anytype) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
const key: Key = ip.indexToKey(ty);
switch (key) {
.simple => |simple| switch (simple) {
=> try writer.writeAll(@tagName(simple)),
.null_type => try writer.writeAll("@TypeOf(null)"),
.undefined_type => try writer.writeAll("@TypeOf(undefined)"),
.enum_literal_type => try writer.writeAll("@TypeOf(.enum_literal)"),
=> unreachable,
.int_type => |int_info| switch (int_info.signedness) {
.signed => try writer.print("i{}", .{int_info.bits}),
.unsigned => try writer.print("u{}", .{int_info.bits}),
.pointer_type => |pointer_info| {
if (pointer_info.sentinel != Index.none) {
switch (pointer_info.size) {
.One, .C => unreachable,
.Many => try writer.print("[*:{}]", .{pointer_info.sentinel.fmtValue(pointer_info.elem_type, ip)}),
.Slice => try writer.print("[:{}]", .{pointer_info.sentinel.fmtValue(pointer_info.elem_type, ip)}),
} else switch (pointer_info.size) {
.One => try writer.writeAll("*"),
.Many => try writer.writeAll("[*]"),
.C => try writer.writeAll("[*c]"),
.Slice => try writer.writeAll("[]"),
if (pointer_info.alignment != 0) {
try writer.print("align({d}", .{pointer_info.alignment});
// TODO bit offset
// TODO host size
try writer.writeAll(") ");
if (pointer_info.address_space != .generic) {
try writer.print("addrspace(.{s}) ", .{@tagName(pointer_info.address_space)});
if (pointer_info.is_const) try writer.writeAll("const ");
if (pointer_info.is_volatile) try writer.writeAll("volatile ");
if (pointer_info.is_allowzero and pointer_info.size != .C) try writer.writeAll("allowzero ");
try printType(pointer_info.elem_type, ip, writer);
.array_type => |array_info| {
try writer.print("[{d}", .{array_info.len});
if (array_info.sentinel != Index.none) {
try writer.print(":{}", .{array_info.sentinel.fmtValue(array_info.child, ip)});
try writer.writeByte(']');
try printType(array_info.child, ip, writer);
.struct_type => @panic("TODO"),
.optional_type => |optional_info| {
try writer.writeByte('?');
try printType(optional_info.payload_type, ip, writer);
.error_union_type => |error_union_info| {
try writer.print("{}!{}", .{
// .error_type => @panic("TODO"),
.error_set_type => @panic("TODO"),
.enum_type => @panic("TODO"),
.function_type => |function_info| {
try writer.writeAll("fn(");
for (function_info.args) |arg, i| {
if (i != 0) try writer.writeAll(", ");
if (arg.is_comptime) {
try writer.writeAll("comptime ");
// TODO noalias
try printType(arg.arg_type, ip, writer);
if (function_info.is_var_args) {
if (function_info.args.len != 0) {
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try writer.writeAll("...");
try writer.writeAll(") ");
if (function_info.calling_convention != .Unspecified) {
try writer.print("callconv(.{s})", .{@tagName(function_info.calling_convention)});
if (function_info.alignment != 0) {
try writer.print("align({d}) ", .{function_info.alignment});
try printType(function_info.return_type, ip, writer);
.union_type => @panic("TODO"),
.tuple_type => @panic("TODO"),
.vector_type => |vector_info| {
try writer.print("@Vector({d},{})", .{
.declaration, .namespace => unreachable,
=> unreachable,
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
=> unreachable,
pub fn formatValue(
ctx: ValueFormatContext,
comptime unused_format_string: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
comptime assert(unused_format_string.len == 0);
_ = options;
return printValue(ctx.value, ctx.ty, ctx.ip, writer);
pub fn printValue(
value: Index,
ty: Index,
ip: *const InternPool,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
_ = ty;
const value_key: Key = ip.indexToKey(value);
switch (value_key) {
.simple => |simple| switch (simple) {
=> try writer.writeAll(@tagName(simple)),
.null_type => try writer.writeAll("@TypeOf(null)"),
.undefined_type => try writer.writeAll("@TypeOf(undefined)"),
.enum_literal_type => try writer.writeAll("@TypeOf(.enum_literal)"),
// values
.undefined_value => try writer.writeAll("@Type(.Undefined)"),
.void_value => try writer.writeAll("void"),
.unreachable_value => try writer.writeAll("unreachable"),
.null_value => try writer.writeAll("null"),
.bool_true => try writer.writeAll("true"),
.bool_false => try writer.writeAll("false"),
=> unreachable,
.declaration => unreachable,
.namespace => unreachable,
.int_u64_value => |int| try std.fmt.formatIntValue(int, "", .{}, writer),
.int_i64_value => |int| try std.fmt.formatIntValue(int, "", .{}, writer),
.int_big_value => |big_int| try big_int.format("", .{}, writer),
.float_16_value => |float| try writer.print("{d}", .{float}),
.float_32_value => |float| try writer.print("{d}", .{float}),
.float_64_value => |float| try writer.print("{d}", .{float}),
.float_80_value => |float| try writer.print("{d}", .{@floatCast(f64, float)}),
.float_128_value => |float| try writer.print("{d}", .{@floatCast(f64, float)}),
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
=> unreachable,
pub const Item = struct {
tag: Tag,
/// The doc comments on the respective Tag explain how to interpret this.
data: u32,
/// Represents an index into `map`. It represents the canonical index
/// of a `Value` within this `InternPool`. The values are typed.
