
370 lines
9.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const std = @import("std");
// LSP types
const json = std.json;
pub const Position = struct {
line: i64,
character: i64,
pub const Range = struct {
2020-07-05 23:32:14 +01:00
start: Position,
end: Position,
pub const Location = struct {
uri: []const u8,
range: Range,
/// Id of a request
pub const RequestId = union(enum) {
String: []const u8,
Integer: i64,
Float: f64,
/// Hover response
pub const Hover = struct {
2020-06-03 09:23:14 +01:00
contents: MarkupContent,
/// Params of a response (result)
pub const ResponseParams = union(enum) {
SignatureHelp: SignatureHelp,
2020-05-18 21:19:23 +01:00
CompletionList: CompletionList,
Location: Location,
Hover: Hover,
DocumentSymbols: []DocumentSymbol,
SemanticTokensFull: struct { data: []const u32 },
2020-06-16 20:02:31 +01:00
TextEdits: []TextEdit,
2020-07-05 23:32:14 +01:00
Locations: []Location,
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
WorkspaceEdit: WorkspaceEdit,
InitializeResult: InitializeResult,
/// JSONRPC notifications
pub const Notification = struct {
pub const Params = union(enum) {
LogMessage: struct {
type: MessageType,
message: []const u8,
PublishDiagnostics: struct {
uri: []const u8,
diagnostics: []Diagnostic,
ShowMessage: struct {
type: MessageType,
message: []const u8,
jsonrpc: []const u8 = "2.0",
method: []const u8,
params: Params,
/// JSONRPC response
pub const Response = struct {
jsonrpc: []const u8 = "2.0",
id: RequestId,
result: ResponseParams,
/// Type of a debug message
pub const MessageType = enum(i64) {
Error = 1,
Warning = 2,
Info = 3,
Log = 4,
2021-10-01 02:45:45 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: MessageType, options: std.json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
try std.json.stringify(@enumToInt(value), options, out_stream);
pub const DiagnosticSeverity = enum(i64) {
Error = 1,
Warning = 2,
Information = 3,
Hint = 4,
2021-10-01 01:51:51 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: DiagnosticSeverity, options: json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
try json.stringify(@enumToInt(value), options, out_stream);
pub const Diagnostic = struct {
range: Range,
severity: DiagnosticSeverity,
code: []const u8,
source: []const u8,
message: []const u8,
pub const TextDocument = struct {
uri: []const u8,
// This is a substring of mem starting at 0
text: [:0]const u8,
// This holds the memory that we have actually allocated.
mem: []u8,
const Held = struct {
document: *const TextDocument,
popped: u8,
start_index: usize,
end_index: usize,
pub fn data(self: @This()) [:0]const u8 {
return self.document.mem[self.start_index..self.end_index :0];
pub fn release(self: *@This()) void {
self.document.mem[self.end_index] = self.popped;
pub fn borrowNullTerminatedSlice(self: *const @This(), start_idx: usize, end_idx: usize) Held {
2021-07-10 18:05:16 +01:00
std.debug.assert(end_idx >= start_idx);
const popped_char = self.mem[end_idx];
self.mem[end_idx] = 0;
return .{
.document = self,
.popped = popped_char,
.start_index = start_idx,
.end_index = end_idx,
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
pub const WorkspaceEdit = struct {
changes: ?std.StringHashMap([]TextEdit),
2021-10-01 01:51:51 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(self: WorkspaceEdit, options: std.json.StringifyOptions, writer: anytype) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
try writer.writeByte('{');
if (self.changes) |changes| {
try writer.writeAll("\"changes\": {");
var it = changes.iterator();
var idx: usize = 0;
while (it.next()) |entry| : (idx += 1) {
if (idx != 0) try writer.writeAll(", ");
try writer.writeByte('"');
try writer.writeAll(entry.key_ptr.*);
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
try writer.writeAll("\":");
try std.json.stringify(entry.value_ptr.*, options, writer);
2020-06-27 01:16:14 +01:00
try writer.writeByte('}');
try writer.writeByte('}');
pub const TextEdit = struct {
range: Range,
newText: []const u8,
2020-05-02 17:43:26 +01:00
pub const MarkupContent = struct {
pub const Kind = enum(u1) {
PlainText = 0,
Markdown = 1,
2021-10-01 02:45:45 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: Kind, options: std.json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
const str = switch (value) {
.PlainText => "plaintext",
