
144 lines
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* type.c
* Code to check the consistency of types, in the presence of type flaw stuff etc.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "term.h"
#include "termlist.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "switches.h"
#include "specialterm.h"
extern Protocol INTRUDER;
//! Report a bad substitution, if needed
reportBadSubst (const Term tvar, const Term tsubst)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (DEBUGL (5))
Term tbuf;
tbuf = tvar->subst;
tvar->subst = NULL;
eprintf ("Substitution fails on ");
termPrint (tvar);
eprintf (" -/-> ");
termPrint (tsubst);
eprintf (", maybe because type: \n");
termlistPrint (tvar->stype);
eprintf (" does not contain ");
termlistPrint (tsubst->stype);
eprintf ("\n");
tvar->subst = tbuf;
//! Check whether a single variable term is instantiated correctly.
* Check whether a single variable term is instantiated correctly in this
* system. This takes the matching parameter into account, and is aware of the
* 'ticket' type.
* Non-variables etc. imply true.
checkTypeTerm (const int mgumode, const Term tvar)
// Checks are only needed for mgumode < 2 etc.
if (mgumode < 2 && tvar != NULL && realTermVariable (tvar))
// Non-instantiated terms are fine.
if (tvar->subst != NULL)
// NULL type is always fine
if (tvar->stype != NULL)
// Tickets are always fine too
if (!inTermlist (tvar->stype, TERM_Ticket))
// So there is a specific (non-ticket) type, and the var is instantiated, match mode 0 or 1
// Is it really a leaf?
Term tsubst;
tsubst = deVar (tvar);
if (!realTermLeaf (tsubst))
// Then it's definitively false
reportBadSubst (tvar, tsubst);
return false;
// It is a leaf
if (mgumode == 0)
/* Types must match exactly. Thus, one of the variable type should match a type of the constant.
Termlist tl;
tl = tvar->stype;
while (tl != NULL)
if (inTermlist (tsubst->stype, tl->term))
// One type matches
return true;
tl = tl->next;
// No type matches.
reportBadSubst (tvar, tsubst);
return false;
return true;
//! Check types of a list
* Empty list implies true.
checkTypeTermlist (const int mgumode, Termlist tl)
while (tl != NULL)
if (!checkTypeTerm (mgumode, tl->term))
return false;
tl = tl->next;
return true;
//! Check whether all local variables are instantiated correctly.
checkTypeLocals (const System sys)
int run;
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER)
if (!checkTypeTermlist (switches.match, sys->runs[run].locals))
return false;
return true;