2005-04-29 13:25:43 +00:00

280 lines
4.5 KiB

#include "pheading.h"
/* #include "lex.yy.c" */
#include "tac.h"
struct tacnode* spdltac;
int yyerror(char *s);
int yylex(void);
char* str;
struct tacnode* tac;
Symbol symb;
%token <symb> ID
%token ROLE
%token READT
%token SENDT
%token CLAIMT
%token VAR
%token CONST
%token RUN
%token SECRET
%type <tac> spdlcomplete
%type <tac> spdlrep
%type <tac> spdl
%type <tac> roles
%type <tac> role
%type <tac> roledef
%type <tac> event
%type <tac> declaration
%type <tac> secretpref
%type <tac> typeinfo1
%type <tac> typeinfoN
%type <tac> term
%type <tac> termlist
%type <tac> key
%type <tac> roleref
%type <symb> label
%start spdlcomplete
spdlcomplete : spdlrep
{ spdltac = $1; }
spdlrep : /* empty */
{ $$ = NULL; }
| spdl spdlrep
{ $$ = tacCat($1,$2); }
spdl : UNTRUSTED termlist ';'
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_UNTRUSTED);
t->t1.tac = $2;
$$ = t;
| RUN roleref '(' termlist ')' ';'
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_RUN);
t->t1.tac = $2;
t->t2.tac = $4;
$$ = t;
| PROTOCOL ID '(' termlist ')' '{' roles '}' optclosing
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_PROTOCOL);
t->t1.sym = $2;
t->t2.tac = $7;
t->t3.tac = $4;
$$ = t;
| USERTYPE termlist ';'
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_USERTYPE);
t->t1.tac = $2;
$$ = t;
| declaration
$$ = $1;
roles : /* empty */
{ $$ = NULL; }
| role roles
{ $$ = tacCat($1,$2); }
| declaration roles
{ $$ = tacCat($1,$2); }
role : ROLE ID '{' roledef '}' optclosing
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_ROLE);
t->t1.sym = $2;
t->t2.tac = $4;
$$ = t;
optclosing : /* empty */
{ }
| ';'
{ }
roledef : /* empty */
{ $$ = NULL; }
| event roledef
{ $$ = tacCat($1,$2); }
| declaration roledef
{ $$ = tacCat($1,$2); }
event : READT label '(' termlist ')' ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_READ);
t->t1.sym = $2;
/* TODO test here: tac2 should have at least 3 elements */
t->t2.tac = $4;
$$ = t;
| SENDT label '(' termlist ')' ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_SEND);
t->t1.sym = $2;
/* TODO test here: tac2 should have at least 3 elements */
t->t2.tac = $4;
$$ = t;
| CLAIMT label '(' termlist ')' ';'
/* TODO maybe claims should be in the syntax */
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_CLAIM);
t->t1.sym = $2;
t->t2.tac = $4;
$$ = t;
roleref : ID '.' ID
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_ROLEREF);
t->t1.sym = $1;
t->t2.sym = $3;
$$ = t;
declaration : secretpref CONST termlist typeinfo1 ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_CONST);
t->t1.tac = $3;
t->t2.tac = $4;
t->t3.tac = $1;
$$ = t;
| secretpref VAR termlist typeinfoN ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_VAR);
t->t1.tac = $3;
t->t2.tac = $4;
t->t3.tac = $1;
$$ = t;
| SECRET termlist typeinfo1 ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_SECRET);
t->t1.tac = $2;
t->t2.tac = $3;
$$ = t;
| INVERSEKEYS '(' term ',' term ')' ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_INVERSEKEYS);
t->t1.tac = $3;
t->t2.tac = $5;
$$ = t;
| COMPROMISED termlist ';'
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_COMPROMISED);
t->t1.tac= $2;
$$ = t;
secretpref : /* empty */
$$ = NULL;
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_SECRET);
$$ = t;
typeinfo1 : /* empty */
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_UNDEF);
$$ = t;
| ':' ID
{ Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_STRING);
t->t1.sym = $2;
$$ = t;
typeinfoN : /* empty */
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_UNDEF);
$$ = t;
| ':' termlist
$$ = $2;
/* Previously, the label could be omitted. It is now required. */
label : '_' ID
{ $$ = $2; }
term : ID
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_STRING);
t->t1.sym = $1;
$$ = t;
| ID '(' termlist ')'
Tac t = tacCreate(TAC_STRING);
t->t1.sym = $1;
$$ = tacJoin(TAC_ENCRYPT,tacTuple($3),t,NULL);
| '{' termlist '}' key
$$ = tacJoin(TAC_ENCRYPT,tacTuple($2),$4,NULL);
| '(' termlist ')'
$$ = tacTuple($2);
termlist : term
{ }
| term ',' termlist
{ $$ = tacCat($1,$3); }
key : term
{ }
// error handler routing
int yyerror(char *s)
extern int yylineno; // defined and maintained in lex.c
extern char *yytext; // defined and maintained in lex.c
error ("%s at symbol '%s' on line %i.\n", s, yytext, yylineno);