ccremers 6d9c47a029 - Modelchecker now avoids some redundant traces. This should yield a
25-30 percent decrease of states for most cases tested sofar.
2004-07-13 12:36:50 +00:00

90 lines
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- Constraint logic now also has no checks for when a run is done by the
intruder (which should be excluded).
- Fix constants in intruder knowledge. Auto add single one of each type,
when typed expl. Add single constant when untyped. Fix this also in
semantics, and add proof to establish sufficiency.
- Fix function handling (signatures).
- Intruder should at least have one copy of each type that an agent can
construct, I think in any case. Proof needed for single identifier need.
Furthermore reduction if type flaw testing; only one constant needed.
- State counter is off by one. Should start at 1, or should add 1 at printing.
- Make filter switch, allowing maybe for some claims only to be evaluated.
--check=Secret, --check-all as default.
- Some compiler errors are still sent to stdout. This must be fixed
ASAP! because it means people get an invisible error using the
- Make --with-argtabledir= something switch, replacing
README/ constructs.
- Move initial intruder knowledge maybe into the title of the MSC.
- Implement run knowledge, and use this in protocol compiler.
- Timer output is broken for values e.g. above an hour. Fix or remove
- ns3 doesn't even reach a claim in --cl and -t8. Check.
- in Runs.c, revise 'untrustedAgent' to cope with some weird exceptions.
- CLP: variables in keys must be branched: maybe even in three situations
(have key and contents, have inverse key and content, nothing)
- Implement delayed protocol compiler (on run demand only).
- Remove any remaining global variables, if any.
- When choosing agents for runs (with an initial read), it does not make
sense to choose untrusted agents.
- Introduce 'Ticket' default type in the compiler, along with some
handling for that.
- Make a shell script 'test $filename $commandline'
Generates a $test-$date.out and $test-$date.err. Useful for storing
test data.
- How should claims behave (trusted/untrusted) wrt uninstantiated
agents? Branch again? That's what is causing the nsl3-var problem.
- The 'choose' operator must always be typed, I think.
- Synchronisation test can be expensive, because a good protocol will
yield few such tests, and a bad protocol will prune most traces after
failure. The performance loss will only be 'felt' when the whole state
space is explored (-p0), which is only used for theoretical tests.
- The woolam-ce is incorrect because it is illegal to have a variable
term in a key that is read, by CMV semantics. I don't know what it
means for CE semantics (yet).
- Idea: run bla.bla(params) [compromised <localterm> [,<localterm>] ];
1. These local terms are given to the intruder. Technically this
should only happen _after_ they are first sent in the run. Maybe add
this to send semantics: if termOccurs(sendterm, compromisedterm) then
add compromisedterm to M, remove compromisedterm from list of terms to
2. All claims in the run are ignored (add untrusted flag to run)
Alternative: run x.x(x) untrusted; or just compromised, to give up
all constants.
Note this is not sufficient yet, because it does not consider any
partner runs. Maybe declare a 'compromised' section first; other runs
will only activate after these have completed. Note this is much more
- Issue: how do untrusted claims work in the context of an intruder?
Claim must be checked if it can be solved such that at least one of
the agents is trusted.
- Fix the first environment read with a special (hidden) label.
1. Hide it or print differently in output.
2. Ensure typed matching for it, even when using -m1 switch.
- Woolam-ce gives nothing. But then again, it's a wrong impl.
- consider option -finline-functions for gcc, test.
- Currently, match_basic unrolls substitutions to compare message with
the forbidden list, but I don't think that it is required. Test.
- -m2 is much better with a lot of variables. Compare this to unfolding
of the runs with -t4 -m0/1.
- Global/protocol variables should not exist in the current system.
- Solve the 'version' issue. How is it defined?
- run nsl.initiator(alice, all Agent) constructs?
- 'all' would generate the roles with the corresponding type.
- or maybe for clarity/complexity control: use 'runs' for constructs
with 'all' in it.
- Constraints might be a part of a knowledge thing, because with we
might now have a number of local knowledge sets, each with their own
constraint sets. That doesn't make it easier though :( and will cause
some performance loss I suppose. Each local set has to remain
solveable as well.
- Maybe function application ought to be a different basic term type.
- After role construction, msc consistency can be checked.
- Make sure module knowledge has an interface instead of reference to
internals (i.e. no ref to basic/encr)
- Reduce knowledge to a simple term list? That would simplify a number
of things, and also allow for easier addition of stuff.
- How is % notation handled in Casper?
- Vernam encryption?
- Count number of illegal injections rejected for statistics.