2007-05-17 17:28:10 +02:00

76 lines
1.4 KiB

* Woo-lam version from Spore, as it is in Sjouke's list
usertype Server, SessionKey, Token, Ticket;
secret k: Function;
const Alice, Bob, Charlie, Eve: Agent;
const Simon: Server;
/* give the intruder something to work with */
// Scyther finds an attack using basic type flaws
const ne: Nonce;
const ke: SessionKey;
untrusted Eve;
compromised k(Eve,Simon);
const authToken: Token;
protocol woolamcmv(A,B,S)
role A
const Na: Nonce;
var Nb: Nonce;
var Kab: SessionKey;
var t1,t2;
send_1(A,B, A,Na);
read_2(B,A, B,Nb);
send_3(A,B, { A,B, Na,Nb }k(A,S) );
read_6(B,A, { B,Na,Nb,Kab }k(A,S), { Na,Nb }Kab );
send_7(A,B, { Nb }Kab );
claim_8(A,Secret, Kab);
role B
var Na: Nonce;
const Nb: Nonce;
var Kab: SessionKey;
var t1,t2;
read_1(A,B, A,Na);
send_2(B,A, B,Nb);
read_3(A,B, t1 );
send_4(B,S, t1, { A,B,Na,Nb }k(B,S) );
read_5(S,B, t2, { A,Na,Nb,Kab }k(B,S) );
send_6(B,A, t2, { Na,Nb }Kab );
read_7(A,B, { Nb }Kab );
claim_11(B,Secret, Kab);
role S
var Na, Nb: Nonce;
const Kab: SessionKey;
read_4(B,S, { A,B, Na,Nb }k(A,S), { A,B,Na,Nb }k(B,S) );
send_5(S,B, { B,Na,Nb,Kab }k(A,S), { A,Na,Nb,Kab }k(B,S) );
claim_14(S,Secret, Kab);
run woolamcmv.B(Alice,Bob,Simon);
run woolamcmv.B(Alice,Bob,Simon);