ccremers 0de3320009 - Fixed a memory leak in termLocal. This did not cause any problems for
the modelchecker, as it calls it only once, but it caused major
  problems for the arachne engine, which creates and destroys semiruns
  all the time.
2004-10-12 15:12:20 +00:00

870 lines
18 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "termlist.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "memory.h"
/* system constants.
* declared in compiler.c
extern Term TERM_Function;
extern Term TERM_Hidden;
//! Open termlists code.
termlistsInit (void)
//! Close termlists code.
termlistsDone (void)
//! Allocate memory for a termlist node.
*@return A pointer to uninitialised memory of the size of a termlist node.
makeTermlist ()
/* inline candidate */
return (Termlist) memAlloc (sizeof (struct termlist));
//! Duplicate a termlist.
* Uses termDuplicate to copy the elements, and allocated new memory for the list nodes.
*\sa termDuplicate(), termlistShallow()
termlistDuplicate (Termlist tl)
Termlist newtl;
if (tl == NULL)
return NULL;
newtl = makeTermlist ();
newtl->term = termDuplicate (tl->term);
newtl->prev = NULL;
newtl->next = termlistDuplicate (tl->next);
if (newtl->next != NULL)
(newtl->next)->prev = newtl;
return newtl;
//! Shallow reverse copy of a termlist.
* Just copies the element pointers. Allocates new memory for the list nodes.
* Note that it reverses the order of the list.
*\sa termlistDuplicate()
termlistShallow (Termlist tl)
Termlist newtl;
newtl = NULL;
while (tl != NULL)
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, tl->term);
tl = tl->next;
return newtl;
//! Shallow deletion of a termlist.
* Deletes the termlist nodes only. Elements are intact after exit.
*\sa termlistShallow()
termlistDelete (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
termlistDelete (tl->next);
memFree (tl, sizeof (struct termlist));
//! Deep deletion of a termlist.
* Deletes the termlist nodes as well as the elements.
*\sa termlistDuplicate(), termDuplicate(), termDelete()
termlistDestroy (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
termlistDestroy (tl->next);
termDelete (tl->term);
memFree (tl, sizeof (struct termlist));
//! Determine whether a term is an element of a termlist.
* Term must be non-null.
*@return True iff the term is an element of the termlist.
__inline__ int
inTermlist (Termlist tl, const Term term)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (term == NULL)
error ("Trying to do inTermlist for a NULL term.");
while (tl != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (tl->term, term))
return 1;
tl = tl->next;
return 0;
//! Determine whether a term is an element of a termlist: yield pointer
__inline__ Termlist
termlistFind (Termlist tl, const Term term)
#ifdef DEBUG
if (term == NULL)
error ("Trying to do inTermlist for a NULL term.");
while (tl != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (tl->term, term))
return tl;
tl = tl->next;
return NULL;
//! Equality of two term lists.
* Are all elements of list 1 in list 2, and vice versa?
* Note that we assume unique elements!
*@return True iff every element of the list is in the other list.
isTermlistEqual (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
if (termlistLength (tl1) != termlistLength (tl2))
return 0;
while (tl2 != NULL)
if (!inTermlist (tl1, tl2->term))
return 0;
tl2 = tl2->next;
return 1;
//! Adds a term to the front of a termlist.
* Duplicates are allowed.
*@return A new list pointer.
*\sa termlistAppend()
termlistAdd (Termlist tl, Term term)
Termlist newtl;
newtl = makeTermlist ();
newtl->term = term;
newtl->next = tl;
if (tl == NULL)
newtl->prev = NULL;
newtl->prev = tl->prev;
if (newtl->prev != NULL)
(newtl->prev)->next = newtl;
tl->prev = newtl;
return newtl;
//! Adds a term to the end of a termlist.
* Duplicates are allowed.
*@return A new list pointer if the termlist was NULL.
