/* * xmlout.c * * XML output for Scyther * * Module to output detailed Scyther information in XML format, for easier * interaction with external programs. Originally developed for attack output * details. */ #include #include #include #include "term.h" #include "termlist.h" #include "system.h" #include "binding.h" #include "arachne.h" // for get_semitrace_length #include "xmlout.h" /* * Externally defined */ extern Protocol INTRUDER; // from arachne.c extern Term TERM_Function; // from termlist.c /* * Global/static stuff. */ static int xmlindent; // indent level for xml elements in output static Term only_claim_label; // if NULL, show all claims in xml event lists. Otherwise, only this one. static int show_substitution_path; // is only set to true for variable printing, normally false. /* * Default external interface: init/done */ //! Init this module void xmlOutInit (void) { printf ("\n"); xmlindent = 1; only_claim_label = NULL; show_substitution_path = false; } //! Close up void xmlOutDone (void) { printf ("\n"); } /* * Local code, needed for any further real code. */ //! Indent code void xmlIndentPrint () { int i; i = xmlindent; while (i > 0) { printf (" "); i--; } } //! XML print /** * Input is comparable to printf, but indents (according to xmlindent) and adds * a newline. */ void xmlPrint (char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; xmlIndentPrint (); va_start (args, fmt); vfprintf (stdout, fmt, args); va_end (args); printf ("\n"); } //! Print a simple integer value element void xmlOutInteger (const char *tag, const int value) { xmlPrint ("<%s>%i", tag, value, tag); } //! Print a term in XML form (iteration inner) void xmlTermPrintInner (Term term) { if (term != NULL) { if (!show_substitution_path) { /* In a normal situation, variables are immediately substituted, and * only the result is output. */ term = deVar (term); } if (realTermLeaf (term)) { // Variable? if (realTermVariable (term)) { Term substbuffer; printf ("subst == NULL) { // Free variable termPrint (term); // Must be a normal termPrint printf ("\" free=\"true\" />"); } else { // Bound variable substbuffer = term->subst; // Temporarily unsubst for printing term->subst = NULL; termPrint (term); // Must be a normal termPrint term->subst = substbuffer; printf ("\">"); xmlTermPrintInner (term->subst); printf (""); } } else { // Constant printf (""); termPrint (term); // Must be a normal termPrint printf (""); } } else { // Node if (realTermEncrypt (term)) { if (isTermLeaf (TermKey (term)) && inTermlist (TermKey (term)->stype, TERM_Function)) { /* function application */ printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (TermKey (term)); printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (TermOp (term)); printf (""); } else { printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (TermOp (term)); printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (TermKey (term)); printf (""); } } else { // Assume tuple printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (TermOp1 (term)); printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (TermOp2 (term)); printf (""); } } } } //! Print a term in XML form (wrapper) /** * In the original setupt, a wrapper was added. It is disabled for now. * If this turns out to be the preferred situation, xmlTermPrintInner can be * renamed to xmlTermPrint and all will be well. */ void xmlTermPrint (const Term term) { // printf (""); xmlTermPrintInner (term); // printf (""); } //! Print a termlist in XML form void xmlTermlistPrint (Termlist tl) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; while (tl != NULL) { xmlIndentPrint (); xmlTermPrint (tl->term); printf ("\n"); tl = tl->next; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } //! Print a term for an element /** * If the first parameter (the tag) is NULL then only the term is printed without a wrapper tag. */ void xmlOutTerm (const char *tag, const Term term) { if (term != NULL) { xmlIndentPrint (); if (tag != NULL) printf ("<%s>", tag); xmlTermPrint (term); if (tag != NULL) printf ("", tag); printf ("\n"); } } //! Attribute term void xmlAttrTerm (const char *tag, const Term term) { if (term != NULL) { printf (" %s=\"", tag); xmlTermPrint (term); printf ("\""); } } //! Print a term, known to be a role name /** * Arachne turns all role names into variables for convenience. Here we * temporarily undo it for pretty-printing. */ void roleTermPrint (const Term t) { if (t != NULL) { int typebuffer; typebuffer = t->type; t->type = GLOBAL; termPrint (t); t->type = typebuffer; } } //! Print a role term with tag and indenting etc. void xmlRoleTermPrint (const Term t) { xmlIndentPrint (); printf (""); roleTermPrint (t); printf ("\n"); } //! Show a single variable instantiation, depth one void xmlVariableDepthOne (const Term variable) { /* * To print a variable, we would wish to see only the first substitution. * Therefore, we temporarily undo any further substitutions, and reset * them at the end. */ Term varsubst; // substitution shortcut Term nextsubst; // temporary buffer varsubst = variable->subst; if (varsubst != NULL && realTermVariable (varsubst)) { nextsubst = varsubst->subst; varsubst->subst = NULL; } else { nextsubst = NULL; } // Print the actual term xmlIndentPrint (); xmlTermPrint (variable); printf ("\n"); if (nextsubst != NULL) { varsubst->subst = nextsubst; } } //! Show variable instantiations /** * Show the instantiations of all variables. Maybe we need to restrict this, * and scan only for those variables that actually occur in the semitrace. */ void xmlVariables (const System sys) { int prev_mode; // buffer for show mode int run; // for loop prev_mode = show_substitution_path; show_substitution_path = true; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; run = 0; while (run < sys->maxruns) { if (sys->runs[run].protocol != INTRUDER) { Termlist varlist; varlist = sys->runs[run].locals; while (varlist != NULL) { if (realTermVariable (varlist->term)) { // xmlVariableDepthOne (varlist->term); xmlIndentPrint (); xmlTermPrint (varlist->term); printf ("\n"); } varlist = varlist->next; } } run++; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); show_substitution_path = prev_mode; } //! Show inverses void xmlInverses (const System sys) { Termlist invlist; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; invlist = sys->know->inverses; while (invlist != NULL && invlist->next != NULL) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlOutTerm (NULL, invlist->term); xmlOutTerm (NULL, invlist->next->term); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); invlist = invlist->next->next; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } //! Show initial knowledge void xmlInitialKnowledge (const System sys) { Termlist knowlist; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; knowlist = knowledgeSet (sys->know); xmlTermlistPrint (knowlist); termlistDelete (knowlist); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); xmlInverses (sys); } //! Determine whether a protocol is involved in the current semitrace. int isProtocolInvolved (const System sys, const Protocol p) { int run; run = 0; while (run < sys->maxruns) { if (sys->runs[run].protocol == p) { return 1; } run++; } return 0; } //! Determine whether to show an event int isEventInteresting (const System sys, const Roledef rd) { if (sys->switchHuman) { if (rd->type != CLAIM) { return 1; } else { // A claim if (only_claim_label == NULL) { return 1; } else { if (isTermEqual (only_claim_label, rd->label)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } else { return 1; } } //! Show a single event from a run /** * run and index will only be output if they are nonnegative. * Also prints any bindings, if this events follows some other events * (typically when this is a read). * * If run < 0, it is assumed to be a role event, and thus no bindings will be shown. */ void xmlOutEvent (const System sys, Roledef rd, const int run, const int index) { if (!isEventInteresting (sys, rd)) { return; } xmlIndentPrint (); printf ("type) { /* Read or send types are fairly similar. * Currently, choose events are not distinguished yet. TODO */ case READ: printf ("read"); break; case SEND: printf ("send"); break; case CLAIM: printf ("claim"); break; default: printf ("unknown code=\"%i\"", rd->type); break; } printf ("\""); printf (" index=\"%i\"", index); printf (">\n"); xmlindent++; xmlOutTerm ("label", rd->label); if (rd->type != CLAIM) { /* read or send */ xmlOutTerm ("from", rd->from); xmlOutTerm ("to", rd->to); xmlOutTerm ("message", rd->message); } else { /* claim */ xmlOutTerm ("role", rd->from); xmlOutTerm ("type", rd->to); xmlOutTerm ("argument", rd->message); } // Display any incoming bindings { int incomingArrows; int xmlBindingState (void *dt) { Binding b; void xmlRunIndex (char *desc, const int run, const int index) { xmlPrint ("<%s run=\"%i\" index=\"%i\" />", desc, run, index); } b = (Binding) dt; if (b->run_to == run && b->ev_to == index) { if (isTermVariable (b->term) && !b->done) { // Generate from m0 xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlIndentPrint (); xmlTermPrint (b->term); printf ("\n"); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } else { // Normal binding xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; if (b->done) xmlRunIndex ("after", b->run_from, b->ev_from); else xmlPrint (""); if (b->blocked) printf (""); xmlIndentPrint (); xmlTermPrint (b->term); printf ("\n"); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } } return 1; } xmlindent++; // Only if real run, and not a roledef if (run >= 0 && sys->bindings != NULL) { list_iterate (sys->bindings, xmlBindingState); } xmlindent--; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } //! Print a list of role events, from a roledef pointer void xmlRoleEventlist (const System sys, Roledef rd, int index) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; while (rd != NULL) { xmlOutEvent (sys, rd, -1, index); index++; rd = rd->next; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } //! Show all protocol roles that are in the attack. void xmlInvolvedProtocolRoles (const System sys) { Protocol p; p = sys->protocols; while (p != NULL) { if (isProtocolInvolved (sys, p)) { Role r; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlOutTerm ("name", p->nameterm); r = p->roles; while (r != NULL) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlRoleTermPrint (r->nameterm); xmlRoleEventlist (sys, r->roledef, 0); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); r = r->next; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } p = p->next; } } //! Global system info /** * To be used by concrete trace as well as semitrace output */ void xmlOutSysInfo (const System sys) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlOutInteger ("match", sys->match); xmlInitialKnowledge (sys); xmlInvolvedProtocolRoles (sys); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } //! Nicely format the role and agents we think we're talking to. void xmlAgentsOfRunPrint (const System sys, const int run) { Termlist roles; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; roles = sys->runs[run].protocol->rolenames; while (roles != NULL) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlRoleTermPrint (roles->term); xmlOutTerm ("agent", deVar (agentOfRunRole (sys, run, roles->term))); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); roles = roles->next; } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } //! Static information about a run void xmlRunInfo (const System sys, const int run) { Role r; Term oldagent; xmlOutInteger ("runid", run); xmlIndentPrint (); printf ("runs[run].protocol == INTRUDER) { printf (" intruder=\"true\""); } printf (">"); xmlTermPrint (sys->runs[run].protocol->nameterm); printf ("\n"); r = sys->runs[run].role; /* undo substitution temporarily to retrieve role name */ /* Note that this is fairly tailored towards the Arachne method, TODO: make * more generic. */ oldagent = r->nameterm->subst; r->nameterm->subst = NULL; xmlRoleTermPrint (r->nameterm); /* reinstate substitution */ r->nameterm->subst = oldagent; if (oldagent != NULL) { xmlOutTerm ("agent", r->nameterm); } xmlAgentsOfRunPrint (sys, run); } //! Display runs void xmlOutRuns (const System sys) { int run; for (run = 0; run < sys->maxruns; run++) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlRunInfo (sys, run); xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; { Roledef rd; int index; index = 0; rd = sys->runs[run].start; while (rd != NULL && index < sys->runs[run].step) { xmlOutEvent (sys, rd, run, index); index++; rd = rd->next; } } xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); } } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Publicly available functions */ //! Output for a concrete trace (from modelchecker) void xmlOutTrace (const System sys) { } //! Output for a semitrace (from arachne method) /** * Note: Uses get_trace_length(), which is defined for the arachne method * only. */ void xmlOutSemitrace (const System sys) { Term buffer_only_claim_label; xmlIndentPrint (); printf ("attackid); printf (">\n"); xmlindent++; /* mention the broken claim */ buffer_only_claim_label = only_claim_label; only_claim_label = NULL; if (sys->current_claim != NULL) { xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlOutTerm ("claim", sys->current_claim->type); xmlOutTerm ("label", sys->current_claim->label); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); only_claim_label = sys->current_claim->label; } /* any global information about the system */ xmlOutSysInfo (sys); /* instantiations of the variables */ xmlVariables (sys); /* semitrace */ xmlPrint (""); xmlindent++; xmlOutRuns (sys); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); xmlindent--; xmlPrint (""); /* restore only claim buffer */ only_claim_label = buffer_only_claim_label; }