/// Two values which have the same type can be equality compared simply
/// by checking if their indexes are equal, provided they are both in
/// the same `InternPool`.
pub const Index = enum(u32) {
none = std.math.maxInt(u32),
pub fn fmtType(ty: Index, ip: *const InternPool) std.fmt.Formatter(Key.formatType) {
return .{ .data = .{
.ty = ty,
.ip = ip,
} };
pub fn fmtValue(value_index: Index, type_index: Index, ip: *const InternPool) std.fmt.Formatter(Key.formatValue) {
return .{ .data = .{
.value = value_index,
.ty = type_index,
.ip = ip,
} };
pub const Tag = enum(u8) {
/// A type or value that can be represented with only an enum tag.
/// data is Simple enum value
/// An integer type.
/// data is number of bits
/// An integer type.
/// data is number of bits
/// A pointer type.
/// data is payload to Pointer.
/// An array type.
/// data is payload to Array.
/// An struct type.
/// data is payload to Struct.
/// An optional type.
/// data is index to type
/// An error union type.
/// data is payload to ErrorUnion.
/// An error type.
/// data is payload to Error.
/// An error set type.
/// data is payload to ErrorSet.
/// An enum type.
/// data is payload to Enum.
/// An function type.
/// data is payload to Fn.
/// An union type.
/// data is payload to Union.
/// An tuple type.
/// data is payload to Tuple.
/// An vector type.
/// data is payload to Vector.
/// An unsigned integer value that can be represented by u32.
/// data is integer value
/// An unsigned integer value that can be represented by i32.
/// data is integer value bitcasted to u32.
/// An unsigned integer value that can be represented by u64.
/// data is payload to u64
/// An unsigned integer value that can be represented by u64.
/// data is payload to i64 bitcasted to u64
/// A positive integer value that does not fit in 64 bits.
/// data is a extra index to BigInt limbs.
/// A negative integer value that does not fit in 64 bits.
/// data is a extra index to BigInt limbs.
/// A float value that can be represented by f16.
/// data is f16 bitcasted to u16 cast to u32.
/// A float value that can be represented by f32.
/// data is f32 bitcasted to u32.
/// A float value that can be represented by f64.
/// data is payload to f64.
/// A float value that can be represented by f80.
/// data is payload to f80.
/// A float value that can be represented by f128.
/// data is payload to f128.
/// A type value.
/// data is Index.
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
/// A declaration.
/// data is payload to Decl.
/// A namespace.
/// data is payload to Namespace.
/// A byte sequence value.
/// data is payload to data begin and length.
/// A single pointer value.
/// data is index to value.
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
pub const Simple = enum(u32) {
// values
pub fn deinit(ip: *InternPool, gpa: Allocator) void {
// TODO deinit fields
pub fn indexToKey(ip: InternPool, index: Index) Key {
const item = ip.items.get(@enumToInt(index));
const data = item.data;
return switch (item.tag) {
.simple => .{ .simple = @intToEnum(Simple, data) },
.type_int_signed => .{ .int_type = .{
.signedness = .signed,
.bits = @intCast(u16, data),
} },
.type_int_unsigned => .{ .int_type = .{
.signedness = .unsigned,
.bits = @intCast(u16, data),
} },
.type_pointer => .{ .pointer_type = ip.extraData(Pointer, data) },
.type_array => .{ .array_type = ip.extraData(Array, data) },
.type_struct => .{ .struct_type = ip.extraData(Struct, data) },
.type_optional => .{ .optional_type = .{
.payload_type = @intToEnum(Index, data),
} },
.type_error_union => .{ .error_union_type = ip.extraData(ErrorUnion, data) },
// .type_error => .{ .error_type = ip.extraData(Error, data) },
.type_error_set => .{ .error_set_type = ip.extraData(ErrorSet, data) },
.type_enum => .{ .enum_type = ip.extraData(Enum, data) },
.type_function => .{ .function_type = ip.extraData(Fn, data) },
.type_union => .{ .union_type = ip.extraData(Union, data) },
.type_tuple => .{ .tuple_type = ip.extraData(Tuple, data) },
.type_vector => .{ .vector_type = ip.extraData(Vector, data) },
.int_u32 => .{ .int_u64_value = @intCast(u32, data) },
.int_i32 => .{ .int_i64_value = @bitCast(i32, data) },
.int_u64 => .{ .int_u64_value = ip.extraData(u64, data) },
.int_i64 => .{ .int_i64_value = ip.extraData(i64, data) },
.int_big_positive => unreachable,
.int_big_negative => unreachable,
.float_f16 => .{ .float_16_value = @bitCast(f16, @intCast(u16, data)) },
.float_f32 => .{ .float_32_value = @bitCast(f32, data) },
.float_f64 => .{ .float_64_value = ip.extraData(f64, data) },
.float_f80 => .{ .float_80_value = ip.extraData(f80, data) },
.float_f128 => .{ .float_128_value = ip.extraData(f128, data) },
.type => .{ .type_value = @intToEnum(Index, data) },
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
.bytes => unreachable, // TODO
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.one_pointer => .{ .one_pointer = @intToEnum(Index, data) },
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
else => @panic("TODO"),
pub fn get(ip: *InternPool, gpa: Allocator, key: Key) Allocator.Error!Index {
const adapter: KeyAdapter = .{ .intern_pool = ip };
const gop = try ip.map.getOrPutAdapted(gpa, key, adapter);
if (gop.found_existing) return @intToEnum(Index, gop.index);
const item: Item = switch (key) {
.simple => |simple| .{ .tag = .simple, .data = @enumToInt(simple) },
.int_type => |int_ty| .{
.tag = switch (int_ty.signedness) {
.signed => .type_int_signed,
.unsigned => .type_int_unsigned,
.data = int_ty.bits,
.optional_type => |optional_ty| .{ .tag = .type_optional, .data = @enumToInt(optional_ty.payload_type) },
.int_u64_value => |int_val| if (int_val <= std.math.maxInt(u32)) .{
