- Added extraction of asymmetric keys.
353 lines
8.2 KiB
353 lines
8.2 KiB
# Spdl generator
import If
from misc import *
def action(actiontype, fact):
res = actiontype + "_"
res += str(fact.step)
res += fact.spdl()
return res
def getRoles(protocol):
roles = []
for rule in protocol:
roles += rule.getActors()
return uniq(roles)
class Event(object):
""" SPDL role event """
def substitute(self, msgfrom, msgto):
def spdl(self):
return str(self)
class CommEvent(Event):
""" SPDL message event """
def __init__(self,type,label,fromrole,torole,message):
self.type = type
self.label = label
self.fromrole = fromrole
self.torole = torole
self.message = message
def substitute(self, msgfrom, msgto):
self.message = self.message.substitute(msgfrom, msgto)
def spdl(self):
res = str(self.type) + "_"
res += str(self.label)
res += "("
res += self.fromrole.spdl()
res += ","
res += self.torole.spdl()
res += ", "
res += self.message.spdl(False)
res += " )"
return res
def inTerms(self):
l = []
l += self.fromrole.inTerms()
l += self.torole.inTerms()
l += self.message.inTerms()
return l
class Role(object):
""" Containts a list of rules, to be executed sequentially """
def __init__(self,name,actor):
self.name = name
self.rules = []
self.actor = actor
self.events = []
self.knowledge = If.MsgList([])
self.constants = If.MsgList([])
self.variables = If.MsgList([])
self.asymmetric = If.MsgList([]) # Asymmetric keys
def prependRule(self,rule):
self.rules = [rule] + self.rules
def getLength(self):
return len(self.rules)
def getFirst(self):
if self.getLength() > 0:
return self.rules[0]
return None
def getFirstStep(self):
return self.getFirst().getStepFrom()
def getActor(self):
return self.actor
def __str__(self):
res = "Role " + self.name + "\n\n"
for rule in self.rules:
res += str(rule)
res += "\n\n"
return res
def appendEvent(self, event):
self.event += [event]
def substitute(self, msgfrom, msgto):
def subst(o):
o = o.substitute(msgfrom, msgto)
def inTerms(self):
l = []
for ev in self.events:
l += ev.inTerms()
return l
def spdl(self):
pf = "\t\t"
pfc = pf + "// "
# Start output
res = ""
if len(self.rules) == 0:
return res
res += "\trole " + self.name + "\n"
res += "\t{\n"
res += pfc + "Rule list based messages\n\n"
res += pfc + "Asymmetric keys: " + str(self.asymmetric) + "\n"
# Message sequence (based on rules)
res += pfc + "Knowledge before: " + str(self.rules[0].before.knowledge) + "\n"
for rule in self.rules:
# Read
if rule.readFact != None:
res += pfc + action("read",rule.readFact) + ";\n"
# Show knowledge extending for this read
res += pfc + "Knowledge delta: " + str(rule.before.runknowledge) + " -> " + str(rule.after.runknowledge) + "\n"
# Send
if rule.sendFact != None:
res += pfc + action("send",rule.sendFact) + ";\n"
res += "\n"
# TODO declare constants, variables
res += pfc + "Constants and variables\n"
if len(self.constants) > 0:
res += pf + "const " + self.constants.spdl() + ";\n"
if len(self.variables) > 0:
res += pf + "var " + self.variables.spdl() + ";\n"
res += "\n"
# Message sequence (based on event list)
res += pfc + "Event list based messages\n"
for event in self.events:
res += pf + event.spdl() + ";\n"
res += "\n"
# TODO claims
# Close up
res += "\t}\n\n"
return res
def __cmp__(self,other):
return cmp(self.name, other.name)
def sanitizeRole(protocol, role):
""" Get rid of If artefacts, and construct role.events """
rules = role.rules
# Create events for each rule
ruleevents = []
role.events = []
for rule in role.rules:
events = []
if rule.readFact != None:
f = rule.readFact
events.append(CommEvent("read", f.step, f.claimsender, f.recipient, f.message))
if rule.sendFact != None:
f = rule.sendFact
events.append(CommEvent("send", f.step, f.claimsender, f.recipient, f.message))