*\sa termlistAdd()
termlistAppend (const Termlist tl, const Term term)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scantl;
newtl = makeTermlist ();
newtl->term = term;
newtl->next = NULL;
if (tl == NULL)
newtl->prev = NULL;
return newtl;
scantl = tl;
while (scantl->next != NULL)
scantl = scantl->next;
scantl->next = newtl;
newtl->prev = scantl;
return tl;
//! Add a term only to a list if it wasn't in it before.
* Mimics a basic set type behaviour.
termlistAddNew (const Termlist tl, const Term t)
if (t == NULL || inTermlist (tl, t))
return tl;
return termlistAdd (tl, t);
//! Concatenates two termlists.
* The last pointer of the first list is made to point to the second list.
*@return The pointer to the concatenated list.
termlistConcat (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
Termlist scan;
if (tl1 == NULL)
return tl2;
if (tl2 == NULL)
return tl1;
scan = tl1;
while (scan->next != NULL)
scan = scan->next;
scan->next = tl2;
return tl1;
//! Remove the pointed at element from the termlist.
* Easier because of the double linked list.
*@param tl The pointer to the termlist node to be deleted from the list.
*@return The possibly new head pointer to the termlist.
termlistDelTerm (Termlist tl)
Termlist newhead;
if (tl == NULL)
return NULL;
if (tl->prev != NULL)
(tl->prev)->next = tl->next;
newhead = tl->prev;
while (newhead->prev != NULL)
newhead = newhead->prev;
newhead = tl->next;
if (tl->next != NULL)
(tl->next)->prev = tl->prev;
memFree (tl, sizeof (struct termlist));
return newhead;
//! Construct the conjunction of two termlists.
*@return A new termlist containing the elements in both lists.
termlistConjunct (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scan;
scan = tl1;
newtl = NULL;
while (scan != NULL)
if (inTermlist (tl2, scan->term))
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return newtl;
//! Construct the conjunction of two termlists, and a certain type.
*@return A new termlist containing the elements in both lists, that are also of the desired type.
termlistConjunctType (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2, int termtype)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scan;
scan = tl1;
newtl = NULL;
while (scan != NULL)
if (((scan->term)->type == termtype) && (inTermlist (tl2, scan->term)))
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return newtl;
//! Construct the conjunction of a termlist and a certain type.
*@return A new termlist containing the elements in the list that are of the desired type.
termlistType (Termlist tl, int termtype)
Termlist newtl;
Termlist scan;
scan = tl;
newtl = NULL;
while (scan != NULL)
if ((scan->term)->type == termtype)
newtl = termlistAdd (newtl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return newtl;
//! Display a termlist.
* Lists of terms are displayed between square brackets, and seperated by commas.
termlistPrint (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
eprintf ("[Empty]");
eprintf ("[");
while (tl != NULL)
termPrint (tl->term);
tl = tl->next;
if (tl != NULL)
eprintf (", ");
eprintf ("]");
//! Append all open variables in a term to a list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param t The term possibly containing open variables.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddRealVariables()
termlistAddVariables (Termlist tl, Term t)
if (t == NULL)
return tl;
t = deVar (t);
if (isTermLeaf (t))
if (isTermVariable (t) && !inTermlist (tl, t))
return termlistAdd (tl, t);
return tl;
if (isTermEncrypt (t))
return termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op),
termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op1),
//! Append all variables in a term to a list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param t The term possibly containing open and closed variables.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddVariables()
termlistAddRealVariables (Termlist tl, Term t)
if (t == NULL)
return tl;
if (realTermLeaf (t))
if (realTermVariable (t))
Term tbuf = t->subst;
t->subst = NULL;
if (!inTermlist (tl, t))
tl = termlistAdd (tl, t);
t->subst = tbuf;
return termlistAddRealVariables (tl, t->subst);
return tl;
if (realTermEncrypt (t))
return termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op),
termlistAddVariables (termlistAddVariables (tl, t->left.op1),
//! Append all basic terms in a term to a list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param t The term containing basic terms.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddBasics()
termlistAddBasic (Termlist tl, Term t)
if (t == NULL)
return tl;
if (!isTermLeaf (t))
if (isTermEncrypt (t))
return termlistAddBasic (termlistAddBasic (tl, t->left.op),
return termlistAddBasic (termlistAddBasic (tl, t->left.op1),
if (!inTermlist (tl, t))
return termlistAdd (tl, t);
return tl;
//! Append all basic terms in a termlist to another list.