.tag = .int_u32,
.data = @intCast(u32, int_val),
} else .{
.tag = .int_u64,
.data = try ip.addExtra(gpa, int_val),
.int_i64_value => |int_val| if (std.math.maxInt(i32) <= int_val and int_val <= std.math.maxInt(i32)) .{
.tag = .int_i32,
.data = @bitCast(u32, @intCast(u32, int_val)),
} else .{
.tag = .int_i64,
.data = try ip.addExtra(gpa, int_val),
.float_16_value => |float_val| .{ .tag = .float_f16, .data = @bitCast(u16, float_val) },
.float_32_value => |float_val| .{ .tag = .float_f32, .data = @bitCast(u32, float_val) },
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
.type_value => |ty| .{ .tag = .type, .data = @enumToInt(ty) },
.bytes => unreachable, // TODO
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.one_pointer => |val| .{ .tag = .one_pointer, .data = @enumToInt(val) },
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
inline else => |data| .{ .tag = key.tag(), .data = try ip.addExtra(gpa, data) }, // TODO sad stage1 noises :(
try ip.items.append(gpa, item);
return @intToEnum(Index, ip.items.len - 1);
fn addExtra(ip: *InternPool, gpa: Allocator, extra: anytype) Allocator.Error!u32 {
comptime if (@sizeOf(@TypeOf(extra)) <= 4) {
@compileError(@typeName(@TypeOf(extra)) ++ " fits into a u32! Consider directly storing this extra in Item's data field");
const result = @intCast(u32, ip.extra.items.len);
try ip.extra.appendSlice(gpa, &std.mem.toBytes(extra));
return result;
fn extraData(ip: InternPool, comptime T: type, index: usize) T {
const size = @sizeOf(T);
const bytes = @ptrCast(*const [size]u8, ip.extra.items.ptr + index);
return std.mem.bytesToValue(T, bytes);
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
pub fn cast(ip: *InternPool, gpa: Allocator, destination_ty: Index, source_ty: Index, target: std.Target) Allocator.Error!Index {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
return resolvePeerTypes(ip, gpa, &.{ destination_ty, source_ty }, target);
2022-12-27 01:46:57 +00:00
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
pub fn resolvePeerTypes(ip: *InternPool, gpa: Allocator, types: []const Index, target: std.Target) Allocator.Error!Index {
switch (types.len) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
0 => return try ip.get(gpa, .{ .simple = .noreturn }),
1 => return types[0],
else => {},
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
defer arena_allocator.deinit();
var arena = arena_allocator.allocator();
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
var chosen = types[0];
var any_are_null = false;
var seen_const = false;
var convert_to_slice = false;
var chosen_i: usize = 0;
for (types[1..]) |candidate, candidate_i| {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (candidate == chosen) continue;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
const candidate_key: Key = ip.indexToKey(candidate);
const chosen_key = ip.indexToKey(chosen);
switch (candidate_key) {
.simple => |candidate_simple| switch (candidate_simple) {
// TODO usize, isize
// TODO c integer types
.f16, .f32, .f64, .f80, .f128 => switch (chosen_key) {
.simple => |chosen_simple| switch (chosen_simple) {
.f16, .f32, .f64, .f80, .f128 => {
// NOTE we don't have to handle the equality case
@panic("TODO: choose larger");
.comptime_int, .comptime_float => {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
else => {},
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
else => {},
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
.noreturn, .undefined_type => continue,
.comptime_int => switch (chosen_key) {
.simple => |chosen_simple| switch (chosen_simple) {
=> continue,
.usize, .isize => continue,
.comptime_int => unreachable,
.comptime_float => continue,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
else => {},
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
.int_type => continue,
.pointer_type => |chosen_info| if (chosen_info.size == .C) continue,
else => {},
.comptime_float => switch (chosen_key) {
.simple => |chosen_simple| switch (chosen_simple) {
.f16, .f32, .f64, .f80, .f128 => continue,
.comptime_int => {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
else => {},
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
else => {},
.null_type => {
any_are_null = true;
else => {},
.int_type => |candidate_info| switch (chosen_key) {
.simple => |chosen_simple| switch (chosen_simple) {
.usize, .isize => {
// TODO c integer types
.comptime_int => {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
else => {},
.int_type => |chosen_info| {
if (chosen_info.bits < candidate_info.bits) {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
.pointer_type => |chosen_info| if (chosen_info.size == .C) continue,
else => {},
.pointer_type => |candidate_info| switch (chosen_key) {
.simple => |chosen_simple| switch (chosen_simple) {
.comptime_int => {
if (candidate_info.size == .C) {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
else => {},
.pointer_type => |chosen_info| {
seen_const = seen_const or chosen_info.is_const or candidate_info.is_const;
const candidate_elem_info = ip.indexToKey(candidate_info.elem_type);
const chosen_elem_info = ip.indexToKey(chosen_info.elem_type);
// *[N]T to [*]T
// *[N]T to []T
if ((candidate_info.size == .Many or candidate_info.size == .Slice) and
chosen_info.size == .One and
chosen_elem_info == .array_type)
// In case we see i.e.: `*[1]T`, `*[2]T`, `[*]T`
convert_to_slice = false;
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
if (candidate_info.size == .One and
candidate_elem_info == .array_type and
(chosen_info.size == .Many or chosen_info.size == .Slice))
// In case we see i.e.: `*[1]T`, `*[2]T`, `[*]T`
convert_to_slice = false;
// *[N]T and *[M]T
// Verify both are single-pointers to arrays.
