2006-03-08 15:12:58 +00:00

821 lines
16 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "switches.h"
#include "arachne.h"
#include "binding.h"
#include "depend.h"
extern Protocol INTRUDER; // Pointers, to be set by the Init of arachne.c
extern Role I_M; // Same here.
extern Role I_RRS;
extern Role I_RRSD;
#define INVALID -1
#define isGoal(rd) (rd->type == READ && !rd->internal)
#define isBound(rd) (rd->bound)
#define length step
//! Draw node
node (const System sys, const int run, const int index)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol == INTRUDER)
if (sys->runs[run].role == I_M)
eprintf ("m0");
eprintf ("i%i", run);
eprintf ("r%ii%i", run, index);
//! Determine ranks for all nodes
* Some crude algorithm I sketched on the blackboard.
graph_ranks (int *ranks, int nodes)
int i;
int todo;
int rank;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (hasCycle ())
error ("Graph ranks tried, but a cycle exists!");
i = 0;
while (i < nodes)
ranks[i] = INT_MAX;
todo = nodes;
rank = 0;
while (todo > 0)
// There are still unassigned nodes
int n;
n = 0;
while (n < nodes)
if (ranks[n] == INT_MAX)
// Does this node have incoming stuff from stuff with equal rank or higher?
int refn;
refn = 0;
while (refn < nodes)
if (ranks[refn] >= rank && getNode (refn, n))
refn = nodes + 1;
if (refn == nodes)
ranks[n] = rank;
return rank;
//! Iterate over events (in non-intruder runs) in which some value term occurs first.
// Function should return true for iteration to continue.
iterate_first_regular_occurrences (const System sys,
int (*func) (int run, int ev),
const Term t)
int run;
for (run = 0; run < sys->maxruns; run++)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER)
int ev;
Roledef rd;
rd = sys->runs[run].start;
for (ev = 0; ev < sys->runs[run].step; ev++)
if (termSubTerm (rd->from, t) ||
termSubTerm (rd->to, t) || termSubTerm (rd->message, t))
// Allright, t occurs here in this run first
if (!func (run, ev))
return false;
return true;
//! Iterate over all events that have an incoming arrow to the current one (forgetting the intruder for a moment)
iterate_incoming_arrows (const System sys, void (*func) (), const int run,
const int ev)
* Determine wheter to draw an incoming arrow to this event.
* We check all other runs, to see if they are ordered.
int run2;
run2 = 0;
while (run2 < sys->maxruns)
if (run2 != run && sys->runs[run2].protocol != INTRUDER)
// Is this run before the event?
int ev2;
int found;
found = 0;
ev2 = sys->runs[run2].length;
while (found == 0 && ev2 > 0)
if (isDependEvent (run2, ev2, run, ev))
found = 1;
if (found == 1)
// It is before the event, and thus we would like to draw it.
// However, if there is another path along which we can get here, forget it
* Note that this algorithm is similar to Floyd's algorithm for all shortest paths.
* The goal here is to select only the path with distance 1 (as viewed from the regular runs),
* so we can simplify stuff a bit.
* Nevertheless, using Floyd first would probably be faster.
int other_route;
int run3;
int ev3;
other_route = 0;
run3 = 0;
ev3 = 0;
while (other_route == 0 && run3 < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run3].protocol != INTRUDER)
ev3 = 0;
while (other_route == 0 && ev3 < sys->runs[run3].length)
if (isDependEvent (run2, ev2, run3, ev3)
&& isDependEvent (run3, ev3, run, ev))
// other route found
other_route = 1;
if (other_route == 0)
func (run2, ev2);
//! Iterate over all events that have an outgoing arrow from the current one (forgetting the intruder for a moment)
iterate_outgoing_arrows (const System sys, void (*func) (), const int run,
const int ev)
* Determine wheter to draw an incoming arrow to this event.
* We check all other runs, to see if they are ordered.
int run2;
run2 = 0;
while (run2 < sys->maxruns)
if (run2 != run && sys->runs[run2].protocol != INTRUDER)
// Is this run after the event?
int ev2;
int found;
found = 0;
ev2 = 0;
while (found == 0 && ev2 < sys->runs[run2].length)
if (isDependEvent (run, ev, run2, ev2))
found = 1;
if (found == 1)
// It is after the event, and thus we would like to draw it.
// However, if there is another path along which we can get there, forget it
* Note that this algorithm is similar to Floyd's algorithm for all shortest paths.
* The goal here is to select only the path with distance 1 (as viewed from the regular runs),
* so we can simplify stuff a bit.
