
780 lines
16 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "termlist.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "memory.h"
/* system constants.
* declared in compiler.c
extern Term TERM_Function;
extern Term TERM_Hidden;
//! Open termlists code.
termlistsInit (void)
//! Close termlists code.
termlistsDone (void)
//! Allocate memory for a termlist node.
*@return A pointer to uninitialised memory of the size of a termlist node.
makeTermlist ()
/* inline candidate */
return (Termlist) memAlloc (sizeof (struct termlist));
//! Duplicate a termlist.
* Uses termDuplicate to copy the elements, and allocated new memory for the list nodes.
*\sa termDuplicate(), termlistShallow()
termlistDuplicate (Termlist tl)
Termlist newtl;
if (tl == NULL)
return NULL;
newtl = makeTermlist ();
newtl->term = termDuplicate (tl->term);
newtl->prev = NULL;
newtl->next = termlistDuplicate (tl->next);
if (newtl->next != NULL)
(newtl->next)->prev = newtl;
return newtl;
//! Shallow reverse copy of a termlist.
* Just copies the element pointers. Allocates new memory for the list nodes.
* Note that it reverses the order of the list.
*\sa termlistDuplicate()
termlistShallow (Termlist tl)
Termlist newtl;
newtl = NULL;
while (tl != NULL)
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, tl->term);
tl = tl->next;
return newtl;
//! Shallow deletion of a termlist.
* Deletes the termlist nodes only. Elements are intact after exit.
*\sa termlistShallow()
termlistDelete (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
termlistDelete (tl->next);
memFree (tl, sizeof (struct termlist));
//! Deep deletion of a termlist.
* Deletes the termlist nodes as well as the elements.
*\sa termlistDuplicate(), termDuplicate(), termDelete()
termlistDestroy (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
termlistDestroy (tl->next);
termDelete (tl->term);
memFree (tl, sizeof (struct termlist));
//! Determine whether a term is an element of a termlist.
* Term must be non-null.
*@return True iff the term is an element of the termlist.
__inline__ int
inTermlist (Termlist tl, const Term term)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (term == NULL)
error ("Trying to do inTermlist for a NULL term.");
while (tl != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (tl->term, term))
return 1;
tl = tl->next;
return 0;
//! Equality of two term lists.
* Are all elements of list 1 in list 2, and vice versa?
* Note that we assume unique elements!
*@return True iff every element of the list is in the other list.
isTermlistEqual (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
if (termlistLength (tl1) != termlistLength (tl2))
return 0;
while (tl2 != NULL)
if (!inTermlist (tl1, tl2->term))
return 0;
tl2 = tl2->next;
return 1;
//! Adds a term to the front of a termlist.
* Duplicates are allowed.
*@return A new list pointer.
*\sa termlistAppend()
termlistAdd (Termlist tl, Term term)
Termlist newtl;
newtl = makeTermlist ();
newtl->term = term;
newtl->next = tl;
if (tl == NULL)
newtl->prev = NULL;
newtl->prev = tl->prev;
if (newtl->prev != NULL)
(newtl->prev)->next = newtl;
tl->prev = newtl;
return newtl;
//! Adds a term to the end of a termlist.
* Duplicates are allowed.
*@return A new list pointer if the termlist was NULL.
*\sa termlistAdd()
termlistAppend (const Termlist tl, const Term term)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scantl;
newtl = makeTermlist ();
newtl->term = term;
newtl->next = NULL;
if (tl == NULL)
newtl->prev = NULL;
return newtl;
scantl = tl;
while (scantl->next != NULL)
scantl = scantl->next;
scantl->next = newtl;
newtl->prev = scantl;
return tl;
//! Add a term only to a list if it wasn't in it before.
* Mimics a basic set type behaviour.
termlistAddNew (const Termlist tl, const Term t)
if (inTermlist (tl, t))
return tl;
return termlistAdd (tl, t);
//! Concatenates two termlists.
* The last pointer of the first list is made to point to the second list.
*@return The pointer to the concatenated list.
termlistConcat (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
Termlist scan;
if (tl1 == NULL)
return tl2;
if (tl2 == NULL)
return tl1;
scan = tl1;
while (scan->next != NULL)
scan = scan->next;
scan->next = tl2;
return tl1;
//! Remove the pointed at element from the termlist.
* Easier because of the double linked list.
*@param tl The pointer to the termlist node to be deleted from the list.