// Keep the one whose element type can be coerced into.
if (chosen_info.size == .One and
candidate_info.size == .One and
chosen_elem_info == .array_type and
candidate_elem_info == .array_type)
const chosen_elem_ty = chosen_elem_info.array_type.child;
const cand_elem_ty = candidate_elem_info.array_type.child;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const chosen_ok = .ok == try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(gpa, chosen_elem_ty, cand_elem_ty, !chosen_info.is_const, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (chosen_ok) {
convert_to_slice = true;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const cand_ok = .ok == try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(gpa, cand_elem_ty, chosen_elem_ty, !candidate_info.is_const, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (cand_ok) {
convert_to_slice = true;
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
// They're both bad. Report error.
// In the future we probably want to use the
// coerceInMemoryAllowed error reporting mechanism,
// however, for now we just fall through for the
// "incompatible types" error below.
// [*c]T and any other pointer size
// Whichever element type can coerce to the other one, is
// the one we will keep. If they're both OK then we keep the
// C pointer since it matches both single and many pointers.
if (candidate_info.size == .C or chosen_info.size == .C) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const cand_ok = .ok == try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, candidate_info.elem_type, chosen_info.elem_type, !candidate_info.is_const, target);
const chosen_ok = .ok == try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, chosen_info.elem_type, candidate_info.elem_type, !chosen_info.is_const, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (cand_ok) {
if (!chosen_ok or chosen_info.size != .C) {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
} else {
if (chosen_ok) continue;
// They're both bad. Report error.
// In the future we probably want to use the
// coerceInMemoryAllowed error reporting mechanism,
// however, for now we just fall through for the
// "incompatible types" error below.
.int_type => {
if (candidate_info.size == .C) {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
.optional_type => |chosen_info| switch (ip.indexToKey(chosen_info.payload_type)) {
.pointer_type => |chosen_ptr_info| {
seen_const = seen_const or chosen_ptr_info.is_const or candidate_info.is_const;
// *[N]T to ?![*]T
// *[N]T to ?![]T
if (candidate_info.size == .One and
ip.indexToKey(candidate_info.elem_type) == .array_type and
(chosen_ptr_info.size == .Many or chosen_ptr_info.size == .Slice))
else => {},
.error_union_type => |chosen_info| {
const chosen_ptr_key = ip.indexToKey(chosen_info.payload_type);
if (chosen_ptr_key == .pointer_type) {
const chosen_ptr_info = chosen_ptr_key.pointer_type;
seen_const = seen_const or chosen_ptr_info.is_const or candidate_info.is_const;
// *[N]T to E![*]T
// *[N]T to E![]T
if (candidate_info.size == .One and
(chosen_ptr_info.size == .Many or chosen_ptr_info.size == .Slice) and
ip.indexToKey(candidate_info.elem_type) == .array_type)
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.function_type => |chosen_info| {
if (candidate_info.is_const) {
const candidate_elem_key = ip.indexToKey(candidate_info.elem_type);
if (candidate_elem_key == .function_type and
.ok == try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowedFns(arena, chosen_info, candidate_elem_key.function_type, target))
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
else => {},
.array_type => switch (chosen_key) {
.vector_type => continue,
else => {},
.optional_type => |candidate_info| {
const is_chosen_const_ptr = switch (chosen_key) {
.pointer_type => |chosen_info| chosen_info.is_const,
else => false,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if ((try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, chosen, candidate_info.payload_type, false, target)) == .ok) {
seen_const = seen_const or ip.indexToKey(candidate_info.payload_type).isConstPtr();
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
any_are_null = true;
seen_const = seen_const or is_chosen_const_ptr;
any_are_null = false;
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
.vector_type => switch (chosen_key) {
.array_type => {
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
else => {},
else => {},
switch (chosen_key) {
.simple => |simple| switch (simple) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
=> {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.null_type => {
any_are_null = true;
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
else => {},
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.optional_type => |chosen_info| {