* Nevertheless, using Floyd first would probably be faster.
int other_route;
int run3;
int ev3;
other_route = 0;
run3 = 0;
ev3 = 0;
while (other_route == 0 && run3 < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run3].protocol != INTRUDER)
ev3 = 0;
while (other_route == 0 && ev3 < sys->runs[run3].length)
if (isDependEvent (run, ev, run3, ev3)
&& isDependEvent (run3, ev3, run2, ev2))
// other route found
other_route = 1;
if (other_route == 0)
func (run2, ev2);
//! Draw the dependencies (returns from_intruder_count)
drawBindings (const System sys)
int run;
int from_intruder_count;
// We now determine them ourselves between existing runs
run = 0;
from_intruder_count = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER)
int ev;
ev = 0;
while (ev < sys->runs[run].length)
int incoming_arrow_count;
void incoming_arrow (int run2, int ev2)
Roledef rd, rd2;
* We have decided to draw this binding,
* from run2,ev2 to run,ev
* However, me might need to decide some colouring for this node.
eprintf ("\t");
node (sys, run2, ev2);
eprintf (" -> ");
node (sys, run, ev);
eprintf (" ");
// decide color
rd = roledef_shift (sys->runs[run].start, ev);
rd2 = roledef_shift (sys->runs[run2].start, ev2);
if (rd->type == CLAIM)
// Towards a claim, so only indirect dependency
eprintf ("[color=cornflowerblue]");
// Not towards claim should imply towards read,
// but we check it to comply with future stuff.
if (rd->type == READ && rd2->type == SEND)
// We want to distinguish where it is from a 'broken' send
if (isTermEqual (rd->message, rd2->message))
if (isTermEqual
(rd->from, rd2->from)
&& isTermEqual (rd->to, rd2->to))
// Wow, a perfect match. Leave the arrow as-is :)
eprintf ("[color=darkgreen]");
// Same message, different people
// Not even the same message, intruder construction
eprintf ("[label=\"construct\",color=red]");
// close up
eprintf (";\n");
incoming_arrow_count = 0;
iterate_incoming_arrows (sys, incoming_arrow, run, ev);
return from_intruder_count;
//! Draw simple runs
drawSimpleRuns (const System sys)
int run;
// Draw graph
// First, all simple runs
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
Roledef rd;
int index;
index = 0;
rd = sys->runs[run].start;
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER && sys->runs[run].length > 0)
// Regular run
/* DISABLED subgraphs
eprintf ("\tsubgraph cluster_run%i {\n", run);
eprintf ("\t\tlabel = \"");
eprintf ("#%i: ", run);
termPrint (sys->runs[run].protocol->nameterm);
eprintf (", ");
agentsOfRunPrint (sys, run);
eprintf ("\";\n", run);
if (run == 0)
eprintf ("\t\tcolor = red;\n");
eprintf ("\t\tcolor = blue;\n");
// Display the respective events
while (index < sys->runs[run].length)
// Print node itself
eprintf ("\t\t");
node (sys, run, index);
eprintf (" [");
if (run == 0 && index == sys->current_claim->ev)
eprintf ("shape=box,");
eprintf ("label=\"");
roledefPrintShort (rd);
eprintf ("\"]");
eprintf (";\n");
// Print binding to previous node
if (index > sys->runs[run].firstReal)
// index > 0
eprintf ("\t\t");
node (sys, run, index - 1);
eprintf (" -> ");
node (sys, run, index);
eprintf (" [style=\"bold\", weight=\"10.0\"]");
eprintf (";\n");
// index <= firstReal
if (index == sys->runs[run].firstReal)
// index == firstReal
Roledef rd;
int send_before_read;
int done;
// Determine if it is an active role or note
*@todo note that this will probably become a standard function call for role.h
rd =
roledef_shift (sys->runs[run].start,
done = 0;
send_before_read = 0;
while (!done && rd != NULL)
if (rd->type == READ)
done = 1;
if (rd->type == SEND)
done = 1;
send_before_read = 1;
rd = rd->next;
// Draw the first box
// This used to be drawn only if done && send_before_read, now we always draw it.
eprintf ("\t\ts%i [label=\"Run %i: ", run, run);
termPrint (sys->runs[run].protocol->nameterm);
eprintf (", ");
termPrint (sys->runs[run].role->nameterm);
eprintf ("\\n");
agentsOfRunPrint (sys, run);
eprintf ("\", shape=diamond];\n");
eprintf ("\t\ts%i -> ", run);
node (sys, run, index);
eprintf (" [weight=\"10.0\"];\n");
rd = rd->next;
/* DISABLED subgraphs
eprintf ("\t}\n");
//! Choose term node
chooseTermNode (const Term t)
eprintf ("CHOOSE");
char *rsbuf;
rsbuf = RUNSEP;
RUNSEP = "x";
termPrint (t);
RUNSEP = rsbuf;
//! Show intruder choices
drawIntruderChoices (const System sys)
Termlist shown;
List bl;
shown = NULL;
for (bl = sys->bindings; bl != NULL; bl = bl->next)
Binding b;
b = (Binding) bl->data;
if ((!b->blocked) && (!b->done) && isTermVariable (b->term))
* If the binding is not blocked, but also not done,
* the intruder can apparently satisfy it at will.