*@return The possibly new head pointer to the termlist.
termlistDelTerm (Termlist tl)
Termlist newhead;
if (tl == NULL)
return NULL;
if (tl->prev != NULL)
(tl->prev)->next = tl->next;
newhead = tl->prev;
while (newhead->prev != NULL)
newhead = newhead->prev;
newhead = tl->next;
if (tl->next != NULL)
(tl->next)->prev = tl->prev;
memFree (tl, sizeof (struct termlist));
return newhead;
//! Construct the conjunction of two termlists.
*@return A new termlist containing the elements in both lists.
termlistConjunct (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scan;
scan = tl1;
newtl = NULL;
while (scan != NULL)
if (inTermlist (tl2, scan->term))
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return newtl;
//! Construct the conjunction of two termlists, and a certain type.
*@return A new termlist containing the elements in both lists, that are also of the desired type.
termlistConjunctType (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2, int termtype)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scan;
scan = tl1;
newtl = NULL;
while (scan != NULL)
if (((scan->term)->type == termtype) && (inTermlist (tl2, scan->term)))
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return newtl;
//! Construct the conjunction of a termlist and a certain type.
*@return A new termlist containing the elements in the list that are of the desired type.
termlistType (Termlist tl, int termtype)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scan;
scan = tl;
newtl = NULL;
while (scan != NULL)
if ((scan->term)->type == termtype)
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return newtl;
//! Display a termlist.
* Lists of terms are displayed between square brackets, and seperated by commas.
termlistPrint (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
eprintf ("[Empty]");
eprintf ("[");
while (tl != NULL)
termPrint (tl->term);
tl = tl->next;
if (tl != NULL)
eprintf(", ");
eprintf ("]");
//! Append all open variables in a term to a list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param t The term possibly containing open variables.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddRealVariables()
termlistAddVariables (Termlist tl, Term t)
if (t == NULL)
return tl;
t = deVar (t);
if (isTermLeaf (t))
if (isTermVariable (t) && !inTermlist (tl, t))
return termlistAdd (tl, t);
return tl;
if (isTermEncrypt (t))
return termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op),
termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op1), t->right.op2);
//! Append all variables in a term to a list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param t The term possibly containing open and closed variables.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddVariables()
termlistAddRealVariables (Termlist tl, Term t)
if (t == NULL)
return tl;
if (realTermLeaf (t))
if (realTermVariable (t))
Term tbuf = t->subst;
t->subst = NULL;
if (!inTermlist (tl,t))
tl = termlistAdd (tl,t);
t->subst = tbuf;
return termlistAddRealVariables (tl,t->subst);
return tl;
if (realTermEncrypt (t))
return termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op),
termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op1), t->right.op2);
//! Append all basic terms in a term to a list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param t The term containing basic terms.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddBasics()
termlistAddBasic (Termlist tl, Term t)
if (t == NULL)
return tl;
if (!isTermLeaf (t))
if (isTermEncrypt (t))
return termlistAddBasic (termlistAddBasic (tl, t->left.op), t->right.key);
return termlistAddBasic (termlistAddBasic (tl, t->left.op1), t->right.op2);
if (!inTermlist (tl, t))
return termlistAdd (tl, t);
return tl;
//! Append all basic terms in a termlist to another list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param scan The termlist with terms containing basic terms.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddBasic()
termlistAddBasics (Termlist tl, Termlist scan)
while (scan != NULL)
tl = termlistAddBasic (tl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return tl;
//! Remove a term from a termlist.
* Removes the first occurrence of the term.
*@return A new termlist pointer.
termlistMinusTerm (Termlist tl, Term t)
Termlist scan;
scan = tl;
while (scan != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (scan->term, t))
return termlistDelTerm (scan);
scan = scan->next;
return tl;
//! Determine the length of a termlist.
termlistLength (Termlist tl)
int i = 0;
while (tl != NULL)
tl = tl->next;
return i;
//! Give the inverse key term of a term.
* Gives a duplicate of the inverse Key of some term (which is used to encrypt something), as is defined
* by the termlist, which is a list of key1,key1inv, key2, key2inv, etc...
*@param inverses The list of inverses, typically from the knowledge.
*@param key Any term of which the inverse will be determined.
*@return A pointer to a duplicate of the inverse key term.