if ((try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, chosen_info.payload_type, candidate, false, target)) == .ok) {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if ((try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, candidate, chosen_info.payload_type, false, target)) == .ok) {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
any_are_null = true;
chosen = candidate;
chosen_i = candidate_i + 1;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.error_union_type => |chosen_info| {
if ((try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, chosen_info.payload_type, candidate, false, target)) == .ok) {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
else => {},
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
const InMemoryCoercionResult = union(enum) {
no_match: Pair,
int_not_coercible: IntMismatch,
error_union_payload: PairAndChild,
array_len: IntPair,
array_sentinel: Sentinel,
array_elem: PairAndChild,
vector_len: IntPair,
vector_elem: PairAndChild,
optional_shape: Pair,
optional_child: PairAndChild,
missing_error: []const []const u8,
/// true if wanted is var args
fn_var_args: bool,
/// true if wanted is generic
fn_generic: bool,
fn_param_count: IntPair,
fn_param_noalias: IntPair,
fn_param_comptime: ComptimeParam,
fn_param: Param,
fn_cc: CC,
fn_return_type: PairAndChild,
ptr_child: PairAndChild,
ptr_addrspace: AddressSpace,
ptr_sentinel: Sentinel,
ptr_size: Size,
ptr_qualifiers: Qualifiers,
ptr_allowzero: Pair,
ptr_bit_range: BitRange,
ptr_alignment: IntPair,
const Pair = struct {
actual: Index, // type
wanted: Index, // type
const PairAndChild = struct {
child: *InMemoryCoercionResult,
actual: Index, // type
wanted: Index, // type
const Param = struct {
child: *InMemoryCoercionResult,
actual: Index, // type
wanted: Index, // type
index: u64,
const ComptimeParam = struct {
index: u64,
wanted: bool,
const Sentinel = struct {
// unreachable_value indicates no sentinel
actual: Index, // value
wanted: Index, // value
ty: Index,
const IntMismatch = struct {
actual_signedness: std.builtin.Signedness,
wanted_signedness: std.builtin.Signedness,
actual_bits: u16,
wanted_bits: u16,
const IntPair = struct {
actual: u64,
wanted: u64,
const Size = struct {
actual: std.builtin.Type.Pointer.Size,
wanted: std.builtin.Type.Pointer.Size,
const Qualifiers = struct {
actual_const: bool,
wanted_const: bool,
actual_volatile: bool,
wanted_volatile: bool,
const AddressSpace = struct {
actual: std.builtin.AddressSpace,
wanted: std.builtin.AddressSpace,
const CC = struct {
actual: std.builtin.CallingConvention,
wanted: std.builtin.CallingConvention,
const BitRange = struct {
actual_host: u16,
wanted_host: u16,
actual_offset: u16,
wanted_offset: u16,
fn dupe(child: *const InMemoryCoercionResult, arena: Allocator) !*InMemoryCoercionResult {
const res = try arena.create(InMemoryCoercionResult);
res.* = child.*;
return res;
/// If pointers have the same representation in runtime memory, a bitcast AIR instruction
/// may be used for the coercion.
/// * `const` attribute can be gained
/// * `volatile` attribute can be gained
/// * `allowzero` attribute can be gained (whether from explicit attribute, C pointer, or optional pointer) but only if !dest_is_mut
/// * alignment can be decreased
/// * bit offset attributes must match exactly
/// * `*`/`[*]` must match exactly, but `[*c]` matches either one
/// * sentinel-terminated pointers can coerce into `[*]`
fn coerceInMemoryAllowed(
ip: *InternPool,
// gpa: Allocator,
arena: Allocator,
dest_ty: Index,
src_ty: Index,
dest_is_mut: bool,
target: std.Target,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
) error{OutOfMemory}!InMemoryCoercionResult {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (dest_ty == src_ty) return .ok;
const dest_key = ip.indexToKey(dest_ty);
const src_key = ip.indexToKey(src_ty);
const dest_tag = dest_key.zigTypeTag();
const src_tag = src_key.zigTypeTag();
// integers with the same number of bits.
if (dest_tag == .Int and src_tag == .Int) {
const dest_info = dest_key.intInfo(target, ip);
const src_info = src_key.intInfo(target, ip);
if (dest_info.signedness == src_info.signedness and dest_info.bits == src_info.bits) return .ok;
if ((src_info.signedness == dest_info.signedness and dest_info.bits < src_info.bits) or
// small enough unsigned ints can get casted to large enough signed ints
(dest_info.signedness == .signed and (src_info.signedness == .unsigned or dest_info.bits <= src_info.bits)) or
(dest_info.signedness == .unsigned and src_info.signedness == .signed))
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .int_not_coercible = .{
.actual_signedness = src_info.signedness,
.wanted_signedness = dest_info.signedness,
.actual_bits = src_info.bits,
.wanted_bits = dest_info.bits,
} };
// floats with the same number of bits.