*@param tl The list to which to append to.
*@param scan The termlist with terms containing basic terms.
*@return The pointer to the extended list.
*\sa termlistAddBasic()
termlistAddBasics (Termlist tl, Termlist scan)
while (scan != NULL)
tl = termlistAddBasic (tl, scan->term);
scan = scan->next;
return tl;
//! Remove a term from a termlist.
* Removes the first occurrence of the term.
*@return A new termlist pointer.
termlistMinusTerm (Termlist tl, Term t)
Termlist scan;
scan = tl;
while (scan != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (scan->term, t))
return termlistDelTerm (scan);
scan = scan->next;
return tl;
//! Determine the length of a termlist.
termlistLength (Termlist tl)
int i = 0;
while (tl != NULL)
tl = tl->next;
return i;
//! Give the inverse key term of a term.
* Gives a duplicate of the inverse Key of some term (which is used to encrypt something), as is defined
* by the termlist, which is a list of key1,key1inv, key2, key2inv, etc...
*@param inverses The list of inverses, typically from the knowledge.
*@param key Any term of which the inverse will be determined.
*@return A pointer to a duplicate of the inverse key term. Use termDelete to remove it.
*\sa termDuplicate(), knowledge::inverses
inverseKey (Termlist inverses, Term key)
key = deVar (key);
/* is this a function application? i.e. hash? */
if (isTermLeaf (key) && inTermlist (key->stype, TERM_Function))
/* functions cannot be inverted by default */
return termDuplicate (TERM_Hidden);
/* check for the special case first: when it is effectively a function application */
if (isTermEncrypt (key) && isTermLeaf (key->right.key)
&& inTermlist (deVar (key->right.key)->stype, TERM_Function))
/* we are scanning for functions */
/* scan the list */
/* key is function application kk(op), or {op}kk */
Term funKey (Term orig, Term newk)
/* in: {op}kk, nk
* out: {op'}nk */
return makeTermEncrypt (termDuplicate (orig->left.op),
termDuplicate (newk));
while (inverses != NULL && inverses->next != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (key->right.key, inverses->term))
return funKey (key, inverses->next->term);
if (isTermEqual (key->right.key, inverses->next->term))
return funKey (key, inverses->term);
inverses = inverses->next->next;
/* scanning for a direct inverse */
/* scan the list */
while (inverses != NULL && inverses->next != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (key, inverses->term))
return termDuplicate (inverses->next->term);
if (isTermEqual (key, inverses->next->term))
return termDuplicate (inverses->term);
inverses = inverses->next->next;
return termDuplicate (key); /* defaults to symmetrical */
//! Create a term local to a run.
* We assume that at this point, no variables have been instantiated yet that occur in this term.
* We also assume that fromlist, tolist only hold real leaves.
* variable instantiations are not followed through.
*\sa termlistLocal()
termLocal (Term t, Termlist fromlist, Termlist tolist, const int runid)
if (t == NULL)
return NULL;
if (realTermLeaf (t))
while (fromlist != NULL && tolist != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (fromlist->term, t))
// matches!
return tolist->term;
fromlist = fromlist->next;
tolist = tolist->next;
return t;
Term newt = termNodeDuplicate (t);
if (realTermTuple (t))
newt->left.op1 = termLocal (t->left.op1, fromlist, tolist, runid);
newt->right.op2 = termLocal (t->right.op2, fromlist, tolist, runid);
newt->left.op = termLocal (t->left.op, fromlist, tolist, runid);
newt->right.key = termLocal (t->right.key, fromlist, tolist, runid);
return newt;
//! Create a list of instance terms.