*\sa termDuplicate(), knowledge::inverses
inverseKey (Termlist inverses, Term key)
key = deVar (key);
/* is this a function application? i.e. hash? */
if (isTermLeaf (key) && inTermlist (key->stype, TERM_Function))
/* functions cannot be inverted by default */
return termDuplicate (TERM_Hidden);
/* check for the special case first: when it is effectively a function application */
if (isTermEncrypt (key) && isTermLeaf (key->right.key)
&& inTermlist (deVar (key->right.key)->stype, TERM_Function))
/* we are scanning for functions */
/* scan the list */
/* key is function application kk(op), or {op}kk */
Term funKey (Term orig, Term newk)
/* in: {op}kk, nk
* out: {op'}nk */
return makeTermEncrypt (termDuplicate (orig->left.op),
termDuplicate (newk));
while (inverses != NULL && inverses->next != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (key->right.key, inverses->term))
return funKey (key, inverses->next->term);
if (isTermEqual (key->right.key, inverses->next->term))
return funKey (key, inverses->term);
inverses = inverses->next->next;
/* scanning for a direct inverse */
/* scan the list */
while (inverses != NULL && inverses->next != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (key, inverses->term))
return termDuplicate (inverses->next->term);
if (isTermEqual (key, inverses->next->term))
return termDuplicate (inverses->term);
inverses = inverses->next->next;
return termDuplicate (key); /* defaults to symmetrical */
//! Create a term local to a run.
* We assume that at this point, no variables have been instantiated yet that occur in this term.
* We also assume that fromlist, tolist and locals only hold real leaves.
*\sa termlistLocal()
termLocal (const Term t, Termlist fromlist, Termlist tolist,
const Termlist locals, const int runid)
if (t == NULL)
return NULL;
if (realTermLeaf (t))
while (fromlist != NULL && tolist != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (fromlist->term, t))
// matches!
return tolist->term;
fromlist = fromlist->next;
tolist = tolist->next;
if (inTermlist (locals, t))
// return termRunid(t,runid);
return t;
Term newt = termDuplicate (t);
if (realTermTuple (t))
newt->left.op1 = termLocal (t->left.op1, fromlist, tolist, locals, runid);
newt->right.op2 = termLocal (t->right.op2, fromlist, tolist, locals, runid);
newt->left.op = termLocal (t->left.op, fromlist, tolist, locals, runid);
newt->right.key = termLocal (t->right.key, fromlist, tolist, locals, runid);
return newt;
//! Create a list of instance terms.
* We expand the termlocal concept to termlists.
*\sa termLocal()
termlistLocal (Termlist tl, const Termlist fromlist, const Termlist tolist,
const Termlist locals, int runid)
Termlist newtl = NULL;
while (tl != NULL)
newtl =
termlistAdd (newtl,
termLocal (tl->term, fromlist, tolist, locals, runid));
tl = tl->next;
return newtl;
//! Check whether a termlist is contained in another.
*@param tlbig The big list.
*@param tlsmall The list that is possibly contained in the big one.
*@return True iff tlsmall is contained in tlbig.
termlistContained (const Termlist tlbig, Termlist tlsmall)
while (tlsmall != NULL)
if (!inTermlist (tlbig, tlsmall->term))
return 0;
tlsmall = tlsmall->next;
return 1;
//! Check substitution validity
* Determine whether a variable has been substituted with something with
* the right type.
*@param matchmode The system matching mode, typically system::match
*@param term The closed variable term.
*@return True iff the substitution is valid in the current mode.
*\sa system::match
validSubst (const int matchmode, const Term term)
if (!realTermVariable (term) || term->subst == NULL)
return 1;
switch (matchmode)
case 0: /* real type match */
return realTermLeaf (term->subst)
&& termlistContained (term->stype, term->subst->stype);
case 1: /* basic type match */
/* subst must be a leaf */
/* TODO: what about functions? */
return realTermLeaf (term->subst);
case 2: /* no type match */
/* anything goes */
return 1;
return 0;
//! Yield the result of f(x)
* This function interpretes two termlists as the domain and range of a function,
* and if the term occurs in the domain, returns the matching value from the range.
* Note that these functions cannot have NULL in the domain or the range.
*@param fromlist The domain list.
*@param tolist The range list, in a one-to-one correspondence with the fromlist.
*@param tx The point on which the function is to be evaluated.
*@return The result of the function application or NULL if the point is not within the domain.
termFunction (Termlist fromlist, Termlist tolist, Term tx)
while (fromlist != NULL && tolist != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (fromlist->term, tx))
return tolist->term;
fromlist = fromlist->next;
tolist = tolist->next;
return NULL;
//! Yield the last node of a termlist.
termlistForward (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
return NULL;
while (tl->next != NULL)
tl = tl->next;
return tl;
* Compare two termlists containing only basic terms, and yield ordering.
int termlistOrder (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
int order;
order = 0;
while (order == 0 && tl1 != NULL && tl2 != NULL)
order = termOrder (tl1->term, tl2->term);
tl1 = tl1->next;
tl2 = tl2->next;
if (order != 0)
return order;
if (tl1 == NULL && tl2 == NULL)
return order;
if (tl1 == NULL)
return -1;
return 1;