if (dest_tag == .Float and src_tag == .Float and
// this is an optimization because only a long double can have the same size as a other Float
// SAFETY: every Float is a Simple
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
dest_key.simple == .c_longdouble or src_key.simple == .c_longdouble)
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
const dest_bits = dest_key.floatBits(target);
const src_bits = src_key.floatBits(target);
if (dest_bits == src_bits) return .ok;
// Pointers / Pointer-like Optionals
const maybe_dest_ptr_ty = try ip.typePtrOrOptionalPtrTy(dest_ty);
const maybe_src_ptr_ty = try ip.typePtrOrOptionalPtrTy(src_ty);
if (maybe_dest_ptr_ty != Index.none and maybe_src_ptr_ty != Index.none) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
@panic("TODO: implement coerceInMemoryAllowedPtrs");
// return try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowedPtrs(dest_ty, src_ty, maybe_dest_ptr_ty, maybe_src_ptr_ty, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// Slices
if (dest_key.isSlice() and src_key.isSlice()) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
@panic("TODO: implement coerceInMemoryAllowedPtrs");
// return try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowedPtrs(dest_ty, src_ty, dest_ty, src_ty, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// Functions
if (dest_tag == .Fn and src_tag == .Fn) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
return try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowedFns(arena, dest_key.function_type, src_key.function_type, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// Error Unions
if (dest_tag == .ErrorUnion and src_tag == .ErrorUnion) {
const dest_payload = dest_key.error_union_type.payload_type;
const src_payload = src_key.error_union_type.payload_type;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const child = try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, dest_payload, src_payload, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (child != .ok) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .error_union_payload = .{
.child = try child.dupe(arena),
.actual = src_payload,
.wanted = dest_payload,
} };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const dest_set = dest_key.error_union_type.error_set_type;
const src_set = src_key.error_union_type.error_set_type;
return try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, dest_set, src_set, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
// Error Sets
if (dest_tag == .ErrorSet and src_tag == .ErrorSet) {
return .ok; // TODO: implement coerceInMemoryAllowedErrorSets
// return try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowedErrorSets(dest_ty, src_ty);
// Arrays
if (dest_tag == .Array and src_tag == .Array) {
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const dest_info = dest_key.array_type;
const src_info = src_key.array_type;
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (dest_info.len != src_info.len) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .array_len = .{
.actual = src_info.len,
.wanted = dest_info.len,
} };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const child = try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, dest_info.child, src_info.child, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (child != .ok) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .array_elem = .{
.child = try child.dupe(arena),
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.actual = src_info.child,
.wanted = dest_info.child,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
} };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const ok_sent = dest_info.sentinel == Index.none or
(src_info.sentinel != Index.none and
dest_info.sentinel == src_info.sentinel // is this enough for a value equality check?
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (!ok_sent) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .array_sentinel = .{
.actual = src_info.sentinel,
.wanted = dest_info.sentinel,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.ty = dest_info.child,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
} };
return .ok;
// Vectors
if (dest_tag == .Vector and src_tag == .Vector) {
const dest_len = dest_key.vector_type.len;
const src_len = src_key.vector_type.len;
if (dest_len != src_len) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .vector_len = .{
.actual = src_len,
.wanted = dest_len,
} };
const dest_elem_ty = dest_key.vector_type.child;
const src_elem_ty = src_key.vector_type.child;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const child = try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, dest_elem_ty, src_elem_ty, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (child != .ok) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .vector_elem = .{
.child = try child.dupe(arena),
.actual = src_elem_ty,
.wanted = dest_elem_ty,
} };
return .ok;
// Optionals
if (dest_tag == .Optional and src_tag == .Optional) {
if (maybe_dest_ptr_ty != maybe_src_ptr_ty) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .optional_shape = .{
.actual = src_ty,
.wanted = dest_ty,
} };
const dest_child_type = dest_key.optional_type.payload_type;
const src_child_type = src_key.optional_type.payload_type;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const child = try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, dest_child_type, src_child_type, dest_is_mut, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (child != .ok) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .optional_child = .{
.child = try child.dupe(arena),
.actual = src_child_type,
.wanted = dest_child_type,
} };
return .ok;
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .no_match = .{
.actual = dest_ty,
.wanted = src_ty,
} };
// fn coerceInMemoryAllowedErrorSets(
// ip: *InternPool,
// gpa: Allocator,
// arena: Allocator,
// dest_ty: Index,
// src_ty: Index,
// ) !InMemoryCoercionResult {
// if(dest_ty == src_ty) return .ok;
// const dest_key = ip.indexToKey(dest_ty);
// // Coercion to `anyerror`. Note that this check can return false negatives
// // in case the error sets did not get resolved.
// if(dest_key.simple) |simple| if(simple == .anyerror) return .ok;
// const src_key = ip.indexToKey(src_ty);
// // const dest_tag = dest_key.zigTypeTag();
// // const src_tag = src_key.zigTypeTag();
// if (dest_ty.castTag(.error_set_inferred)) |dst_payload| {
// const dst_ies = dst_payload.data;
// // We will make an effort to return `ok` without resolving either error set, to
// // avoid unnecessary "unable to resolve error set" dependency loop errors.
// switch (src_ty.tag()) {
// .error_set_inferred => {
// // If both are inferred error sets of functions, and
// // the dest includes the source function, the coercion is OK.
// // This check is important because it works without forcing a full resolution
// // of inferred error sets.
// const src_ies = src_ty.castTag(.error_set_inferred).?.data;
// if (dst_ies.inferred_error_sets.contains(src_ies)) {
// return .ok;
// }
// },
// .error_set_single => {
// const name = src_ty.castTag(.error_set_single).?.data;
// if (dst_ies.errors.contains(name)) return .ok;
// },
// .error_set_merged => {
// const names = src_ty.castTag(.error_set_merged).?.data.keys();
// for (names) |name| {
// if (!dst_ies.errors.contains(name)) break;
// } else return .ok;
// },
// .error_set => {
// const names = src_ty.castTag(.error_set).?.data.names.keys();
// for (names) |name| {
// if (!dst_ies.errors.contains(name)) break;
// } else return .ok;
// },
// .anyerror => {},
// else => unreachable,
// }
// if (dst_ies.func == sema.owner_func) {
// // We are trying to coerce an error set to the current function's
// // inferred error set.
// try dst_ies.addErrorSet(sema.gpa, src_ty);
// return .ok;
// }
// try sema.resolveInferredErrorSet(block, dest_src, dst_payload.data);
// // isAnyError might have changed from a false negative to a true positive after resolution.