if (!inTermlist (shown, b->term))
int firsthere (int run, int ev)
* @todo This is not very efficient,
* but maybe that is not really
* needed here.
int notearlier (int run2, int ev2)
if (sys->runs[run2].protocol != INTRUDER)
return (!roledefSubTerm
(eventRoledef (sys, run2, ev2), b->term));
return true;
if (iteratePrecedingEvents (sys, notearlier, run, ev))
eprintf ("\t");
chooseTermNode (b->term);
eprintf (" -> ");
node (sys, run, ev);
eprintf (" [color=\"darkgreen\"];\n");
return true;
// If the first then we add a header
if (shown == NULL)
eprintf ("// Showing intruder choices.\n");
// Not in the list, show new node
shown = termlistAdd (shown, b->term);
eprintf ("\t");
chooseTermNode (b->term);
eprintf (" [label=\"Class: any ");
termPrint (b->term);
eprintf ("\",color=\"darkgreen\"];\n");
iterate_first_regular_occurrences (sys, firsthere, b->term);
if (shown != NULL)
eprintf ("\n");
termlistDelete (shown);
//! Display the current semistate using dot output format.
* This is not as nice as we would like it. Furthermore, the function is too big.
dotSemiState (const System sys)
static int attack_number = 0;
int run;
Protocol p;
int *ranks;
int maxrank;
int from_intruder_count;
int nodes;
// Open graph
eprintf ("digraph semiState%i {\n", attack_number);
eprintf ("\tlabel = \"[Id %i] Protocol ", sys->attackid);
p = (Protocol) sys->current_claim->protocol;
termPrint (p->nameterm);
eprintf (", role ");
termPrint (sys->current_claim->rolename);
eprintf (", claim type ");
termPrint (sys->current_claim->type);
eprintf ("\";\n");
// Needed for the bindings later on: create graph
nodes = nodeCount ();
ranks = malloc (nodes * sizeof (int));
maxrank = graph_ranks (ranks, nodes); // determine ranks
#ifdef DEBUG
// For debugging purposes, we also display an ASCII version of some stuff in the comments
printSemiState ();
// Even draw all dependencies for non-intruder runs
// Real nice debugging :(
int run;
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
int ev;
ev = 0;
while (ev < sys->runs[run].length)
int run2;
int notfirstrun;
eprintf ("// precedence: r%ii%i <- ", run, ev);
run2 = 0;
notfirstrun = 0;
while (run2 < sys->maxruns)
int notfirstev;
int ev2;
notfirstev = 0;
ev2 = 0;
while (ev2 < sys->runs[run2].length)
if (isDependEvent (run2, ev2, run, ev))
if (notfirstev)
eprintf (",");
if (notfirstrun)
eprintf (" ");
eprintf ("r%i:", run2);
eprintf ("%i", ev2);
notfirstrun = 1;
notfirstev = 1;
eprintf ("\n");
// First, simple runs
drawSimpleRuns (sys);
// Second, all bindings.
from_intruder_count = drawBindings (sys);
// Third, the intruder node (if needed)
if (from_intruder_count > 0)
("\tintruder [label=\"Initial intruder knowledge\", color=red];\n");
// For debugging we might add more stuff: full dependencies
#ifdef DEBUG
int r1;
for (r1 = 0; r1 < sys->maxruns; r1++)
if (sys->runs[r1].protocol != INTRUDER)
int e1;
for (e1 = 0; e1 < sys->runs[r1].step; e1++)
int r2;
for (r2 = 0; r2 < sys->maxruns; r2++)
if (sys->runs[r2].protocol != INTRUDER)
int e2;
for (e2 = 0; e2 < sys->runs[r2].step; e2++)
if (isDependEvent (r1, e1, r2, e2))
eprintf ("\tr%ii%i -> r%ii%i [color=grey];\n",
r1, e1, r2, e2);
// Fourth, all ranking info
int myrank;
#ifdef DEBUG
int n;
eprintf ("/* ranks: %i\n", maxrank);
n = 0;
while (n < nodes)
eprintf ("%i ", ranks[n]);
eprintf ("\n*/\n\n");
myrank = 0;
while (myrank < maxrank)
int count;
int run;
int run1;
int ev1;
count = 0;
run = 0;
while (run < sys->maxruns)
if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER)
int ev;
ev = 0;
while (ev < sys->runs[run].step)
if (myrank == ranks[eventNode (run, ev)])
if (count == 0)
eprintf ("\t{ rank = same; ");
eprintf ("r%ii%i; ", run, ev);
if (count > 0)
eprintf ("}\t\t// rank %i\n", myrank);
// Intruder choices
drawIntruderChoices (sys);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Debug: print dependencies
if (DEBUGL (3))
dependPrint ();
// clean memory
free (ranks); // ranks
// close graph
eprintf ("};\n\n");