
79 lines
2.9 KiB

#ifndef SWITCHES
#define SWITCHES
#include "term.h"
#include "system.h"
void switchesInit ();
void switchesDone ();
//! Command-line switches structure
struct switchdata
// Command-line
int argc;
char **argv;
// Methods
int engine; //!< Engine type (POR_ENGINE,ARACHNE_ENGINE)
int match; //!< Matching type.
int clp; //!< Do we use clp?
int tupling; //!< Tupling is by default 0: right-associative, optionally 1: left-associative.
// Pruning and Bounding
int prune; //!< Type of pruning.
int maxproofdepth; //!< Maximum proof depth
int maxtracelength; //!< Maximum trace length allowed
int runs; //!< The number of runs as in the switch
Term filterClaim; //!< Which claim should be checked?
int maxAttacks; //!< When not 0, maximum number of attacks
// Modelchecker
int traverse; //!< Traversal method
int forceChoose; //!< Force chooses for each run, even if involved in first read
int chooseFirst; //!< Priority to chooses, implicit and explicit
int readSymmetries; //!< Enable read symmetry reduction
int agentSymmetries; //!< Enable agent symmetry reduction
int orderSymmetries; //!< Enable symmetry order reduction
int pruneNomoreClaims; //!< Enable no more claims cutter
int reduceEndgame; //!< Enable endgame cutter
int reduceClaims; //!< Symmetry reduction on claims (only works when switchAgentSymm is true)
// Parallellism
int scenario; //!< -1 to count, 0 for disable, 1-n to select the choose scenario
int scenarioSize; //!< Scenario size, also called fixed trace prefix length
// Arachne
int arachneSelector; //!< Goal selection method for Arachne engine
int maxIntruderActions; //!< Maximum number of intruder actions in the semitrace (encrypt/decrypt)
int agentTypecheck; //!< Check type of agent variables in all matching modes
int concrete; //!< Swap out variables at the end.
int extravert; //!< Disallow Alice talking to Alice
// Misc
int switchP; //!< A multi-purpose integer parameter, passed to the partial order reduction method selected.
int experimental; //!< Experimental stuff goes here until it moves into main stuff.
// Output
int output; //!< From enum outputs: what should be produced. Default ATTACK.
int report;
int reportClaims; //!< Enable claims report
int xml; //!< xml output
int human; //!< human readable
int reportMemory; //!< Memory display switch.
int reportTime; //!< Time display switch.
int reportStates; //!< Progress display switch. (traversed states)
int extendNonReads; //!< Show further events in arachne xml output.
int extendTrivial; //!< Show further events in arachne xml output, based on knowledge underapproximation. (Includes at least the events of the nonreads extension)
//! Latex output switch.
* Obsolete. Use globalLatex instead.
*\sa globalLatex
int latex;
extern struct switchdata switches;