// if (dest_ty.isAnyError()) {
// return .ok;
// }
// }
// var missing_error_buf = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(sema.gpa);
// defer missing_error_buf.deinit();
// switch (src_ty.tag()) {
// .error_set_inferred => {
// const src_data = src_ty.castTag(.error_set_inferred).?.data;
// try sema.resolveInferredErrorSet(block, src_src, src_data);
// // src anyerror status might have changed after the resolution.
// if (src_ty.isAnyError()) {
// // dest_ty.isAnyError() == true is already checked for at this point.
// return .from_anyerror;
// }
// for (src_data.errors.keys()) |key| {
// if (!dest_ty.errorSetHasField(key)) {
// try missing_error_buf.append(key);
// }
// }
// if (missing_error_buf.items.len != 0) {
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{
// .missing_error = try sema.arena.dupe([]const u8, missing_error_buf.items),
// };
// }
// return .ok;
// },
// .error_set_single => {
// const name = src_ty.castTag(.error_set_single).?.data;
// if (dest_ty.errorSetHasField(name)) {
// return .ok;
// }
// const list = try sema.arena.alloc([]const u8, 1);
// list[0] = name;
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .missing_error = list };
// },
// .error_set_merged => {
// const names = src_ty.castTag(.error_set_merged).?.data.keys();
// for (names) |name| {
// if (!dest_ty.errorSetHasField(name)) {
// try missing_error_buf.append(name);
// }
// }
// if (missing_error_buf.items.len != 0) {
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{
// .missing_error = try sema.arena.dupe([]const u8, missing_error_buf.items),
// };
// }
// return .ok;
// },
// .error_set => {
// const names = src_ty.castTag(.error_set).?.data.names.keys();
// for (names) |name| {
// if (!dest_ty.errorSetHasField(name)) {
// try missing_error_buf.append(name);
// }
// }
// if (missing_error_buf.items.len != 0) {
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{
// .missing_error = try sema.arena.dupe([]const u8, missing_error_buf.items),
// };
// }
// return .ok;
// },
// .anyerror => switch (dest_ty.tag()) {
// .error_set_inferred => unreachable, // Caught by dest_ty.isAnyError() above.
// .error_set_single, .error_set_merged, .error_set => return .from_anyerror,
// .anyerror => unreachable, // Filtered out above.
// else => unreachable,
// },
// else => unreachable,
// }
// unreachable;
// }
fn coerceInMemoryAllowedFns(
ip: *InternPool,
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
dest_info: Fn,
src_info: Fn,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
target: std.Target,
) !InMemoryCoercionResult {
if (dest_info.is_var_args != src_info.is_var_args) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_var_args = dest_info.is_var_args };
if (dest_info.is_generic != src_info.is_generic) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_generic = dest_info.is_generic };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (dest_info.calling_convention != src_info.calling_convention) {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_cc = .{
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.actual = src_info.calling_convention,
.wanted = dest_info.calling_convention,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
} };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
const return_type_key = ip.indexToKey(src_info.return_type);
const is_noreturn = return_type_key == .simple and return_type_key.simple == .noreturn;
if (!is_noreturn) {
const rt = try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(arena, dest_info.return_type, src_info.return_type, false, target);
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
if (rt != .ok) {
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_return_type = .{
.child = try rt.dupe(arena),
.actual = src_info.return_type,
.wanted = dest_info.return_type,
} };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
if (dest_info.args.len != src_info.args.len) {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_param_count = .{
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
.actual = src_info.args.len,
.wanted = dest_info.args.len,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
} };
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
// if (dest_info.noalias_bits != src_info.noalias_bits) {
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_param_noalias = .{
// .actual = src_info.noalias_bits,
// .wanted = dest_info.noalias_bits,
// } };
// }
// for (dest_info.param_types) |dest_param_ty, i| {
// const src_param_ty = src_info.param_types[i];
// if (dest_info.comptime_params[i] != src_info.comptime_params[i]) {
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_param_comptime = .{
// .index = i,
// .wanted = dest_info.comptime_params[i],
// } };
// }
// // Note: Cast direction is reversed here.
// const param = try ip.coerceInMemoryAllowed(src_param_ty, dest_param_ty, false, target);
// if (param != .ok) {
// return InMemoryCoercionResult{ .fn_param = .{
// .child = try param.dupe(arena),
// .actual = src_param_ty,
// .wanted = dest_param_ty,
// .index = i,
// } };
// }
// }
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
return .ok;
/// For pointer-like optionals, it returns the pointer type. For pointers,
/// the type is returned unmodified.
/// This can return `error.AnalysisFail` because it sometimes requires resolving whether
/// a type has zero bits, which can cause a "foo depends on itself" compile error.
/// This logic must be kept in sync with `Type.isPtrLikeOptional`.