role.events += events
# Try to substitute stuff until sane
# First check whether knowledge lists actually agree in length,
# otherwise this does not make sense at all.
nmax = len(rules)-1
n = 0
while n < nmax:
knowbefore = rules[n].after.runknowledge
knowafter = rules[n+1].before.runknowledge
if len(knowbefore) != len(knowafter):
print "Error: Lengths differ for step", n
# The after items should be substituted by the
# before items
i = 0
while i < len(knowbefore):
# Substitute this item
msgfrom = knowafter[i]
msgto = knowbefore[i]
if msgfrom != msgto:
### TEST
print "Substituting %s by %s" % (str(msgfrom), str(msgto))
# In all subsequent terms... TODO or
# just the next one?
j = n+1
while j < len(rules):
events = ruleevents[j]
for ev in events:
ev.substitute(msgfrom, msgto)
j = j+1
i = i + 1
n = n + 1
# Extract knowledge etc
role.knowledge = role.rules[0].before.knowledge
role.constants = If.MsgList([])
role.variables = If.MsgList([])
l = uniq(role.inTerms())
replacelist = []
noncecounter = 0
for t in l:
if t not in role.knowledge:
if t.isVariable():
# For now, we say local constants from the intermediate
# format are simply replaced by
# local constants from the
# operational semantics. This is
# not necessarily correct. TODO
### constants.append(t)
cname = "n"
rname = role.name
if rname[0] == "x":
rname = rname[1:]
cname += rname
cname += str(noncecounter)
msg = If.Constant("nonce",cname)
noncecounter = noncecounter + 1
replacelist.append( (t,msg) )
### TEST
print "Substituting %s by %s" % (str(t), str(msg))
# Apply replacelist
if len(replacelist) > 0:
for ev in role.events:
for (f,t) in replacelist:
# Extract keys
akeys = []
for ev in role.events:
akeys += ev.message.aKeys()
role.asymmetric = uniq(akeys)
def extractRoles(protocol):
""" Extract the roles of a protocol description. This yields a
list of Role objects """
# Construct full list of rules to do
rulestodo = []
for rule in protocol:
if type(rule) == If.MessageRule:
# Now process them until none are left
# First, we have no rolenames yet
rolenames = []
roles = []
while len(rulestodo) > 0:
# Pick one hrule (with the highest step number, maybe)
highest = rulestodo[0].getStepFrom()
hrule = rulestodo[0]
for rule in rulestodo:
step = rule.getStepFrom()
step = max(step,rule.getStepTo())
if step >= highest:
highest = step
hrule = rule
# hrule has been picked. Work back from here
# first make up a name
if len(hrule.getActors()) != 1:
print "Warning: weird actor list for hrule:", hrule.getActors()
name = "X"
actor = None
actor = hrule.getActors()[0]
name = str(actor)
# This name is maybe already taken
if name in rolenames:
# Append counter
counter = 2
while name + str(counter) in rolenames:
counter = counter+1
name = name + str(counter)
role = Role(name,actor)
# Transfer to rule
# Scan for preceding events until none is found
scan = True
while scan and role.getFirstStep() != -1:
scan = False
for rule in protocol:
if actor in rule.getActors() and rule.getStepTo() == role.getFirstStep():
# Remove if not yet covered
scan = True
if rule in rulestodo:
# Loop detection
if rule in role.rules:
# This is a loop TODO
print "Warning: loop detected for role", role.name
scan = False # Current setting: stop scan
# No loop, prepend
# Role done, sanitize
sanitizeRole( protocol, role)
return roles
def generator(protocol):
roles = extractRoles(protocol)
res = ""
res += "protocol " + protocol.getName() + " ("
namelist = []
for role in roles:
namelist += [role.name]
res += ", ".join(namelist)
res += ")\n"
res += "{\n"
for role in roles:
res += role.spdl()
res += "}\n"
return res