.Markdown => "markdown",
2021-10-01 02:45:45 +01:00
try std.json.stringify(str, options, out_stream);
kind: Kind = .Markdown,
value: []const u8,
pub const CompletionList = struct {
isIncomplete: bool,
items: []const CompletionItem,
pub const InsertTextFormat = enum(i64) {
2020-04-28 03:59:28 +01:00
PlainText = 1,
Snippet = 2,
2021-10-01 01:51:51 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: InsertTextFormat, options: json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
2020-04-28 03:59:28 +01:00
try json.stringify(@enumToInt(value), options, out_stream);
pub const CompletionItem = struct {
const Kind = enum(i64) {
Text = 1,
Method = 2,
Function = 3,
Constructor = 4,
Field = 5,
Variable = 6,
Class = 7,
Interface = 8,
Module = 9,
Property = 10,
Unit = 11,
Value = 12,
Enum = 13,
Keyword = 14,
Snippet = 15,
Color = 16,
File = 17,
Reference = 18,
Folder = 19,
EnumMember = 20,
Constant = 21,
Struct = 22,
Event = 23,
Operator = 24,
TypeParameter = 25,
2021-10-01 01:51:51 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: Kind, options: json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
try json.stringify(@enumToInt(value), options, out_stream);
label: []const u8,
kind: Kind,
2020-07-08 02:05:44 +01:00
textEdit: ?TextEdit = null,
filterText: ?[]const u8 = null,
insertText: []const u8 = "",
insertTextFormat: ?InsertTextFormat = .PlainText,
detail: ?[]const u8 = null,
2020-07-08 02:05:44 +01:00
documentation: ?MarkupContent = null,
pub const DocumentSymbol = struct {
const Kind = enum(u32) {
File = 1,
Module = 2,
Namespace = 3,
Package = 4,
Class = 5,
Method = 6,
Property = 7,
Field = 8,
Constructor = 9,
Enum = 10,
Interface = 11,
Function = 12,
Variable = 13,
Constant = 14,
String = 15,
Number = 16,
Boolean = 17,
Array = 18,
Object = 19,
Key = 20,
Null = 21,
EnumMember = 22,
Struct = 23,
Event = 24,
Operator = 25,
TypeParameter = 26,
2021-10-01 01:51:51 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: Kind, options: json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
try json.stringify(@enumToInt(value), options, out_stream);
name: []const u8,
detail: ?[]const u8 = null,
kind: Kind,
deprecated: bool = false,
range: Range,
selectionRange: Range,
2020-07-07 09:57:02 +01:00
children: []const DocumentSymbol = &[_]DocumentSymbol{},
pub const WorkspaceFolder = struct {
uri: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
2021-04-01 12:14:49 +01:00
pub const SignatureInformation = struct {
pub const ParameterInformation = struct {
// TODO Can also send a pair of encoded offsets
label: []const u8,
documentation: ?MarkupContent,
label: []const u8,
documentation: ?MarkupContent,
parameters: ?[]const ParameterInformation,
activeParameter: ?u32,
pub const SignatureHelp = struct {
signatures: ?[]const SignatureInformation,
activeSignature: ?u32,
activeParameter: ?u32,
// Only includes options we set in our initialize result.
const InitializeResult = struct {
2020-11-06 08:24:37 +00:00
offsetEncoding: []const u8,
capabilities: struct {
signatureHelpProvider: struct {
triggerCharacters: []const []const u8,
2021-04-01 12:14:49 +01:00
retriggerCharacters: []const []const u8,
textDocumentSync: enum(u32) {
None = 0,
Full = 1,
Incremental = 2,
2021-10-01 02:45:45 +01:00
pub fn jsonStringify(value: @This(), options: std.json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
try std.json.stringify(@enumToInt(value), options, out_stream);
renameProvider: bool,
completionProvider: struct {
resolveProvider: bool,
triggerCharacters: []const []const u8,
documentHighlightProvider: bool,
hoverProvider: bool,
codeActionProvider: bool,
declarationProvider: bool,
definitionProvider: bool,
typeDefinitionProvider: bool,
implementationProvider: bool,
referencesProvider: bool,
documentSymbolProvider: bool,
colorProvider: bool,
documentFormattingProvider: bool,
documentRangeFormattingProvider: bool,
foldingRangeProvider: bool,
selectionRangeProvider: bool,
workspaceSymbolProvider: bool,
rangeProvider: bool,
documentProvider: bool,
workspace: ?struct {
workspaceFolders: ?struct {
supported: bool,
changeNotifications: bool,
semanticTokensProvider: struct {
full: bool,
range: bool,
legend: struct {
tokenTypes: []const []const u8,
tokenModifiers: []const []const u8,
serverInfo: struct {
name: []const u8,
version: ?[]const u8 = null,