fn typePtrOrOptionalPtrTy(
ip: InternPool,
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
ty: Index,
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
) !Index {
const key = ip.indexToKey(ty);
switch (key) {
.pointer_type => |pointer_info| switch (pointer_info.size) {
.Slice => return Index.none,
else => return ty,
.optional_type => |optional_info| {
const child_type = optional_info.payload_type;
const child_key = ip.indexToKey(child_type);
if (child_key != .pointer_type) return Index.none;
const child_ptr_key = child_key.pointer_type;
2022-12-27 02:02:07 +00:00
switch (child_ptr_key.size) {
2022-12-01 23:08:45 +00:00
.Slice, .C => return Index.none,
.Many, .One => {
if (child_ptr_key.is_allowzero) return Index.none;
// TODO optionals of zero sized types behave like bools, not pointers
// if ((try sema.typeHasOnePossibleValue(child_type)) != null) {
// return null;
// }
return child_type;
else => return Index.none,
// ---------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------
fn testExpectFmtType(ip: *const InternPool, index: Index, expected: []const u8) !void {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
const actual = try std.fmt.allocPrint(gpa, "{}", .{index.fmtType(ip)});
defer gpa.free(actual);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual);
fn testExpectFmtValue(ip: *const InternPool, val: Index, ty: Index, expected: []const u8) !void {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
const actual = try std.fmt.allocPrint(gpa, "{}", .{val.fmtValue(ty, ip)});
defer gpa.free(actual);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual);
test "int type" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip: InternPool = .{};
defer ip.deinit(gpa);
const i32_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const i16_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 16 } });
const u7_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 7 } });
const another_i32_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
try std.testing.expect(i32_type == another_i32_type);
try std.testing.expect(i32_type != u7_type);
try std.testing.expect(i16_type != another_i32_type);
try std.testing.expect(i16_type != u7_type);
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, i32_type, "i32");
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, i16_type, "i16");
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, u7_type, "u7");
test "int value" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip: InternPool = .{};
defer ip.deinit(gpa);
const unsigned_zero_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_u64_value = 0 });
const unsigned_one_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_u64_value = 1 });
const signed_zero_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_i64_value = 0 });
const signed_one_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_i64_value = 1 });
const u64_max_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_u64_value = std.math.maxInt(u64) });
const i64_max_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_i64_value = std.math.maxInt(i64) });
try std.testing.expect(unsigned_zero_value != unsigned_one_value);
try std.testing.expect(unsigned_one_value != signed_zero_value);
try std.testing.expect(signed_zero_value != signed_one_value);
try std.testing.expect(signed_one_value != u64_max_value);
try std.testing.expect(u64_max_value != i64_max_value);
try testExpectFmtValue(&ip, unsigned_zero_value, undefined, "0");
try testExpectFmtValue(&ip, unsigned_one_value, undefined, "1");
try testExpectFmtValue(&ip, signed_zero_value, undefined, "0");
try testExpectFmtValue(&ip, signed_one_value, undefined, "1");
try testExpectFmtValue(&ip, u64_max_value, undefined, "18446744073709551615");
try testExpectFmtValue(&ip, i64_max_value, undefined, "9223372036854775807");
test "pointer type" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip: InternPool = .{};
defer ip.deinit(gpa);
const i32_type_0 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const i32_type_1 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const u32_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 32 } });
try std.testing.expect(i32_type_0 == i32_type_1);
try std.testing.expect(i32_type_0 != u32_type);
var ptr: Pointer = .{
.elem_type = undefined,
.sentinel = Index.none,
.alignment = 0, // TODO
.size = std.builtin.Type.Pointer.Size.One,
.is_const = false,
.is_volatile = false,
.is_allowzero = false,
.address_space = std.builtin.AddressSpace.generic,
ptr.elem_type = i32_type_0;
const i32_pointer_type_0 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .pointer_type = ptr });
ptr.elem_type = i32_type_0;
const i32_pointer_type_1 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .pointer_type = ptr });
ptr.elem_type = i32_type_1;
const i32_pointer_type_2 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .pointer_type = ptr });
ptr.elem_type = u32_type;
const u32_pointer_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .pointer_type = ptr });
try std.testing.expect(i32_pointer_type_0 == i32_pointer_type_1);
try std.testing.expect(i32_pointer_type_1 == i32_pointer_type_2);
try std.testing.expect(i32_pointer_type_0 != u32_pointer_type);
ptr.is_const = true;
const const_u32_pointer_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .pointer_type = ptr });
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, i32_pointer_type_0, "*i32");
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, u32_pointer_type, "*u32");
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, const_u32_pointer_type, "*const u32");
test "optional type" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip: InternPool = .{};
defer ip.deinit(gpa);
const i32_type_0 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const i32_type_1 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const u32_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 32 } });
const i32_optional_type_0 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .optional_type = .{ .payload_type = i32_type_0 } });
const i32_optional_type_1 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .optional_type = .{ .payload_type = i32_type_1 } });
const u32_optional_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .optional_type = .{ .payload_type = u32_type } });
try std.testing.expect(i32_optional_type_0 == i32_optional_type_1);
try std.testing.expect(i32_optional_type_0 != u32_optional_type);
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, i32_optional_type_0, "?i32");
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, u32_optional_type, "?u32");
test "array type" {
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;
var ip: InternPool = .{};
defer ip.deinit(gpa);
const i32_type_0 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const i32_type_1 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .signed, .bits = 32 } });
const u32_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_type = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = 32 } });
const zero_value = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .int_u64_value = 0 });
const i32_3_array_type_0 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .array_type = .{
.len = 3,
.child = i32_type_0,
.sentinel = Index.none,
} });
const i32_3_array_type_1 = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .array_type = .{
.len = 3,
.child = i32_type_1,
.sentinel = Index.none,
} });
const u32_0_0_array_type = try ip.get(gpa, .{ .array_type = .{
.len = 3,
.child = u32_type,
.sentinel = zero_value,
} });
try std.testing.expect(i32_3_array_type_0 == i32_3_array_type_1);
try std.testing.expect(i32_3_array_type_1 != u32_0_0_array_type);
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, i32_3_array_type_0, "[3]i32");
try testExpectFmtType(&ip, u32_0_0_array_type, "[3:0]u32");