#!/usr/bin/python """ Scyther : An automatic verifier for security protocols. Copyright (C) 2007 Cas Cremers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ """ Example script to show how to perform large-scale tests using the Scyther Python API (contained in the Scyther subdirectory) In this example, we find the differences between two different switch settings for a large set of protocols. The notification triggers if claim lists differ, or when a claim is okay in one test but not in the other. Hence, we ignore differences between complete/bounded verification. Author: Cas Cremers Define the strings below. TEST0 is used for both, TEST1/2 define the difference between the tests. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST0 = "" TEST1 = "--max-runs=1" TEST2 = "--max-runs=4" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import externals """ import commands #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import scyther components """ from Scyther import Scyther #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def filterProtocol(protocol): """ We may want to filter out some protocols. This function allows that. Return True if it is okay (and should be included) or False otherwise. """ include = True return include def simpleRun(args): x = Scyther.Scyther() x.options = args x.verify() return x def ScytherRes(protocol,args=""): """ Run Scyther on a protocol and return a tuple with the resulting object and claim list. """ global TEST0 args = "%s %s %s" % (TEST0, args, protocol) s = simpleRun(args) return (s,s.claims) def findSameClaim(cl,claim): """ Find in claim list the claim that corresponds to claim """ for claim2 in cl: if claim2.id == claim.id: return claim2 return None def ScytherDiff(protocol): """ Check whether the two different switch settings yield a different result. """ global TEST1, TEST2 (s1,cl1) = ScytherRes(protocol,TEST1) (s2,cl2) = ScytherRes(protocol,TEST2) res = "" if len(cl1) != len(cl2): res += "Different claim lists:\n%s\n%s\n" % (cl1,cl2) else: for claim1 in cl1: claim2 = findSameClaim(cl2,claim1) if claim2 == None: res += "%s not in second test.\n" % (claim1) else: if claim1.okay != claim2.okay: res += "Different results:\n%s\n%s\n" % (claim1,claim2) if res == "": return None else: return res def findProtocols(): """ Find a list of protocol names """ cmd = "find -iname '*.spdl'" plist = commands.getoutput(cmd).splitlines() nlist = [] for prot in plist: if filterProtocol(prot): nlist.append(prot) return nlist def main(): """ Simple test case with a few protocols """ global TEST0,TEST1,TEST2 list = findProtocols() print "Performing delta analysis" print print "String 0 (used for both): '%s'" % TEST0 print "String 1: '%s'" % TEST1 print "String 2: '%s'" % TEST2 print print "After filtering, we are left with the following protocols:", list print maxcount = len(list) count = 1 delta = 0 for prot in list: perc = (100 * count) / maxcount print "[%i%%] %s: " % (perc,prot), res = ScytherDiff(prot) if res != None: print print "-" * 72 print prot print "-" * 72 print res delta = delta + 1 else: print "No interesting delta found." count = count + 1 print print "Analysis complete." print "%i out of %i protocols differed [%i%%]." % (delta,maxcount,(100 * delta)/maxcount) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et list lcs=tab\:>-: