
239 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const zinput = @import("zinput/src/main.zig");
const known_folders = @import("known-folders");
pub fn wizard(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !void {
\\Welcome to the ZLS configuration wizard!
\\ *
\\ |\
\\ /* \
\\ | *\
\\ _/_*___|_ x
\\ | @ @ /
\\ @ \ /
\\ \__-/ /
, .{});
var zig_exe_path = try findZig(allocator);
defer if (zig_exe_path) |p| allocator.free(p);
if (zig_exe_path) |path| {
std.debug.print("Found zig executable '{s}' in PATH.\n", .{path});
} else {
std.debug.print("Could not find 'zig' in PATH\n", .{});
zig_exe_path = try zinput.askString(allocator, "What is the path to the 'zig' executable you would like to use?", std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES);
const editor = try zinput.askSelectOne("Which code editor do you use?", enum { VSCode, Sublime, Kate, Neovim, Vim8, Emacs, Doom, Other });
const snippets = try zinput.askBool("Do you want to enable snippets?");
const style = try zinput.askBool("Do you want to enable style warnings?");
const semantic_tokens = try zinput.askBool("Do you want to enable semantic highlighting?");
const operator_completions = try zinput.askBool("Do you want to enable .* and .? completions?");
const include_at_in_builtins = switch (editor) {
.Sublime => true,
.VSCode, .Kate, .Neovim, .Vim8, .Emacs, .Doom => false,
else => try zinput.askBool("Should the @ sign be included in completions of builtin functions?\nChange this later if `@inc` completes to `include` or `@@include`"),
const max_detail_length: usize = switch (editor) {
.Sublime => 256,
else => 1024 * 1024,
var file: std.fs.File = undefined;
var dir_path: []const u8 = &.{};
defer allocator.free(dir_path);
try_config_open: {
if (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .local_configuration)) |path| local_conf: {
var dir = std.fs.cwd().openDir(path, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {
break :local_conf;
else => |e| {
std.debug.print("Failed to open directory `{s}`. Error: {}\n", .{ path, err });
defer dir.close();
file = dir.createFile("zls.json", .{}) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("Failed to create file `{s}/zls.json`. Error: {}\n", .{ path, err });
dir_path = path;
break :try_config_open;
if (try known_folders.getPath(allocator, .executable_dir)) |path| exe_dir: {
var dir = std.fs.cwd().openDir(path, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {
break :exe_dir;
else => |e| {
std.debug.print("Failed to open directory `{s}`. Error: {}\n", .{ path, err });
defer dir.close();
file = dir.createFile("zls.json", .{}) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("Failed to create file `{s}/zls.json`. Error: {}\n", .{ path, err });
dir_path = path;
break :try_config_open;
std.debug.print("Could not open the local configuration directory nor the executable directory, aborting.\n", .{});
defer file.close();
std.debug.print("Writing config to {s}/zls.json ... ", .{dir_path});
try std.json.stringify(.{
.zig_exe_path = zig_exe_path,
.enable_snippets = snippets,
.warn_style = style,
.enable_semantic_tokens = semantic_tokens,
.operator_completions = operator_completions,
.include_at_in_builtins = include_at_in_builtins,
.max_detail_length = max_detail_length,
}, std.json.StringifyOptions{}, file.writer());
std.debug.print("successful.\n\n\n\n", .{});
// Keep synced with README.md
switch (editor) {
.VSCode => {
\\To use ZLS in Visual Studio Code, install the 'ZLS for VSCode' extension from
\\'https://github.com/zigtools/zls-vscode/releases' or via the extensions menu.
\\Then, open VSCode's 'settings.json' file, and add:
\\"zigLanguageClient.path": "[command_or_path_to_zls]"
, .{});
.Sublime => {
\\To use ZLS in Sublime, install the `LSP` package from
\\https://github.com/sublimelsp/LSP/releases or via Package Control.
\\Then, add the following snippet to LSP's user settings:
\\ "clients": {{
\\ "zig": {{
\\ "command": ["zls"],
\\ "enabled": true,
\\ "languageId": "zig",
\\ "scopes": ["source.zig"],
\\ "syntaxes": ["Packages/Zig/Syntaxes/Zig.tmLanguage"]
\\ }}
\\ }}
, .{});
.Kate => {
\\To use ZLS in Kate, enable `LSP client` plugin in Kate settings.
\\Then, add the following snippet to `LSP client's` user settings:
\\(or paste it in `LSP client's` GUI settings)
\\ "servers": {{
\\ "zig": {{
\\ "command": ["zls"],
\\ "url": "https://github.com/zigtools/zls",
\\ "highlightingModeRegex": "^Zig$"
\\ }}
\\ }}
, .{});
.Neovim, .Vim8 => {
\\To use ZLS in Neovim/Vim8, we recommend using CoC engine.
\\You can get it from https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim.
\\Then, simply issue cmd from Neovim/Vim8 `:CocConfig`, and add this to your CoC config:
\\ "languageserver": {{
\\ "zls" : {{
\\ "command": "command_or_path_to_zls",
\\ "filetypes": ["zig"]
\\ }}
\\ }}
, .{});
.Emacs => {
\\To use ZLS in Emacs, install lsp-mode (https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode) from melpa.
\\Zig mode (https://github.com/ziglang/zig-mode) is also useful!
\\Then, add the following to your emacs config:
\\(require 'lsp-mode)
\\(setq lsp-zig-zls-executable "<path to zls>")
, .{});
.Doom => {
\\To use ZLS in Doom Emacs, enable the lsp module
\\And install the `zig-mode` (https://github.com/ziglang/zig-mode)
\\package by adding `(package! zig-mode)` to your packages.el file.
\\(use-package! zig-mode
\\ :hook ((zig-mode . lsp-deferred))
\\ :custom (zig-format-on-save nil)
\\ :config
\\ (after! lsp-mode
\\ (add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(zig-mode . "zig"))
\\ (lsp-register-client
\\ (make-lsp-client
\\ :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "<path to zls>")
\\ :major-modes '(zig-mode)
\\ :server-id 'zls))))
, .{});
.Other => {
\\We might not *officially* support your editor, but you can definitely still use ZLS!
\\Simply configure your editor for use with language servers and point it to the ZLS executable!
, .{});
std.debug.warn("\n\nThank you for choosing ZLS!\n", .{});
pub fn findZig(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !?[]const u8 {
const env_path = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "PATH") catch |err| switch (err) {
error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => {
return null;
else => return err,
defer allocator.free(env_path);
const exe_extension = std.Target.current.exeFileExt();
const zig_exe = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "zig{s}", .{exe_extension});
defer allocator.free(zig_exe);
var it = std.mem.tokenize(env_path, &[_]u8{std.fs.path.delimiter});
while (it.next()) |path| {
const full_path = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{
defer allocator.free(full_path);
if (!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(full_path)) continue;
// Skip folders named zig
const file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(full_path, .{}) catch continue;
defer file.close();
const stat = file.stat() catch continue;
if (stat.kind == .Directory) continue;
return try allocator.dupe(u8, full_path);
return null;