/* Bilateral Key Exchange with Public Key protocol (BKEPK) Version from Corin/Etalle: An Improved Constraint-Based System for the Verification of Security Protocols. Tried to stay as close as possible to compare timing results. */ usertype Key; const pk,hash: Function; secret sk: Function; inversekeys (pk,sk); protocol bkepk(A,B,testnonce) { role B { const nb: Nonce; var na: Nonce; var kab: Key; send_1 (B,A, B,{ nb,B }pk(A) ); read_2 (A,B, { hash(nb),na,A,kab }pk(B) ); send_3 (B,A, { hash(na) }kab ); } role A { var nb: Nonce; const na: Nonce; const kab: Key; read_1 (B,A, B,{ nb,B }pk(A) ); send_2 (A,B, { hash(nb),na,A,kab }pk(B) ); read_3 (B,A, { hash(na) }kab ); } role testnonce { var n: Nonce; read_4 (testnonce,testnonce, n); } } const Alice,Bob,Eve; compromised sk(Eve); untrusted Eve; run bkepk.A(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.A(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.B(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.B(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.testnonce(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.testnonce(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.A(Alice,Bob,Alice); run bkepk.testnonce(Alice,Bob,Alice);