ccremers 0de3320009 - Fixed a memory leak in termLocal. This did not cause any problems for
the modelchecker, as it calls it only once, but it caused major
  problems for the arachne engine, which creates and destroys semiruns
  all the time.
2004-10-12 15:12:20 +00:00

184 lines
5.1 KiB

#ifndef TERMS
#define TERMS
#include "symbol.h"
// type <= LEAF means it's a leaf, nkay?
enum termtypes
//! The most basic datatype in the modelchecker.
* Describes a single term.
struct term
/* basic : name,runid
encrypt: op,key
tuple : op,next
//! The type of term.
int type;
//! Data Type termlist (e.g. agent or nonce)
/** Only for leaves. */
void *stype;
//! Substitution term.
* If this is non-NULL, this leaf term is apparently substituted by
* this term.
struct term *subst; // only for variable/leaf, substitution term
Symbol symb;
//! Encrypted subterm.
struct term *op;
//! Left-hand side of tuple pair.
struct term *op1;
struct term *next; // for alternative memory management
} left;
int runid;
//! Key used to encrypt subterm.
struct term *key;
//! Right-hand side of tuple pair.
struct term *op2;
} right;
//! Flag for term status
extern int rolelocal_variable;
//! Pointer shorthand.
typedef struct term *Term;
void termsInit (void);
void termsDone (void);
Term makeTermEncrypt (Term t1, Term t2);
Term makeTermTuple (Term t1, Term t2);
Term makeTermType (const int type, const Symbol symb, const int runid);
__inline__ Term deVarScan (Term t);
#define realTermLeaf(t) (t != NULL && t->type <= LEAF)
#define realTermTuple(t) (t != NULL && t->type == TUPLE)
#define realTermEncrypt(t) (t != NULL && t->type == ENCRYPT)
#define realTermVariable(t) (t != NULL && (t->type == VARIABLE || (t->type <= LEAF && rolelocal_variable && t->right.runid == -3)))
#define substVar(t) ((realTermVariable (t) && t->subst != NULL) ? 1 : 0)
#define deVar(t) ( substVar(t) ? deVarScan(t->subst) : t)
#define isTermLeaf(t) realTermLeaf(deVar(t))
#define isTermTuple(t) realTermTuple(deVar(t))
#define isTermEncrypt(t) realTermEncrypt(deVar(t))
#define isTermVariable(t) realTermVariable(deVar(t))
#ifdef DEBUG
#define isTermEqual(t1,t2) isTermEqualDebug(t1,t2)
int isTermEqualDebug (Term t1, Term t2);
#define isTermEqual1(t1,t2) ((substVar(t1) || substVar(t2)) \
? isTermEqualFn(t1,t2) \
: ( \
(t1 == t2) \
? 1 \
: ( \
(t1 == NULL || t2 == NULL || t1->type != t2->type) \
? 0 \
: ( \
realTermLeaf(t1) \
? isTermEqualFn(t1,t2) \
: ( \
realTermEncrypt(t2) \
? (isTermEqualFn(t1->right.key, t2->right.key) && \
isTermEqualFn(t1->left.op, t2->left.op)) \
: (isTermEqualFn(t1->left.op1, t2->left.op1) && \
isTermEqualFn(t1->right.op2, t2->right.op2)) \
) \
) \
) \
) \
#define isTermEqual2(t1,t2) ((substVar(t1) || substVar(t2)) \
? isTermEqualFn(t1,t2) \
: ( \
(t1 == t2) \
? 1 \
: ( \
(t1 == NULL || t2 == NULL || t1->type != t2->type) \
? 0 \
: ( \
realTermLeaf(t1) \
? isTermEqualFn(t1,t2) \
: ( \
realTermEncrypt(t2) \
? (isTermEqual1(t1->right.key, t2->right.key) && \
isTermEqual1(t1->left.op, t2->left.op)) \
: (isTermEqual1(t1->left.op1, t2->left.op1) && \
isTermEqual1(t1->right.op2, t2->right.op2)) \
) \
) \
) \
) \
#define isTermEqual3(t1,t2) ((substVar(t1) || substVar(t2)) \
? isTermEqualFn(t1,t2) \
: ( \
(t1 == t2) \
? 1 \
: ( \
(t1 == NULL || t2 == NULL || t1->type != t2->type) \
? 0 \
: ( \
realTermLeaf(t1) \
? isTermEqualFn(t1,t2) \
: ( \
realTermEncrypt(t2) \
? (isTermEqual2(t1->right.key, t2->right.key) && \
isTermEqual2(t1->left.op, t2->left.op)) \
: (isTermEqual2(t1->left.op1, t2->left.op1) && \
isTermEqual2(t1->right.op2, t2->right.op2)) \
) \
) \
) \
) \
#define isTermEqual(t1,t2) isTermEqual2(t1,t2)
int hasTermVariable (Term term);
int isTermEqualFn (Term term1, Term term2);
int termSubTerm (Term t, Term tsub);
int termInTerm (Term t, Term tsub);
void termPrint (Term term);
void termTuplePrint (Term term);
Term termDuplicate (const Term term);
Term termNodeDuplicate (const Term term);
Term termDuplicateDeep (const Term term);
Term termDuplicateUV (Term term);
void termDelete (const Term term);
void termNormalize (Term term);
Term termRunid (Term term, int runid);
int tupleCount (Term tt);
Term tupleProject (Term tt, int n);
int termSize (Term t);
float termDistance (Term t1, Term t2);
int termOrder (Term t1, Term t2);
int term_iterate (const Term term, int (*leaf) (), int (*nodel) (),
int (*nodem) (), int (*noder) ());
int term_iterate_deVar (Term term, int (*leaf) (), int (*nodel) (),
int (*nodem) (), int (*noder) ());
int term_iterate_leaves (const Term t, int (*func) ());
int term_iterate_open_leaves (const Term term, int (*func) ());
void term_rolelocals_are_variables ();
int term_encryption_level (const Term term);
float term_constrain_level (const Term term);
void term_set_keylevels (const Term term);