* We expand the termlocal concept to termlists.
*\sa termLocal()
termlistLocal (Termlist tl, const Termlist fromlist, const Termlist tolist,
int runid)
Termlist newtl = NULL;
while (tl != NULL)
newtl =
termlistAdd (newtl, termLocal (tl->term, fromlist, tolist, runid));
tl = tl->next;
return newtl;
//! Check whether a termlist is contained in another.
*@param tlbig The big list.
*@param tlsmall The list that is possibly contained in the big one.
*@return True iff tlsmall is contained in tlbig.
termlistContained (const Termlist tlbig, Termlist tlsmall)
while (tlsmall != NULL)
if (!inTermlist (tlbig, tlsmall->term))
return 0;
tlsmall = tlsmall->next;
return 1;
//! Check substitution validity
* Determine whether a variable has been substituted with something with
* the right type.
*@param matchmode The system matching mode, typically system::match
*@param term The closed variable term.
*@return True iff the substitution is valid in the current mode.
*\sa system::match
validSubst (const int matchmode, const Term term)
if (!realTermVariable (term) || term->subst == NULL)
return 1;
switch (matchmode)
case 0: /* real type match */
return realTermLeaf (term->subst)
&& termlistContained (term->stype, term->subst->stype);
case 1: /* basic type match */
/* subst must be a leaf */
/* TODO: what about functions? */
return realTermLeaf (term->subst);
case 2: /* no type match */
/* anything goes */
return 1;
return 0;
//! Yield the result of f(x)
* This function interpretes two termlists as the domain and range of a function,
* and if the term occurs in the domain, returns the matching value from the range.
* Note that these functions cannot have NULL in the domain or the range.
*@param fromlist The domain list.
*@param tolist The range list, in a one-to-one correspondence with the fromlist.
*@param tx The point on which the function is to be evaluated.
*@return The result of the function application or NULL if the point is not within the domain.
termFunction (Termlist fromlist, Termlist tolist, Term tx)
while (fromlist != NULL && tolist != NULL)
if (isTermEqual (fromlist->term, tx))
return tolist->term;
fromlist = fromlist->next;
tolist = tolist->next;
return NULL;
//! Yield the last node of a termlist.
termlistForward (Termlist tl)
if (tl == NULL)
return NULL;
while (tl->next != NULL)
tl = tl->next;
return tl;
* Compare two termlists containing only basic terms, and yield ordering.
termlistOrder (Termlist tl1, Termlist tl2)
int order;
order = 0;
while (order == 0 && tl1 != NULL && tl2 != NULL)
order = termOrder (tl1->term, tl2->term);
tl1 = tl1->next;
tl2 = tl2->next;
if (order != 0)
return order;
if (tl1 == NULL && tl2 == NULL)
return order;
if (tl1 == NULL)
return -1;
return 1;
//! Iterate over terms in termlist
* Function gets terms
termlist_iterate (Termlist tl, int (*func) ())
while (tl != NULL)
if (!func (tl->term))
return 0;
tl = tl->next;
return 1;
//! Create a tuple term from a termlist
termlist_to_tuple (Termlist tl)
int width;
width = termlistLength (tl);
if (width > 1)
// 2 parts
// Make two termlists for each side.
Term tresult;
Termlist tl1, tl2;
int split, i;
* This can be done much more efficiently by cutting
* the list temporarily, and reconnecting it afterwards.
tl1 = NULL;
tl2 = NULL;
split = width / 2;
i = 0;
while (tl != NULL)
if (i < split)
tl1 = termlistAdd (tl1, tl->term);
tl2 = termlistAdd (tl2, tl->term);
tl = tl->next;
tresult =
makeTermTuple (termlist_to_tuple (tl1), termlist_to_tuple (tl2));
termlistDelete (tl1);
termlistDelete (tl2);
return tresult;
if (tl == NULL)
// W00t! Wtf?
error ("termlist_to_tuple called (internally?) with NULL");
// Single node, simple
return termDuplicate (tl->term);